Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 6

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wub rý-P'tbuoMid& 'si=*k waa teIurthetri h1sPt, Brni on Sîïd ait Uk rimu- th Mra and Mr.Wstiheral, MO. conly, ana izawu*d. The xinutes cf thé proviens Meeting were read and, confirmed. This clcrk read a communication froin thc olerk cf Beach, r. dlaim for excise of expeuditure on tb. îowuline, stating that Beach -desire an adjustmnt cf its el"m st Brock'8 carliest coOfveiiOflO. Aise, tuat Beach is deuirous cf a yearly arrangement between the twc munîcir Palitiea etating the amount te be ex- e ended on latctwnline before Lit cf une eaoh year, and asking that a corn- mittee b. appointed teo at con jointly with a coommitteo te be appointedý by Beach counoil to adjudicate on the ameunt to be granted by eaoh munici- pe.liLy. On motion cf Mr. Edwards, secouded by Mr. Wcîhersl, 88 wus ordered te be paid to Mr. S. Kivill, for two dozen chaire furnished for the town bail as- per order cf the reovo. On motion of Mr. Edwards, seconded bY Mr. McOuily, $7.92 was ordered te bo paid to Mr. Robt. Charter, for two dozen chairs forniahed for tile towfl hait, a" per order of.the reeve. On motion of Mr. McCully, seconded by Mr. Wetberal, $4 wus ordered te ho paid be Mr. Wm. Kenney, for erectîng a cedar ralling on bhe Centre road, con. 8, between loti 12 and 18. On motion of Mr. Wetheral, second. @d by Mr. McCully, 50o. was ordered te bo paià for enveloVes for- filing docu. ments. The teovo submitted the following report ôf 1 ho oommittee sppointed to examine and re-arrange the papers and documents efthte township: We, your cominittee appoint>od to examine the documents and papers of the corporation and empowerod by re- solution, passed at a late meeting of cournoil te lte-arrange for convenience, and te destroy ail documente deemed ef ne importance or value, beg beave te report, that we have earried eut the in. etruotions of the counoil to the test of our judgment, and after a careful and thorougb investigation and examination of all papers and documente we discard- cd only those that could not ho of any imotance or value te the munici- Ail of wbicb. is respectfally Bubmib- ted. On motion of Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. MoCully, tbe report was re- coived and adopted. On motion ef Mr. MoCully, seconded by Mr. Wetberal, the reeve and the mover were appoinbed a committe te meet s commitîe sppointed by the ronnoil of Beach, on the firet ef May udit, tei arrange the amount of statute labor snd moneys te be expended ini future, each year, by eacb municipality on the town lino betweeu Beach sud Brook ; sud that the clerk was instruct- ed te notify the Beach concil ef the purpart of thin resolution. On motion of Mr. McCnIly, second- cd by Mr. Wothersl, the clerk wasin etructed te uotîfy the trustees of sohool section No. 6 sud echool section No. 12 that the counicil at its next regular meeting propose detatching a certain portion of land, being composed of part of lot 4, con. 8, from sohool section Ne. 6 sud attaching ilte e choci section Nc. 1. hafthc amount. 8be is a resint of Brook sud in every way deserving as- sistance, sud ha@ now aached lie ex- tremte oe f 95 yesrs. No action wuo taken. A petition wau prssented, signed by Mr. Julins Suier snd 20 others, aaking the conucil Dot te cli. up the highWay between lots 8 aud 9, con. 9, or any part Ihereof ; and, further, shonld the enucil »0 fit in tlie interest cf the public te close the said rcad, the land owneri vie gain the land byAuoh change shonld psy a ti cowpecation for wbalevcr land they gain, $Md thie 1procoedbe &applicd in cpening a new rcad in lieu cfte e e loseiL On motion of Mr. McCaly iêuodd by Mr. Wehheral, thi e mve sd Irea- ourer vers appointed aàomiituW ascerlain thc e Stcf a onieor the ee- tion of. amIuable vu uwbich to store the papers and docmenmut e h due notice lied b.» glep,o ,tI poicf the. rod wltth uoepti 19 l, tbe 9tlieosion. -Th vas re.d a: but and "00d om iïpa4 the 400Mwent lieo mlthw Ptopet Protection Of th* dtonineute cOf li athe te d~so ~ the Municlpality, and one that viii be àtoi-eué. le stdoo-d bétweIoêé4 i ,&ï in. ery a creditote builder 5, in: (1h oesl%,w ld. .4 sud valuable acquisition te the proper- tiaI -thc 2ad dcfft1Vy eavuebê *p$I0nfflý of thf - ucrnnicipality. te vii ite place sud do wbhaêfede On motion thé couneiladjourued. to b. in tbe -bet inlereutm ,f-*io-towu- ship. Pickèrlng Oouncfl. Ail cf whioh lu respettfly .ubzrf.- ted. Ou motion of Mr. Penchert chairý- The bov conoi metpurnsu teman, report vas adopted. The bov conei metpnruan to Mr. Richatds, seconded'b y Mr. IHh1i adjourumeul ou Monday, &prü lôlth, movei tuai the ree1Fe g rau Zis orrb 189, i th tonsip ran-Ér "'am the tressurer in fao f tb. parties re- Members ail preFeul, reeve in the chair. oommcndcd -in the repoirts af the vari- Minutes of aset meeting read sud ap. eus standing comuilttces as prosented proved. Several bille wcre presen ted isay sud rcîerred te the varions standing Mra. Rcad eodd b n commitees.Pencher moved; biat tiisCouncil do Petitions sud communications wer. now adjouin te' meet on Monday, May rcad from tic folIovçing : from T Welsh lôîb, 1895, ai 10 s.m., for thc transac- aud oeveuteen othere for grant te rcp air tien of generai business. sideline betweeu )ôte 20 and 21 in B F., ________ con.; Thomas Pugh sud R. A. Carpen- ter decliniug the office of overseer of BONVLE highways; W. Vanstone oomplained of Constables Burns aud Kennody ar- water hreaking outo hie promises, lot rested Mary Orr and Robent Dukes ai 17, cou. 1, frein Kingston road. Unionvilbe early Satunday moruing en Issc A. Meyer was beard, complain- a charge of bigsmy. Lt is salieged tiat ing of the spning fresbete washing eut Mary Orr vas married te l3ismarch bis drains on bis lot, in tho 4ù~ con. Whiteeak on Decembor 28, 1891, that Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Hi! te she lived witb him fer a year sud then moves tiat the assasient roll for the hoe wen te the North West. It is aise year 1895, ho sud is hereby reoinded statod that Mary On esubsequently aud that the reeve grant hie order on married Robet-Dukes on Sept. 15. the treasurer for the payment of the as- 1893. The pair wili ho brougit up fer seesorea salary as per by-iaw for the trial at Stouffville this week. suin of $180. In a fev; weks the fruit trecs will ho Mn. Mowbnay, seconded by Mr. lu bloom sud as usual the curculico, cod- Richarde, moveB for leave to introduce a lin meth and other insect peste will ho by-taw te ameud by.law No. 698, te ap. ready te commence thein vork of des- point township officere. etc., sud that truction. Every fariner who has an the saine be now nead a firet sud second orchard should take stops te provido turne, sud that' thé concil go jute coul- himself with a spray pump se tiat mittee on the whole theroon. when the proper tinie arrives ho may The council thon went into the cein. ho in a position te destroy those des- mittee eof the wbole, Mn. Mowbray in troyers. In counection witi tiese the chair. By-law was reported te the pumpe je provided a pamphlet giving conucil witb the blanke filled up. The fuît instructions how te -prepare the by law vas given its final neading anddifrnisciies udwe sd pa8sed. how to apply thein. One season trial The by-law provides that: the vil1 convunce any orciardisitiaht money boundanies of R. D., Nos. 833sud 88 b e cuI lthebte1neso egv siîeed e tht te sane iIl tan s~rapid return in the shape of dlean, per- followe: 38 frein lots 4 to ô inclusive fect merchantable fruit. ou thé 4th con. noad, sud sideline b. TeRhhodHilo-ancs n tween lots 4 snà 5 on the rd ; 88 4tb sThte pRicbmed fuingMenctheu con. noad frein Whitby te lot 3 inclus- rstiutgrpese othrowing put.he ive; that the naine of Richard Wand in raigro etcgnrlpbi.L 71 be canceiled as overseer sud that addi.tion te the Governint grant tbey the name of William Edwards ho euh- receive an annual allowance frein the stitnted ; that that the naine of Thomas village counicil. W hy could net our Pugh ase overseor in div. 78 ho suheti- reading-reomaise ho made froc te all. tnted by that. of Thomas E. Pugh; that A tj o pnecywe a Thomas Knox ho appointed in div. 83, afternoon aud ovening it would prove a iuseed of R. A. Carpenten; that James source of groat intellectual benei tet Wilkin sud Jas. Rontley be appointed the genersi public. La tiere any neaaon vinter ovenseers for the eastern tewn- wby our council sbould net make a lino, le vonk in conjunctien witb theo malt annuai allowauce for this purpose. ovenseers appointed hy tbe township of There is ne institution in tevu wbicb le Whitby. productive of botter resuits. 1Fie Mi. Richards put through a hy-law mechanic&' institute is lu reality tho anbhoriziug thc tresurer te borrow hàr'dmaid of our public sciooi sud te mccioliee teourrent expenses. shouid receive gouerous support fromn The by-law permits for the rsising ofth ul fns 85,000 if req%àire&, in amounte net ex- Hum SSmithbuhaseutered an action ceeding $500 ech, sud the said notes against the Townships cf Wiitciurci, are te mature net liter Ihan Dec. lst, suddREsi Gwillinbuny joiutly, for tic 1-e5.suin of $60, in cousequeuce of hie acci- The standing cemmittse onu eep dent cn tic townline t>y wici hi.ecut- killed by doge reponted as folo we: pay. ter vau upset by a enow drift snd Mns. ment to William Bunker for eue sheep Smith was injured.. A commiltee cern- killed hy doge, $4 66 ; John Powers, posed of represoutativos from -eaei for oue sheep killed 85 39. Said amount township bas investigated the mcasd being twe-thirds sworn value. A.1l of euioned a def once. It may corne up ah wiich le rospectfnlly subrnitted. On the next couri--Apnil 27ti. It seetet motion of Mr. Richards, chairman, re- us tbat municipal coundil are undor the port wus adopied.1 impression tiat tiey are responsible in The staLnding ommibîce nontfin- damages for accidents oriccurringou o suow, ini acceas cf hit statujte labon 12.- A. B. Colline, cf Parkdale, vas visit- 62 ; J. S. Buudy for 2 <layes hevelliug ing île many fniendi in thie place oun snewy in Claremout road division 8 1.-50; Goeod Friday. Richard Fogiarty bneakiug toise atoe W. J. Edwards, of Tocmerden, has ou Kingsbon road, #15 ; John Coultîce moved into our midat sud vill occupy for brcakiug three toise cf itou. 815 ; 1t he bisokeniti siop sud ionse latcly Joseph Parson for breaking 2 toise of vacated by W. R.flanton, atone $10; Hiltisud Booh for break-________ ing 5 toise of atone $26. AUl outhe Cre Lngsleu road ucat-Dubaiton. IEemSsnCr4 Your commitie. aoknowledgc tie se- IRhcominaîlsinlcauses by lactie- adoln e . eunI of D. -Forsythe for shovelling blood attacking the. fibras tisanes Of ute, sncw ou 9th cen, desire te express jonts. Keep youn blood pu*e and healthy thiarUspprovalof sny natepayer cou sd-ewalu ihv husnaiqmn, o , e tren v*Ayparties ho open iroade nees sud toueu îh.w 17 ud re9d ýtowlnerm n ulesa teacidily ofthe blpo u res «0 % O if tho corportion or didy rbuatiem, aUiriadl.yIbs onlse to do snd liillite future wiil rfus. lepsy HS PW8M5ne lbebeel after-dincer p4iJ, socliaccoite, sd w, enhatj( "t d4itaI ionc, cue badace.; paymeut 01 uid amcoant eMi h busbien MisS Js mpbleinad philornene eosj wu lm Me to "Te It y Hàmi"erreéeued frotta on; OPëeeý in, thei= Y 6 ave i uluwb rJs %Infor' omi W be sc' knowl.ýe a peitiouns . - H~ft<~mo~ W.h sud17 otherum a...i., itighum ggë aüIjjnffl ýupnj.for -yeans 4Y qualkbudPatent aneclua sharks, eured A fé tw wceOkÈ, hav-é noethlng to -selî or Rive away non r, a dverfiàlogayptn inedîine 6ltht, but *Ill be'P'leasedte bean frein9 al'y'sufferer auxiojas co find à cure for hie 0complainLt6 W hoin 1 viii expilu coufiden- dlaIl lhow and, by *àha: means I was cured. Hudredâ have'-been cured throngb my ad- vice. CoMt nothlng te learu what 1 paid bun. dreds cf dollars te Sund eut . Addness confi. deutially and enclose stamp if conveuleut. D. G. OWEN. 1Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.0. Mr. Robert -Kern, Traffic Manager ef the 0J. P. R. at Wiuui pegl, contipued bis evidence bof ore the C .r. freight nstes commission ai Moutreal. I RELIEVIC MINARD'S LINILMENT will cure every case of Diphibonia. RLiverdale. MRs. REUBEN ;BA&KERi. I BELIEYR MINARD'S LINIMENT will premote çvrowth of bain. Stanley, P.E.I. MRs. Cul. ANDEXRSON. I BzEiEV MINARD'S LINIMENT àa the best household rcmedy on esnth. 011 City, Ont. MArrrnA&s FOLETY. The membens ef Si. George Society atteuded Divine service ah St. lames' Caibodral Sunday afiernoon in a body. As PARELIE'S VECGETABLE PILLS contain Meudrake aud Dandelion, they cure Liver sud Kidney Complainte with uuerring certain ty. T by aise coutain couVain Roots and Herba whic bhave speciflo virtues truly woderful in their actieu on the stomacb sud bewels. Mn. E. A. Cairucroas, Shakes- peare vnitee; 'I considen P'irmelee's Pille su excellent remedy for Biliounees sud Deradgement of the Liver. having used theni inyscît fon somo tilO," Oxford City rcturucd Viscount Vientia, 'Unieulat. te Panliament by au increased majority. AS PARMELKE'S VnGK1'ÂBLEC'S PILLS Con- tain fraudrake and Dandelion, they cure Liven sud Kidney Complainte. viih unerrng certsiuly. Tbey aise contain Roots sud Herb8 wbich have specific virtuca truly wondcrful lu their action on the stomach sud bowela. Mr. BE A. Cairucroas, Shakespeare, write : "I consider Parmelle's Pille Ibn ex- collent remedy for Bilinusueses ad Derange- ment eft hs Liver, hsving uscd thern myelf fer mre urne." Mrs. Shortis, moiber ef the Valleyfield homicide, has arrived lu Moutreal lrom ire- land. Catarri-Use Nasal Bain. Quick, positive cure. Sootiing, cleaueiug, iealing. H. M. S. Pelican bas arriveli at Halifax, from Bermuda, te fit eut for the Nevfound- land Fishery protection service. Whea Baby vqs slk, ve gavG her CasIons. When she was a Cbfd, she crled for CasIns Whenshe becamXlas. shO clung te Casions. Whmau had Oilldren,.hbe gavetianý Oorla. John L. Sullivan saved a woman's life at Boston by beating ont a fire that bas caugbt ber clothlng. - Einard'u liniment Cures Colda, etc. It je reported that M.. Felix F'aure, Presfi- dent of France, wiil sbortly visit the Queen at Windsor. piles 1 Pilcal Itchiug piles. Sr"roxc-Moisture; intense itcbing and tinging; moat st night ; worse by Boratchxng. If allowed to continue tumors form, wbiolà often bleed and uloerate becoring very soie. SwAYNs eOzwvsoew! stops the itching and and bleeding, heals ulceration, aud in most cases removes the tumors. At drnggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman Sons & Oo., Mon- treal, Wholeuale Agent. etoo ' court Eeugeë,Whltby. Ba rrister, eto. 0Oioe fôrmerly cr pi by Farewell & Rutiedge, neat ÈBoyal Riteh Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNISTON, 9. A., Attorney,-at-Law, Solicitor iu ChafOerY, Conveyancer, etc. Office-In the Office South of the Post Oace, lunMidoll'l Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. 'YOUJNG SMITH. LL. Bel Be1rrîste etc.,-Money te Loan. Issuer of Marrage Licenses. Offie - Smith'@ Block, South of Mfarket, Bi ock St., Whitby, DOW & Mc(,ùILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Ohancery, eto. Office in Mathison & Bawkenla new block Brook St., W hitby, South of Ontario bank. 1SUt~ica1. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.S.- Phy yican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Chnrch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in &Il its branches pronçt- Iy attended to. W. B. YÂRNOLD, D. L. S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST9 Architeet, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for remodeling existing structures, Ollice-First fiat over W. B Rowse'a dIrg store. IýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WX. CALVERLET, Having moved into oui new premises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining to the liai- ness-maig and saddlery business wii be done to satisfaction. Coliars a speciaity. Caîl and see my shop and stock W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Wbitby. FrOR SALE OR TO RENT. New botms, 8 room:5;34 acre of garden> well fenced. Good iocality on Front street in South Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLE office. Whitby, March 7th, '94. GOAL!1 GOAL il The uudersigned lias jus-t rc- ceived a large quantity of F-ret Class Ceai direct from the mines, sud' le pre- pared to furnisb ail sizes, dry sud'ciean, inclnding several bundred tous cf tle OECLEBRÂTEDI NO. 4ý, a Most popular size hetween 'Stove and. Chestnut. $WLeaveyonr eider at enSe sud get very lowest qu otation. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLORI Office Hcwse's Bc Whitby, july math, 1894. DrasWarren -'Mifo 3. 3 Kore, . D, P.Waren, M.D: irk eh.4;D . 4, e Zay. 11; e 28; v,5. Perry, îerk-3 181-,9;May li 9h sJUIF Clerk-Jms. 80; Us rchi;My1b Jl jan. 81; March 14;' XYl167 nlylii;Oct. 15 c.18. BzEysZaToi-Ge FJBrace, evetn Olerk-March 16; Mahy i c.1;Dc 19ipTriffliam-P J Gilleipl, m"e Cierk,-Xarch 16; May 18;Qct. 7;De20 By erder,% j. B. FABEWELL, Olerk -oltie effl. October 15ti, 1894. New Llvsry and -Sale 5tallos .5- Dundas: St., W1hltbir-, Je T. e 1WPORT, Propriet«O C3ommercial men liberailydelt~w1th Tea>ning doue st reaisonable priGeO - Preight and Baggage fianled st reé& able proe. A call noicited. MÂUHtINIST, WHITBY, Ha.; opened a Bepair Shop iu counectio with the Cooper Shop latel«y oarried on by hie father, opposite Ail Sainte' Churcli, and wflIdo al kinda cf epairing. Sewing Ms- chines a specialty. Là-wn Mowers, Bicy- cles, Firearms, Looks, ScsIes, (Ilothes Wringers, Wshin~ Machines, &oc. Saw Filin g. Skates, Scissrs,, K.niveo, Clippers Lrc. shreneda fid repsired. AUl hinds of Cooper W ork made and repsired. Bhop opposite Ai Saints' Church, Dundaa Street, Whtby THOS. PE-AT 0f Bowmanville, iutends visitingWhit1by ope a fortnight, to collect clotlnng f romn gent s te dlean or dye. Garments when fished .wi 10ok as good as new. If tbey fail te rbýe 8se<> wiil not charge f or my trouble. If thbiu A mY charge is si. 2,sor cleaûiùg aud nicel, pressing a suit of elotbing; for eyinâ a su $1.5o. \Overcoats cleanedandpressedj5c,-~ dyed for $z. For cleaning- or-din gent q hats 25c. THSMCANAgt, Bo6wmauvllle, uly 26, zS 892b LIFE iNSURANGE"ý.-_ Manutaotiirera' ti% & Insurance Co..; Tôoi Largeet C&pital 8te*L4fOe - ou the continent',Niueiy per- sccuiiulahioius etgurplua s iie pohicy holder&s. Ail elainià are -; delay gr diaconnt. on.,-proof, o maturitlc01 ndovnàelýu-î J. B. FOI Cor. King.,& Yon e6t spedi tteliîoiéni l patients A tance. k- tili màkimngplati tic meut' -reaôns)l-i,- vate£' J lWoien be dtyý ali 1 É. ésM 1> ASKY c houri 9.a. m. 'g - i Fr( o f. ani ail bol ma~ gra hea noi bse -ýU7-, 7

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