Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 6

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1 Health"1 g, constipation the Back Ith Rostcmed by 9&parilia. . s tele n CIVtî Il tec tr lng. S11ontm1e.ý ot [atIpatPlr i Ouli:i - ý)arc il~ M 11w rot . i, . 1 SFL REIEO Y OR BEAST M t &nd 19..er bitr. Ob r weow 1 PAVIN CURE. b le unro. Il!-b, 14 i o, ono "f yti r fi- tuk u d 04 t in a once (à li' hada ua ~dM vb.tie cirodhn ieq 17. Citas Pluwo kPA VIN OURE a- trox, Mo. Apr. , %IL d .v -ri b'.ttie, of yeur E ntil evun-r, llai-reE 910"o 1-pli un l'île l arm MuIiiiaqtd with krilÀ P. 0. Bori orglsts î droqs 1 FAL VT ,Five Years (NQ FER BEST FRIEND w'er mae fve r si ye rs 1 Mr.poliaesciet on edsda ightoar The w o a pily oan tw accompaid by A ~'ethebOl.eCosetofto'sy allng mowte minrals n ii, bas1 fot t is a f&rrezoved fro . th ol cféhrious. h. was drivl". He là adpe"Lpt styl, a blak l fro wht, turln aer divO e 0bi ohin ti où rthe Peahebo e biri dasr.Îditnce sothofOold' in wh hanee ola, ndtttrs adis pivt againte te ralii of he bige.Ti.t one WEITEVA e re Mrs.e Macdor ld. Ina eyso imegathecralisg ackdnt ong enoug. Lo sUe ofi with fieThe in Zephyr.one yMy an aeonad the g re soteonsrsube hng te 108 t huI On asfr reioug-as ee fondbyM r Dhe. Mc ornte hom~fetete a diig. Ho blow. was Lew agemanandChri Resorspet sRaewer mot prsitenteffrtias ohe ot a~.it oe'sanianad w ech at thn fewdayfltweei ep y r. asblack sth'sop ow hityMr a i.edfom ark tbOng te reailg tof itrn Mr. À PAIR AND.YThos. loBEonEofEW. fordn chabisahorsn theawesththedliyethestables visiid frinds l ttieVale hIS wek. ad exre~neend o the lock epttrmeLiie har s, ofhathcter ig.Theite sneg Mis M Rrîon f roki, peta dsrutona. O Iteno thsdo ime ocupat as lot srawgn over the Spaid ing Marths Eek and Miss Idta ThorntoSn. Stret rsoe at afbulnsiecistd s othe larew with laiL. A ofnhasnrGialetanrec o Aead wit frens i Zph.builwding y fMer J.nM. Goron and D.hergaed fom tehre rting ocurece antd n t Rev Mr Sîle ccuîedibepulit i 7o h-ah thneilng hanMr.Du n anerMc. sized ufti. situtonthe gran te the expet iernoon. ouds i Resr pet applica otpersitentfr teywrethe tnaatboue ana od heneighbor- set Miss ate McPbeeof Hamlton, ofanfd, D. sa nd honwter. o dtnhe beingstdoe ho.Kn red oo etwaee e save by theheremovaltcf some iousebold MoPbrdfrends in'Irth ae bsee i .he nd efi enl tendreakihg byltc hat f te 9sBftf o ta tey oubttehrs' A hMessince lasonofw rokik.spnta adeteglcstiond nthows chJ.M. erdcon e oupat beenotbrken oby the faieandgrdi eari e pease t Misleathrtn et M gcer ~Hles' sxitre Wth astthe etin ith t. cAsdbe onas. uilte reovt th.eOnl who barsibeen cied othe oule fo digs of ess yr . M.Re threnan .e haes an brie the tigcurenchomendrinpany Prsbtein hucb edr rýe o SnayM.insrth ice ili3n adsanda îîe- iz arrteituom ate i rn t.teven- cf Mrs. H. BeatonaF. A. Beaton, Mr.eandhed ownedkby Mesars Aex.Hamotusoeblandred byte e Xo- setri MissFKaîts.Mrs. ,of Hiltoud n n. . Bur- Cameron. No h. a semae bido hodO ing con ie onln waee et tOnhe t ot, S.ae enaton thcfOs dsebheawmva o, periushode e Ti. ols.buwthe ore by Aou cfTratitn . Ee lss.wnos fJ . eOnsadnco. adBro nlive yn heand a anod 9T1ii wh asiene the mueaIcft hbuefrsv $ he laie Mr. McPbee. UXBEI»Gno drive.n i s tcutehmby dr.n andý dAi th ae fueral cf the labto e l otody weree=ay ftepemssdsry-Giltarie oelaei h ee.o h M17, and Mrs. John Ramsay, Mrm. Bradshaw apraiue&. over the. bars ground before. reaohieg and and bier daughters, Mesdames Tcdd and Wbule iu Toronto recently Mms John Me- the bridge, the. hors. becanie choked it. Sharpe, cf U xbridge, former resdents et, thiB Guire feli ou a slippery pavement on Youge by the. harnes.-Star. teLt place. street and sprained bier righi wrist badly. The GREENWOOD). audi A party cf Young people frcm Scarboro, Rev Moveon Wilson bad a bad failIat the sanie and a number cf youeg rfolka f rom the valep lace. resultingz some reports say iu a broken Mr. Frank Tait and family, cf O0h. OO' and vicinity spent s very pleasant toue ai the leg. awa, spent Sunday week with his for1 residence cf Mr. David Aunis on Thursday &Ocident. parents boe. whii eveuing cf lest week. In de-King ta town ce Monday Mr. and Mrm. Mr. John Ilaney bas left cur xidst coui Several fromn here attended the aenual meet- J. L. Brown met with an accident. Lnjerking having secured a permanent job in the ing of tbe stockhclders and patrons cf the over a pitchhole the boldbacks cf the harness lead wcrks, Toronto. sr Locusi Hili crearaery, and tbe cyster supper brzoke and the herse rau away, tbrowiflg eut whîcb folowed on Tuesday, the i2th insi. the occupants, M.rs. Brown baving ber ankie W. notice Puck lias changed bis ord The supper was served ai the house cf the sec- sprained and Mr. Brown bis shoulder broken. boarding bouse, much against the will Pas retary, Mir. D B. Nighswander, and the We hope their receveries may be rapid. cf smre and it is altogether likely that the bivalves were lucieus and clone te a îurn. A 01*4 to hear lit. a law suit will be the. result. and statement cf the affairs cf the Creamery Co. Amceg the bundreds of residents cf Canada Mr&. E. Stilwell aud famiily are. Bta for the past year shows it te be in a fiourishing whe had been receiving pensions from the U. about to move to Toronto. That we dis condition. aud there te stay Under its p'e S. Gevernmeut was Mr. H. H. Bisbop of Ux. a i for elsruh cdctzn sent able management, an d îe g od patron- bridge. Recently he received officiai an- ailafodtlseucgo iizn ag . sreciving, the creamr rmssW nucilfl htUceSmbdrcnsidered 1as plainly :apparent by the large aite- ti increase in profit te aIl concerned. Mr. GI.R. bis act cf îweniy-one months ago and wss go- tendance. at a urpnise party giver te Reesr, Who is in charge cf the butter makiug îng to psy p pnsions te ail oîd soîdiers re- tb.m o Monday nigbt. of is gîiug eminent satisfaction, and Mr. D. B. sîding outaîde the Union. The repetliflg aci Mr. and Mrs. E. Gleelon were in as Nîgswandr the rstdan e gt pe.d e'- s pasaed on Mstch 2nti, and the old veter- Orillia last week, haviug gene there te i11 trea., s th ribi mn i therigt plce. ans will receive checks for their back pensionatedhefurlcfM.Radwoh Wiil Moody, eldest son cf the late Daniel for the îwenty-one months.-JourO5l.atnth uelofMs syw a Moody, departed ibis life ai bis laie home in Htome from a foreign land is Mr. M. W. for many years resided in this village A Toronto on Sunday lasi, aged 32 yearS, and Plank, V S.. wbo lefi here about a year ago and having gene to Orillia only a few Bi tbe remains were interred ai the Methcdist for Brockport, N. Y. He andi Mrs- Plank are months bef cre the announcement of M cemetery here on Tuesday merning. De- spencling ibis week in îown, but in a few days ber death, which cast a gloom over the ceaseti hati been suftening from lung trouble he wlll stant practising in Oshawa. entirevillage. W for several years, but an indoruitable will and he ote a« < energy prolcnKed his lite and enabled hb t ina tee îrth SaeS ABA. attend te business te the asat. A hemcrrhage A car leati of 69 Cotswoid sheep, purchased A large nuantîty cf bay lias been oi ou Sund&jk brought te a conclusion the long by Wm. Thempacti cf Scott for F. W. Hard- fi battle for lite. His twe ebjîdren (ail they îng cf Wsukesba, Mich., w2re ship>ped bere bougit terougiiout this township and t possesaed) dieti within the month, and their ibis week. Prices are net hîgb , but better compressed for fcreign export. los eeedtereov aldesire for living. btc& Mr. Dun. Graham is aotively engag- fis Young widow has tbe entire sympathy cf rtha uttin.ed assessed the townçmhip. thecomunty n er wfuiymat breae- Dr. W. A. Sangster bas obs practice Tii. Patron cf Inuntry Lcdge ait ment, husbanti and chilrtira ail tort from bier ber. te, Dr. D. A. Clark cf Toronto. Dr. Brohi.n wbich was defunet for smre within s few weeks urme. Th. deceased was Sangster goes te Stouftville anti Dr. Clark tiiebsbe ,ie u suwjoi bort and reared iu Whitevaie, where h.e re- takes possession bere iu a day or two. W. ieb enrvveladi o om siieti until after h. had reached man's estate. are sorry te scee Dr. Sangster lesviug town aud ilg. H. was a fine tellow, cf a cherry, kind dis- the regret will be joined in by a large circie of INo uew cases of scarlet fever have position, admd n idhsso redfins - unl developed ste Udney, through tbe care- but ne enemies. Many a sulent tear was sbed over the grave cf poor Wil Moody. The EPSOIK. fHesaltioocdbyteB ao Rev. Mr. Siple conducteti the funeral service. Ti.cnet L.Sn fTzpr enemosqunit f od a By the death cf Mr. Donald McPhee, ance ebe is uearly at a close and the. booen arketeed here dnring t*0 winter posmaser.on undy mrnig te ith y8ter supper will note be far off. A largely from carden. - ueaffpare, h.was au adiierent cof the Mr. Jas. Warren is goiug tee retern "u>bM~aa son aud four danghters te mouru bis loss. < rlit.ilaeTi.fr wic Thobkepoisrv&n etbu The. remau'5 of deceAsed were feliewed to e hoW renteed usar Port Penny is *ald$ neiub rhe i. grain, i. abting.' the grave on Tuesday by à isat coume sud James 18 43oming, "bak to liv. u LWSII of sorrowlug relaives aud frcuds, b lb. theold homauesafd. Wahmll ttii. veffet ttttbcvea ar cession moving t. thé selezuti music httoee r bau. ii Iistbrssband in thbévle Mn. LVI Dm1.."1818la iswgavisi=tin# tàbrus bcboùnggt6 the farme was organlred snd couducted by tiie lat. 15 geifg te> ret te .cl-ureugLouttheiiuity, snd large quani. John D. 14cPhee, edetson.cf in sc, ufortsttie cttage bcIciging t6 lunT. tiese ganniap fmçoùusequenc% the. earliy6o's. Tii. fuserai servieswere Reynolda.tiro. s e5sbtd e th tu codute b lmierSiple. Our bte yen- w r omy)oisrttIrîM. Tf1os. thei rs gcssréunder bockand keyf ermite postmiaster wiIl bc greatly m1s, la the. commrnsty, and by aone mrihdWh i1 boi 0lVb~H e Ou Tussay e&.rueowon, c te the yonng, (orbhe always lad a klod Word t.b48 e tî t for »ai-n eta'us5 I. eo cbiI8GuVkW 1ic8 cf avlg-set fire to the store of Goug for tbem, aud çould ulways ind Urne te FS a riunb stywIl n~gl. t.,o Iengt0 ari6b notice the littie oacIrnes l a rcsdg» j~ ~ge ~13~$0, O.prisoer w8S W~wtSM»au consistent cirsis baracter, ud$0i - sj #m -'But tbugh ft wen ho 8111 cone before P. Meuy inter Yeats preeted a grand linutrtion #.. ama twoweg1, it wus of rieÏ0 anmwerlo the* chsrg.prefmred. Tii cf Oumu u spyo01 & *t. 1-I th - a~et con1ïctioî% "*uhe wî.fs~ wj* e~nt t 3strot lrs ad lt wUilbe liad to té Mi.Rbte.Adams recived a sonsl- hW ~______ Kuy t the Ire on Tuesday, by huvialg a Fre oI ForlOl1t Tn t. pickaxe strike hlmluteiedccmia-yug e ohO 4 de t__ ugthe cbosing o e uwe WUdwlla aum- j Mj1aoouh4to Ieux A . il S ber of stitches. té Tii. Lock-u sccouiniodat81flve tranm$ t m. b isê4, rjtý«Uit& on rdy iuu st i CYt-.u spectable aud pleudego"caaclbis(wM»5 . w thr.mof twelrccwui TY.bey cameThy b-eï 0 =4»eiqM rogu lalt >meeting wasB 1.14-oni îpùtconoltig, of Meis; W and tedN.Oughteli cmbs -deuirablity of -bavlog the'roade thé0 wiritet sesn kept openi for travel ,andaobvliate tes asieu làs diviigt rgi thLbf ton d us U'ibutein u*nokben ee,. ury maten l a sin g privaIs ai.Bodes .tiey mniuaned .e teravelling public hi a sperfect ýo the. use cf Lhe public highwrô tter a. well a. other semons oe tnd net be .compelbed'to invade » property when travelinic owing ligeuce ou the part cf an y oeein ;tee shevel an opening &long Lhe. motion cf Mn. Weir, the. clerk nstructed tee £scertaii f nom the. -astens wheu makiug their ne-, tehe amount cf statute labor cou- I -l keepiug Lie roada open dur- rinter ; propane a sciedule sbowiug tnounts expended iu esci division ateute labor aud how muci cf iL is nded in siovelingg snow, sud pre- said documentst a subsequeut iug cf conne1 - ainformai discussion teck place r.- ung Lhe uupaid taxes against Lie rie Pine Gi-ove OeiueLeiy0com- F. The clerk stated-Lt aaportion e Cempshy's ýroperty iiad been r.- ked for non, payment cf taxes sud du Id be sold in Decemben. %9 ie auditons, Messrs. W.Y.Wi Jos. Barteley,. pnes.nted thein report s t th ecleuest cf te.ouncil read Tii. document i. highly creditable« lie suditeeis.,A.t the close cf tLb.la it the auditoes paid w,11 menited in apliments tee the treasurer and clerk et the. concoct sud apeurate mauner lun < ich, tebey keep Lie bocks sud se- nts cf Lthe corporation. Dn motion cf Mn. Real, the terea- rens secoulits as shown lu Lie audit- sreport were finally audited sud ised sud Lie clerk instructed te bave marnme publisied as Lie law directs A aise bave 200 copies cf tiie detailed atemnent priuted in ieet fores for stribution. Tii. auditors wene psid $15 eacb for cmi services. Mn. John Park cornplaiued thut môme Ethe. timbcr whici lie wum te receive spart payment 'for bis work in clear- ig aide road opposite lot 11, cun. 8, id b.eu given sway by Mn. Burnett. Lmotioncu spassed -tee otify Mr. unett that tebe timber belouged Le dr. Park. - On motion cf Mr. Real, Lhe reeve vas sutiorized te purchase s Copp ,ad machine stteb price($285), anld un te conditions sud warranty set iorthinl the. agreement submitted tLe bis conil- Orders were passed sa follows : $6 te WVm. R.ynoldis for building feuce op- posite lot 4, cou. 9 ; $4 te Stewart Mc- Ray fer mieep killed by dogs ; 013,35 to Rebt, Weluh fer,267-loads cfgrae1;, $7 to Johýn Park for outtiug 1ma on sdel cf road opp, 11, con. -8; $4.50 te James Blair, patelmaster, for npor- fornued statut. lahor ; $10.87 te Frank Alin -for micvellitig suoýw, $1.50 te S. Fariner, do).; $1.50 te R. J. Bryant, dc.; $2.20 to, E. James, do. ; 86.37 Le James MeConnel, do, ; $12 te John Tummondal, do. ; $10 te K. Obaugitoli, dc. -5y-L r.*&-te , % ple ufigetive s le~ u$>,S , - - - ~ s~1g~hfI~iprgciiOi [r -yin1 astofla 15 iT. éeu ViO------ - other ÇroO bSSCO l 5abrl U for paregorle, DoW o1b1i yai i asorOUy fevei'ishfem .Castorîa preveuS-yn.ttgSu ud cure DIrrieSad Wiiid Ii.-(5tT eloS teethiàg troubles, cues OutpI<f dflUOOY CesIon a salmilatdl the foo. laS h t@ C- m 11 bowel8, givlflg beiithy sdiia5 le.Vs mn. Ifothomhbave reVeatdby tolMeew fits cod offset upen heu ehidrec." D& . . . Oseel> LovenI.%an ladw.hm bsiotienwli.mog dothoresl M«,Wesci tefr Udr, sod w Or0Is lu desbcvende& WM 7oin es, Pf«bqums - - iMO 9sy ansd otber burmfu âgenu doimUN&l itireati, thby mdin a=em le o m uraes." Di. 3. . Kmuaro, - Oeuwayl ,*rk IreeOmmIst~Sactf kaeWà. tMMUO I ment *sun' 4 sut ae peea M~fhdr ,elr insuta>c »55u ess Ott !ýr, ýj" *, ýl ý

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