Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 4

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i at OId No. 1, DE MAPLE SYRIJP, re and Orockery, s. sets cheap, Groceies, Teas et,,, etc. ?CASH OR TRA DE S(,T THE TIMES. callng and eramnining prices for yourseif. kid of Grain, Apples- ity>. Have aIse gel ibe, seul Anderson'. doubW Lad Fruit Sprayer for thse 1 Wes W ity. ýPftc&o g Ever>' fruit grevas r. rite me for clrosiâ. ON,- WIIITiY,. it ow Rentai5 u"»le as 9.s Ql . Powder la the boat Blood Puifier sun1 gonoral Condition Powder in thse uitakot. It us thse ohespeet povde* lt hm a ever boon offered for "ai., lh curesal cmaoes etGn.rilDobilty, Leou of A dte onhn oftise flair, ÂupZiatrAï sughng früm ti-. purity of tihe Blood. Ur Soc. pur lb., or $ lb,. for 500. MADE ONLY BY--- W Ra R OWlS E, aieI TAN »UG ST With catm printed words, great thoqihts, atzd ?.ttiring indUstrXj we'advocate Peacet Progreiys, Knowledge, Rrotherkood. VOL. -XXXX. Fo our ;than u e n t i for the d patterns, at diaudus. lit only nIy 2e eadîng shuides, od(S, will wasb, tterns, onlv 1 «e before they ith silk spots, se Silks, Inl al ia rkct t. CHAS. CT T,1 AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. The nmdersigaed begs te anuoutt ihat lie bas tatfbu oui a liceuse for auctioneerng, sud mli ho glad ta fllii rders for ihie class of busi- ness. Hiis book wmli ho kepi ai 1. H. Longs office, irbere ahi infortnatiou may be obtaiued. Whiîby. Nov. 29, '9. C. SCOTT. «N. Fr. PATERSON , Q O.-, Barrister, etc. -Afier tue yars resideuce in Eriglaud lias resumed practiScoai 136 John St , Torouio.-Oct. '94.-6 mos. DOMINION BANK. Ospital Pald up, - $105000,000 Surplus, - - $1,500 000 Whitby AgeucY. Genera.l Banking Transacted. Business SÂVINOS DEPÂBTMENT. Interest sllewedsa ihest current rate No notice e wthdmwisi required. B. J. THORNTON, anage P. G. Meldrulf, M. D Liceniatbeof the Royal Cellegec Pbysiciatss, Edlnhurght. Member of ih w o! Pisysicians sud Surgeonus,c Office., and rsdenee, nortis sectie of the "Tqrrace," Byron Street, nort o! Dundaz Street. Telephono communication wmus office. Whitby, JiilY 4tb, 1894. Who? Who? Who', Says the 0wl Who soU the be 1~. - Bàking Pouvde W. R. HOWE dees. Why 1 Beauselyt puresi ingrediat are used, sudi (roquent)>'mi tCorsequently lu isa>'. pute & Ire ERS LSHOES WHITBY, ONTARIO,' FRIPAY; MAIRCH 29, 1i895. WESTERX BANK 0F CANADAi WKITBY BRANCH. A General Banking businc -,s done. Specia attention to Collections, and Far- mersS&le Notes at lowest rates. SW»Deposits reaeived in Savings Bank Department in sumo of 81 and upwards. No notice of withdrawal required. Highest current rates of interest allowed and creclited sm-analv E. D. WARREN, Whitby, Âug. 81st, 1894. Manager. A sp g d eeing !Ue toimsticumâ it as ised ria> ughîsd & molutli'o!ajasa- <ef bt $è e .tly. ýA Us' cmado boiai!et tise famul> Of ttise de. qxm ÎM h c ivd dtise ames eo mS peusipectabe and wertihy , cf Ue ,tiu 1.dS1a,*4 m is sud I Puu ùrpor u t e beuioC.t bis.wltl pdd IDttet vu brutgit bOepise ôiuealiip téotvenNlo= ormotbis IhcBdw* au-flne « W b 'lh btti 1ISS ~ ç-DO5 ai..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w tidamti sefouisb1llslImm= Pa*=-Sth Â17DL8Y. o cuttorà. vas a simu attendance at S. S. on fron the west. The water fiow- the road preveýnted their coniing. enlbl merchant Mr. Chas. Lynde >lotid saile these days. He was -d wit a fine baby-girl a week Dug may qhe lve.to bleu bher par- McCàrthy soid a horse last week ,q ftomother parts and recelved a =4d suil. Some are- holding àlnkiing that prices are on the ris. bhey b. jlatd Puckeria bas been visiting her-Tom ftceSntly., Ho remains in ,r.the ommuser. ,W. would bke to àd' h hlmbre,.bu-ttbey shai have s.Tiioms s en>gaged Thos. udao ftue ,Cùaômcfieto Mo local wrltersi m*.worty ofom- , y iea we-wlsh thep- r* aIl i, jtue A local paper 4e-tholocaTIty's own bihstorian d to assume thte dutles and Wvdences V-pa per. eare glad te e sc I nuiber of the 1papers iQnlO bore. 1oid t;e tostrt a libratyylu Mrg?, One somiewbat 11k. a' lie, Instit ute?' It'ý -wotild beniefit 'Clty sud et ubcimo n, ndff tai ma of i O~lSucb -a a nn ,would c6imgldovit fearabl woud tndontpécnlry aud içal 'biy 'lu do14g r 0 ae ,Thomas Wilson adlpo4 ,Creasfsqute recovered frqm ber W l I m C ar ru t b w i t t'eï g o n e 1 Charles Ridéau.is9 abo. t-e o.becomo enOf Oiwto.wu.'. Joe ndMis. Buck f Chicao iting frenda oes sPukhh -ud Ms w~ia#1O I. and some of them are burled in mud. The donot- ask the authorities to take aUrý single&oO~U LOCAL N EW S LETTE RSi îown should repair theoe and In the wet wgd for it. Tt îhey wanted to know the truth The heur of evening service- la the No moi weatber a man sbould bensployed tokeep-th yhave tan!gues and ours ta fiad out efortcuc hsbe hagdfoii Tee tbe crossings cleau in ihe business part o1 the ibeinselves. heseorgans, bowever, are hie .30t 7OlOkunday f CEMNILECORZBONBNC, ow. tc,-Jeai)yedne usd h ibtis sort of hing goes n. There 63.o7ocok CurtNiCa CnB.SPODENE. own.h cladeaàly o dns.whmhouses Intowa tthlcb many le bMr. WiII Gordon la home Item Orillia' iug over 1 Last Sabb %~ n hnr y ernes hidgr eaont b9 3 e înelast spring, ,He Qrg -:0:- W81~~ hae g lu neteiniceere he nas h in the Med, st. church. Instead o h aegf eaSt elv snoh Ur eîR be ic u e TOWN LINZ.uletr. -tiet envelopes wrm distributed tbw a brothel. If a watcb were kcept on the wwlU probaby romain here for a time. wears a t askg or z~ ~ p pofuse or if tbis place were raided on the Mr. Olivet Durrant left bore on Wed- presene LMr. W. J. Davey and sens are te kili the t ee1xpneS to"nh cf0 usually supioscrmtae sdg.Li ýpatron1'5boof for the ensuing sesio. pîawsswdIh metThe collectioni the e would legin teusvepictl oiritesnesaymorning for DeXalb, Ili., where g.L r M. ank o plkeltg bs easd hemerntngjgave over Sica. The bibise assembly alt aes tl oef i h a. secured a position in a barber shop. ents. h. alkl f i keigaail a e the LIndehe rm. rcon gave $2. and the Sabbatb id c fidence tn aur systmm for cmpellng W e hope ho may soon return te bis native M r. F. north iS mating a total of $142, with the ofârvation cf the law. As Ir now stands the landi and ineet wtth succees wherever ho te buyer Mr. T. David formerly of Hampton eveni t lectioas of $6o te ho added. -Rev. 15* 1 omtipn bu f rcel sibhootssoriea good sie Darlingtoti township, has moved on te the TbZ.ýanlng, B.A., cf Wbttby. pres.ched W1* omt pnrbe> rsot oe Mr. R. Beimore, now of Itonu Bridge, tbeirs, th j Ir Capener arm lathe ornngsudRev J.Kine latheeve- b~Iythere Io sormoechance of punishaieni, butK MrasCrter ar. MGeo a eeeying.te v. H. B.andKenyJ.accnedinbhee Smc & a ousobas tefal on the imuthorities haro bc- entucky, was bore for a few bouts on Se May t bitte o n. onSun ay ast beey a d g . plpitî HeB.venn, upe teim fôîêtliey make a mve. Have werot tekeeP Thursday iast. Ho had been lu Whitby M r. PR bteonteleg o udyls b o t uli nteee nfly-1rOaders every week wt ti s eld utory? with bis mother duriag the iast 'days of bier bis broth Mr. VanstonO.Between 12 and i oclock TumsdaY M josemlieh.Pepe a mis«r. tifs and returned to e Konucky early this Myrtiofc Te lg n tO rc eolehaeh ate fire boelssouuded an larm foriltheDOite drvlling cowards ihat îhey siirink lie week. hveha TheAtmndschuchpeeie avehada st ward. The cottage on Brook ai. west i narrais tile sel ves and say «*Oh 1Itis tee The roads isore se bad on Sunday that tihe gair raised dais erected for the accomodation cwaed sud occupied by Mr. R. D Kenneybadta bad. Why dent theydo .ometing the attoudance at thse Methodlst Suaday Devit f of their progressive and painstskig choir. machinisihW caught fire fri the roof and about r?' Well why don'itbmyc? BémsC SS chool special service isas net se, largo as The'- é Mr and Mis. Matthias Mackey wotO was almest entlrely destreyed, togetisoritil re m&i se mucis alîke la ibeir religion thar ex.pected but about oe e undred sud fifty sucour surprised on Thursday evenlag by hir h eî b contents. Thse bs s ill ho about $8S00 out take the trouble for fuir that ibey worm preseni. Owing tei illhess, the Rov. uiendatfi friedis and presented wtth an extension covmrmd by tusurauce. The ismimees s au - tifanlnm cause sOem lI-feeling T. W. Leggoii is unable te take thopartsues table. The occasion was the twelfth an. ceiug tlngingof tbe ie bele ai alght siut theeseives. Wbat differeuce if thse ibat had been assigned te bitu. The pro- shoutd t uivesar ofthei wedin.hb stopped. Pire minutes ringtng la auflinit w 6 world frown if thm are ceuviaced ibmy rmine conslsted of uiaigiug by the Sun-, sot ir, Mr. W. 0km visited Toronto en Satur- te aa m h le tow suad theie sbould ho dotng their duty. %ye stand lua far âday school choir sud addressea by Mr. J. or a cfty day and ordered tise first insstaiment of a stop put te ihe banging of bells for hall 5an - llght aý presmut. Neverihelesa we N. Dehait, the superiatendent,*sud W. A. a geodi geods for bis amis cash store. Ho pur- heut r orctsas la eeati h as.Te d advsehoeconcernedih ea bsHolliday of the Presbyterian Sunday How poses. keeping a stock ef bardwsare, excte ringiug of ibm beils for a small blae taps edeoihat ihmy kmoisthmy utto8co. __ isbot n hos ttonr t.woutd lead eue te îbiak îbat ibm whole____ b .ervtte tais or causiug it t b<>O- ochooit ~h eie, oos ndsoo, taioor ec.ias on fire. People are deprived o e n . li ma save trouble la the near futur. Tise editats of tise CHRONICLE sud the Mochaül hestore is te censisi Of ihrom aprt- ud ih havmr trying îo sick; sud nervetia FRED. R. HoBus. Orillia Packet do net bolieve la thse utllity Ou l mente, viz., the upstairs the doisustairs perseas. The ire commuttecsabould gise la- cf ivire fonces on ibm read aides as a pre- gcod jI aud the backyard. sîruttons te have se much needica noise ventatiye ef drifts la winter. Iami'net bu a si Th eessiori movemont ln tise toisa ef stopped.ota ulem Ioor. much of an autiserlty an sucb niattors but oc4m Whitby ýis exclting coniderable intorest Last Suaday three isomea worm buattag XI, ICKERT, barber. Simmee Btr-t ry berato h. alsy led me te be- -aud se among a few of ibm farusers of ibis neigis. sround ibm toisa for ibeir husbands, wisb atDL.R G-floin meies lieve that s wiro fence ls jusi wbat la mecisaù borbood. They thinir ihai If ibm western had not returned homo on Saturday MQxir LIYEBY, SiMca. 5tta., uorth. sbip fary r s avercoed n s onus l'rs t portion of the toisa be tbrewa upon Wblt- shipt. They badvegot iato s clubs reon by township and censequeuily ilut i i uÈspt Their ai oeyinodarlka u d WoornOLPE, hamsmaker, Simaffl reeft.the o eitcil for replacing -wooden fonces section, ihere may bo a demand on tbm gamblling. iastead of ustng liten their ' - .MOTRERSILL, butohel". Ring St-, WOEt. wiih ii ta places ishero drifting atissys 310,. part of the section toe eiw te U efmles. ear od ytes !L .8ànm=-Domliion pianos aud organe, eccurred sud ti resuhi bas been veliy sit- Mr.Il anez ch Pickering part of ibis sectioen >~ti eko, ia iuer ha kepi sud sisret sfaciary. If ise bad mere of the .*Ire anm slarieez Hy o n hi e pl c 0.0101" oTRL-J. . Woon, PrOprletOr. fonce ire wauld bave botter *muiter roads. M S unerth nces:y ~ uidig oi eu in seme of ibese club moins. Ne - -d« hosielry, neat snd émn0rtbuy W.A.H. sevetoe ichol ous. H illnMr. Jne. Smith iWonder ibere ' pvetyjbrdtios sd pped. sud lhsaelliesHik e o>'U r rurinin;it ebo . hen mono>' can hb P0e-EBe i~z-PulIliUnsetfbooks, utaiDv.ST.b ane is stlie iet oyfound for such purposos. Perhapei a I n a ncy gcads. E. B. Rogrs, U-Y &CO., gra4n buyers. scholheuespector Ferguseu cou]d spat.a Uile o EÂAMA. bis Urne, 'whîcb aipressai seema te ho de- jçM oijLDMi-Whitby-oshasstageIlino e AL,5-iiro arig iosa r Mr. E. Hilîson is to be lu tis e igbbor- voted te dr'qg stores, tn r i eiigan pye on Ubs Oshawasa a man 2 p m, sud Rsdsiie opposite Taira Hall, Brcokln. MS me f thse adde s g ilt da WUIS rîI 09,man 4pH.EoiLmID Bws. -0ur stock et prints la com- arovis hood this ueek te purchase .orses for the sm o8hse0d os mih-arae1 rnsd4 a lhule more te the eleciiori id f he pro- ju.-... L. 13»mz&SoXBE, dealer iu mit- pistosund lu very attractive, bethIn l pattern Engishmaret.vine. pM ansd Xasuties. Dressakliig, etc., in sud prie. Seo them, fer yaurselves We mi"S 58 Th.tednea i ir abt iih etu fimsbo er uMs ogmxiuon, Stmcoestreet. are a 8 ~mplea.ed to shaow thezn. Do yen visitliq The ttenanc aitMt. ionSabbth A th meeing f te scool oar on on-DBuck TOR-L .i maxwel, dispen- isani ira paper? We heve it--atl kimad schooi aud ovcniiig services '.ere small o dan veunMr. Wm. Warren iras elected obniut. lino t ur dôg Ne aId stock. W. have Jusi eperied l'W0 01 day venng.1 pue dugeand relis freim thsebesi Osaadian uisksrg ta Sel acceutit of the roads. secretary-treasurer of the board ai $150 sialar>' cal a 78yson baud- Prucos range frein 5 cents up Border. te tlast. Most of the fartuers ha ueed of hired help Everybody iras glad te have Mr. Warren se.OAG ssuatre iecr ach o u i~ibn t48sd1 bave secured the sane ha meu or boys as cure ihe position, but tbe action cf ihe board 0, carte, wagons, ad a&B hinde ofontii- conute per yard. Meu's hais lu bisake and Mr_- their cases required. u pn1 rtcisai. LInbmheirai plaea i llbRpllgsuelat. uesdts ere b .W re tosa t Th oaai ii vcat> reamsii-tompi iras made te appoint AssoserMrfisr , lgwn paistor sud decerator. Deal- seflng semething exra t HsUeetw passable on accotint of the depth of sueir au efficient public servant, te tise postinai ss papers, csllng decoratdoua, $1.25. Ou ou a ny 2 sud bm onerl iair $~555IiY.Mr. Marris recoives $325 as îrnishntsbrushes, vmnOi seat sala r>. Luther Hall sud Mr. J.0.9-yeitran of Quito a -number of tise former& of ibis respausible citizeas, would bho glad cf-hise j îLOdw-- e i n 1stoves, furuaces, Mr. Jas. -Wamr h lais, epged, for thse O vciait>' have sold ibsir fat caie for May at srpo or evema 7, and woulr>cosler ità oadkbot iauIý~- ~ -i liof Evanemifle fleur n s aiW.hIt M ioved by R . .Mavzie #4 a oDetltllg ft. W'est <%Ib- 3 )U leasing ihe ail ai ibe lest of ibis mnotb, ed b>'L. K. Miirtoii? tisat ie sla>' de n tAf<U orenos erformeAithése ba u t o eaç' W. h sud the propriotor Mr. Thos. Pugis ie go- em oo ic. Movsd in amendaient h>' C. style. o sîn for se O8~extraction. No Mi. Jio. A..coates gos. te d6gdmus n iugt acag e ttua uitbb tna t , Se.conded b>' R. H. James. tisai tise mnl sera isarge. - cas bo obtainod. ary b ho s. This iras carried eu a veo Lf . K. mus.'o<, B. A. -Bsrnloter, SoecMr, _weok te learutisemflhis buinss it to 5. The duties ar e oligbt, consstiitin n tr tbtOue Sur, &0. Moue>' 55 ncl, M. W . tows. O8HAWA. ~reportiig the minutes of us eulthi> meatigs to leud- 00"ce oer Dominion Bank, Sita- influietza bls becu, very peaeu î - lUSNES OTIE ~haa sbarierasd paying toachers salaries One hundred co Street. Oshawa. arouind hèe. atly, sud hma seniously af- -bees)i oradeiNss ma trn sat an>'bsinerssdollars shoul d bl ho, ies-a -large alai>' for 50 E.S. EnMesm7-te15Baker>. EBlectiofected:the aitendace at scisool.La Uýavriesmytasc n uies tile irerk, adw î eno ceeâsà' tby, r Biredl ook in urce.OrOshawas -Miss rate Coates takes c of her; Temps with the CHRONICLE, or ma>'obtain ex- trwigw ire of.t pxc ney fore bîcerl&d la seîdetColblussud ooîl iHsstigs Ce., on, Mou y.next in'ac ira copies ai an>' urne, ai E. . Rogers', thrWisdagïaia>'n$50 ditie publIc mneyi 'ruseon clreriah post office bookstore, Oshawa. meeting aise refused to allom a cenférence Rga.Wp arThceoton iebvshoeasTusay eiil If ou sS nce renli his dinnr ts ibe finance coaiitee appolntod by toma ty. w & o-Tbe leading talloring ber sùccess.. Ifyuws ieFec hn i rceundil taconfer witb the subool board. As gonis furnllsiug o fc!Oshawa M. u i. .Hne sdM.su ie or tes set, or anythhng in fancy cina, or me say. ire are ver>' glad that Mr. Warren gel rvendid asortmsiit oft teweedWOetmod mis. W. Barker al bIet for theïr new big glassirare, go to FE B Norgan & Sots. thibmostion but fa ta sowhybyhsould ho trowmO!152, shrts, cllare, e, slwsys kepi ai Meusa sîrong boots, gaiers, laced boots paid 'x5~o for a $zoor s5ejobl. ta tock bore vi5dy M> r01OtÏg t B u ith toecaps. or lacod boe t ih elloir ats e IM Buns asokm and Joeers. isM -tsenMa vdaLhrdag1çrl .1ýiv We caunot isolp noticiug tise facitisai tuiotas éoka JOélrY U*r lE terigues for $i.cet aieibo ererstore Osh- mrtaistieadaîg o ie r uni. rieeobea Jieo>' ive- MsWMyariea ber agoi hav-- s. iar- ama. areavatae f r % , = oetàelee, om. EngrsIng, gold sud J., Brownu, tbisweek, freinMieiaia- s ries sud do a. ile quiet advertisim oun-,isa- V rltn and Olltohi ifl n maeevor. sng topent thé lest year sud a hall iitis a, ptono t miii psy an>' parties contemplating days I-MTise ndois la dresued ihb supuloils Dne usteis, clook, aud Jewoey roP8,41119 a dauglterthré, ho buying ueggmnt ormwedding ring cmaresd tise blinda raised si eastei admit of a ««W -Mr. Wesley .Bvansd Mis saiuuîabil ais te smo tiso large stock cf Feu ~Bres., Osis.- "full display of tise contents. Ai meaaid b-W OmÂyR i4.51KL5-tent1on o amr recir eouWednesav 1a.&-eoes ha misa as Use>' iill seli ibis taonib ver>' cbeap fore sertiestors are net ae1 dis0ltre ,direc"tedi od oopigorCreOtWhpe ts maioil ee w ~eý de. for cashs. Genuine dlamond 14K. oui>' $5- quie busa inestber on the Sabbatb..; There dani ~5prbg risjWllidoiwth Ue çoiùiigof fpingi 'al;y'as- ai- Tise>'are aise making sotuS spoi allefers la not tibm bas: necessit>' for lh,asud me astisys o!fleur, bîtt cmtifr eai s.ît: ubiué o wu In$~~ sh. ia Gents', Ladie's and Boys gold and tsought Usati hi ias s slclition of tise lais. poceus lu WhitiOur gUOubsase sud aYou - shîverwiaiches. Smo tbom. Felt Bics. Wo mla>' posslbly hé ailtaben4 Homever me .OD1bi~b4,sbetfo ti i f l~ee~*~ sseutioned Sunday businessbeo,but »ttilse Bmzaci &awxWs-tusiortittand deaters W*'AI Mr. R. Beunet, driver for Mt. H. Gil- ntcbom ebvebe ars itirss a1reo, suf41OP5 sHi S d >v,àk o frea- »isttng Mnufs*UfU5flta5r Dion, Of er i s-ll b ý *it ford for man>' years, liaspurcbased Use idea eoferai an usu ail > Olog R"esu olu'o*t 9«- W I f 3.2MCIltisc Smilk rouie frein bis employer. mtetseudn eiidiagostocka:eI> FkuosFi PlsDatOffs4. Monda>' hoing tise feasiO! thse 1annun1ciadin tÉia,. o iyis-,M.Jb I~çne~ve cf tie Biesmd Virgin, bel>' communion vu As -14.Wt a mmc vo ave tsesist a bud e sotcundW*oIlty 1reais-udf0 FlDe 0 to (41r Ileuhy- ts anid vests, in t $10. t ilats. L ondon UE IRONO lOhhliIION INUI 17 pq

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