Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 2

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q!xctîoti ca» ti imae ln, ïhoe penses of XTA ~ ~ouÈ acboots witbeutX t oWering the present f*.MGli1 able 'te attend te 114 higb standing, 'ând to report ài a spectat ~iIpis a~u ~ê ie bujc.meetingte b. e cled jby thechcaii=nn Ir4MecquiW i'Tsittute ia"e reccîved Ister than t5h init.- Dr. Cemens' Ibs ,ÃŽi Iirly 200 new books. vnoved that lu 'fudre thé eiectlng fmcbo I*ii~ Ay Alls~~ha reurnd brnerintees be by ballo, he annual eIéctio às 4eom 9ttAWa after a thrte oth's visit. to b. heid on -the same day as the iiticipal, 1<ls Matin ef te Matin lk. e.élections, and th4t the secreta3- noify the Mise ?artiü(ofi. he towa .clerk of this Intention. Carried. Whltby) 18 vlstthb Misse Cade at the The finance com uilt.te reported the ac- 1a Ilg.count, of Charles Po.ers for> i$z26588scor-- lirs. B. J. Whheer end Miss Ida Nott rect andrmind au order on the. Who were dsngerousîy 11I, are improving Ireasurer fertieamonut. A -motion was In beaitb as well as ean be expected.' carrled. that ti communication of Mr. 1fr U. iaimq. wu the delgae from j MBrlde regarding tji. art examination be EneSpmfZaland Lodge to the Crandj referred te the schOol management cern- LodgehlnlWoodâtoclr lut we mittee and they were lnstructed to take The Miss Miniale Henders meutloned in iae cin Port Ferry newa asbele'nKing toi our town On Sunday 17th lmat., our citlzens were îè fota resident her, buteîe I at awalqened froni their peaceful elunibers at wrigî twmsbp. 345 a.m. by that unwelcome cry of ire 1 or imteama r bu raimaterlal ire 1Illire 111 snd the clang, clang clang «M re uy DrArchet, -atalsof the ire bell, and w"en It ;bee Uown tu*ery Dr.ArceradOlnlng that the ire was lu the Wlllard block a tràosWlIl comQen e t he ld . feelingof anxiety wau (elt by every busl- Srlng il omec t uidaucoWa es man lu towu. Willlug bauds went to s*igoes the help of thc firenian,. the ire englue ii, e l odist Sunday-scho orchestra was placed ou the ice, snd quick}v the have accu e d the renowned Sim Fax and " toot, " " toot 1 " from thc engiue was comj>sny l'or tn eveinga entertaluneut followed by a powerful streani. being moýOn Tuesday eveaig April end. Fuil par. fet-cd into Mr. Wlllard's dry goods and tluiext weck. gcey store, and lu less than 5o minutes The. storni of, Wedncsday week blockcd îrmmthe tinte the alarmn was ruug word the ndi*IWsy#teoUtIl Bn extent that- Rev. J. 1wàà givên %"cLiqi rî e t 1" The engin- H. Hector the celâred orator, did Dot ar- 1oer bad located tbe fÈic at the centre ri torpl dellver his lecture on the 18th.1 POsI of the store. A boe.-about 12 toit A Iàç adlepce assembled and was dis- square 18 burned and the counter fronts % o1te.scorched. $Sa<>o10> wlr.acth mer ii lvelu am et building luside. 4rhe stock Au MUr-4 (amerwibig toe ln b y damaged by omoke and water. Pm erry tau boy à nsfortable home The amoke was se dense ut, it-st the ire- bandy to chut-dieu n scbools, bouse men weze at a'dlsadvantage. Our excel- uemrly new sud it-st cost was #7oo-ou a lent ire brigade deserve words ef pt-aise Ieadlngstréet. end well locatea, for $47,5 for preventing what mîgbt have been a cuit.. Addre F. H. s.,, cars of Lock serious conflagrtio and the splendid 0r*r ýPort Perry, ont. Ronald ire elnlue dia Its work te perfec- A emalii-traîne bouse belonglng to Mon- tien, sud 1 arn safe lu saylng paid for itself roe Stralght la the. western limita of the on Sunday morning. The insurance la tiwo wat burned on Wednesday eveniug imail. A man from the couutry was cal- 1311,i inat.The. ire caught froin a defect- llng a doctor, aud he rn;p the Whitney ie c"Syu » as na gale was blowing Bt House (whe:e he saw a igt ashe came the time the. bouse was only 4 few min- into tewu) and routed the. iuates. Great uin ln burnlng. There wss a omallinl- crédit la due te Messrs. john Cook sud suraice. Seymour Whitney for their promptuesa lu Tiie Wonian's J.louary Society of tiei. vin thc alarm, sud ringlng the ire bell. methodlst charcb -was gîven sa "at home" Hadit net ben for this fortunate circuni- on Frlday enlng x5th it Mrs. Wm- stauoe there la no telling what tbe resuit Wblte's cot«*rtable residence.' Rev. J. pilght have been. Had this ire been Wilbnoýtt M-LA, c 'f Prince Albert, aud Mr. burning for 30oor 4o minutes longer il T Courtce gaie short addresses. The oc- would have been impossible to have saved cassion wus a very pleasant eue, sud pro- tislefine block of Willard's. With the Atitlete c ociety, which under the pt-e- wlnd that was blowlug at the tinte the sidency of Mr. Cade is prosperiug. market, Hiscoz and Allison would also A very succesful union meeting of tbe have gene,- besides the damage tiat would Y. P. S.-C. E. of Port Perry was held ou resuit te, those fiue blocks ou the uorth MondaýýY .ii i 8tb ml. tinýthe metho- aide of Qucen street. This ire should be disi. lecture roozu. The présidents of the a waruiug te business men as well as pri- prebyeran, baptist sud methodiat so- vate pet-sous net te leave their stores sud ieties were prqsent aud took part. Rev. resideuces at uight with a lot ot fire iu R. Wbltemin, tkev. Dr. Cade, andMessrs. thein, especially wood steves. Que can- Muter Macdonaldi (Utica>, Delve sud net be tee careful of ire aud lampe. Much Hasuton ud isse Kenedy Horonsympathy le felt fer Mr. Willard and fam- Hambly EbbleKenedysdMs. riebn veil y in their less, baving restarted se re- bt-ii adrese o Mth tepicof the aveg ctyand had their business lu good run- ehdeas"nnE Souls. " Miss ning order. pScenes gae1asole snd thc orchestra of I lb &etheiast Sunday-school conductedI W. J. NoiTr. OLEN MAJOR. tue sluglug. Mr. S. Blackburn la dauget-ously ill at pt-e- tir. Cleens klndly prceuîned te eur t-e. His mari inonda wisb bzm a specdy laiurigclub lnuz13 aslver cup, lte r""ye~ - mcuber,,winuing It thre ic lis uccet- There was a âocial held at Mr. C. Williams' sien te become the. winnet-. lu 1893 Juo. on Wcduesday, Mar-. aoth. Proceeds in aid Swan wau tbe winner, lu 1894 ne eue of the chut-ch. scored, oing to the short curling season. David Iitchell is about te lease tbe grand Tiaseasmof ol1895 bas heen an excellent mansion crected ou St. Chare ave., sud baif _op-gýod Ice sud numet-ous matches. th i ft-mte Joscpb Joues. 2oindlidual matches betwecn the mcm- Miss L. Pugb sud one of Mr. John Bed. ber' have been played.. The lisat match sbaw'u littde girls had an upset the other day wua between Jas. Swan and -Murray wbich might bave pt-oved fatal. Wheu Miss Coates, se that for this coi.g9Year M- Pugb gel Willie puilld out be was almeet ex- Coatein the helder of the. beautiful Cletn- hausied. ens cup.. S. Anders=of o Clat-emout bas secnt-cd a A good atteudanç# sud good ice wet-e position buyiug up horse bides for a fit-m la Manager Hicks' part of tbc progrmme at Trmoto. While travelling up thc sixth con. the lut at 1a frh. season on tMouday cf Uxbrldge h. gel entauglcd. arnone a nuni- evcnlng î8tUI mat. ,Thi. following wcre the ber o! pickets, sud one was stail clîugiug ta principal cbaracters lu costume :-Hobau's him wbcn he o lte Mt. Zion. baud, suad chat-actera t-epreaeuftcd. D. l'W. ilat o! iudigents, old maida, sud a few .oîs Leader, Malkey Hegan; H. respectabie widows wbicb was mentioned soet BlnBlue jean; jue. Cook, TraI tu ilme ago, will be offéed by public auctiou Joh; F. Deunison, Wauderlng ,lle April st. Every thiug wîll b. sold wlîhout G. Vaualcklet-, DUsty Rends; J. Murray, resvo. Auyone iueending to purchaseweuld Meauderlng ike; E. Ebbels. Mexican de wcll te look through thc register books, as BIL The mile race was won by Frank some o! the articles are, chattel mortgsged. Walker, silver tnp; bal! mille, Jue. Cook ; Termis, all suis of. ton dollars sud rader »Mmc race, l y foot (Clarence Mc- cash, ail the test approvcd joint notea for aine LeoS;bt ladYs u costume was won by mouths. C. Hcwitt, aucteuceer. MissCuregl as rid. Te bad ten- Word bas conte te chia place about Uic. ildere Vcirichoice. aclations of music, deatb ef twc et the eidren of Mr. John wblcb were frcqueutly applauded. Prouer eof Ashituru. Mr. Presser fornnetIy Tii. ber'. driveà by MIée Mabel Wright, lived bere, and thc uèorst (suit b. bad was wlil, gbing ýte Port Pet-ty by the avenue that be weuld net werk. sund ver>' eften bu. l4st Saturday î6t1z lue, becanie mmrnu-went away leaving thc lamily Io the met-q o! igeblë aid*-n aay.Ikio&Wlgb ket t e neghbors.Ho rfesucd te bave great thehowi onthe-au û* MseWrlghtep r.it iuprayer, sudtbougbt Uic world owed Mdcvo rner wheu- tihe rse 5hied isa livng witheut werking, We are caugbt tbf.. ~ ~ 10k » lP ic e ly bible ehat ve are te est-n eut-brcad tbet WUeiékZ%..il sruck tue cu«tefb>' te aeat of ont-bt-ow. For example two aglit 1e ismp Poe .Thi cuttet- sud tmplant an acre cf pomateses ct.Jh boi" t "me ee prt4,sd tia ad hept the wesds undrosat-l-sund pta- abafts f*eut flyfg l Pue=n stret Sa8 ed t as. His uebgbbor bad abundauce wbilc mnadget, ud lu -Y4uarter'te sevet-al John bad noue., If Mr. Pterm bal doue pub glass frpanu m=-,u: cuIter badl7 mm h oeinx bis ebuidrea weuld bave bemu btcboge M 4fxn oeyforMiss RU Fe today. H. would ual have bad le shift ,Wright sMe = fif *ilh Oi .5 ewther frein peut tapllar bemusebebaU ne bt-lue..M,M. âLd a D8it-ow m1 foeUor bt-eaU aI home te coinfoit tbem witb. caP (om bclsn oerluprotec*t. ow l m 11W. girl5 M . Hm-.Bat-. died aI IDODSon Rer. Dr. C4de 81 lhe. e*"mlag serviàces SOMMiY afternoon. inutbe Methodint -*urc ouSii7dé.y ev«- ML rnelHspryba sae j ot. u s naedwt al(ot neud IéS owuence, and alsD l'h. aUtbesbecs par obased by Pa awam #Ut o w U glmBsofpdsg-.-Ku mgi Mrome *mcot-kat Rqsu sud 'the ewa1s 3wu ofo"-ri"+, Itddw ývtba g" iea yen gl . u-. 8110e,* *B fit AIremmL are giag 0 mihhair bef Rev. -Mi Wtol d êut4iiwho raboured ou this circuir ei. *ryears ag.Occupled the pulpit at ýMÉ,-Zicu Sâbbih cveiilng -last ad Xii'chd an e:Kcellent ser"on ba -8landamt attentive congtegatlofl. - About 6oof the yeungpeople of Ut..,Zibn and'vicmlty weré lnid te apend lasI Friday evenhig.at the reslcdence.,,fMr. t. C. KcAvoy, prevlous to thle departure of thieir eldeat soi W. P. for hià"home lu Manitoba. Amusements cf varleus klnds were ludulged lu. A beuantlfit repust -was prepared aud spread by Mr. and *Mrs. McAvoy te whlcb ample justice waa doue. The party dispersed luntte wee imali bout- '*fker slngiug beartlly Ged b. wltb yen tîi we miet agalu.1 Mr. Robert Crummer, after working the fat-m belougiug te Rev. Mr. Gold for a great number of yeat-s, bas Juai vacated it sud moved te the fat-m whîch bie puthas- cd asat spriug near Brooklu. He built for himscif a very nice conifortable resideuce sud bas juat taken possession. Weà loue -a very kind ohligiug neighbr, sud Mt. Zion Sabbatb echool a very efficient superinten- dant. We wieh thein long 1f. aud pro- sperlty lu their uew home. Mr. John A. Jones s young man well sud favourally knoQ nhg@ tlçen poffl"!,çu of the farmu PUll DALN. Nelghbor McCuIly ia moviug frein our midit. Sert-y he !S golng, as lim wiil be tais- sed. He is a bustier. .I1earbhe is geing te op~en st ore at Wick May success attend yeu This division S. of T. is still rgrsIng. llad a visit froe District W. P. J. hier sud County D. G. W. P. J . Bretheur. Had a fine cutertaumient sud cosiderable usefu l instruc- tien. Members express a wish tbe wertby brerbers inay soon corne agalu and efteu.. We bave to record numerous accidents. Nelgbbor J. Bains had two of bis cows pals oued the other day byuetiug parie green, care- lessly put in Uic way. Sort-y for frlend Hains as it was al the cattlie be ad. Another nelgb- bot-, Jares Rundie. gel bis baud cauigbî lu thc grain crusher and bad it badly maugled. Ou- of bis firgers had te b. smputated. Dr. Me. Dermott pcrfarmiug thc operation. It la do- ing nicely, but taire cnt-e of your fingers ucît time Jim. Mr. Geo. Emumersen la under medical care. Mr. Ed. Vit-tue bas purchased the farm formerly owued ho Mr. Wm. Fart-cl Mr. Peter Wert-y, fell frem au apple t-cc wbile pruuniug on Monday week sustain- set-loue injuries. The Fat-mers' Institute mneeting was well attended ou 13th Mat-ch. Several iu- teresting subjects were iutroduced and sud discussed. IKif I1HIt.-~. More new Qods foror rnoney this. Spring*.thïan' ever before, ýconsequently we are More Dry Ooods for the money than ever. t- j! THR8JE OFFRINGS PROVe: IT x Faotory Cotton, 1 yd wide, only 4c. to 10c. White Cotton, 1 yd. wide, only 7e. to 124e. White Cotton Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, redueed to 25C. Grey cotton Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, reduced to 150. White Victoria Lawns, 14 yds. wide, 7e to 25e. White India Linen, wide width, 20c. to 85e. White Plaid Muslins commeneing at 5e to 20. The new ' waist material, white,, stripe, grey, only 25c. Plain white Canvass Cloth, only 10c: yd. White ground Canvass Cioth, with stripe or spots, at 12j-c., 15e. to 17e. Zephyr Cloths, plain or stripes, at 1,5c to 25c, with embroideries in ail widths, at ex- eeptionally low prices. Ail wool Serge Dress Goods only 25c. 42-im. ail wool Metian Clotho, in ail shades, at 50e. yd. 46-mn. ail wool Serges, 'assorted patterns, at 50c. to 75e.1 44-m ail wool Serges, i grey shades, at oniy 60e. 44-mn. Black Henrietta Cloth, only 25c. 42-im. Cavet Cloths, ii ail the leading shades,, at 50C. 44-mn. Tweed Effeet Drees Goode, wiil wash, only 25c. We have a number of Dress Patterns, only 1 of eaeh kind, you should see before they are ail gone.' AIl-wool Creppons, ini black, with silk spots,. at 65e. Plaid Silks, Surah Silks, Moise Silko, iiail shades. 5InDress Trimmings we have everything that is new in the màrket....a GLOTH-INGI Great ]3argains ! Boys' 2-piece Serge Suits, 90e. 46 et Tweed Suits, $1.25. id di et te $2.00. 2 "d c "e from $1.25 to $4. Youths' 3-piece Suits, long pants $3.50 to $5. di e ii i 69$4.50 to $10. Men's all-wool Tweed Suits from $5 to $10. -Men's and Youths' Spring Overcoats, in Fawu and Navy, at $6.50 to $10. Men's Tweed Pants ait $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2,' to $4. We have also added a new lime to our Beeay mnade Clothing Department. Meu'a Fine Black Metian and Serge coats and vestai in juil sizes, two différent cuts, at $10. JUST RECEl - Latest Styles in Hard and 8oft Haàts.: w'. Go WALES LowerI Price8!1 25 lbs. Best Grautulated Sugar for $I.oo. 3o 1h.. Bright Ydflow Sugar for....ze f8 lbo. Chla Wheat Flakes for....sc. 45. Tea for............. 0....... 35c. Delicions Sugar Cnt-ed, Hama, zoc. pet- lb. OTHER GOODS New, F, resh, Attrac- GRANBY RBER a4OVES Warm, Dry 'and- Comfôrtable, Latest Styles. Beautiflly Fin-ished. -PerfeotnFt. AWayB9tisàfact>ry.ý ORA NB Y -RLIBBERS WEA-R, L/jKE -7 tive and Cheap. VNDLI&oo«IT - ~ OJ s..- Visitois: Mrs. W. and Miss Mabel Bor- land, Bowmanville, Miss Ada sud Mise Jennie Harrls, Toronto Junction ; Mr. B. F. Gardiner, Cobourg. Mr. jas. Bedford sud family, Raglan, have moved into the fat-m resideuce t-e- cently vacated by Mr. S., M. Cie-iens, Mr. Ar-thur Anuis, preprieter, purposes living witb thern. We extend a cordial welcome te Mrs. Bedford on ber relt-rn to ber native village. ENNmISEILLIEN. Mise Kennedy is visiting at Oshawa.- Mr. nd Mt-e. Frank Rogers, Whitby, guestsaaItue General . Mr. I. Snell, teacher, was guest iaItue matnage o! his brother in Toroentobat week. Rev. A. B. Demili, of Oshawa, preach- ed a good sermon in tue Methodist chu-ch Sunday eve. He also breught the dlaims of his Protestant echool before tue public. Messrs. Osborne snd W. CouýUice,"of Ceurtice, and Mn. snd Mrs. John Trcwiu, Blackstock, were guets at Mr. Jue. Ma- tin 's ; Miss E. Teskey bas returned from a month's visit at Peterboro snd Bzidge- nett. The meeting held in the interest of Mr. R. Beitu, M P.? Last Wedniesday was a capital eue, pointed, practh!al addresses on the important issues now beforetute people beiug delivered by Mr. Beith sud othens. lThe chair was admirably filled by J. T. Pollock, Esq. TAUNTON. Mr. V. Trevail wc are pleased to e er l able te sit up again. Mr. W. Herriugasd family of Enntiskillen spent Suuday atMr. J. Herring's. Taunton sheuld not b. ferçotten by St Patrick as we saw one youug Irishman wcar- ig Uic greenupps trougb it on Sunday. Taunton isporesn if we consider the outlook of thinga. - Thrée becs lu eue de y! at Balsam's. Dt-inkel's snd Bargeyne's. More spokezi for In the near future. On Tuesday cveuiug a* meeting of the- "faith- fui fcw" was bld ai Coulln'a soboheuse. The N. .P. ta troublesome sud they wluh te But--e. Resuits stricty prohibited lt-cm lieu wbom they de net cocern. - - A. E. Henry atteuded na .dleate tb. a"agrand meeting ofi. es'cu Yrieuds bcld lu ToreooTuesdands-d Wedùesday. Mr. Heury was tue unanimous chicc"o Tauutous flcurshlng ledg.et frlendae Mr. J. W. Thompm-s pat -liady in' Taunton vlig frle . -.Thoumpm u l quit. a favorit $hertas ùmýbe ,p e: ,sacccmsfodnylu .11'. is hoÃ"L abC amile liaulwaya welcIcci dbere. 1'er a oe eort !a ew aett of plat- Ioa aclesbeigplçedbers for the scooni modadm sof 1the public.

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