Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 4

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rnly -one way in î he *old ta inake a pure, îî trong sud healthful Baking; Powder. Thst le 1>y ming *~the.purest lugredienta. .Wé ,,use pure Orostu Tartetr sud ta Bking Soda in making ,, This.Powder oontisnon Alutu, Ammonis, uer any- thing injurteu8. W. ue antee it to e b.the beet Bak- iag Powder iu thse market. 25c. per lb. de E. WILLIS, Chemi8t cd Dru ggi8t, Medical Hall, j3rock Street, Whiiby.1 FRLDA.Y, MARCH 2, 1895 T. Â4v.rtlaOrs. Ths following points are well wortby of the consideration of advertisers : The CHRONICLE£ bas a larger circula- tion in the county of Ontario than have any other four local papers cotabined. The CHRONICLa hbas a larger circulation at the fotlowing post offices than bas any other paper in the world: Whitby, Osh- awa, Brooklin, Columbus, Foley, Taun- ton, Enfield, Raglan, Kinsale, Audley, Balsani, Myrtie, Ashburn, Greenwood, Manchester, Utica, Prince Albert, Port Perry, Shirley, Scugog, Seagrave, Saint- field, Wick, Layton, Pinedale, Green- bank, Fpsomn. Tbore are two papers publisbed in Osh- awa, and the CwftoWzicLE bas 4 larger cir- culation at Oshawa postoffice than eltber. There are two papers published in Port Perry,*and the CHRoNicLE bas a larger circulation tbrongh the Port Perry post office than lxah combined. Parties wisbmng to advertise farrns for sale or to rent, live stock for service or fo~r sale, auction sales, credit sales, estray animnais, or lost articles, should bear in rie, greoý èiwp",Mý*red, Tlhe C11RONICLE and (yiobe or ClisOI;- ICLE a d Mail and Emp1re for S811a Jan. ièt, T*cgoôdxl papers ton menthe- for a dollar. Send ln ai once for them to thc CHiRoNICLz, Whitby. Hardwood dlning tables, 4 leaves, 001Y $5, St W. TilIls. If y'ou are sufferlng frotu danctmOî, or faliîng #alir get a bottie of Dr. Grmt& "lroine"kroa= your dmugist, whLo *1 guarantee ito stop falling h air and two applIcations to remove thse dandritif. The Whltby CZIRoNICLS drhinks that "If the inoncy apent durlag ithe lest three weeks for sbovclllng snow, te kecp the roada o p on bad been paid teaUthe.farniers in the shiap of bonuses, for building wire fonces at spots wbcre tbore la liabîlity te drift, the munîcipallilOes would. probably be bettereiff financilly, and the travelling public would bave been saved a great deai of trouble anlioyaice and delay."- oOrillia PaclÃœet. The Paciret la mitaken ln attributing tbis suggestiantolt the CHRONICLE. We acknowledge that lnaa winter of tremendoii5 stornis 11ke this the rail or board fence la wersc tban wire ; but iu ordinary winters the driftlng through wire feuccE causes the traci te fill up con- tinually, maklug it always beavy travell- ing for herses, and final ly raising the track away up. Farnera knew what wo mean. Wby do rallways place beard fonces wbere tbe werst drifting occurs? Thero la ne goed argumenlt in favor of wiro fonces. Ceai ai Torouto prices. Selling eut durlng neit week-I will soli very best Scrantoni and Lehigh ceai $475 ai shed, $,5delivered-ipot cash only. H. B. Taylor. Carrylng the War mIet Cores. If the Carcans knew of tbe rmanifold virtues of the New Williams sewiug ma- chine tbey would îeach the Chinose and japa how te use tbe New Williams sew!ug machines, and in that peaceful occupation ail tbougbts of the bornro!o war, especial- ly during these dreadfullW bot dog-daya, would be given over te sewlng societieE and tbe making of ail kinda of clothes foi tbe Asiatica. The New Williams la ou dock ready for war at Ed. Hart's, the -Wbîtby agent Ladies wishing ta pur. chase a sewiug machine wlll please èal and examine the New Williamus at bit bouse ou Brocir street soutb. PersonaL. Mr. Wm. Smitb, M.P., spent Wednes. day bore. Mr. T. W. Chappie, M.P.P. fer Nontti Ontario, was bore on*Monday. Miss Minnie Frost, o! Pembrokeý la visit ing bier uncle Wm. Marsball. Mr. Leonard Burnett, the Liberal can, didate, spent the firat part of this week ir tbis lecality. Mrs. W. H. Orr, of Bloar St. east, To- rente, wus the gnest of Mrs. R. K. Orr ai her father's resixience a few days lasi week. Miss Mary Wilson is indisposed and bai gene te Dr. Temple's private hospital Toronte, for treatment. Miss L.ucy Wii son bas returned trom a two months' visi wlth Mr'. and Mrs. Bon. Shaw, Milwaukee 1 Miss Jocie Cooledge, wbo for the pas two yeans bas been koeping bouse for ho .uncle, Mr. James Rice ln Manitoba, ba., been home visiting bier mother and mani .friends, who will miss ber pleasant faci Iamong thenu, as sho bas again returned tù Manitoba te ber unclo. W. Q. T. U. Notes. j.W. 3tephenso5Ofl salteretîeuded tl* Han mice mt boescm oaday eve!dl2g. Thisieauid te be a very ' cboap 1tamo Socety, J, W Pbe"»D Itende -a sae et BrouXhs lait we*kadprhsdafu mm e a abargal".' - Rev, w. o. Watson tookRei,. Bll1p M in- luterial work lastabbath-ta the geacral atis- factilonof il concerne&d Moviug 5rnong the tenant fermera le sti qulte fasbleniil. A goocid %Bl effarai ffSt have cbSDROd quarters during the lasi few daiaa Jenlo Barneti bas hbos Pendlng a few days ai ber homo boe. Sheiele ging te live witb Mr'. Samuel Manning for the summner menthe. A geod many of the sbipPlng cattle have been al'eady sold for May' aipinent. Goad prices are beiug patd, but we understaiid good cattle are net se pleutifizi as lest year. Ragera, McBryan aud Stevensona have com- pleted their business of supplylig MeLaugblin of Oshawa witb goed ssw la g . The wlnter bas been a very favorable one for teaming. The [.Q.T. meet bore once a week. Tbey have of laie Initlated lie the order a fow aew members with more te foflw. The juveniles are iu a nuost proapereus cQndition aise. The temperauCe sentiment in oui town le very ,stroug, owing no«denbt somewhat te the influ- once these lodgçs wleld. .Mbarsaal Nutting, brotber.in-law of R. R. 1 Mowbray was lu towni lst w ek. H o is tli .worklng for the Sun Lift Ce., but a! course he 1dees not anticipate auy business ln ibis town Iship or withln any fair limita a! 1. N. Hentop, whe bas oqually as good a oompany to work for, as is l os. as cempeteiui a workman. 1Laboriug mou seenu more plentiful ibis sem. .son iban afoetime. There are sonuetimes 1four calliig ai tbesame bouse in eue day de. a irous of sntering lie a couirset for the sm- 1mer' montha. A good man?? o! the feirmera bereabouts are aireasaaupplied. Wages ar ynet se exorbitant ibis season owing te the gen- eral deprescion - r The Hyfieid ostate bas been rnted te a 1compn>' compnaîug Millionaie Emerson and elusurance Agent 1J.N. Hortop. the bouse lie- .iug ienanted by Mr. Pallister sud wife. No 1 dobi bis compan>' o! weaty. ludutrious 3tillera af the salI wili cause this farnu te pro- duos enormous cropa. Rev. Jue. Hanrs ceuducted the service bore .ou Sabbatb afiernoon. Ho gave us an excel- lent discourse from the words : -Whaiever ,thy bauds fiudetb te do, do it witb ail thy migbt." etc. Mr. Harris bas nearl>' como te he close a! is third ministerial year on the 1 Greeuwoed circuit, and oeeasd a&U ackaow- ledge ho is the ablest preacher ibis circuit bas . boom favored with for man>' years. ston road was seen ou our streets ou Tues- day.- We emuîted te state la our lust, ihat joseph Brown the unfortulaie section man wbo lost bis life ucar Lecuet Hill îwe weeks ago, was bunied uder the auspices of the Home Circle bore. The beantifui impressive ceremony ws well conducicd b>' the breibren sud isions presont. The lovera of Terpaieboro have bad one!o Torouto's loadiug artiste teadiiing thenu duriug the wiuîer. The>' celobraied the break up o! ihoir class b>' a grand ba iniuthe îown -hall bore on Wedueaday evening last. OuIy a limited number uf invitations was issued, aud as yeur correspondent was net oee e!the elcci, our report is from eut aide sources. Those preseni speak of baving had a Rrand trne, and of their professarinl ver>' flatteriag mind titat tbere is scarcely a bouse ïn t A single plant of wbeat will often pro- teams claimling tnat ne 15 unequ-hsu iec n i county inko which the CHRONICLz does duce 2,000 seeds inone season, a sun- Uine. flot enter. If there is any advantage in ad- flower wiil yield 4,000, a poppy, 32,000, Cla-emnt cgu cdaim the bonor of--.hay!po a vestising we can give it and a Tobacco plant often 360,000. full fledgecl barber. W. Henderson, lâti 'of We maire the CHRONICLE equaiiy '- r Lawson late surgeon general of the Uxbridge, is witb us to stay. We bespeair united states armny says be often observed for bum the heary support of ail. Those of ter esting to our readers i every part of that wben wolves and buzzards came us wbo bave to go to other towns whez we the country, and thus give advertisers the upon the battie field to devour the siain niedacape, canow get ls ls o full benefit of a weil-read paper. they would flot disturb the bodies of tbose done at home. It is to b hoped tbat Mr. wbo had cbewed or smoked tobacco until H. wil receive the good will of everybqxly. Short Notes. they had consumned ail the others among As he is bringing bis family bere and expect thent and yet there are thousands of pre- to spend bis money with us. all sbonld eni- Port Hope pays its police magistrate sumptuous young smnokers and chewers ploy hlm, and encourage home enterprise. $&oo, and its chief constable $650. ,wbo expect that refined young ladies will There neyer bas been sucb a number of oid Lindsay papers report the mercury at 2oI be willing to love and cberish ail tbeir lives people dying among us as during this winter. tbat while buzzards will rejest as nauseat- There passed away on F'riday x8th inst., below zero on Monday iuprning of iast ing and unwholesome. Peter Macnab, o~f Glendarmel. A.rgyleshire, week Supos thre eretwolins o ral- Scthnd. Deceased was the father of Mac- week. Suppig i2op r u drd ra , noe ftere wee w o anes o ac i l-nt nab Bros., so wel and favorably known iu Ausrala s pyxn $.aope hndre- oade oone of thek, stae n ccietthis communîty. Ho was in -lii.98th.year, weight bounty on cheese exported to regulsrlyoneawesmteonf and bad always enjoved good healtb till with- day and sometimes on another ; and onl in a few days of bis death, The remains foreigm countries. Canada*wil thus soon the other there bad neyer been an acc- were followed to their last restiug place, St. have strong apposition in the cheese. dent. Suppose your only son wanted t<> John's., 2nd Con., on Tuesday, by a large The Ontario Goverament bias perman- go the journey traversed by the respecture concourse of friende and relations. Desd etyretained Mr. B. B. Osier, Q.C., to !unes and ho were te corne to you saying was probably the oidest person in-tbe township ently Wbat roan %hall I taire, father ?" wouid or indeed ini the country. The breaved onos prosecute murderers. Thiose who are you dare to telli bu to take that upoti have the sympathy ofainl their affliction. plotting the spilling of blood wili now wbicb the accidents wore s0 frequent, be- , ri . understafld that t.hey have to face in cause it was the most fashionable? you Re. . hIp isiedRe.MrSage court the ablest prosecutiiig counsel in would say at once "Take the safe road Cov.Lu.ubuslvs e. . r ieae the coutryti. tny boy," and that is just what we tempor- Clms, ac t en ne is utkWlrd The decision of the Dominion Govern- ance folks say. Mr isiJckng a nd.MJss Rune Wifrid mnent has been m.ade in the Manitoba r. istianMr.a. ClecTyoe choqustion. Prom the reports ESoNio"mLUsud Wekiy Globe ads .and et fMr. . . CouricTo. e school que ~~~~Cana"da rmer te Jan. 1, 18Mwr96. T ofM.b.M.Curie would appear that the Dominion cabinet HEoNICLz and Weekly Mail and Tere was a good Reforni meeting la* bolds that Manitoba lias and always had Empie to Jan. lot, 189. thie hall here .last Weduesday in the la- th iht to contrel its school system, but EBÃ"NICLz and Parmmr' Son to terest of Mr. R. Beith. ta er tâ poicehdonepermît- Jdn. lot, 189. Mr. Sid Brooks shipped a car ioad of ted and assistedl in establighiig andl carry- ou ---- drossed hogs to Toronto last week and lutgon separate schools thie local legisla- LATTON. wili mako another shipment this week. turc shoifld fot hv abôljzhed themn by Mrs. J. Spencer ia spending a few days itfbr. J. L. Courtice hbas just left for Man- a local encltet.Te ea a chools le Toronto. ioba, taking with hlm a car ioad of set- had mouey mil property, a ot which be- Mr. D.- Boynton of Toronto la visiting tiers' effocts, as ho intetîds to start fai m- corne public property wn the abolition relatives ber. and at Sonya. ing. took place. Tbe Dominion govrfllment Mr. and Miss FolIey, of Pleasant ValleyWO hoîds at ieMntb oeuot~ spent Suinday with Mr. Thomas Yeo and William Stewart bas soured an agsny or- duty bound to restore-the ljghte and privjj famuly. metallic shingles. Parties conte mpugali 1 eseetaken fro>m Catholin 18w', Mx outanddMi.Aex c bidigtissfoeoudoilsdse i i. sle ot donc thse attention of the M.Ae.Futi n r lx c uligti esnsol l n é â Iktion p.1kment le te be called to the Millan hae left this vlcinity for Brandon samplm .Tboy are warrante to lait âalife gCcss orf 'tkn stops te remedy th-Mn odlc go wlth tbern. basnemoand coct oniy a trille more thon U#ecÀOmu- grievance._________vliting relatives here and in Oshawa, for Th o t.thse past two menthe, bas rcturaed, te W W, mIaultoe'1000eJ Th OUE. tariposa - Just -roceivod new stock ladies' and Henry Carawell, t='rei'O f Osawa.~ Miss LarbaMarin la oin to live at Misses capes frour $1.00 ta $5.50, at'W* <ied on Taesday aset. Mr. John Rundle's for thse summer. S5hei GWlfer's, *111 be mucis missed ini the churcb aud Beaverton.bad a lire ou TtiçsAY, , smbab hol;but oui' loue lo Pined*ls' utrcîe ieo we fetdu Cameron block and a nunîber of stor e . au goe nie wide only, 25ct5., at w lg burn d. 1» » s 1& t o.Mr, las. Co uic as rm oevd to tise G. rs . bouse 0 * pî te - chusch in Laytoui W. {G. Waltcre e headquarters for, pew Wlllard & Co'sa store, Port perry, W" ublel Iè bas provioasly occupiod. Msr. t udniobby drsse géods, st 4br> rece barned on Moaday. - 14ms s uilBu low . mmoved lnto Mr.Thotuas'bus litrcie sepcc sud stock $8,ooo. wst of the. çhurch. Wèeloe.hi tegoods fàr thieseea"n w a.s;as tGê-, fté Lt is about the time of year for doing HousemC1 ealiflg an when yo idta our O¶d Carpets and Curtains .will not do for another season, caIlaand see fi T 4 The Grand D isplay We are e Sho wing AT THIF OLLI2WING PRIC&S: [EMP CARPETS -AT- 20e., 'APESTRY -AT-- 40e., 500., 60e. MNONS -AT-- 50e., 550., 60c., 65c. w -Il- ALL WOOLS LACE CURTAI&8 -AT- -AT- 75e , 45e.,i 85c..50. - 9e.., 60c., DS, Y3 ONT, ART frUSLINS S-AT- 12k-c., 150., 17e., 20C. PEER-A-BOO MIT SUN -AT- 30 ots., 35 ets. WqjRRE 3S1, o O O O BROCK STREET, w WHITBY. ARE IN RECEIPT of our new Stock of Spring Dry Gooda, which lias been selected with great c'tre, coniprising ail the latest things lu the market. Our Stock of Drese Goods is the finest we have yet shown, consisting in part of: yard. 38-in- Cachemire Velours, in ail the leading eolors and blacek at 50c. yd. 42- in. (Joating Serges ai 50e. yd. 44-in. Loehmaber Tweeds ai 75c. yd. 44-lun. (Jovert Goatings ai 75c. yd. 60-lu. Imperial, in black, only 6ec.40i BakudWbt Cheeked Wool Dress Goods, at 60e. and 75c. 54-i. Clay Twill àege, i na:vy anda black, ai 90e. Black Henriettas from 25c. up. Something very pretty lu Bwiss Muslins, Check Muelins, Lawns, etc. See our Table Lîrnen ai 20c. Lînon Gise Towells ai 5e. Large Linen Towells from 9c. up. 1&i. Glass ToweWlig .8e. ah Towelling 7c. Lace Curtains from 35e. per pair to $7.00 per pr.. Prints,>Bakien, Ginghamp, etc., ai lowest prices. Our Men's Furnishing Stock compleie wiihno* Shirts, Collars, Cuifs, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas, WaterproofCoats, o_ie. The newest things in Hard and Soft Hais. INSPECTION THE NEW DRY GOOD8 5T0[iE. W. E. WÂURw~ Boosier Noxon. -Soie Agent~ for tbe -Couity of Qutarlo. steel Tne Dominon lista lu Nor&'s Ontario have iscreased in cvery mwlUpglhly. Ths ue s anc as foUows - CauàlflgtOl 1 Mesrease18;,Beavetots 95,iSSoo Tho t-raa ,g, ucreame53 %-1Ocl146z, i=reme 247 ; Scot io2(0, Incrim e105; 102 - orda~i n, $ sc uP83$*1 SIX h h 1 DR Y GOO. WIIITB0 CLAaMO14T BROCK STREET, INVITED.-*Pup--

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