Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 7

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Ayer's Puis 1 would like to add my testimony't ibat of others who have uaed Âyerua Pilla, and Co say hat I bave ake» t hem for many years, and lways dertved the best resuits froin their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the cure of 1e.i.dachie caused by these derarngements, Avers PlUs canet be eqaed. Wen r:y friends ask me what la the best j emedy for disorders of thie stomach, Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer la, Ayer's Pi. Taken in season the>' wil break up a eold, prevent la gri p, check fever, and iezulate the di gestive organs. They are easy ta ake, and Are the best ail-round tamily medicine 1 bave 'r kiiown.'-Mrg. MAY JoHxs0N, 3U8 Rider A&ve, New York City. AYER'S PILLC- %ghet Awards nt WorIdf'n -1 uer'a SarsapariUa for t; &e Ut4jtc. - Bunahine Hau Retur ned THE SHADOWS OVERHANGING A NIAGARA FA.LLS HOME HAVE VANISHED. Little Mabel Dorety Cured 0f St. Vitue Danoe Âfter Four Physicians Had Ineffeotually Treated The Case. From tbe Niagara Falls Review. t., Whiîby, T, Proprietor )erailydealt witbl as&onable price8 ikhauled at rea ,lîcited. r, WHITBY, Shop in conuectio latel>' carried ori by Il Saints' Chnrch, axAd ,pairing. Sewixxg Ma- &awu Mowers, Bxcy- cks, Seules, Cloîbes Machines, &c. Saw ors, Kruves, Clipper,; paired. Ail kinds of and repaired. Sbop i' Chutrci, Dnnidasm PEAT la visiting Whi tb) oni-t leîhîng trem gent sto LiS when hnisbed %i If they lai! 10 be su trouble. If tise SU ar cleaning and nL(.ti 1 ng ; for dying a su, ted and pressed - 7 Ming or dying Kenis Nk CANN, Agent, 1892 ItD LJRANCE. ,~& Accident .Toronto Die risuran ( btI> per cent, of ai a ta returned lu th ira are paid wjtho proof ut deati> 3. POWEI,.L A W itby S r. b'@ kt. Toron to. oDU18 I au gîvinag ;îenits hrorn a dii, f Plates in ruLb,-r i and silver filhing *(,as$ Operat(Lrrs t rates in the CîtN i anti letmae,'xa,. 5no extra chlargi., , sonth east CrLer oronitc. TA TIONER OTHER. In epeaking to a friend recentiy we were aeked if we have beard that littie Mabel Doreîy, the. oight year otd daughter cf Mrs., Dorety, Ontaro Avenue, had been miraculously cured cf St. Vitus dance. We replied in th. negative but stated hat we would in- veetigato the came and asortain the facte. Accordi»gly we vieited the. home of Mre. Dorety, when se related the facte as fallaw :-"My litai. girl bas had a miraculous experience. It je about twa years and a haif since Mabel wae etricken witb St. Vitus danoe. caua- ed by Ch. weakening effeots cf la grippe and rbeumnatiswn fhree local physi. ciane were called in as wue aise eue doctor ai considerable reputation frein Niagara Faîte, N. Y., but in the face cf these prescriptions and the beat of care Mabel grew rapidly worse. She could net be loft alie an instant and vait as heiplese as an -infant as se. ad ne con- trol cf ber limbe at ail. 8h. could neither walk without assistance ner take foed or drink. At Chie stage one cf th. attending physiciens aid. '<Mrs. Dcrety, thore le no use in my coming bore any moe. There is nothing Chat 1 know ofc anb. don. for your littie girl." Weli mattere went ou Chat way fer a short ime with no botter resuits till on. day I vas sure Che poor chuid was dying. I reuiembered having seen a.ocounts- cf St. Vitue dance eur.d by the. use cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People aud I determined Cc ry them as a laut resort, but wus won agreeubly surprieed at the resuit. It wus net long bffore h.y bad a good oeffet and I then felt certain I bad found a remedy Chat conld cure my Uittle eil if anytiug Ooold. In lesu Chan Chro. znentbme h. was so much bqtter that bbc drea.d dises. had ai- most disapp.ared, and th. pille were diacontinu.d. In a fow menthe bey- evor ehe hoved that the symptoma bad pot been es>tiry eraseoated from ber eystem, se Ilied her &againcom- mence h. nueof the.Pink EP iIfeel certain t tisi&»r«saof Ch. awffnl mal- ady vii b.e epia&"y, for ah. go.. Cc cbobl nov snd v. have net the. slight. est anxioty in leaving hbar asie. Dr'. Williams' Pink Pillé is oertainly a grand rem.dy snd I vould net b. vith- out hois under any onsidention, for 1 tiuk tbey are vorth Chir veight ii gold, as in my littie girra cam.tboy have beau rue te &il th.y advertise. I &in onlJy toc gladti C lot ot.bers knov vho May b. unfotuato knov of Chls mireenlona cure Ibrongli th. -u.of Dr. Wiiant' PLik Pill. r'D .WhflUm' PIik Pille arï 401dol -Au boxesbeearig Cli. frm'ard9 Oe Table 41> M:DLANI) Iridsy.. 91 ,Pt S8»».810 )V ED 0- I STREET N'TARIO BANX rble vr8 n.Heads tonl É A l'ie pauSe tu Town. The Toronto fire panic sceins ta bave spread its wings te Uxbridge, and some people in town are campletely carried away b>' h. If a mani womnan or cbild sees a little more sinoke issuing frorn a cbimney thax h. îhinlcs reali>' sbouid, b. or she, as tbe case may b., etarts off along the street yelling '-Fire 1 Fire !!" and run- ning as if an armuy of Indians and sevtral dogs were at their heels, and Celling every- body to ring the fire alan», and net wait- ing te ay> where the "sinoke" is banging out. We think the feclishness of such actions eughîte impreas itself fercibi>' on the minds of seme eof aur citizens. The brigade is always willing and able te ren- der assistance when il is necessar>', but people should remember that the members ibereof do net care te leave their work and plough througb snow up to their knee for notbing. An illustration of the above was given Monday morning about eight o'cleck, wben tb. alarin was sounded and tbe brigade hustîcit off ta the residence ef Mr. Thos. McGrattan. On reaching, the bouse it was discovered that the stave- pipes burning eut was the on>' cause for the rumpus, and the fireinen returned te their several duties withaut having thrown a drap of water. If this kind of tbîng is kept up long the brigade will become care- less and serieus results fol!ow. The Frellow a FraudL Those remembering our description of a Scotcbman who struck town sernie weeks ape will read tbe following letter witb interest and perbapa profit:- Whîtby, àMarch îst, 1895. Uxbridge Times.- I notice in ttie Uxbridge correspondence to the CHRONICLE efthiis week an itemn re- presenting tbat a tramp struck your town, named Tbomson, who had been rebbed in Toronto, &c., &c. I amn cf opinion ihat be was a proiessional impostor. About twc years age last fail, a mani answering the saine description, a Scotchinan, about then 75 years ef age, welI dressed, a large strcng man. His star>' was tben that be had been visiîing friends in Waterloo couniy, and on bis va>' home put up at the Albion Hotel, Toronto, when some- eue eutered bis roorn and rcbbed hlm of $120, aIl the rney b. had, ho reported the maCler ta the police, but tbey couid do nothing, and as he lived la the CouaC>' cf Northumberland he preferred walking homo, rather than vIre bis fricnds for funda. Ho statedt hat ho owncd a farm in the Tp. cf Seymiour, and mun a creamery, gave hta narne as James Thompeon, Minme post office, aud irnposed on the generosity cf the wrlter to the ticket te Trenton and bis suppensd ieft bis address promnsiig te returt:e money as soon as ho rcturn- ei herne, and with many ex pressions cf gratitude. Weeks passed and ne money carne. We thon wrcte post master, at Minie, vho knew ne sncb man, and se the matter 'was dropped. I on!>' wish the goodmaritan at Uxbrlge hmpid i fare to Wbltby viiere ho vout ave met friends who would have been p1çascd -te have secs> hlm. I thiek you vil agree vith me hat Ibis is Che namo Individtua, aud a professionai, dead beat sud belleve yeur finonda lu Uxbridge'vi1ihavethe samo experlence eni 1[had-I hopenot. This creature ahould lie exposed thtough the Toronto papers, me Chat those who are hospitabl>' inclîsed may be on thir guard. 1 have ince loarned that proviens to, bis visit to Wbitby ho had werkod hesame on a Scotch fariner lo cor nelghbcnhood, vlth the saine results. I trust youvili pubilh Chia letter, se Chat ail vio rua may, read.-Times. ViItors--UlMiMiEveri=.on, shwa, at ber brother's, MtapIe Ci1ff; -'Mr. W.' Hear-d, tovu, at Mr. RuidWs. Mr. Levi Aunis is atteudlàg bis brûther, Rev. J. W. Aunis vite 111 at Lond"a mr. Jas. couffle, la vlaing M4mýe. R T. Brovu, at Cauton, Hce.. Youta, olt or addlAged.,vbh idtheU sevs, servous, vemk .and uau td ,Wbo ame brokea dowa front *emn#.WWOerI'«î r.msldnr linau .tfe IwAewf conto a box or iz bxe.: for #2. They May b. had front aydoeae, or willý bsrent by mil on'reolept of prioe.. Dr. WilIisms Ënk ýÈîIUs may b. Wa cf aIl druggifité or direct by mail ,frogn Dr. Williams, Meaioine Oontpan Y,ront oither addressee. The price &at wichï pilla are sold ma1ke a course cf treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as compared with ther remedies or medi. cal treatment. EPSOI. On accaunt of the stormy weather the re- vival service at Utica was flot a ver>' great suc- cess. The alternoon meeting, however, was fairly well attended.e Mrs. Robert Dobson la again ver>' aick. We hope the iliness a a not be iengzthy. We are sure ibat the good lady'i mac>' friends wil be much concerned for the retura cf ber wont,- ed bealth. Mr. Chas. Stone la leavîngouir hamiet andI moving to Uxbridge town. We hope the gen- tleman ina> succ6ed in bis new surroundinge, Life for hlm bas flot beep a great success ln the past ; i is Ce be hoped that greater pros. perity vill attend hlm in bis new horne. A beef ring bas been formed at Utica. A number cf farmers enrolled hemvseves as memnbers; but on accounit of the storrny weatber onl>' abouit six cf hein drew. 'rhis is a good institution amoug the farinera ; fresh mest ia tbus procuired for the members ail the year round. Those who require a large amount cf meat cannot do better than joîn Ch e rngs. Mms.1. Orchard, wbo bas been very sick cf laie, ia recovering. The sudden news cf the deatb cf her sister, Mrs. F. Smith. did mucb towards causing Mrs. Orchard's present ill- fless. The Patrons are growing la aumbersata U tic&a; and a good dcal of business is done. But whether they will be Patrons at the poils, remains te be seeni. IJXBE&IDGE Mrs. N. Jehnstoa bas meved into the bouse laCe!>' accupied by ber parents. Mrs, J. D) Brookes, who bas been an the sick list for the past week is in a fair way of recovery. We are pleased te sce tbat Mr. Wm. Tred- way is able ta be out again after a week con- finement te the bouse. Mrs. Goseline, sr., ai Port Union, is ini a fair wa>' of recover>'. Mrs. Crockett bas also recovered trom ber illness. Scarboro junction div. an Monday evenlng lasi. About tirt> guests were prement and a ver>' enjoyable evening ispent. A spea i supper was provided b>' the.ladies cf the divi- sion. Ten more members were initiatcd and seven more proposed. The H. C. Mecbanics' Institute gave a con- cert in aid of the funds of tbe libras>'.  good. programme was given. We were glad ta hear cor loal magistrate read bis letter frai» Pick- ering regarding the tomperance cause. ln- stcad cf making ligbt of it a man> in bis poli- tian shonld use ail - is influence and ir>' and save th. hoathen ef H.C.-Newe3. HEALTH REBTORED. APPETITE ItEGAINED. SRENGTH RETURNEt. Distressing Constipation Cured by B.B.B. GEN.iTLEMENS-For hree years 1 bave been terribly troubled with hat dimtressinç cern- plaint, Constipation, and tried different medicines until lut aprlng, viten 1 coin- menced aking Burdcck Blood Bitter, and a!e Cen h.use cf five bottlebWA no e o f- my' terrible uffring. Before I bega. Sn ' 'n B.B.B. My appetite bad almost gene and i was tbla andi ver yweak but after Ch.et0seof' caeh boue Icomad(and ne did othens) ueo a wonderful chamn liMy locha, suct I feit rny strengtb roturnînug te me. mES ue l. EIAII, Diinson'm Landisg, Ont Mr. John Charlton, M.P., will address tue amtings in Contre WeUigton on Monday, Marcb 18. 1 vAS WRIau of Aeuîe Bronohitis by MIN. ARD'B LINIMENT. 0yny . B. O .LQE 1 WASBE[> uof Facial Neur&ai by MIN- ÂRD'B LINIMENT. SpninhlilN. 8. WiMD.mr 1 w~As unun of Chrouje Rheumatsm by MINARD',S LINMEZNT. Alert Co., N.B. GcnuTin*eLy, and Oolds, So80re Throat,. Bronchitis, Weak Lunga, Genera -"OU forme of Emacition are speedily cuxed by ,l: Debility a4d' ~g' Imlso Conaumptives always fixnd great relief by takcing it, and consuxnption is often cu.red. No other nourieliment restones strength so quickly and efefecively. Weak Babies and Thin Chlldren are made strong and robuat by Seott's Emulsion viien other forme of food seem to do them no good whatover. The. only genuine Bcott'a Emulsion je put up in ;dmm.- coIol-ed wraptper. Refuse cheap substitutes! Send/orpàmpld on Scatt's Rmusitm FRER. A lez. Cuthbertof Toronto, la here this ,week with frietids. James Rcrke, cf Heathoote, bus been hem' frthe pa few days with frlends. Ihere dieda ai bis home in Llstowel, on Sat- izrday, Feb. r6th, Win. Dixon, a former resici. cnt of tis vilae. Some twenty years ago de- ceased dîsposed of his farm to Mr. poyle, and moved up west where he bas since resided. Monday eveulng Capt. James Hilts received, a téleirrain stating that bis brother, Hear> Hilts, bad Cthat afternoon met witb deaCh ver> suddenly at Buffalo. Later it was learned that deccssed, who was a carpepter and emàployed with the Buffalo Smelsîng Company, was ad- justing a boit on the puy io a buzz saw wbeà the aleeve ci bis blouse caugbî on a bclt'in the shaht coupling and in an Instant the bcdy' cf the unfortunate marn was being whirled around the shafi Rt 120 revol utions per minute. Thç mnachiner>' was sîopped as soon as soon as pas. sîble and the mutliated remains removed frein the sbafring. Bath legs were severed from the body. Deceaseci leaves a large fainily>'O maurn bis tragic and untimel>' end. Hle man>' relatives here are deeply sympathlzed with. Three old pioneers of the township have passcd ta their future reward since or last is- sue, and a peculiar feature cf the affair la hat the> ail reslde wlthin the saine achodi section. We reter to the deaths cf Samuel Hollinger, John Pearce and Benjamin 'Dlxcn, near Cberrywood, Tuesdy. Their ages were 65 74, and 71 Ycars respectivel>'. The> bave 1i been coinpla1nlng more or les for smie tinte, but lain c case deatb came suddenly. These me» have resided in the township fer man> ycars and have a just rlgbît t be termed wC the pioneers. The bereaved familles bave mucb svmpathy in their bereavement. An inquest into the collapse cf the suspen- Sion bridge over tbe tnmbling dam cf Spink's pond was beld at the milîs on Saturda>' afier- noon, 1. L. Spink presiding. After bearing a number cf witnesses, amnong tbein the boys wbo were upc» the structure wben it wet dawn, tbe coroner decided that tbe break was due ta the lack cf strengtb of tbe cabies up- porting the structure. Mr. Spink stated that b. bad been led ta believe thai the boys were in the habit of golng up to the bridge and at- tempting ta break it down. Protm the evid- ence aduoed sucb had oct been the case, and he was pieased hat it was sa. Re would prc- cure stranger cables and rebuild at once,.lie did flot wish to forbid the boys froin vsiting bis damn for bathing or skatiug purpases, as b. was satisfied that sbould muskrats or ailier animale damnage the race banks, be expected the boys would at once nauify his employees and prevent the dam from going cut. The proceedings clased wîîb 'lThree cheers fer Spink. '-News. 1EIG13LAND OE.XK Ail Druèggst. 00o end$Sl Purlfy the Bloodi coret msaDisorders Of the LIV]R, STONACEX, KIDiNm8AND BOWIELB. They fnvigorate and redtot heaÜih Debilit&te Constitutions, and are invaluable in ail Complainte incdental to Femalos cf aIl ar For cbildren and the aged they an re esea. MsanufatuWed ni>' at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET Qate 5U, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and aoîi by anl Medicine Vendors tfroughout the World. gr prel houl loo to heabel on the Boxes and Pot&. ~g P.er ahold cck e t* U t.he addrm inl notiSS, Oxford8treet, Londo», Chey are sptulom UfdACÇ0UNTABLY L091KG FLESIt REFUSiNG TO TAKE MTSFOOD LISTLESS AND DEBIUTATED lIf9IcIELP W0NDERPULDV oxrroDlIVOOD FOR ML 8 OF18 SF UILDDIOU . (tapacify from ,10,000 to 80,00 (tubic .e-t «We have the Finestgelectîeu n ftown cOf those BEA-UTIFLLAMERICAN WALL PAPER8, Borders to Match LoWESTý PRICES. Cné Waly/and pet firâfchoioo. P. B. WARAM, ]Brysu', oItBtand, Brook àït., Whl4tb For ON4E APPLICATION P OFTUJLDE, HIA auj? PI . Refuies. o! Lisoda wl~1 Mareh~6, ail WwSê pn pi 9,85 a eM 2.87 p m 6:40 0 U% 118103 ksi) irte - .* ., * I rA é t * 1 tops Scott & Bowne, Bellevlle. A1s ters of loi hA merica,, and Grtanites, work w ul1 d tit 1 Sale Staliles

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