Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 2

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a.. ~. - - a a Mr. Robert Sharpe, of Mooretown, Ont.,' On j nsdyor i*st * ei 2lu antQwfl. ciaimeu auùotbtrvicin ftoi us': It Mr. rthr Towponof ah on.Alex. -Mcbougall pamd', away Êt ti r.c A ru hopsno îthco.ripe age of 82 years. TII. fanily bt thl Master Sid. Burnbam, of lutton, spent > bewaemo en etr onuut.nte few days, ln tawa this week. Gamebridge Social la once MCiore ove Mr. and Mrs. J.- 1. Gibson, eof Brock,apwsagndsce aevypriu ave talea up their residence in this town. pl»arrad aad bis a Int ere preseu Mr. Chas. Wiilitoa has given Up farming and seemed to enjoy themseivesé thorougli and moved into town. ly Mr. Buchanan or Uptcrgrove gave.i Mr. Alex. Dixon, of Manilla, bas rented splendid address wblch Was appreciatec the J. J. Sproule form, west of this town.., by the audience. Also the .worthy chair Mr. Geo. Johnston, of Marpoa, the man kept the bal rolling by bis timely re Patron candidate for South Victoria, was marks as did also Mr. Rogers of Brechn in to n on Satu day.Receipts for the firt evenng were aboui Mr. Walter Flewell, of Fiorida, was the guest of Mr. C. E. Ecwards, con. ro, The social for the Sunday School wat Brocklast eek.beld the second evening and a large crowd Broc, lut wek.were present but owing to the fact thal -~ TILLVJLMiss Maria Porter, elàest daugbuer of there were so many there wbo are men &Ing OIOfrb and improvemont and Mr. Frank Porter, of this tawii, was mar- and women In body and cbildren in ways "U te POrOns4 *njoymont w-hon ried on Tuesday ta a Mr. McKee, Of the order was anything but kood. How. rlghtlY Use& fThemany , w 11fb Victoria Corners. ever before tbe evenlng was far spent ter dma otheres ma enjoy lite More -t Miss jennie Brook, of near-Toronto, was o.zder was restoxed and a pleasant trne les. ependit re, bymoeprmti the guest of Mrs. C. E. Edwards, con. io, enjoyed. Mr. Betbune's aadrs to the le qnitý,b oePcmtYthis week. chiidren was gaod and was well receîved, &dapting the world'u bout p>Ioduct& to Miss Millle BJackwell, af "Sunnybrae,", Rectipts for the evening $20 ail the Sun. the fleeda of physiosi being, will attem spent a few days last week wlth ber cou- day Scbool free. the Value te bealth of the pure afqi n. Miss Gussie Fee, in Lindsay. M.JmsMGeo a encnie laxative principles embr&"4 f in h Reeve Brown, of Thorab, was ia town to the bouise for sorne turne past but we Mlledp Syup eFig&on Tuesday; aiso Mr. W. Osborne of the trust he will be around soon. rerne, Syru à Fue. t reetn same towulsbip. Mr. Bycre who was repored ta be im. Itaexcllece . de t it prsenln Miss Maud McComb returited home on proving is again in a critical coudijuan. in the form mMost aoceptab"e and pleas- Tuesday evening aitier a week's visit witb The atrnosphere, is .50 coid around ant to the teste, the refreshing and truly friends In Beaverton. Gamebridge, at least in Borne places its a beneficialProperties of a perfect lax- Mr. Duncan McRae, at one time book. wonder some people don't freze.-Ex. utive ;leffectualiiy cleansing the uystemn, keeper for Mr. H. Wilson, died at bis plrsa. d4seling cold, headaches and fevera' home in Thorah on Tuesday. He bad OHILLIA su pzmanuiycuin sipt ln been iii for severaly years. Nar u edn and b a ientisfactignt tiption. 1 d The materiai for the iiew Methodist eB1 necen mt buwih t acoti o th m isad curch is being laid on the ground ibis Wbile twoO yung n'en were taking a Met iththeappovalof he nedcalweek. The new church *111 be erected-on wagon apart,i n front ai O 'Connor's black- Profession, because it sots on the Kid. the corner of Laidlaw and Allan streets. smitb shop on West sîreet, Saturday morn- Deys, IÀ%er and Bowcls withont weak- It wiltI $9000 ing, one af tbern named Flynn was $truck ~enuigthe su i ispcrecry rocfi-ni r. . . MGifivryQ. ., uprmeby a runaway horse and knocked down. evigery abdec t ibla subtly co. SecreîJ.Ary InepenentrderQ.C.,ForeteBefore be could extricate bimseli from OverYobjetionble ubatii.cati ened tbe Farers' nst te eeingunder tbe wagon the horse had pawed hlm ,Sripo î s o ilobialdrug ted heFrns'Itiu tng several trnes, but be escaped with oulya Syrup of ut dis fo a n v ail - here an Saturday.. few scratches. The horse, a rnere colt, râs in 75C ot sbuitITSU. We are pleased ta leara that Mr. G. J. bati been ieft standing untied a few feet rtrdbyiaC'friFgSaipEarly is recovering from the effects ofihis frorn where the yaung men were working, Co. offiy, whose naine 19 Tp-inted on1 every late ilîness. He wlll be able ta attend ta and becoming frigbîcned, balted. package, also the tAnc, .' rip of Fig8, business in a day or two.Th ulbo and belig Wil ilh f- ri, a y'u iIII t Mr. Robt. A. Brown ieft on Saturday 1ho,1bo aocept %11 r. - -t . morning for Toronto to accept a situation The Trent Valley Canal boom bas set in 1un one ot the leadung uailoring bauses in ln earnest at the Narrows. Mr. J. P. Se- that city. We wish him succesln bis cord bas just sold anaîber fine property, new home. viz., that handsorne cottage and lot adjoin- Mr. G. W. Potts bas purcbased the ing bis own surnmer residence aitbe Nar- Derryvilie cheese factorv from Messrs. rows ; Thomas Cameron, Esq., was tbe Ryan & Dobson. Already he bas the purchaser. This makes the third resid- ý2Npromise ai 232 cows with tbe prospects aif ence besides vacant lots ln tbat neigbbor- moe ews hmscea ood, sold by Mr. Secord during tbe last Mr.Donld rue, wel-now Grt.montb, and other sales are pending. Par. ona Beerun, says:"ellaton Gs Trenut Valley wbarves and G.T.R. ware- ParnofBaetosy :"hbato' ouses wili be located there, and a new 1, ---< idon cae or . C Brndo, al hey town is almost la sight. Now la the Urne I want to do is ta break the combinationt ecaeaub aros- ,, 'fa' ~and in two years the Patrons will be, dead." A Substitute for Wood. Sarsaie parfila WITJIOUT AN EQUAL. Statement ai a WeIl Kaown Doctes- *Ayer's Sarsapas-îuia 11 wittott an equIl as a blood-purufler and 8pring mediclite.: 'at cannai have ps-aise enougIs. I have watchy-,t its elleots la citronlo cases, w-er. on.ier tseatrent was of'-Do avaiT, anti have brees- astonisitetiait te resuits. No otites- blooti medicine titat I bave oves- used, andi I bave trted thiten ahi, la se titasougis lunits action, anti effeets go maay permanent cures as .Ayes-'s Smasparla"-Dr. H. P. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayeî's -e"$araariIla Admttet ttise WanG' F aýx. du.v'. it 1un or llsîer <s-subows» CORRESPONDENCE Lans-terlaoia At the meeting of tIhe Young Meula Lib- oral club next moday evenhsg, oves- the tov hal, s-anemsw-filbd made for the Lausrme ctnger. on *e s-rd. À fNU tunnout laesequested and a cordlil n- vitaton ta extendedto t ilRfonu-m wvis catimakeit convoent tebe prsosnt On Weduosday ulgbt, the 6thluet. thse residence cf Ms-a Kennedy, lot , 0cea. -Markham, vas bus-gl*asfe nt l Uh sud a promissosy note for .o#70 1 IÇ. Ms-s. Kennedy anti dauzjste -wes-.-at the entestalumeut lu tho>-sytsl, <byb UnlouvMle, and on ber etors ffoundthels housebroken ,andi dravers of bureaus raasack M tomd iabout epd ho money *Pd note gous, C 4IrIÉW te ller *. ý Mo ortheSuoElO>% :40 jà- aC. Prilagle, lb.and 4.# Mr. jas. Glendinning, Den)uty district One day last week Mr. Wrn. Ramasay ia- Higb Chief Ranger ai the Independent vited a Times scribe iluttabis office ta sec a Order Foresters, bas succeeded la orga- substitute for stave wood, destineti. as Mr. nizing a Court ai Udora. This Court was Ramsay put it, "flot only ta heat the ln- instttuted on Tuesday evening with about teriar ai a house but ta mout the snow out_- torty mernbers. -Gleaner. bide on the whole promises." Sure en- Wear "013IN ugb, ibere was a vos-y hot fine in the WeaegettUng tbs-ougb the winter bore stove, and Cie reporter was incredulous -so ar ith erylitle scknss.when tolti that the beat was made tram -Sa ar wîh vry uile icknas.btsring a amail buadie ai presseti straw Misa Bingbam, af Cannington, is engag- tbat bad been placed inl the steve two edtahn near Uptergrove. A place bons-s previouE. Howevos-,th testimany Our estecmned Isiend Dr. Gilpin la very and we had tbe pleasure ai ezamininac busy atteading ta the sick ai Uti ay. The ai ibese sts-aw fuel blocks andi converuing ds-eaded disease scaniet fever has entered witb the patentee ai the invention, >Mn. 50 many homes there and left them deo- H. Bunker, of Barrie. Tise Invention leaa late. A great many have died wsuh the Simnple one, andi consiste mri f~ce' tilsease. Ms-. George Martin, formeriy of pressing cormmon straw ia a amali space Brock, bus-led two af bis cbilds-en. and biading it *iub wire, when lu ta reatiy Tise Presbytes-lansata Garnebridge heiti for fuel. Ms-.'Bunker bas sts-uchr a bon- their annual catertalament on he 6t anza, and widl doubtlesas-ceap a flch'har- and 27tb uit., wbicb was a success finan-; vesi fsrnbhi& invention in counuies sbich ciaiiy sud atberwise. Ms-. McPbee, ai' as the Nastbwest and Westera States, Brechin, taok an active part la the enter- wbes-e waad la a sons-ce article and sîs-aw tainment. Rev. N. Beu.bune saiti be baped and prairie grassi blle os- no value. it Ms-. McPbee's visit would be marc fre- h as been ps-aven that a ton af suw la quent ta Garnebridge. toqualinl heaîin capacity ta tbree corda ai 1wood, anti wi hMn. Bunkcs-'s mcthod Mis*. Bella McPhee receuveti a cordial la- two or tbs-ee cmen anti a tearn ot hanses can vitation from tihe leader and members aif. compresa fi ve tons a day. It ls therefone1 the Presbytes-Ian chus-ch choir at Game- abviaus ibat wbene straw la cbeap an ex- bridge ta be theis- organist. Miss McPhee cletfe a eotieia e- cansenteti and ber fisst Suaday witb thern moderato cost. The Bt-a requis-es no she receiveti a vcry warmrn rceptian ftrmsra chos- nd ongegaio. Mss cPhc bs revaspepesation, and wben prescé la chor ad cngrgaion Mis MPhe s 8 pevius ta water andi can b. piied been organlat la the Methadist chus-ch Bt outaide 1ke cerdwaad. , It can alsa, be Brechin for tise pai 6lve years, anti alsa treateti ta b. used as fonce poste, sailroadc engaget inl the orchestra. ties,1 etc. The patent was oniy issueti a1 WKITECVALE mantis aga, but ila ashort time viii ho i placed on the mas-ket. ýTiser s-el on Miss Pickett lu wiîh fruentis in the eity. _etMaiirnigajon tokcmàlyl Miss Lillie Major la vlalting frieuda in Orjlia ta tak nts atercup, bt lu lun the city. question whethes- the produci couid suc- Miss Pherill, ai Scarboro, is visiting ccssfuiiy cocupete witis wood au the ps-osent fientis ber.. loy prices.-Timos. Miss ae s tnson snd Anni. S.~ Major. Miss Lang, of Tonante, la spentiug a few weeks wiîb Miss ItiThornton and othen fInonda bere, -Ms-s. Dundas, ai Deer Park, bas been Jvtsifing ber mother, Ms-a,. Hamilton, sud friendinl the vale. Died&-At Wbltevale, on the 2nd inat. George M., Infant son of Thomas an4 Annie Todd, ageti 6 mantha. Mms Jamçs Tisaston bas s-eturned home afle- an absence af twa weeks spenu vith ber siste-, Mmn. Formel, of Toroauto Junc- S. B. LyOU speat Sunday with bis kam. i lly berts-mng to Tos-onto ta resumo bus parllauentas-y %dutte$ on montiay. Mosane.H. H, iajos-& Stewart- Phertul dsovesapasuyeof youn fo15ste Aurps- on pndy, we-e mtbey soa for a Woek M- VOoae 'bis face andi #an&-daraties- ?)edly. b'îned byfadlllugagala esu.Steve villoisi d cls uhie chais-. Wa- pes nut sertous, Thse faasly 'or' Ous - wanuiy pQOectua s, ,Mr. P . MçPhoe. spu* Standds>,togetbes- W"lU thlfsres les-o, ý Na Kati, 'of iignilzýrmoof Tor-onto, as-sivfag bêt perlia ua Obe cav? J "Wel, w-eU 1 Didg'î everlieu01ai a grin Mmk a Cheshir cmt?Wby, ybu 1ee, làm dOaw-n uObeshire had a est w-ihIeSgsired sud gninneti until thee was nolhing lofc thse caslbut theiseal, j at asm orne ssue pie, W-ho (1013,t kuow o f Dr. ise' on MDWisl Disooves-y, get a coughan d tbeu congb andi coWiunutiMue-:~jau loift ai thens ta erecta aonumiut tebuttis te 1W but thé 1I e tee th s-TcW new ima bas »_abseondei.ý . .ý B Y rd =r s ro n s D r N k th e P a th rn a te n lfopens thi oMsd x!osth of' de vilage. Borne àrai Psonîywaa sed hmrlY afuerwards::y pf.js -op u r t catepoterà gn Mr aiM ýM.Elliott was anound buying cat- t d te for 'Entland and went, we hear, ta buy Mr- h-I Baird off, but he got lbt, aà Baird told hlm bhe a was going agaîn sure. He la going ta take the -d tas-mers cattie ove- at $2 pet~ head, the awners r- paying ail expmnses connecued witb the trip. e-This rnay b. a good hing for the fermers ta a.do, as Mr-. Baird la trustwartby. t A great numben of Sunday scbool workers vtsl:ed the borne of M. Kirby last Wednes. s day ta spend a social evning and bld goodby ,d ta the famly who were Just gaing ta mave it away ta Prince Alber. Music and speech. ýn making wcre abundant. The speakers af the mg eveniag were Mesars. Raines, Asling, Stone, j-D. Park, and thers. Music wss given by tbtejuveniie and aduit chats-s, and a solo by ýeMs .Bleakby. Misa Moare acted as or- ,eganist. 1 A bug surprise jary made ts way ta Mr. i: Kirby's borne on Fridav evening anti present. ed Mr. and Mn.. Kirby wlub a aew fur coat eacb. Tbe company comprlsed repreSenua. etives of &il denarninationa. Tbey tripped the ilght fantasdtie t l4. la ube morning, 1- Another party waa hcld au Mca. J. W. Horneutcasoa Saintfieid, on Monday, A large number were present, saine being fratu Scugag and other plaees -Journal. OLAREMIONT Miss Hughes la la Toronto attending ber macae- who la fil. Wm. M. Grahamu and Win. J. Gregg are in the nelgbrhoo<i ai Walkerton for a week. This week we chronicle the sudden, deatb of Ms-s. MeFarlane. For a few days the de- deased bad been ailiag with a colti wbicb set- uled i nonaio ber limba cauaing severe pain, cventualiy bcinging on a stroke cf paralysis wbicb Tuesdav evening, Feb. i6tb, resulted in deatb. An affectionate mother, a gooti neigb. bar, a consistent christuan warnan, we wiil miss ber fs-rn aur cammuniuy. Rev. A. H. Kip- p an, ai Tara, laue pasuor ai Erskine church, Kev. Mr. Br-own andi Rev. A. White, ai ibis village conducteti the tuneral services. Tbe remains wes-e intered ln ube famiiy bus-ying- graund 7tb con.,,.Pickering. The fami'y havei the ayrnpatby af many frientinl thei- sudden1 bereavement. Looking backwa-d over the re-1 corda ai the Presbyterian churcb we ask aur- selves the question Is God taking aur mosu wortby ones ?" Only verv latety anouher who bad a large sbare la the beau us and regards ai aur peuple was taken by death. Tbe words ai aur Lord camne very near "Hie giveth His be- loved sieep.' We miss thern irom amangst us but rnay the memnory ai thei- kintis words anti deeds suimulate tbose af us who are leit bebind ta try andi iohlow la their loatsteps,-- News, Renmnatiom la causeti by lacticaciti in tbe blood attacking the fibras tiasqes of tie jointe. Keep yonr blond pure anti bealtby anu you will Dotu hève sheumatism. Hood's Sa-sparilla gives tb. blooti vitality antd nicb- anti tones the wbolo body, neutralizes the acidity of the blond anti thus cureis-bouma- Hdam Ple.r h ee fe-ine il Hool' Pillaion are uebeat afer - epil Mr. John Thampson, 8soa leding meschant andti weident af Liatwel for 3 &Mame te Onr suIL yedayU I finti the poole asounti bore prfes- Dr.' 'Gise'. Kidny.Lver lla ta an>' oison I bave in tock. Tby ase a wondârfal pili. Snti 8 dosen at once I aum neary ot.P At MinneOPOlis MOnD., as-y Hayward, the udurderer of lus GingR, wa entened ta To sess-h out impusities sud drive ibeun frein the systein la thewosk of Busdock Biod Bittesa; ibmB. B.B. useesdyspepal contipatian, bd bloot, biliounes astiaad Tho Grnd Lodge of the Souns of England Sallaw coumplexion, blothe, pitupes, boil, abscesses, ad sri, scofula sand skin diseas edpend on impure vitiated blond. Busdock Blond Bitters purifies the blbood, se- movesailU effet. mattes, and cures ae tho Hon. Ms-. FastesutiH an, Ms-. (jsian poke ai a Cousosvativo meeting atst. John Ms. G. red Aderso, the populer epre- setatve of T. S. Sthili4 (oqSt. Job4 S. B., in peaking af Nosw-y Pine 8yrup, my : - " tle the b esi congh oure 1I eos-,use d~c 1 preter ita auDyr aie-,Have glireu I4 to friands of tines&an t i Mca . vesy tins.'. I l vouiti hod ffioult ow te lnuia.me toinue Ms. D'Altou -M85sthy wR ! addsem a publi e tnat Oru gvtlleon t é-,e eulpg Baok iiib. WM. ne TILL, , UndetakephCaiet akr An dalr n upoite o llIns LJke a Mracle Cons mplon'ý-Low Genditiom Wonderful Rusuits Prbm -Taklng The Subsoribor bogs ta announce that ho bas again opened busin.ess in hie aid stand, and has pisced therein a chaice, stylish and complote stock of NEW FURNITUREi 0f every description, which wi.if be soid at a arnalu margin on coat. A.nother bale of those oelebrated Mid Mattrasses $8 25, worth $5. See those Tapoutry or Carpet Lou.ngee at $5, worth $8. Hardwaod Sideoards, I4x24 glass, for $8. 60', warth $12. Undsi'talking. Ci Afuil stock of Oofffmis" and Oaskets, and a Firet- Glaes Hearse. WMa. Tl".1 Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale,. 65 Acres, Lot No. .30, 3rd Con , Township ai Whitby ; 2 miles rsom Whltby; sarno known as tbe Lynde hamestenti. Sal second ta none, la a first ciasa acate ai cultivatjon. Good fences ; watereti by live ats-earn across anc corner zoo yards from a fine atone bause; irame stable andi driving shedi; aisa irarne1 bouse and abundance ai fruit ai ail kintis. For pasticulars apply ta k. J. LYNDE, 1 lt 24th, 1894. upon the premises. OEAFNESS. in ely eun Cus-e for Doafness, Singing ln arE-, &cno matter how severe or long etandiug, wili b. sent post fsee-Artifi. ciat Ear-drums andi elmitar appliances entis-ely supersadeti. Address THOS. KE3IPE, VICTORA aCEIAMBERS, Sontb. bamptna Building, Hoiborn, London. THE ~ Owen LI CrUj f U B Te/ol et. fcadnutm Four .years ugo wý1io 'ln the. aid onU" j England), my daugitter R&rnnab was sent a tram theo boipitatln l a very iaw condlt.i;ri, with consuxnption ef the lungs and bowelis, ard weàk action ai the boas-t The trip across t::.e water ta tits oountry seezed 10 mke er feed better for a wbile. Thon athe began ta get worue, snd for 14 weeks she waa nable ta get off tihe bed. 81:e grew worse, for ive montius and lost the. use QI ber llmbs and iower partot body, snd if site Bat Up In bed had ta be prappel up wlth pilowe Physiclai Sald ShO W49~ Past Ail HIeP and wanted me ta sezud bar ta thse 'Rogne for Incurables.' But 1 aald as long as 1 eanld hold rny baud np ase should not go. We thon, began Hoods~'Cure$ .ta give ber Hood'is BsapariIla. Bisl 3getting strong, walks around, W8 out doorm-evor day; bhs no trouble Wtit ber throat and no cougb, and ber heart seems ta 1,8 ali nigitt agaUL.Site bwaafirstciass appetite. .Werezarilhber cure as notblng short or a mIranTe." W. Wy.ê'rr, 89 Marion Street, Parkdaio, Toranto, Ontarilo. Nood's Pilla are pjr.ely vegetable and perfectly itarmiess. 801.-i by ail drngglsts. 2Zc. Bell nsade"ios- eues-ai 40e, havlsj battess tia enes-aie ssna eu,#onî of Eleotrloliy tia luantis-perfect montrai sud 0"oa?- plied teany part ofthe bodyfer the cure 0 NERVOUS DISEABECS Thausands af people suifer fram a vasieiy af Nos-vous Diseame Ibat-tbe aid modesai tirent. Ment fi mte ocure. Tiser. la alos i os-vo farce or pawer tisat cannai b. restose y amy medical treatmeut and any dootar w-ha w-o-adtry ta accampUlibtis by ayj Mat of druga la pureulng a tangos-ens praoc.. Pro- perly is-satet iese discass e au b Pouitively Ourd Eleotilalyr as appliet b y the Owen Bieots-la Belt andi Appliances w-ll most assus-edly do sa. I lal lte only cnoww power- ltai w-t suppiy w-bat la tacktug, nameiy, see c or paver, impart tons and vigos-;sud as-case ta isealiisy seilon the w-iole nos-vous system. It *111 mosi ssuredly ans-e Wîtheut Medicaue Genes" Deblliy, Nos-vous Prsatilon, Xbou. malm cation Ktdney Dlsoqse, Lubagof, Lame bac an&daipel, andi mauy dises Our Ls>rge-llutitrated Cataogue oul ai Boelld sà celpi ci. ~'TBB C U" 0 ai m ~8O. 27se** Osw ktkBe so, g 4e$taie st, Tise argetes-o Se Dit>' Ooucll.of uanltpa haï -* t.ý aaton ê Gnsils, Resuits Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE AYF3RSI A MEDICINE - --'--i -~ j e, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 Il Il Undertaker, ]RheumatU= Cured. a ropular Travouer. ............. ...... ...... WM. TILL,

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