Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 3

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FETHRBO NU Corsets are noW recôgnized to be the Standard Corset of Cý..n Ia Satisf action gulanteed or mnoney ref unded. ASI( YOUR DRY 00009 DEALER FOR THEM. oct. a6 ' som od Ntw14 "'0,006000 D 20, 4.,.... a 'S00c D)ec, 311,e .."à0 3,cc. 00c Dec. Si, note et 4 mxntnh, ... o. 0e0 $ 35.Y(0 (e) Total receipts ..............$ 63,89P0o8 EKPENDITUREs Salaries. Collegiate Institute. A. C. R. w T. S. il,, feJoints 'ci n g'o by Heod's Sarsa- an hns. ;an o ut. I i i ui nd e %i SCures t lt -rjartiy an i ei Zâc. Wlu SSFUL REMED Y 4 oRt B3EASr. ofa and nevr bIister, m o below i SPA IN CURE@ udoon.o., 111., Feb. U,'9& mi me one nt your nnr*. M ed a aTat d,ý .l 'f 'r d ve botlies cured bari al te Urne. SPAVIN CURE& jed sev ýrai bnttlo@ of your jM ar, w .n ucb guccom 1 Il m~nt 1 e-ar used. Rave re N 1414bod Sioavin a-,d kle [a"e rvr)eumnnded it l Who are m.açh plegued wlthM >,Gruiî .R LAT, P. o. Boxî su Druaglt. or addre« 6 T>ILL COMP4,Ny, ICH FALLS, VT. INN'S KINO ADER SBEST FRIEND ripATi oN19 USNESS, PEPSIA,--, EADAC 14E E THE LU VER: iýTEREÀ-1 ATNG0 OD DIESTONl. YOUNG & 010 uielto' Yiàhl h o <eoo Dailly le ** fr rah Picerig Ouncl. applicatio<n of Meusrs. P. B. Hoover Felrt on western tewniine during the winter Exar Met Monday lest. season. Committes recornrended that Cher COMMUNICATIONS. on aocount cf the lateness cf the season Mflc From the president and eeretary of the mnatter be e- qidered at the May the eingle tax association, askilîg coun- meeting of the council. On motion cf cil te petition legisiature for local op- bir. Foucher the report was adopted. tion in taxation. From tihe Wilkinson CONTUINENOIES. tPlough Go., offering read scrapers for Mr. Mowbray presented the report ,as 1 sale. From Copp Bros. Hamilton, re of the oomrnittee on continitencies, te- 0sasE road machine. From the Hamilton commendinul payment te W. J. Clark, is Sewer Pipe Co., offering pipe for sale. 1500 envelope's. 1600 lettotheada, $7 ;miss (Jeo Eakîn, clerk ceunty York. enclos- 1400 assossor's schedules, $9 ; Rart& Miss iga by law cf the counicîl of the Riddeil, assessment rellis, etc., $8,16- Miss county cf York, abandoning that par- James llcibbard on acec, $8. Conmmît Miss tien cf the Ki{ngston road in the tp. of tee having oonsidered the advisability Miss Pickering as is held by the said county ef purchasinR a map of the towýnship miss cf York. E. E. Pugh, asking for cern- showing the boundaries of thbe several A.1 pensation for use cf house by Thomnas sohool sections, recommended that the O0= Lee, an indigent rocoiving support fromn clerk procure twa copies of the same, the counicil, and askiîîg that another oue for use af the -township, the other are house ho secured for hini. Chas. E. for the county clerk. On motion cf Repi Good, CE., s-e echool map of t.ownship Mr. Mowbray the report was adopted. Fuel propared by hlmi and offered for sale. RELIEF. Prin Mr. H1ilte braught in the report of 11181 PETITIONS. te nSecr tecammittee o relief,. recommend- Mise Presonted froem Wi. McCausl&fld in, paymedt of the following acounits : and 15 othors, asking for a change Toronte General Hospital, mainten- in road divisions No. 2 and 4. ance and treatment cf H. Elson for 28 Another wata presented by W- J days; Austin Badgerew for 59 days, Dale, asking for enlargenient of Road 834 80; M. Gleeson, goode fer Mrs. Psi Div. No. 18 east. Firmingham, #4 ; Hilte & Dillingbar, n, m PER.1SONS HEARI). burial cf John Sowerby, $680 ; James On motion Messrs. Thos. Chester 1. Davidson, for maintenance cf David and Chas. A. Annis were hoard ln te- Lawrenice, $24; cemmittee î-ecom. Jan ference te the preposed opening cf the mendod that $1 por week he granted Fet lst ang un cftheB. . cn. pp.for support cf Mrs. Firmingham frein Fet Lit raMatchiltoftehe t.eF.May. John Ma lot 34, the latter favoring it, the for- ac 18ht ls ofMy Jhnm mer objecting te it. Mr. Win. Cowan Brown, cern. On motion cf Mr. Hilts Ai was heard. Objected te the range line the report was adodted. A being offered up, as it would allcw cat- Mr. Rults gave notice that ho will at Ma tieene te .TR. tak.the neit meeting cf the council move M Mesrs P H Hovr ndDavid for leave ta introduce a by-law te sp. li Annis asked for a grant cf $125 on Point an officer te investigate al cases u western townlino, opp. 5th and 6th and preseente ail persens evading as- sel cons., o odto that Markham se ssIfnt for dogs, and te fix the fees Sei grant a-like sum. Nihed grave1 te be ta which said officer shall ho entitled. ~ dran n inttasit can be brought Mr. Pencher, seconded by Mr. Hilts, Nc acoss the ice by a ishorter way and moved that ini respect te the applica- Dt mnuch choaper than in summer turne. tion f tMr. Annis re opening cf range Dt Mr. Staples, agent for Cepp Bros., lino opp lot 84, that the counicil take ID Hamilton, was heard te road machine, ne action thereon ; and aise that the Meusrs. Dunn and Gleasen, town- tuime fer epening side lino betweon lots Di ship auditors, presented the report on 84 and 85 in let range line ho extended Si the 4acounts cf the corporation for for the presont, and that the clerk ho St 1894, The report was considered in and is hereby instructed te notify Mr. Si committee cf tihe wlole,.and on moinStn5acrdnl.Crld cf Mr. Richards, the report was flnally Mr. Mowbray, seconded 'by Mr.R auditod and sdoptod. Poucher, moved that the clerk ho in- M .)n motion cf Mr. Hilta, seconded by structed te have 200 copies cf the Fi Mr. Mowbray, the reeve granted his auditets' report ptinted for distribu- T ore nthe treasutet in fayot cf Thos. tien in this municipality.-Carried. T oDur nuadM Geenfothsunc On motion cf Mr. Pencher, soconded fIl each for their salaries iu auditing by Mr. Richards, the council adjourn- the accounts cf the corporation for the ed te meet again on Monday, Match year 1894. 25th,.at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the tran- Mr. Mowbray gave notice that ho saction ocf general business. wiil at the next meeting cf the councilV move for leave te introduce a Iby law tue A Dotaln' statemest o et ts meipta appoint ovorseers of highways and mdEZpiwed1tez ofthlie Corpors- other tewnshiy offices-s. tono e lTown et WlitbY for th1e 7057 euding Malet fDec. TE ABÀNDONED ROÂD. A.D1. 1894. Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mm. To the Mayor and Corporation of the Hiltis, movad that whereaà the County Totem of Whitby.- Council cf the County cf York has in- Gejitlemen,-Your auditors beg icave te re- timated their intention cf asking the por: i. That we have examiner1 the books Ontaio ogilatre t it--peset ss-f accounts of our Treasure; aso the Ontaie egîlatiteat it -peseit es-vouchers and bank pasa bock for thie year end- sien te page sucîki liitef as s'l1l îng 31st Dec., 1894, sud we bave much piea- compel the township cf Pickering -or sure in stating that we found the ,accounts ail the county et Ontarie te assume that kept in a neai and accurate magner. a. ThTWs portof the York road lying aud sit- we have prepared ud herewith subinît for utdin the. township cf Pickerinig, yourcensideraien : z. A sttemelit of Re- pztetial)ceipts and Expenditure for the yeat 1894. 2. that the reeve, first deputy, s.nd tho . abstract of théAsset and Ljabilisieson movet cf the resolution bo sppointed a the xist day cf lanuar>'. 2893. e. We desire deputatiexi te wait upon the gaveral- to state furiher that we fouud su instîrnc ou. ment at the. proper time to, oppose such the tOwfl Piopcrty cf $19400 4 Ou soheol . jsch egilatin.-arred.properi>' cf $29.900, makirîg a total cf $39- such igis1aton.~-ariîad oe.Ail cf whisoh la respecifuli>' submtted, Mm. Poucher nported bfr e 0ti. oi- m*ttee on roae ,nd b4iges whicb mre- eomrnpnded paymnll a follows : To Moeseuad for deliveriiig 8 toi"e of mtoue !on' inguIOn -rolàA opp lot loi eische on X.îngotomi o"d oseS,8.22. joui Cowltos for 5 taise of stones de- livered, on Kinggtnm oid, et- .9, $9.50; -16toisst DunO ýM 1#1 $8Iý 4.... . . osmsda ae.... G. . >hn ecrei . Hogarth ....................00 TI LHamilton ................469 g0o ob C.Micheil................ 49 90 tari ý.Siccy.................. 330 10 . icox ...................... 330 ][0 me $ 4,685 ce iowi iBaker, caretaker......... $ 195 00 tocd ..r........ .... ........see 140 79 Irox tir.................87 30 n Dîners .................. 219 60the nicals..................... 1345 cellaneous ................. il65 and -- via $ 819 67 for 8,5.504 67 Bal Salaries, Public Schools. nec Brown, balance 1893......... $ 75 0 rail Brown, for 1894............. 925 00 on iGale.................... 6000 Frg is Burns .................. 350 0 thi ;s Borrowman ......* 0 0Fs isMcKay .............. 830 m Anderson ................ 300 00 i ss Fraser ....................300 OO thi ss Weodhouse ...... ......... 300 C) iy, s Mitchell ................ 300 00ocf s Thompson ................ 198 05 wl E. Webster................ 135 00 casional teachers............ 91 oco te --of $3.957 05 ari eaklng nd cleaning ........$ 368 50 Co airs and desks ...... ... 5 1 t el..... .....................8 69 iting and statioery .... 78 83 Pr surance ............ ...........Si6oalai cretary .......... ........... 5 00 C3 icelaneous........ .......... 27 55 JE *1,341 78 Wý $ 10,80350 D tid on Debetures ........... $ 38 23 t erest on Debentures......... 5,256 31 aI Retired Notes. $5645 n. 5. Ret. note at Western Bank$ 2.000(C eby 7, " '4,000 t( eb. 12. ' ,000b sr 10, 2.500 t' lr 22, 2,000 ti r. 7 9 ' 1 000 li r. 12, ' " 1 500 fay r.0, . ,500U lay z5, o3w)(fi une 132,500 ' Lne 25 15000 ly 5. 1500 ePt. 4, 2 50 cP 17, 1,500 >ept 28, '3.000 )tr. 8. "" 1 ,000C qoV. 19, 1,00 )ec. 7, ' 2,000 )eC. 20, 1,500 )ec. 31, '3,.0()0 $36,300 liscount on notes............ S5e05 Sinkîng fund .................. 1, 14 25 treets and inprovenîents . . . 1,434 17 idewalc reparng.............. 477 64 uniber accout................ 750 8 treet lighting............ ..... 81[25 Relief ................. ........ 99 i's Wîood............................ 192 0 rire and water .................. 68 90 Town and market property .. 326 83 Town park..................... 8 43 Watering streets................ 353 70 Insurance ..................... 20 6,r $ 1,582 51 Salaies. hu Hopper ................. $ 8 <-MO 00 hos. Huston.................. 605 00 Wm. Calveriey ................ 1900. [as Pringie .................. 10000U j: B. Powell..... ...... ..... 10000U John E. Farewell.............. 5000 Auditors..................... 30 00 $ 1;375 SO' Printing andâ stationery . . .. . 790 Election expenses........ 1 0 Dog tags..................1 501, $ I54 R.~ ~ ~ ------ C.2prt2Cho......~d Have taken place in Medical Practice dur- ing the Paati Pew year. Hamninn, Beby, 18-A radical change bas takeu place lu the paà.t few yesrs in mediesi practilce. Large nanseous doses are ne longer -the rnl, but where possble medicines are admin i n tO l he couceutrated form cf tablets sud pills whieh, are moroe ouzy taise by the patient.- This f sot, mare than su>'- thingelse, oausedihhe use -of the pibl form far, that sterling remedy, Dodd's Kîdne>' Pilla These Pille Are augar.coatedl,-easily carrnef about sud essily taken. Tii.> require ne alcohol te preserve tbeni as a liquuid remedy would, sud for tis tesson are préféra,ýîl liquid remedies. Another impprtsnt'featur>o of lioe pillm is that the>' have çev"r yet i - ed ta cure auy forai of kidue>' disease A qu"atity of-uew machiner>' for a crt Ragd ' facter>'te o e k»;i"ed in Qee wil¶esorly h hpedfenEngiud. Aùi ôld ook qusintlýy syý hat "heu h.th whcla.-ste-m ipervAd&y- weUox>'gei5t- e& 'b1iode vîgercusl>'propeleèd, >hf.sud aetiIty areCopi onsly oemmuiiniOt4-> Whioh imseamss 1 thet, cdlupt- ed >y 'tue ocf &yer's Soireapaniilb,peft 'St $ilog,36717 3undstrslguel i itors for the towe0 f ýy fur the-year i8"4, îestlfy tbat the làPu e an sd'correct abstract cf Ihe As- id llibilities .ibie corporadain on jn 895. ta t ebe,.î-)f cur kiowl. 5tze Ond M. O'DONoVAN, d . The Lake Ontario Ferry. .e proposed freight--ferry between Durg and a point aerons Lake On. seema to be taking form, for a ting of capitalista was heid at I3uf - lu.t week concernine which the foi. Ingdespat.ch appeared in the Toron. Miies on Friday : A meeting of the State Board of trad Oommissioners waa heid at the juois hotel at il ocolock this mpmn- to censider the application made by stockholders of the International Oak Orohard Harbor anè 'lie Bata- and Northern Raiiroad . o-- ipanies a certificate that a railw aty between ;via and Oak Orchard is a publie essity. The line of the proposed zoad begins at Oak Orchard harbor, Lake. Ontario, in Orleans county. )m Oak Orchard the road wiil run -uh the village of Gaines, then to r f aven, thence te Abion, where rosses the Niagara Falls branch of )New York Central, thence souther- pau.ing through or near the village Barre, Barre Centre and Eiba, Lere it crosses the West shore rail- bd, and thence te Batavia, a distance 28 miles due south from Oak Orch. 1Harbour. At Batavia the road can neot with the New York Central, eBrie, or the Lehigh Valley. The omoterm of the road eipeot te do a rge business in transporting coal for nedian consumera. In 1 893 and S 4, 1,600,000 tens cf anthracite ceai re shipped inte Canada. Most of îs wus taken inte Oswogo, by the eleware, Lackawanna, and Western, SFairhaven, by the Lehigh Valiley. id were transhipped by boat to differ- t Canadian ports on Lake Ontario. he shiprnents cf bitumineus ceoi for anada during the samne time amnounted )1,600,000 tens. Oak Orchard Rat. rS would effet a sherter route te al ie Canadiani lake ports than any otber ute. The harbout is sutrounded by igh banks, which are natural advan- bges for harîdling coal and othet reights. It is said ferries can be built D navigate Lake Ontario at any time in te year, with a catrying capaeity euf- lient tc load cars cf freight without Seakîng bulk from and te the docks at aort Hop, Cobourg, or a'ny cf the blietilake prtà. The distance from )ak Orohar H arbertoteCobourg 15 nly 38 miles,'b Totontô 63. The cap- tai stock cf the eombinedl railroad cern- ,anies is $500,000. Mr.'Robert Avery, )f New York, is -president cf both cein- panies. The Western New York men n the Board cf Directors are Messrs. >wight S. Beckwith, Chas. E. Hart, Y'm. Hailock and Geo. W. Barrel, of Albion ; Ernest Wende, cf Buffalo ; R. 0. Steele anda'Dîsid- D. Lent, cf 'Bata- "OstorlB Issanexceileut Msdlelfor cli- dren.Mathei5lsBv0repeetely told meoet ita goodeffectupcnthelrchlldreL" Du. G. 0. Osecas. Osstcrla Io th. boulrernody for ohdren cf wblch1 amn scqusluted1 hope theday la sot b ttwhenmc5heroWl1odtl1eu Iulereaof tbeslr Chldl, snd use Cantorla in- ulesorcftbevatouquak grswhi&' destylng tiefr 1oved nes, by forci550VtWm, morphine, sootblsg syvup snd other hurtfi agents down their throast,~ thereby eeadln them te prenistarieves." Oouway, ArL Iw* reo 1 > PoL A.toYIOeL liiSe.O B~,BrocoklmN. Y. medci mpplebas Ikw to veu1 favS uffoft - i- , *. i I Iby .3 =yW Casorl laDr.SamelPitehee~s PreDUoElylpliafor infants sud Chilren. Itoftlf l theirOoum, 4Morphine nor other Isà,cotiC aubStSICM.It bla barmiesa substitute for paregoriC, DropBoothilW SyMP6a, and Castor OMl It tg 18jautt&,iuSaant"O ls tbirty yeàW 'use by mmii of motbierséCastotia, destIffl Wom uMd ailsys feveralâlBeo Castorltl preVOns» lt nig Sour Cura, cures DiarrhoSa and -Wlnd Oo1lc. Cautorla relieves teetbiig troubles, cues f5lS~0lsdfltlny Castorl a a1iiltC tute foodt regulaeSf the stomach and bowels, gving healthy and.- mt l eeP. Casl» toria ls the Cbildren'5 .panacea-the Mother's fflend. ALLM 1

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