Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 7

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)V ED '0- IL STREET NTARIO BANA vrbIe. Vvorxs. ients, Headstofl(S metety AIS( M ,rters ( ishAmneeicDf ând 9 Granites, id Sale stabiles RT, Proprietor Ilber a,!V (l vu t mv iL re amii.u o i el 1 u i ra- Iit d uKt r 1' S Ir. WVI 1 f 'l1)Y o un t,.I V ~ iuL'tAi Mom:rtl. PI y [Aocl S'atles r , u tSors K1lV'ý ti rs relîtareu Aýý Xtî,ls t(f e andIu re t sîrel SI uop lits' n. I(1tr lm lt î .PEAT -n(il, visiting Wýhîîlyv erc- t u iiîFiing froui i l i i U ilif-n tin' f i l 1 ~ ti t ' t ev fàl1 t c f. s U Vu t ul' vtilflf tnIt li y far(ut.untiregî a"rnie Itt;nrng Urt dyirtg gents 6. 1892 BS)U R AN CE. t'Lf.&Accident Co., Toronto ["<k L14 t Utuuran C Nîîît5 1-n ctint, ifj ai Dnig t, t. T totonuo, ru ,Ilt1 Hi 1 a i bv1 â l l 'lac il iil,, Irtclë opeat, bitW ii le I r s i, t e c t ,Toron t. Tocn, S TA TIONER 6ýTI CA ) OTHER. rime Table A ) Mail....... 6:47ar r>t stop hr r t Sunday ... :8 x 7<-tSUD 8:05 s i pt8uJOvIan .. . .. . . 9:67 i m '.5 *4 Result of'l Neglected CoId. EhSEA4SED LUNGS WILich Doctors Failod toIeolp, CURED BY TAKINO Cherry- AYEWSectorai. op IrLq and 1 did what is ofien done i n xeglected It thlnklng it would v s It eam;,- but 1 totna, after a I ' lîe, that the sligbitest exert.ion jiime. I tben Consultod a Doctor v 'und, on ex.amtnlng my Ilungq, fhn-î the t, nart of the Ieft one. was ta dlyafilc:(-d. i %'e me some medicine wlîjch 1 took as tl, l ut Jitdid flot seein to do aîîY p od. atelv hap ened to reut u In Aver vi , h e fct that Ayer's Clierry tril had on others, and T determineti to ta triail. After takingz a few doses iry Mie was relleved. and bpfore 1 had fln- 1 t he hottle 1 wa.q cured. "'-A- LiFz...R, uacmieOrangevIlle, Ont. Aye's Cherry Pactoral Hlighest Awardm at World'ts Pair. .Ler'i PUSCure indige8tion. A"TER MANY YZARS. A STRANGE TALE TOLD BY A WELL KNOWN MINSTREL. The L'sinful Results of an Injury Re- ceived Many Years Ago - Was Treatod in the Boat Hospital& of Two Continents, but Pronounced Incurable - A Fellow Patient Pointed out the Road to Recovery. From the Owen Sound Times. The niarvellous officacy cf Dr. Wih- cal trou liani& Pink Puisas again been demen- strat.ed in this tevu. The Tîmes ne- ferned te the astonishiug cure cf Mn. Wm. Beirose, as vol] kuowucitizen. Th This was followed a few weeks ugo by Thne the remarkable cure of Mrs. Monneli, - ctr of Peel Street, wbo life bad been des- eer paired (J by bermeif snd family sud Thei fiends. A few days ago the Times re- re a porter was passing along Division-st., The wben it wus noticed that a new barber munies ehop bird been opened by Mr. Dîck ru Coîrsby, a meniber ci a family wbo votera' have lived in Owen Sound for nearly From half a century. Knowing that Mn. a list of Causby bird been serioualy ailing when in 1895 he caine froin Englaud, a few monthus BIC rvious, snd at that tirrie had îjttîe Bloc], Eope of recoveaiug bis health, the b ît Timues man dropped in to have a chat, aci ansd before the conversation proceeded lc]1 very fan, it was evidont tbat there had Bot beon another miracle perfornued by the ten, & e wonden.wonking Pink Pulls. 93Pt N "lWeil, loti us stant at the. beginningW of nuy troubles," said Mr. Cousby, SE<c viion the Times began probing for Pt 0 partieniars. "Twenty-one years ugo I 1892-92 left scool bore sud joined a rinstrol S j 1 ioompany. Since that timo I have had Centi parts in many of the leading minstrel 1892. companies as comedian snd dancer. Iu Cent the. spring of 1887 1 thouglit I would 1892 93 tny s summer engagement sud teok s w j*. position wituh Hal & Bingley's cirons, Pt N then playing in the. Western States. N W One merning during the rush te put op 92-93. thbe big three-polo tout, I vas giving Fron thbe men s baud, when the centre Polo engravi -lippod ont and in filliug struck me ente, t< acros. the omalcf the back. Whule I the. toi f oit &cre for a tiane, I did net psy much variou attention te iti. Altier vorking s veek ing the 1lbegan tefeel apainasimilar to that cf got op msitic-rheumatiam. For à year I cf lthe t raulygrew vorse and finally vau lfr Alfternme turne I vent te St,,Pul and sustain undervent asu obstietreatuuenti, sud dam- , thoughti 1 vas carod. I thon took au badoo engagement vitiliLoy Johinsonà Min- Valued4 stirela snd vent as far veut mSu 8ste. liedno About three. yesmoI auen -nffle. gagement vft&_i Boy..& Fmrquarmon Mr. 1 te go on a tour tibrogli Europe in the'i. s çroati Amenicmn minstrewh.Belon. "ai- vw.tod1 iiiç front Nov Yor'k 1 00ffe5d trou coUIN. pains betiveen the uhouleusbut psId convifts Yei'y lttb. attention bt e t itueo eUMr but viien 1 ruoli.dGgow 1 vawu troed scaou le i.to Vsl.I 1 mame lii 00 of luhie niiutibM l u e.be h hi= là 'foru and 1 vnt out vith I.b. u jÎ...tt atiment. Reacli Council. regalar meeting cf the abovo 1was beld at the town bail, Man- r, on Monday hast, Prefent, the and Mesurs Weir sud Lamb. minutes cf the previeus, meeting id confirmed. clerk read s number of com- ations. m I. J. Gould, asking for copy of ' .t of 1894. n the county treasurer, enclosing d landea hable te b. sold for taxes à H, Iota 83 sud 84, Prince AI- acre, 1881-92-93-94. -k G, lot 16, Prince Albert, .92-93. à H, lots Y7 and 28, Manches- acre. 1891-92-93-94. j lot 19, con 5, j acre, 1891-92- lot 12, con 6, 50 acres, 1892. cor lot 14, con 9, 24J acres, '92. 8 W j lot15, con 9, 33 acres, lot 19t con 10, 100 acres, 1892. tre Pt. lot 19, con 11, 50 acres, tre Pt. lot 5, con 13, 50 acres, lot 22, con 2, 100 acres, 1892. E t lot 5, con 2, 50 acres, 1881, j lot 14, con 7, 50Oacres, 1891. i Messrs. Chas. E. Goad Co., ,s, 15 Wellington steot Toi'- ;getherwith a sp.cùnmen map of ýwnahip of Reach, shoving the sachool sections, in oolors, 'stho- Dmost con"ise correct sud buti map that hma ever been issued TOIfh Lbs ene & befon. the. olsiming »oompiense for lmi Md byhaig wo.ves kWsdby' mmifted thée deprodation;b one.t #6mn&" Uùe oterst#4; ides vite.. p'gs 81 the. dam- I!aggut 4%bt tatdMir. Dols mtêhoiieut; b o!e prmie, rdxd à'«r ti5II*vee G yelitio, or. hroriîo pa A, Àie.beditg iii tue hosp013 for lleiontha I rew Vois,, Unti!r legs bomeDOraY»d fr0111tii. hipe& dean. Dr. 1(ewby, the. lius urgeon, showéd me eivery attention and becamne quitie friendty and regretfuily infoumaed m.Îe that I. would ho au invalid ail My life. For a change I wuaa sent te Barnos' convalescent hoapital, (Jreadle, having to ho careied froin 'the hospital to the carniage and thon on to the. troba. Afteî a week tihore, a patient told me of a cure effected on himseif by the use cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli. Being thoroughly di8ceuraged, I asked for my diseharge snd I wu tsenti back te Manchester, whore I began taking Pink Pilla. Af ton the use of s few boxes 1 neoovored the use cf my legs ufficiently te walk several blocks. 1 thon ooncluded te stant for Cànada ' snd join my fnienda here. I centinued tak- mng the Pilla, constiantly getting strong- or. I have taken ne other niedicinÎe gimo. I began the use of tihe Pink Pil, and I bave ne doubt as te what oured me. I now feel as well g# ever snd I amn able te take up tbe trade of barber- ing, at which I worked duning the aura. mer montha. When 1 remember that the doctors teld me I would b. helpIe* ail my life, I cannot holp looking upon my cure as a miracle." As Mn. Cous- by told cf the wonderf ul cure, hi. good-naunred countenance fairly shone witb gratitude. Ho is s0 well -known here as a straightforward respectable citizen that the Timnes need say nothinq in bis behaif. Blis plain, unvarnisbed statemnent would go for a fact with overyone who knows bin. Dr. William 's Pink Pilla are sold onhy in boxes beaning the firm'a trade mai and wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear in mtnd that Dr. Williams' Pink Pffi are never sold in bnlk or by the dozen or bundred, and any dealer who offere subetitutes in this foin ià trying to defraud you aud should ho avoided. The public are also oantioned againot aIl other se called blood builderesud nervo tenics, put up in similiar foin in - tended tdfdeceive. They are ail imita. tiens whoso makere hope te roap a pecunisry advantage frein tbe wonder- ful ropotation achieved by Dr. Wil- lians' Pink Pilla. A.mk ytn.n dealor for Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille for Pale Peo- ple and&iefuse ail imitations sud sub. stitutes. Tbeso Pilleae nmanufactured by the. Dr Willian's Medicine Comnpany Brock- ville, Ontario, sud Schenectuady, N. Y., sud are sehd only in boxes boaning thbe finm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50. They may be had from any dealer, on vul ho sent by mail on rooeipt cf pnice. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille nay ho bad cf ail druggists on direct by mail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Company fnom eithen addresses. The pnice at wbicb pille are soid make a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as compared with ether remedies cr nedi- Set.Thoir sttperiSifty -hid bsen very mue, occaionis;'th' COpp ros? road hine jn slevere trias iwth the moat faracuMachines manufactured in the. United Staten had won 30 out of 34 testis and 30 machines isola wau the resuit. The firm mxanufactnred two styleis, one is known as the steel ma- chine, the other au the wood.eill, the latter, the Iower priced machine, and thie one hie would recommand the coun- cil to purchase should they conclude te invest in a road machine. It lfls 80 constructed that the strain wus in a preat ineaure taken 'off the sili which is of much 'importiance ; the reversabla blade waô -4Qther imporant future and the loaverago wai isô oùnetruotecl that it la more eauily operated than on any other similar machine manufactur- ed ; it wau veryay on the oporator and wus equa 7y adj ustable whether, the machine was standing or in mo- tion. Hie nexti îead many valuiable tostimonfidis from practical and re- sponsible parties parties who have pur- chased and operated the machine in veoos municipalities in the Dominion, tiogether with statements from thom to the purport that they would on no ac- doou'nt returu to the o[d syètem of road "~king by Flow and scraper. Mr. lgta*is eortuinly placed the matter in hand bafore the council in a manner highly cretditabie to himaeif and the en- terprising firm ho sa ably represents. The reeve isaid owing to the small at- tendance at the board, on account of the mnow blookado, he was of the im- pression that action would have to be deferred till noit meeting of council- should any action be takon. Mr. Iishal came before the coundil, hoe presented a bill for shovelling snow on 3rd con. south of IJtica-one day, 75c-the pathmaster's certificate so- coonpanied the bill. On motion of Mr. Weir, 75 ots wus ordered to be paid to Mr. Thois. Irish, for shoveling Bnoq on 3rd con., south of utica. On motion cf Mr. Weir, $6.45 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Jeremiah O'- Loary, for 129 loada cf gravel taken frorn his pit. Mr. S& Murton, 6th con., came be- fore the council regarding the snow blockade on the road in bis locality. Mn. Town, the pathmaster, having removed from the locality, Mn. Artihur Ferguson 'wau appointied pathmaster. On motion cf Mr. Woir, tho olerk wus instructed te procure :)f Mesura. Goad & Co. six mapa cf the township, as per sarople, provided the cost does not exceed $4. On motion the council adjourned. A Piece of Rer Mnd. A lady correspondent bas thia te aY: 'I want to give a piece of My :nind te a certain clasa who object te advertising, wheu it onsta tbem any thing-this won 't cost them a cent. 1 suffered s living doatb for nearly two years wlth beadaobes, backaobe, in pain standing or waiking, waa being literally dragged out of existence, my misery incisas- od by drngging. At lut, in despair, I comrnittod the ain of trying an advertiaod medicino, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription, snd it rostored me te the blesseduese of sound heaith. I houai the physician who when ho knows hoe au cure, ha. the moral courage te advertiso the tact. " The medicine mentioned i. guarantee te cure the delicate diseases peenliar ta femalos, as "Femals Waaknesa," periodical pains, ir.tegularities. nervous prostration, spasma, chorea of St. Vitus'a Dance, eleeplesees, -LLO W tYDl 0 1O T ÂLL I1i.i Lau inf alllble rMMedyfor BadLgm a ~st l ons oe u leu e l u f * u n a o r G t s u d R I a ndat i a m . FOq IIORDERS 0F THe CI4E8T, 8ORE TIIROATS, BRONCHIT18, 00U8H8, COLOS, G~landular Swelling, and al 9kin Disease itbasn qal; for oontracted snd stif joints it aotu lke acam mnactured ouly at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET 588M. MXORD STREET) LONDON, and &AM by &Ul Medicine Vendomra nghout the World. ~Vpurhasors hmeid look to the. Label on the Pots and Boxs. lIthe addrees linDot US8, Oxford Street, LmAnauthey ame apuricu& I rlw OXFORD ALFURN,&r ~ ..FOR ALL SIZES OF BILDINO.. Capaityfront 10,000 to 80,00 Çubic <Peet 1 CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR~ neIyv jlpiatFfr. B«ox tmo RADUWTRoetModm nOM truo tismmd GroattaPowèr >--LAMOSAsaI PIT va- ç' MAL FURNAI II.u'Bnmuh M a hsrada &AfflanS_ ~~Jot zXoR W o O D P U R N A M D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]ul(luaranteed-Capacity_: IU ORA ~Tho OURNEY FOUN1DRY SOMPANT Ltdp TORDM :We have thre Finest Selectiox inutiovu ai tihose BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PAPERi Borders to Ma tch MEmulsion beoume they know what great nouriabig and curative prop- orties it containu They know it je 'what it la represented to be ; namýelY, a perfect emiulson of the best Norway Cod- liver Oil with the hypophofiphiteis of lime and soda. Pr Oougha, old"PSm eThroa, Brnchitls, Weak L=ega, onnmp- t1Oui Bcrofua, nmoeniaVeak Babieoi, Thn Ohildren, Bioketa, Mar- 8emis, LOU Of lOsh, GeusraDcbMlty, and ail oon&gdlta fWuag. The only genuine &Oott!$ Emulsion in put in salmen- colokred wrapper. Refuse inferior substitut os1 Sendf.or.Éamphiet m &wett: Emuiio. FREg. Soott & Bown., Beiievillg. Al Drugglos.S0o. and,&. 9. Corné early end get first choit,0 P. B. WARAM, BrYsu's Old Stand, Brook St., Wbitib7 ATHCOMMENMB 0f Au ATTCKTAXE A "tPiERRV DAVIS' ANOTHtIIR , S oo0w IDE? aITIEII WOOISs Th~e Oroi sudvo iïîii iîin.0 The WOL 8cM lu Whitby byb Z: mfi Îlontote tom .of tube nervu., sytom ud thusby thbe general vigr whloh it impartis, croates an aýppetut, whlch gi,.. te thbe0stom- ach toue aud energ ansd forti fies the sys- tees agatusti aIlluf i on s diseuses Aak for Nortihrop & Lyman'. Quinine Wue ; sold From W0,000 te 10 60 tonsof cf e.have been harvested ast 1NoenaWs., the largest ,C(utltY ever harvested luth. hfitoey cf tat Ool n tii. bnd--N"slBI ie instant relief; speely crs oe Mr. John Caruthe.of Preseott lu the Uibeisi otl or tte Comamoo l Sum I-ut '>105t .or#a, 0 #dé 40 *dé0.0 ao 84 .445 4 LOWEST :-: PRICES.

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