Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 5

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Style, 15 what you demeand ln the purchase Of Spectacles and Eyeglamses. We use ihtelli- gently the beet appliances for fitting the finest, quality of lensges. We take great pains in the choice of sultable (rames. Your attention is 'called to Our new frames ln steel and gold for those un- Usually wide between the eyes and for those whose 1105e is especlally tender. Also our GoId Eyeglasses with double action spring. 13airnai'd. 0 HOME :o: OPTICIAN, Brook Street, -Whitby. 711f '11I TI),j Feby. 28rd. 3 of l)îy Goods. w Goods. The Note some of $3 50, regular 3up 8 do., $7.009 ,ý!, regular $14. 25an $2.75. Itir $.w. Boys 35, regiilar $.0 ullir $(;. Ladies' ,I)s at equally low VJCK ST., LI TB Y@ anwoetl, ikhr mi regî',îered sire and i Stock utý IMr. S 'ox, k- Brtthour, Burford, rinîg oni pIies ai the Of this h 'ar bei ng the re Neither cati be Ternis, -75C., cash, nil 'si and Oct. isi, Inl 7 , Pickering town- or Kilnsai,. r l()ts 34 and ý35, 701 SPasi 9 years occu- 'nmatt. For l)articn- Solicitor, Whithy. gHome Non-infections Cases îingI furnished ut tht Charge moderaie, àheir "w physicians. 1. Iundas Si., Wh isby. e the best bY ail who finîs;hed, Meut dur- Force and ordin- and Chain Pumpa. r1 at the- Implement o&wn ,Srnith'a block. x) ail th6 nedessary T'homnpson'. Pump, aMre every day. W- HW PIPER, Wbitby, oni. OPPING. ide ail tom1 of grain IO WMibytow FRIDAY, FEB. 22, 1895 LOCAL LAQONIOS. Contents of to-days Chronicle. ,lnewsletters froni many points. ý:,mtv W.C.T. U. meeting at Port Perry. \l..Spencers first article on "Wo. Ifl.111 A good story describing a countr-y dance mid mxne things which often occur whilst olun in prog-ress. c)pcn letter frotu R. C. Brandon. Patron c.mdIdate for North Ontario, to Mr. John A Mlc(illivray, Q. C. Wanted. A good general servant. Apply to MRS. (î.o M. RicE. The weather clerk has not ruil eut of blizzards yet. H.îrdwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only I u ubarton challenges Whitby checker club. 1. Pizta is secretary of tht Dun- barton club. Dr. Grants' "Hairene" is guaranteed te stop) falling hair, and cure dandrufi. Ask your druggist for it. Remember that I arn still selling ver hest ceaI at $490o at shed, $5.25 dehivered. Weights guaranteed. H. B. Taylor. Major J. E. Farewell, Q.C., entertained a few friendu ai bis residence on Monday night, to celebrate bis birthday. Our townsman, Mr. W. S. Gold. killed 15 birds in tht big shoeting tournament at Toronto on Tuesdny. Oniy ont other sportsman made as good a record. Cal t tht New Shot Store and get the great bargains offered for ont month. Al the best grades at nuctien prices at M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store. Oh for chenX tickets to and (rom Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland, B. Columabia, Man., California, aIl U. States and Canad- ian points, anywhere, evtrywbere, rail or ocean. Cali on or write Stephenson, Wbitby, opposite Hntcb Brou. Choice of railways, and to ocean stenmuhip Unes. Rates guaranteed rigbt. Aise threugb tickets for special through celonist trains te Canadian Northwest, running every Tuesday during March and Apr-ii. Get full particulars froni Stevenson, Whitby. Mrs. Joys nexi lesson in cooklng. Mrs. Jey wili en Tnesday nex' instrnct hrcooking cînus in the varions dishes thtcan be made from canned salmon. She wl l; nk otncempfs FrateruaI is The fou 'wing vfasonic brethren frorn here accompanied District Deputy Dr. Rat, cf Oshawa, te Peterboro on Wednes- day night, on his officiai visit: A. M. Ross, Majer Harper, Wm. Brown, A. G. Hen- derson, J. H. Gale, Jno. Reed, Theo. A. McGilivr-ay, Jos. White, Jno. M. Burns, Jno. 'Nillis, Jeu King. Animai Meeting Highland Club. Tht annual meeting of the Highland Club will be held in the club romr on Monday evening next at 8 p.m. Electien of officers etc. A flash liglit icture of tht club in session ivili be taken at 9 P.m. Tht president will aise present te tht club a hast cf Sir John A- Macdonald- A full attendance ini costume is requested. Pay up Subscriptions. People should net net upon tht ides that in bard tirnes tbey ana put off pnymetîof their subucriptions for thet lime. Tht stringency,, cf muney inakes it ail tht more necessnry that ive sbouid bave thterueney alilpaid in. 'Ne are oflenlng cheap enough papers, dear knowvs, and nny mn witb a tad on hlm can readily understand that so small a margin of profit demanda, cash An Important Address - Mr. R. H. Lnwder will nddresu tht fan- mers' institute meeting in tht council chamber here ou Monday alternoon next on the beet root sugan iadustny. There iu prubabiy net a man lu Canada ivho knows au much about tbis question as Mn. Lawder, and ive deubi net that a lange at- tendance cf farinera iIli be pruset te heur bina speak on tht question. Beet sugar bas beea tht salvation of Genmany, aud inay beccime a great industry lu Canada. Auction Sale. Tht Queen's hetel here lb a bngedf bands. and tht laie propnieter iil1ila 4.lot of horsts, nev milk coiva, b es entiers, stable - utensils and ho o furulture at tht hotel her on Saturday temorrow, Pcb. a4nd, ai zlxo'cock. -L Fairbank, Anetlouee.» Remember thb Smpua cthes sae of faim stock asud Implests belonglngte th -tee u usof the bte Aiex. Tbompson.. lu ddbs teo, on Wëdsday nezt Thia w* U . Bbrd a syiasdid tonuav Secffl Som A Weil .red at W. Till 9. - ~uaL Get your fir.pots, grate, ilron or bric k lîninga for ail kinla of stoves, ranges or furmaes, froi .m ciatyr X 'Nerletcbd 1"'-dr#~ ~n bine ee"wfli ,~, ~.y Clêaise ypDur scalp. Evety.- pair uf boots~ shoe' ubee oveihotsand ongfeit boots wiil be slaughtered for a Month. M. W. Colline, est aide Brock st., WhibY. The Queens hotel wiil change handa on mondai next. A Mr, Pein, .Toronto, bas bouglIt out the business. We hope be Maya prove as goo a landiord su mr. Fôîy h&llP a good and orderly bouse, and a m'ore accommodation and unselfisb botel keeper could not be found. Farmiers are warned to beware of al swindler wbo ia working bis way east- ward from, Western Ontario. He poses as a bill pster and bis Plan ie to ofler a mil sum for exclusive use of the side of the barn or a board fenee. He pays for it, in-. duces the owner to sign a receipt, which is transformed J nto a note from $3o o $îo whicb the astoaished farmer is called upon to pay at the bank at whicb bis signature la familiar. Assembly at Oshawa. "Our Boys" wlll bold an assembîy at tht Moulder's Hall, Oshawa, on Monday evening next, February 25th. Excellent nusic by orchestra of tht 34th battalioti band. Scranton CoaL. Foi tht present, $5.25 delivered $4.90 at harbor. Special care taken screening and delivering. There is no better Anthracite coal mined than this. Bring along your orders and secure your ceaI now. Ternis cash. Offilice opposite CHRONICLE Whit- by Ont. E. R. Blow. Ontario Ladies' Collewe. A very pleasant reception was held at tht college on Friday laut, mainly given for Victoria University, Toronto. About i6o came here by special train, which, to- gether with somne local people made a large comnpany. Everytbibg passed oùi most agreeably. A word about clubbing. Some enemy of ours is circulating a re- port around Oshawa te tht effect that tht CHRONICLE has been shut off frorn club- bing with tht Globe. We club witb tither tht Globe or any other paper that any- body wants, and in nineteen cases out of twenty our rates are lower than any body. Hero cf Nlaetetnth Century.' Rev. M. Gold wiil deliver bis famnous lecture, on 'Hero of tht î9th century," this, Friday, evening in tht baptiat churcli. Such a grand subject treated in Mr. Gold's well-known dramatic and cloquent style should prove a great treat, and we can as- sure those who attend cf a capital lecture. Admission îo cents. CERowxoLu and Wêekly Globe and Cana.da Fariner to Jan. 1. 189. Cifioiqc- and 'Weekly Ma&il and E) ,to Jan. lot,189, OHEeNI a&nd F&mrine' Son to Hockerig. eecmehr nWd nesday and captured thetotwn club by 4 10 3. Tht celiegiate inutitute hockey teani gees te Lindsay this afterneon to play un evening match, Great interest was manifested in tht double match on Friday afttrnoon be- tween the Victoria u'liversity seniors and juniors and thetotwn and collegiate instu- tute teams. Tht town defented tht sen- iors by 3 te 2, and tht ceilegiate institute defented tht juniors easily by 12 teor. The spectaters were weII pleased wlth bath matches. R. T. of T. 'Ne learn tht Imperia] Trio Royal Temi- plars of Temperance close their work in South Ontario at Ciaremont to-night (Fr1- day) and go tast te Bloomfield or Picton to-morrow. We understnnd theirnwork in South Ontario bas on tht whoîe been greatly helpful te varieus ceunciis, not- withutanding tht drawback on account ef tht wtt weatber, and that large additions bave been made to the membtrship. Wbitby council goes te Oshawa te attend and take part in an optn meeting thene to-nigbt, and next Wednesday evening Pickering counicil lu e xpecttd te, visit Whitby. Whitby council is at preseat booming in tht matter cf initiations. Two wa.rd elections. Returning efficer Huston bas lssutd a proclamation calling upon tht electors cf tht centre ivard te meet at tht. council chamber onu Wdnesday evening acit and nerninate candidates for ceuncilor te 611l tht vacancv caused by Mn. G. E. Gnos la diuciaiming bis seat at tht council board, andalso te 611 tht vacany caustd at tht board cf education by the death cf tht late Thomas Lawler.' Mr. A. M. Rous lu tht oaly candidate metiontd se fan for tht tht truteeship, and wiIl ne doubt be eleet- te tht position. For councilor Mi. W. H. Beiveli is very favorably mentioned, sud may probnbly held tht sent for the balance cf tht yeat. An electien wil ceut tht towa $18, and we hope that wboever tht nominetes may be tbey ivill agnte upon some action which ivilI save a vote. John Lontea, n Fnenchmau, wbe says be came frein thteCity cf Qnebec, arneve here (rom tht veut o n Tusdu.y aftrucoul, per the air line al" tht railwray track frem Pickerng. Underone cf hie atins le bore a pancet, wblch be carried lie oBurns- shot store.Unwrapping il lie dlspayed a Pain cf uppers rtady for sellng. Ht pro-I ceededitoseil thenti ýto Mr. urSe, wbose, su4pilduwerne growlug erysta-oug,sMd> wvie preiended ie -bad to go,oýut andi ber- nrovlc O.o ePsy fÃ"r <eau. Of courue l va CleCofstàble Qalvcnly b. vsed. lu the meantime Mr. Lesie a6>em~ker, PickeriL,..Isad ieleg, e 5tltb*Cl thIpf audboi. teck Lentes aie l'be -parlor of î1b4 ponce statio. The prispeawuief r Mapr, stted ime lawandiwl cve Isuntes~tdy on Wednoesday enng klu * lllgbIauG Club woms by the -$pu* -Conàud~~u. ht was unluOouy- e ~O~bt:tove and *fi'tae nde In Canada fýronJ.MC. WOvýen wire bed..sprnngfunl -Bixe, with 'eteel corded wire and bardwood (ramnes. OnIy $2, at W. Till's. The snoc .4torm on Wednesdlay night renderedIt Impossble for the mornîag until a 8n0w plow bad rua tbrough. Tht farmners near town are-iaying la large stocks of ice this year. Tht bay Is froxen a >ut two feet thlck, and the quality We are lnformed'that Ithere is a club ln this town Wbich la conducted Ii asimmor- al a Manner as any of the Oshawa clubs complained of. It la pretty safe to Bay tbat secluded clubs serve no good purpose. We bave many times dealt witb this mat- ter. Dandruif. This form of disease 19 very apt to de- velop- about tht age of puberty, or may be postpoaed until betweea the ages of thirty to forty years. It is usually accom palnied by more or less itchlag, and serlousl y impairs tht lustre of the bair to remove and pre. This year Ash Wtdnesday faIls upon Feb. 29, and Easter Day on Apr. 14. This year there will be five eclipsts, three of the sun and two of the moon. One is a total eclipse of the meon, visible in Can- ada beginning at 7.58 p. m., and ending 1.20 p.M., Marcb xoth. Old mother Luna seems to be doomed to travel "in bard luck," for she suifers another total eclipse on Sept. 3.4. This eclipse begins busi- ness at 11. 12 P. m. of the3rd, and ends at 1.43 on tht morning of tht 4th. This will also be visible in Canada. As tht three eclipses of tht sun wilt not exhibit in Can- ada, and are onîy partial at that, no details of tbem are required. x5 per cent. off for cash At tht Mammoth Parlor shot store, Dtv.- erell's block. Open every night. M. Collins, prop. At Mrs. hCadili's. Remember tht W. C. T. U. Parler social at Mrs. Jas. Madill's this Fridav evening Feb. 22nd at 7.30 P m. Proceeds in aid of Free Reading Rooni. Admission io cts. Personal. Inspector Tilley, Toronto, was in towa Monday. Miss C. Mtrritt, of Audley, lu visiting Mrs. F. Jones. Mrs. A. McDonald, Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. D. Campbell. Mr. J. W. Thompson has been laid up here for three weeks by a severe cold, but we expect lie will be out in a few days. Mr. J. W. Brant bas gone te Toronto, wbere he will fi11 a position in the dtpart- ment of agriculture during tht session. As will be seen from our Port Perry items, Mr. John McKay of this town, in company witb a very bandsome lady of Port Perry, carried off tht honors at a carnival there for tht best looking and best costumed couple on tht ice. Mesdames Martin, Madill and Powell, and Miss Starr and Miss Logan went to Port Perry on Tuesday to represent tht Whitby union at tht County Wotnan's Christian Temperance union. Miss Logan was appointed secretary and Mis, W. E. GKEENBANX. We regret te lean that Mrs. J. M. Real ls on tht sick lut. A sîtigl lad cf ycung people from here tock ln tht open Divisision at Utica on Fniday evening last Tht bau been a new arrIvaIlui tht. shape cf a bounciug baby boy ni tht home- cf F. W. Love, at tivelve pouader. .Garaet Cnagg leaves this week for Jôlitt, Illinois, wbere he intends te te- main'for anme time. May good. lnck at- tend hlm. Travel on tht ronds is ncw auything but pleasant on account cf ilumeraus pitcbheles, and the difficulty cf tunng eut wben meeting other nigu, In fact la sorne places it lu almout impossible to'do 50. After being tivice postponed on account cf thteii'eather and rends, tht communion ivas beld la tht Presbytenian chuncli on Sunday laut. The iveather lb la tinteivu' ahI that could be desintd, and si;a, esult the attendance was large, alincat the ta- tire Wick congregation being presewnt. We are sory oKWeartUEMr R. Leask lu net;i veny good btalth, baving caught a vtny severe cold. Lyons, Garden & Co. are pntiug ila qnantity cf hemlock, cedan, hindi and mnaple at ibeir ill ibis ivinter, Five teams aie haulîag -ail thet tue. They in-' tend toeatart the mill before long se that customens can have thein lumben eut and drawu whilç theuleigbing lastu. .We notice John A. McGilivnay's ltter la tht Inet issue Of tht CHRONICLE nre tht Patroq movenlent. Il read te us like tht ivail cf a defiated man befone tht elections have cerne off. Ht can afier the electien add te Q. C. "tht twice nejected cf North Ontario." Section foneman Shaver came near meet- ing witb au an accident 'Neduesda.H and is ien. erepushiag the foot lorry over tht section and ne hean tht Ex- pressuntil il ivas cloue* upon t4mt. Tbey mast had lime te Ml- the platformt off itu tht enlue truck the' wbtls umaslii th $ei lto trsgm nt. -A strengivr. n n whbilzsiasblowing atthtelUmisprevene tiien bemrng the trïan cemlng after tItis. Mn. W. Joiveli, of Wbltby, wa iu bown, 131P0R274N CF. 8TEWAIT COMMENCE VIRER GREAT AN NUAL WINTER fGALE H igh CIass Oîess Goods. WOOLLEN GOODS, BLÂNKETB, LIN~ '~ r~ 81117 .TINGB, HOtu ORDEBED CLOTHING, -MÂNTLES A1m- V V>UtN3(--i P )DS9 EL GEWr' ~FRN1~CRS8 Hrpai' wilI be an exceptional OPPOrtunity for eveyone desiring first-class Goods at prices absolutely less than cost of manufacture. The stock i every department i the honse'is very large and unusualy- well as. sorted, and very great reductions have been muade i every de- THIS tSAEntroghtth etreeabsmet ....And better values will be offéed than at any previous sale.. We beg te, imprees upon our many patrons the. advisability or ,Iak- ing th.e. purohases sa early -a., possible as the pricesi we are now offer- ing new and desirable goods àt wîlI insure very speedy sales. Mrs C Stephenson lu very sick. Mr. D. Milner lu under tht Dr's care. Mr. George Nesbitt lst a valuable horst last week. Messrs. Niel and Charles Swetman have starttd te uchool. Miss Laura Smith, cf Port Hoover, iu visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Nesbitt. Mr. E. Gerrow, jr, of Pint Grove, bas also been visiting in this vicinity. Mr. J. Stephenson's two oldest sons from Myrtle bave been visiting friends on tht island. Mr John Prosser lu going bis rounds again. Ht lu around new in tht form of a lecturer and phrenologizer. The Patrons of Industry made up a purse cf nine dollars te their wortby sec.- While the people wbere ceming home fromn churcb Sunday night tbey met a uleigh, and as tht rend was narrow tbty bad te belp tht sleigh out on top cf tht drifts. While tbey were deing so tht bit on ont herse gave way, nesulting la what migbt bave beta a serions accident. There was anme tWl scramnbling dont fer a while, but fertunately ne person wau hurt. Mr. H. Waaamaktr's cutter wau pretty ivel dtmolisbtd. T. Walker, cf Preston, ivas in the burg ever Suuday. Miss MniMltnof Gorrit, lu vis- iting wîth her uncle, W. Greenway. flics. Guy. shipptd a vtry fint thor- oughbred bull te Thornbury on Mondny, Miss Mitng of Toronto and Miss Hannt of Pickein are visiting with Min. T K .ing. , . Mrâ. M. NL arey leif for Black Rock on Mond*~ at thé egll cf her daughter who is very te. -il returned home on Mon- èirmi whene she as been visitibg friends. Geo., An mosn las mvei nto the house Ieyt M~r. G. Ashley's store lately occupled b< 'P. Aàdreivu. Tit ebupu which are ledgtd along the lake 5àfbre are like -mrinature mun- tains. 014d- settlens 'say it iu years ince they ivere as large. P. Colettau any he bas neyer known the ronds -eo bn for travelling betiveen Oehawa And northern villages as at the present tine. Frank had a ard tine lut week, mn ger Majefty's service. An enorinos anount of icet las been cnt front the Cedar Dale pond this past w*eek. .It *inies from two feet tetwofie'et sund a haif lu thickness. This de)th of yr.J. X. Broks, ivhe bau -been gentral manager fr N. B. Keeney & Sons of It trct-las eeered hie- connecýtion -with that firm te assume the ppitrh op f tbe Orinta hoelPor'7PrýJake ma firet class heteautanand shoutd vonunsud.a respectablerporion of -tht buinessin. tbt tewn.Wýe- al Jeu livishlng liai evtry succe8g,. Misse Bith Wotten basuet wOshawva. Mi. W.-,Humnpage 15 visitlng at Colambui, ,is âme e iPscoelavWsiingfids iKJ saiteaMW WhittW. ss Mit$ y.,, tovin,, Manchester, lu ïsiuIg ai sud c -hUdrenare vWstlug at à4.R Pi e -- c. . TE ÂR.G. ~ Brooklji. Faîl wheat 6oc, spring wbeat 58c., goose whent 55c., bnrleY 44c. te 44c., ats 30c., small peau 5oc., blackeye peaus 55c., bine peau 55c., mnunny peausSoc., buckwheat 32c., rye 40C., bay 8,5.50 te $6., red cloyer,' 86.40, alsike, $5. Oshawa. Hýighest prices paid: (ail wheat 55c spving 55c, goose 50, buckwbeat 37c, bnrieY 35c te 40c, bIne and wbite peas Soc, munny and -blackeyed 55c, clover seed 85,- ,5o, alsike 83.50 te Ss.-oo, timotby $2.0o ryt 38c, hay $8.oo, baled hay îo.oe, pork $4.*50 te $4.75 flu 17,eg 7,ptte e bg ooc. Blaohwater. Markets ns corrected weekly by Lycas & Ce; Spring wheat.,58 te 6oc, faîl wheat ,5 te 58c, goose wheat 52 te 52C, Buck- wheat 32 te 33c, barley 42 te 43c, black- eyed peas 5s te 55c. sinaîl peause5ote 5oc, bine peas 55 te 55c, white Onts 3o.to 31c, mixed oats 2,5 te 26c, alsike clover $3.6o te $,5.2o, red loyen $5-75 te $6.oo, btansix.oo te $i. te, d. begu, $5.00 te $5.25 goos what, oc:buckhea, 3536c bar- gg I leypsix-owed 35 tO 0c; arle. t slueh, i cu loe , 35c;-n ewt , . 40c; a rley26C wo- horst poier e we , 3cayt 0 ot, m ail te 28c ; bnde,. i n a peu mh, 0c ; mumrny peau, 55 te 6oc ; i set platfi peau, black eye, sac; blut peaus, 55te 60Ce; racks, 3 set dloyen, Alsike, 84.25 te $5.25 ; red clover, harnesu, 2a 8s te 5.0 potatees, per bag, soc te 55C; stene, zrja hay. $6 te 88; baled bay, $ro te $12; but-- he,, Indde: ter, r6c te rie.;.*.ggs, j6c te r8c; drtstd articles tee hogu, 84-75 te k-00, bogu, lBye weiht, pr .- o $F-7; applesi'winten, 81.25 te 82.00. 1 centre tabl Tormto 1 cupb1oard Tht foilowing are bigbest prices quoted: quan~tity7of White wheat 62c, red .6zic., gose 58c., P -i"»'-' oats 32c, barley 46c, comno peau 56c, S5Ot nyt Soc, budrwhtat .,4c, hay » .ete$,;97 clevrer 88.sestrM. '5, bûtWer 8c, eg Ï6Z.tIC.à 25C te 40c, turkeys 7 te 8ë, geese 6c, ducksi "ruailÀs oci 4oc te 65c, cabbnge, ;Pen doz. .35e te 40enden, Cash beets, per doz. mo, carnes, .uer bag, 4oe, credit by fIn turnipu, per bag, 2o te 25c, p oes, pe n 1 t at tht bag c, onions, per bai, 7o~ e .ce, or cash apple: $1.7.5 te$3. Thé, 8M 3-Y port PWV. tb il on4 NOTE-The figure given le tbe, biglitu paid. Falt whtat csptnug6oc,,,goosé Whltby, eé 53CJ banzey 6 nowtd 4uc barley 2'.-rowtd -____ j5e, rYe.38,cas , 31C $ bfaeyed - c, muuny- 53c, smnallsic, buckwh , J4I.fI beans fr. zo alsike dlovr 1.oo teoe, r-trd 'A godfi $6oo te 86.5o, grass seed #$oe75,- eb 'é,nsc l- sr 6odwooîrf6ibdètIef o 4.7; -Suig'e pork 4,50 te $5.ooe; turkeys a 1C, duel.gi-v' ' - "'f 8Cte 9c, cbicktus 8é te 8e, geese 7c, te 8ë, .îa e t butter 1i 'è, ggs 22c, lard4#13c. chetat 14'c,-.cIher potatees 3oc, apples Per bush -6oc, barct- bvepiî wood $3.5 tes$30,otwod200 beto te Ofpa dustel apply te',- au-MM"DR. R. Mai WSDNESDAY, Pua. a'th, '896.-ýCredit sale cf pnn-e-bred ebont-hom nu ùd higb Ag ,8i graýde cattie, horsts1 pigs, iplements, ete., pnoetty of tht late Alex. thom.f y~ son, lot 25,--211d con.of Wbltby. Saeat i o'clock p.m. Lunch Sti'.: A ceuatS nen .Fairbanks, auctiqneer.ý -or.~ Cue-REDISoT SrnALEig bre Grd-0F----- vreg Pige, Imlementi, DEtc. Tht subscriber bau recelved: instructions front tht estate of thé,late ALEXANDER THOMSON, -t sell by -Public Auction, witbeout reserve, at bis late' premlises Mnyfield Patin, lot 25, in the and con. of Tht whele ments, etc., Hoitsis.- iag. 1raine CArTLEM. short-bora c cews, -due tc two year à yearling beil ling steers. 3 fat utters. cf bis, valuabît stockp impie- as fohlowu:- -1 benvy four yearOld-gelid- eyear old mare. - Nint su&perlor -pnre-bred cattie. Three bîg'bbredgrd ýo calve this -à ringt nego Ild beifer-, due to caIïe. Two ýfers. 3 heier àles ye- 6 godibetyear od steers ;NTS.-2 good wagons,' r sitagle spning boitrd1 x tof bb- nIter, i grain-dfi1r-zl0Ws, 1 rdouble nlould-boar. pIÃ"w, 1 Set Imon ,bnrro= , ifrlon alky bav rake, -rturulp, dki~r r.1straw cutter-r.godifse livnmcine - mfuîg" enta cales 200' 4moe, a Iiay ts f teani brùutM-", tct ingle sets of wfimfetréeEt- zigrind- ns, Ioggg-cb unda'çIotli- >numerou AotementIoà.AJ sebold isrnigure t zï beil.egu,-- )l, zkitcbtn tabiean1d dresser- , 1,churu ,rook a ove ý.#. e WcatI. 1 >.rOII 13, 189$. r# bei iiosiLýBYO' cq, QUM, -1183 PLI QlW imirTii Di FOR 30 DAYS ORLY§ :l

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