Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1895, p. 8

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QV ED ITo- MK STREET 2NTARIO BANK arbIe VvorrXS. &5.turt're 01 qents, HcadsltOf~s mOtery WurltAI ortOiis of ish, Americafl and n Granites, ig work w(uld d(w irehater g. teed &Ld i î1Ce@ of tLe nd Sale Stailes st., Whitby, fRT, Proprietor tibt.rallydegLIt w1ih reasorialit priEfs Kgage Ilujlc at re'a :ST, WIIITI3Y, ,Ar Stuep iii ctiuiierti op late-ly carri,'d oni 1,Y Belîairinig Swiu - Lýo< kÉ; Scales, cjtI' t .. gz Machilles, &C - Sa'w ssors, Kmuvvs, C lupor repaured, Ali kinds cf e and r..îaured, Stiop .PEAT ýndsvisiting\V'hitvonct- i i lothuig trnuun g,-i sio îcuui, %hen htist.t-îi mil .If uhey (ail ru br su V treuil ýe. If ille y s" for cleanueg an n ti>i )lhifg ;for d3'ieg ai su raneul and ire-s.st-d -5( ,à l1raning or din>gi-u )S. N1 iý A N N, A Rvn i 6 895 W tiltby 5'U RANCE. i Lift & Accident Co., Toronto ['1ck Lif 0n eu ran C Nîi.'ay per cent, ot ai 'plus4 us retîurned to th ctlies are paid wîthlo 'e proni ,f deatu ent J. 13. POWELL A W itby ~iGG- âS. ýlIS F~. unge St. Toronto. E' rnonths I ama gis'ung; patientB frein a dib. kinig plates un rtllter 3old and silver flîu rst-clas, elseratorb gt e rate, il, tihe city 1in and le meexEan. ake rie extra charge, List, Seuth east corner #Toeronutoe. S TA TIONFI? 'JTICA ,ITflUG PAPEItg )OTHER. 'Ime Table AND MIDLANIY 1) WERTWRD 'Mail ... .5 47 am ms dauly, ex. et &top huere a M ýt Sunday .... 9:08 a m dzei Bn.81 pi] oxcept Sunr. 8.0 amn excert ! '.nIO0i arm di,. 2:87 p-m DIVI M,< ýibDANir :&,flou Sick. Headache GURED PERMANENTLY Ayer's Pll 'I Was troubled a long time 'Wth FIlk hfeadache- It was sal;ienald m lh qevere painsthn le te JpJei.., n .ense of t1illîress and tenderneass ln one ee. a 11-1(1 taste ln my mou thi tongvi,<'oaied, hands and teet cold, and sieknss u; t 1It stotflh. 1 trIed a good mna,îritimedltes recommended for tuis compija1iî1t bul If Was trot until I Began Taking Ayer's Pis% that I reeelved an vthing 11k.' pernin- nient benlefit. A single box of i tesf 1. dlid the work for me. and 1i ni noivfiee' frîîm heaclaches, and a w .11 miii.- t H.BUuTCauios, Easu Auburn. Me AVER'S PILLS -Awtiardd Modal at World's Fair Lier's SaresaparUla dathe s. eat. The Barber'a Story. LONG HOURS A.ND CONSTANT STANDING BROUGET ON KIDNEY TROUBLE. Forced to Quit Work and Fearod That Ho Would Have to Drop His Tuade -aow h. ut Last Fonnd a Cure. From the Stratford Beacon. A.mong the. reaidente of Stustford there is puobubly none botter known or more highiy rompeoted thun Mr. James E. Smith, the Ontario street tonsorial artist, Mu. Smith is ulso wclI keown in Toronto, in which city ho worked fou severul yeaus in a Yonge atreet bar. ter ehop. To a reporter o! the Beacon, wbe je a customer of bis, the affuble barber reccntly told of hie ucoery frein a lute very severo ilinose. Ho had, ho said, for some years been afflict- cd with a weak butck, se machi se that at turnes if he stooped h. eould net re- gain arr nprîglit position unassisLed, and as fer lifting anything, that was eut of the question. "Fer yoars," te use Mr. Srnatb's ewn words, 1-1 could net carry a scuttie full of ceai." Ho had, se tihe physiciang whetn ho con- sulted toid him, diseuse of the kidacys, but they fai e-I te cure him. Hc grew weak ut length and rapidly lest fiesh. Quit. trequently ho wenld b. obhiged te give up work fur a week andt&4ale te his bed. HUs bis happotite, vas pale aud eo unnorved thut l1e could net pos- sibly hope Vo continue longer ut his trade. ,,Castoniers cf the barber shop," he rnmarked, "do net cure te be shaved b y s man whose biand trein. hies." Ho liad been in bed souze time undeugoing treatinent wheu oeer».n ing his vite said to him, *'Jm, I've gel à new medicine 1 vant you te iry." It -vas Du. Williams' Pink -Pilla ,li, lad. HUe ehjected te more medicine, as in- valide vii de, but ut leugtlisas sensible 'mcan usualiy are, lie as guid.d by bis -vif.. "But znind yeu," lie muid, 66I Iad no faitb in tho pilla ; I .only teck ,'thera te pieuse My vif.." Lt vus for. Vtunate lhe did qe, for hecvas accu backi at work sud aftex taking several boxes1 of tic mstdicine vas stronger tian b. liati been for severul years. Withini twe ruonthealater beginulug te tuke1 Pink Pilla h. f.'la 11k. a uew man and had gaincti over tveuty pounds lu wsigb t. Tliere le oertalny ne heltli.4 heu m=n il the city teday tha.n Mu.i Smith. ince.hie resteustien te bealth by Dr. Williazs' Pink Pilla lie lia re-c eemnended the r9medy to many of bisii friendu and ihas et te bemuof a case where the reruedy faillifuil lidvas founti wunting. iu cases 11k. that of t Mu. Smnith, Pink Pillaetunùsh a spedyt and effective cure, a& indeed they dlo lu ail caes dep.udent -upc», a peau or- watery condltioii cf the blood onumpair-t ed nervons terce.. Dr. William'. Pink Pilluan told ouiy iu boxas bearing the. irm is Iaiuia Beauuar itlîat Dr. Willih.' kJDi Pilla are nevr sold Iuvbulk or by lt.e do"* CWor' uusi. duIsny de"leWhlo n 0555 5b.litlsa th5 weq They M'Y b. bad from aiiy' - lew,àr wMt!bo suit by "mal t relptof Pr Dr. W»llas'Plulç Pile »»y be.hi of ,%drouggIsts or direct byimat i r Dr. Willisms' Medlicinie Oupn eitlièr addremee. The. puce .ut wu1 pille are sold, make0 a course cf treu ment cOOlpfratively, înex, nhr*Vei oompae fhrreddeor Mec cal treatinent. The Arte ofOoeiersatioa, The beat definitioii or oonversatic 15apelel exoliange Of lues. Asq peý fection in any art is acquired throug practice and cultivation, togethe i one's natural gift, @0 is the art 0f ol versation acquired ; it, as je the cae with oratory truly needacl0vto In this nineteenth entu de, te ayso universal knowledge and Iearning, an almoat oniversal craving for intelo nality, one would think that conversi ltion, 8s 9 sooial factor, muet be enjoy ing itsi Agna go. But - what ie th 6actual case ?' Mr. Alger, a weil knowi authority on thie subjeot éaya-"Oozm vereation hu beconie the ghost of Wh& it was. During the age of Agusti, Cuesar the botter classes of the inhsb itante of bis realm met together regu larly for no other pur pose than improi ing theinselves in ttue mucli desire( art, and they found it to be the mos satisfying of ail employments. Lt ws the crowning art and lnxury of1 Rlonian's life ; but to-day w. fail to fini conversation î_e1d up sa the muet Ioftj and riohest of social arts. No; coni parison alone shows that interchangt and discussion of opinion, argument, wit, bunior, sympathy, on topicsaadi tbemes of great moment and solemm import--all, once se familiar and coin mon to those ot the higher claeses and cu.ltivated society, have been efface< from the pages of time, and have beez replaced by the t.clegrapb, newspaper, lecture and everybody's increaing hurry. W. cannot, as did the Romans ol a ges past, wait and harkcn Vo, the voioe of conversation; but the voice of con- versation in onurcars as only an echoý thus the low ebb to, which conversation has. failen. Sucli a 1cms of intellectual cajpital -h beyond estimation. Poor indeediîs the compensation when wc dispense with ail individual reasoning, wîth ail the 7grand and noble thoughts of the human mind for the reading cf newspapors. It simply means the banishinent of the standard gold cf thonglit frein circula- tion. Surely the levers of a truc social life, in union witb the seekers cf a rich and noble inteileotual Rie, can find a remedy for the upbuilding cf this Art cf arts, suoh s it was La thre Roman world. The restoratioui cf this lies te a great citent in the handa cf the women, but more especially the educated women. A weman in lier quiet home eau often do more in a single word for purit.y and truth, or whatever cause ah. espouses, than the world's greateat preacher in a sermon frein the pulpit. Botli sexes should take liold te r.e- store thie great art 1 In looking over the literary world to-day eue can with a glance Sec that Conversation la lying dormant. Ai mankind is practically a8leep to the potency -of conversation: but if we wonld take a lesson from the great Leachers of the world we would sec that sncb teacliers as Confucins, SocraLes, and, above ail, Jesus, gave in the pratioe of conversation 'b' pe sons of inolegen mi, dcultureilî should b. artisticf, thougi net artifiop.t in system and oJ a sii asnaturl in its cours$e stLb.Mrujn--- Of a treara as spontaneou sna 'ro Iutary as -the song of a bird. An intellectual converstionalist do.. net nobeuray mean one who- le ahi. ho discusa the mrat politisai questin, such as-iariffe reormnft-os trade versu prot4otio,. etc.-NO* tbe very seue. of Lth ueloua ee nalstèeply intheerene uit lher Lbougt and tes. -t14Y ide". and emoètiono ;#sumain, I . prefernpthe comme lab.rermit joink'ao *âtÏas tlîê- muet 1«=M pofo~ofUth al It ta this ittsluâhly-Md intesma.: t". ýthAtColioquey- is, aleo b$wo, tud should bestow ib' i$n -,À t -où" hupel Ordeîed oy tbe' B avwOom. mtti.,ci the PrNyOî (;0 aôttwû riowfhmtudn~thab' heanplication wua o0ppced 91the ân runk., subséquent to the. settement cf tham uwOtiôÙoat week. Mr. Shaughnessy te ci.#. ralue objection to the manne? l* whlch the ript of way over certain Street& in the mvllage of O amp. beilford hed been grante4, The village granting the use of?'ertain Street%, but theO.PB.demanded a by-Jsw. Mr. Guillet, M.P.,,Sent ouý a plan on Tues- day showing the. srveyed entrance to Oampbellford, and requesting- that a by4law be passed ranting rigbt of way. With commendabre energy on the part of the Oampibellford council, a meeting wus immedrqt.ely called and the by-4aw res.ched Oobourg per retnrn mail. Mr.. Cameron states that the last obstacle ini the way of the railway hau now been emvd and that the final contract wii o sgned and cash deposit put up ce A new enterpuise lia come into pré- n minence tiithin the pat ew days, a. whlch may open up hig possibolities for ât Cobourg. A large and wealtby syndi. i8 cut. hue been formed ut Port Dover, on )-Lake Erie, for the establishmnent of a i- fueaght ferry &cross the lake te 01eve. r-land Ohio. A number cf capitalistes on ,d botb sides of the lake are iuterested, 3t and fou somo weeks occasional notices w have appeared in the big city dailies in a regard to tbe enterpriso. A lotter d dated Jan. 28th, bas beon roceivod hy y U. Hector Cameron, Q.0., puesident tof the. Oobour, Northumberland & o Pacifie Railwuy Comnpany, from the ,,Nortlieun Construction Ceompany, 188 d Montagne street, Brocklyn, N.Y., in- a quiring what kind of return freiglit, and *tble probable quantity, oeuld be secured d for a similar line of freigbt ferries b.. d tween Cobourg and Oak Orchard bau- i ber, aituated directly acrots Lake On. tario. The letter states that 800,000- tons of coal oould b. shipped peu season frein ,f the Penylvania ceal fields te Canada. BThe rotura freigbt oould be made cf iron eue froni the north counntry, coin. ing in over the C.P.R. The project in 2 a tremeudons one, and if succeasaful on Lake Erie, why net on Lake Ontario ? a If the onterprise ean b. cauried ent, it 8means a big thing for Cobourg. FolIow- iing is the letter te Mu. Cameren. Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 28tb, 1896. Mu. Hecor Cameron, Q.C., Toronto, Ont. My Deur 8fr :-Thus Company and its backers are seon te- construct the Batavia and Nouthern R.Ru., whicb will -when bnilt, eztend from Batavia, Gene- see Co., te Oak Orchard haubour direct. Iy opposite Cobourg and Port Ho pe, Can., on the souti sbore of Lake On. tarie. This harbour ha 25 te 80«feet cf water inside for 24 miles inland and 18Ï feet cf water oer ate bar hetveen two jotties or pieu. 180 and 1000:f.et long. The U.S.-Government lise sput $205,000 on improvements in and !rut this harbont. Lt is now a Port of Vin- try - and, a. Ousteni Houa.1I Iosrn4 tbrough Mu. G. H. Jowrh t~Dépi,_ C.P.U., Torouto, that yen vere inter- ested in a projeci tebuild aroad into, Cobourg frein a ceunection witir the O.. P. Ity. If this lese, would'you objeet te favor me witli whut yen thlnk a tain estimate on the. ameunt of lum ber 4!2d other freights that would bha shipped acroes Lake Ontario te our peut, if a lin. cof ferries be put ou consistiog cf two steamers, eoc 252 ft. long, 52' it. heam, deptli 12j ft., and would carry 82 ioaded cars ech on a 'draft cf I1% (t. We bave ne ides 'but viaji ibis enter. prise eau b. sucecessfully arried ot- but we arc not pouted offoialy about the output of freiglit frein yoùr pro- posed teununi. W. oan osa;y that ves would be in a position te deliver at your peut, Cobourg, tMly'80,00 osof coal if it could b. haudled tram yens, p eut. Our e.dvantage i. greet te iandte Ganadiau product. as vwi our'teu. minai, conneot wîth ail the Truunk lin. ruaning Eust and West, andmùn direct connections into Uie Peo ol hieids. I cannot but think ýbutq4 ,Vha the C.P.UB. would tutu a gWeat amouut cf its trame s ciois viia t"sroute, Asil voutd save many, Miles, te New York, Phuladolpela, Baltimiore sud 1o hberJ points east andi veut. >WWU e pae tuyau me iviti your Viewesad oblig"e., EENE5T W. Emuoz0 in,E. North Amineian aquaduc» tii a thrd-ias.guaoas mcli aw Sorofula arid A nfl m i ù Bm ru -MLios' md 'Pal or Sallow CornpleKic;~, .re.speèlâily ured&,.g th1 e rî ùýôI &o411ýver1.7.T ~hrrm edy Bo quicklyand effeotively enriches ab4d, Puries -the blood and gives nouriohzùeýt to the 'whole sYstem. It io pleaaant to take and- eay on the stomacli Thin, Einaoiated Peroonsand a&U snfering fromn Wasting Diseaes are re-. stored to health by Saotts Emulajon. Be sure YOu get the bottie with our4 ?f~~MARtK. trade-n3ark on it. Refuse oheap substitutes! &.ndorpmp/lcon, Scae oit' rus jo,,. FE Scott& Bowne, 13eiloville. Ali Druggists* 500. and C. Purlty tà* Blood, orreet aul Imorderu of the L IV B R& T X O , K D N Y N O E S They InviRorate and reutore to heaU hD.bilitated OomutWtons, and are invainable inani dýorupinto incidental to Peuiai.,of!ai- For objidren and the aged tlxey are prise us. linnufactured only at 78; NEW OXFORD STem T(lte 683, OXFORD êTREET, LONOadnt by ail Medicine VendorathO ut the. World. ND ,an oi OrPurchaser houli look to the lbel on tii. Boxes and Pots. U Qe ai. m lue. not bu, O4fobStrstLondon, thsy aeau motu 0Ã"XFORDN , .FOR Full, Quarai :w. have the 1qaest âeieoit I n towh of thos BEA UTIFLIL AMER/CA N WALL RAPERS, Borders tovMa tch Corné oar4i and g.tfir#t choke. Po B. WARAM-j Birok8î., Wbitby For- FURNÂCESC MILDINOPott WIOOD COAIr" ALL SIZES 0F 10,000 ~o ST2HL MI~iAT~ ini.'i oies ýPp Low'E , ST fil FIUT! FIT ryllu fil Ir -PRICES.

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