Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1895, p. 2

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was excellent, the bivalves plentifu. andi welî childrea of deceased soldiers ta 82 per R NIV . served. The chair was taken by Mr. Levi moth unili they reach the age of sixteen edQuit. a number fraie tuis place attend- Tuner, of Streetsville, wbao alled on a pro. yeare. i1o the Baptisi sunlversary services aud gamme conssting of speeches by the Reva. On Saturday afterno.)tI last one cf our oystor supper ln Whtevale. Messrs. Gold, of Whitby, Pickett and Siple, îeading physicistis was calied lie Uthe The farmers are very busily engaged vocal selectiLns by the Stouifville Baptist couutry to see a patient, but found hlm way getîîag in their supply of ice. choir, etc. blocked bt' scores of teames. In attetnpt-1 Aodo.on This community received a great shock on ing ta pass one of thern the driver deliber- ddte .Epseaple fm hi place WVrdnesdRy morning through the receipt of a ately drove pasi a 1"iurniflg Oui Point" snd atteue h .E.sc"y f bspae a ire annouacing the deatb ai A. P. Besse. held possession of the road, campelîîng on Th ursday night last. L)ecensett renoved bere ta Thessalon last the medical men ta tamn outi mia the deep Mr. G. W. Ferrier bas retumned after sprirg, and Ici 1 bere looking the picture of snow, wheme hie horse began ta flounder vis..,g friends lu the ciiy. good heaiîb, and appare ta have conîînued ta and finahly upset the cutte r and rau away,. Mrs. A. B. Colas la visiting hier parents enjoy that inestimable bhsssing until five daYs the driver beiag lefI helplesfor the mom-I here. previaus to bis death, when he was striekea ent in a huge drift. Lucklly the occupant, Miss v rsri iiigfinsi with kin acute attsck of-pneumonia ta which of another sleighi only a short distance sIaFrerlvsiigfenen he succumbed on the 2 1h uIt. Deceased was ahead witneseethe mnisbap and caught the the city. lar i New Brunswickn 1852, and with his hîgh spirited animal, thus saving the docior> Mr, H. Ferrier apeni Sunday under the prents came ta Wbitevale when an infant, what would likely p.rove a large bill forj parental roof. and lhere spent the greater part of his ifetime. ar. The cratiky individual who was Mr. A. Hoover andl family and Mrs, A. He was of a jovial cheery disposition, and was the cause of the trouble should be tagtB Collins and familly visiied Mr. and Mms. a generous. wbohe.souled fellow who madeth ueofterainteplcCor-M nytCerwodonS dyls. many friends and no enemies, He lbaves a h raes arfar od n e plc cut oe, iCeryod o uda at 'nt sand widow and two children. The remains Df de- suchcssaefr100feun.I I s wiih deep regret ihat we chronicie wînceased were brought (rom Thesselon accomn- A serlous assaIlt case. the death of Mr. Wm. Barnes, one of the bo.pa nied by bis mourniîg widow and brother, T. od Friday mnorning laut Constable oldesi sand mosi espected citizens of thie beeW. Besse, and interred lu the Meihodiat cerne- Short was notified that a seeious affray had conmunlty, who dlied on Fiday hast ai vith ,ery bere on Sunda,, A vasi concourse cf re- oucurred the previous eveaina ai te esi- ihe extreme oId age a01S, yea rs and 8 tiy atives and fiends accompanied the reimains dence of a man niamed Aadmew Faulkner, monthe. te t their ast restîng place. The obsequies about four miles easi of Omemnee. Procur. It is rumored that there is a weddlng ta were in charge of the Masonic brethernaio de. ing the necessary warrant hie starîed for takre place soon, as they have the îurkey ceaaed of Brougham Union lodge. bretbren the scenie. ht appears thai a mani named piepared. I wonder if they wihl tbink of dfrorn Markham Union aud Doric, Pickering, Foster, c eneraily known as "Fighting Fîdo. assisting in the hast sad rites, the procession Tr, fCvn a us tteFuk rnarching t0 the solema music of týie Whlte- nT om oî avan, wasday guei at he audalk-K1 vale band. The services were conducted b nerisopte ad Tnghursday eveingand wa ome a the Kete . th e Rev. Mr. Siple and by W. M. Robt. MJ is-ýrpuldte ea stoung, h o dsta en poer nomuy.teo as- ier, of Broughamn Union, and were Most im Co eîd usaattwoenpkrl James Tait, of Thornhill, ha la trouble t11pressive. Mucb syinpathy us leIl for the self-defenco on the brothors Andrew and over orne post offi ce malter. A warrant tru y iwîdow aud tamnily of deceased in îht-ir sad be- William. However thai may be, he was sworn out agalusi hlm a few days ago 'ct lax-> reavement-News. struck oui stouîly, sud inflicted an unamer- byMrJaeHadrneptpot Ille 8sytem AT1Aciful poundingon boih, and then decarnp. Mtr.aiJarriHne, haring hm whtPrnak s ad fver ed. Constable Short mado a shrewd atrtBriechgn imw ak es and fev C.sHoover andi farnîily, of the 7th con. guesa as t.a his hiding place sud armested mug a faîte staternt, to wit: That he cons~tipationi. MrHa setSidywt rA ovrhmon Fia vn ,ldighimi posîed a letter on Decembor 28th, 1894, ai M>arklamonspand ofaibisMs.cA. goovlrhlm rida eenng iogig m fThorahihi, sddressed ta Mr. Manson nîilnns ~<ij ,~. goa bee--Pat.Campabell of the Chatham Fanninez Mill i iea sjrovtI iof the medical ibocauso it acte on the Kid- s, J.îîer andi Bowels withouit Wcak oîmîîg thein andl it ja e p .fectly freffe from every objecti i eU il)çeîbttce. 'ru p of Figs la fr msale by ail dnig. gistte in 75e). bouHes, but it ià fmaniu- factrd Il'y 11e ('ahL'frîia Fig Syruýp Co. onlv, m hlose naine je printed on everv packwae, &18o the nanme, S)-rup of Fige, and being welh iinforin.ét, ynu viil ot accepi anly aubstîtuto if s, t, r, 't, s' 'I Ja".a E. N"01ofa.. Almost Passes Bel ief Mr. jas. E. Ntchol8on, FlorencevMie, N. B., Struggles for Beven Long «Yearu with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 15 CURED BY Nit. N\ictolson savs: " I congsulted tdor- Loi %:o I) ea. iited for me. but La nio Ixrpose i tUe cancer began 1.0 Eat iinto the Flesh, sprecid ta niy chin, and I sufered ln ;ý7o:y for sevea long years. Finally I 1' éan takmnlg Ayer s SarsapariUl.~ a v, A or two Inot1ced a Decided Improvemneet Fîwmragbd by this resuit. I perse- iiil uitil la a month or so the sore iiiider ray chia began to heaLla l three miouthj my lhp began to heal and after uslng the Sarsaparlila for sÏh mýnthss the hlst trace of the cancer dlaappeared.'; Ayeî9sIniLmSaîsapai ia Admitted st the Wrld'u Pair. I YER 'S PILLU Begwit. Ueo Bo~"u OORRE8PONDENOE WIEVAL». Geo. Bosse. of Drayton, la wltlm frieuds hems tbis week. Miss Annie Turner, of Zephyr, lu vlstiug friend e be. Mr. and Mrs. 11ms Ward vlsted fiiends lu tbe ci ty hat week. Mrs. Abbie Wilson, of Toronto, mu vistinc ber brother Wrm Major. Miss LàUlie Major spent a few days luat week witb friends ili Toronto. F. A. Boston, of Toronto, attuded the fua- erai ofihthe ate A. F. Besu. Miss Alice UddcU,,has qulta eoovered hmoo the injuries recelved "îile Soating s couple of wecks sie. The MissesSiplos, of Norwlcb, am e&d in a coupleoof woeks wth their brothe, td» Rev. Msr. Siple cf lii place. The MissesPouchersm andK&OUGibBo f Tor on to, retued home lait *mukaftr zpmd lng a couple of wenShwIt hl=& on4s Jup Quit. a number fkon t b. vale atum4uult6* fun" ai on KalaLof lb lit. Wm .B.as, Su oeom.,om ui.'? ouhab» bis unche, A. B. L-ebmaiî, ai Delhi, Norfolk Co. Mrs, R. J. Dalev, of Stouffville, spent a Icouple of days with her sisier, Mrs. C. C. Mc- A voy, of ibis place. Milton Spear, of North Toronto, spent a couple o!ftisys wîîh his aui., Mrs. J. B. Hoover o! ibis place. Quite a jubihee took place anec day laat weok ai the borne of E. B. Hoover over the advent of a daughter. Moiber and babe are doing well. Frank Manîle of thîs place bas beon on the sick list for a few days, but we are glad to say is able to be out again. N. B. Hoover bas the misfartune ta loose bis old favorite driver, sbe having got baose in the stable got kicked on the front ieg, break- ing i1.. Mr. Perkins sud family, of Toronto, bave just returned to thpir home alter spending a couple weeks witb frends in ibis aud other. QwJte a rumber af aur young people caibed at tUe borne of Henry Grove, Dixon's Hill, one nigbt ast week snd to jutige from their arrivai bore ne thme -wee ama oors' they en- jayed tUe eveings ouiing. Sobernon BurkWoder bas becu suffening for corne time fromrn reumnaiisrn but we are glati ta say, after baving atteuded the mineraI spring at Markharn and receiving a number of baibs be is sarnewhat boîter. CANNINGTON, Mr. Henry Francis, of Derryville, intends shortby rmroving with bis famiby ta Orillia. Mr. and Mme. Linton, af Toronto, were tUe guests of Mn..sand Mrs.J. Gibecro, of Wil- fridi, hast week, Mr. A. Barrets famdy remaved ta Taronto this week. They will ho mach misseri by their many frleutis bore. Mmm. Wm, Tbempson, af QuAppelle. N. W.T., la at present tbe guesi ci tbe Misses Wyatt, itb con., Brack. Mrs. 1. J. Spreale. of Brandon. Man., lsaut prosent the gaest oi hem parents, Mr. sud Mrs. F,. Allia, con., Bmack. Mrs. J. A. Wbireside has returneti ta hon borne iu Toronto after an extemded visit witb Uer parenite bere. Mr. and Mme. M. Perry sud famiby louve fan iheir new homne in Kirkfleld to-day. Their re- moval fnam aur midsti s mach regretitd by iheir hast aifiend-s. There la somne îalk o! gettiag the Hou. J F. Wood, Minisier ai Inland Revenue, te adl- dress a meeting of the Young Liberal Ceuser- vative club in ibis îown about the cuti cf tbe present montb. The eveuîng classes, wbich are belmg cou- ducteti ander the auspices cf the Medcnc Institute, are falnly well attendoti. Heneafter the nights afi meeting will ho Monday. Wed. nesday anti Fniday. ai 7.30 P. m.- Mn. J. A. MeGîlhvra, Q.C., D.D.O.M., of district No. r2, Psid an officiai vialite Brock lodge, AF. & A.M.. G.R.C., 354, lust evening. He exemphifieti tho work of lime dif- férent dogrees vony !ully, sud it was mach ap- prechaieti by thme breturen present. Aiter lodge business hati been completeti an ad- adjourumnent wasiade ta lthe Queen's hotel, where a supper bail been preparet for thme occasion. Afcw hours vers a"i vory profit- ably arcund the festive board in peech mai- ing. slnging. etc. T osng odeeib M4esura. McGiihtvrayantiKilt wcre"much p- preciated. Owing toe inIcleinency of Tue wouther thc attendunce was net se large as i would othenvise bave becs. Mn. Hy. Burgess, cf Saghnav, hast a ratimer pecaliar, aud vimat might have proveti fatal, experleuce on Saturday evensug liait. For saine timue post he had been troubled wlth lumbago, sud about teu-days ago secured s bottie of linimenat to mb an hie bavit. As the liniment Waied t, ireleve lthe pain he esiled' again -pnulte, doctor on Saturday moruhng aud.vas giveti a baille of mediclue to ho takeu lu- wartily. On 7hbs arrivai Ig>sne he laceti thse tva boWlestageth onoua eheif, # uften tes boita dose. of wbMSb be Wleved' toe b.tihe me&dcnelmteded ta bave lie.n taken awadly, 'but whîcm provo4. W ho lise Uniment. 'bç:nioake was-.4lmcoycr- ed at SS anda cuple i dgbo4fol fled# who, othch liarrival am .4 erdto bim an astedote. Dra. Wilson and GiIe- plie wer*alsolmm.4ltely esiI for and wltb, tii. .14 of a .mo*c pi'=p uuccee4'. .4 lu savlig Mr. Ba «0 »fe, l Zb. I11- gew lenow able tb85 l Uoàe gi. RIGHLA.ND CREEK. We are very ghad ta hoar tUai Mme. A. Eiioit la ha a faim way 1.0 recovery. Wm. Bennetbas 1.0 regret tUe hass of a hile boy from a severe coid, buried ai meihodisi church yard on Feb it. Compsny, alasiag the sum Of $26. The firm gai the letter but no money, sa they referred i1.0 the posi-office inspecior, witb the rosult thai an information was laid againsi the sonder. Tait surrendered hlm.- self to Msgistate ]sckson, of Newmarkei. Dont forget tUe bible ciase meeting every Tbursday eveahag ai 7. ýo ha the, ALL MIN Centennial church under the leadership of; Wm. Graham. AIl are webcome. . Young, oid or middle aged, who find ihom- At the Temperance lodge meeting on selves, nervaus, weak and exbausied, who Monday evening ihmee more candidates are brakea dowu froem exceas or ovemwork, weme iniiaîed and severai more proposi- resulting lu many of tUe following eyrnp- thons were pesenîed. 11. wilh gel theretos Mental depression, prernatume aid yet. go, lose of viiaiity. lose of rnemory, bati yei. dreame, dimness of sight, palpitation of We regret 1.0 annotince the death of N. the hesrt, emissions, lack of energy, pain johnston, jr., on Thursday, the 3matinsmai., hte kidneye, hoadaches, pimphes on the from piuresy and inflammation. Deceaseti face sud body, iîchhng or pocuhiar seusa- was a member of L. 0. L. 164 Highland: thon about the scrotum, wasiing of the Cmeek, and the funeraI took place on Sai- orzans, dizziness, epecks before tUe eyes, urday 2iid inst.1 twtchhng of tUe muscles. eyeiids sud else- TUe directame of the Highlandi mechan- where, bashfulnes, depasis lihe urine, ice' instîtute have juet added 1.0 their stock laie af wiih power, ten demnese of the scalp of books anauEncyciopedia Brittamica." sund spine, weak sud flabby muscles, de- It is quitct a relief ta, have such a useful sire ta eieep, (allure ta be rested by sleep, and valuahie wamk as this piaceti in the constipation, duhînees of hearing, laie of iibramy insteati of the îraeh sa afteu voice, desire for solitude, exciîabihity cf boughita replonish our eading matter. temper, unuken eyes, surounded with TUe meetings bollu the Ellioti hall by LEADEN CIRCLES, aiiy-laakitig akin, etc., F. Davis weme very weli attended, con- smo al symptoms of nervous debihity that sidering tUe siammy weathem and the con.- lead ta insauity unhess cured. The sprhng dition of tUe oads. He waes biy assist.- or vtal farce baving iost ie tension every ed by the Rov. J. McD:*Kerr, of Toronto, ifuciion waues in consequence. Those on Wednesday evening hast. Severai wbo ibrough abuse cemmtted mn iguor- came forward showing Mr. Davis, work suce, rnay be permanently cureti. Souti had not ail bocu for noting. yonr sîdrese andtiomc. iu atampa for book We uderiaulfron Wr. Frd lhst on diseuses peculiar ta man, sent sealed. We ndestad romWin Frd hatJ'Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Mactionei D. Brookes bas gou n m the business aiAe.f oouo OtCaaa borse trainer, colt breaker, etc. We are j Ave.,Toroto, _nt.,Ca_____a glati the colt didu't pull him oui of tbc sieigb ou Wednesday or there would have Why suifer froiu weak norves, vaut of ap- been anc vote lesa for uitile Billy. Thos. petite, sud general debility ? lettiug the lama Chester aud son were aiea accun breakiug' of sleep auit est hmpeverish tho systent andi in a fine animal ibis mek.-News. thin the blaad vhen suoh a wwEaUy mtot- oua" rcmmmdy aà!fikirop0 Lya'eQinn Wine rnay b. had ai any dru. sore.Tis S"e Woui.d Nither Paint ner Powdsr. a rticle lis recommeuded by the hlghest mem- "h oaiivly hIhne us comntho" eidbers of the umdical faculty in case of indu. 'IadIt sthvelyvrinit ue y osmexion sis gestion, general debility, lois of appetite, se bati that ioccasions me constant mortifi. sd erou afecito cildkin ddetl a- cation. What eau I do ta got nid of thaeo 60 OOSlybeefc1lt cilienanidei dreatiful biatches ?" "Take Dr, Pierce@e Fav-. cate fmLe andt t business men, etudents, orite Prescription," vas my prompt repîy. suId thoso Whio have much brain verk. We "lYour complexion indicates that you are vouiti say, Neyer b. vithout it. It wiii suifering from lunictional darangements. sîrengtheu you, keèp your ytemi regular Reove the cause of the biotches anti yaur erder, snd eDablo you ta suocesmfuhly grapple cheeke yull seon vear the bue ci beaJiL wth the vork yon have ta do. is nples- The 'Favorite Prescription' le a wondeos-ul . isut ate astéi cte-ns titun. raendy for ail diseame peculiar to your soi. jLu atomatdhct osiuin lie prop notons guarantee to, returu thec member te ask for the Quinine Wmne, inoney i fit dos not give satisfaction, But prepared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, it nover talle Try it." The lady followed anti vo are sure you viii b. satisihed, thab my adtioe, sud nov hor compleio insea yen have fuil value for your money. Drug- dlean as a babes. nsu a. ouove botter giata s l health thon h. bas for many years. To epomanentiy ours constipation, bilions-. nasa sud slckhoadachetako Dr, Piorce's Pel- leta. 0f dosions. The monîbiy statemnent cf Dominion fii. suces Shows a defloit or 88,OQO,000 fbr tho sevon monthi putsudnt an lncresie oeta8,- 473,000 in tbe publie dobi. lu tue Hhisory of Médical Pracih inaugur- steti by a Reenmt Cure cf Bnlght s Disse.. The word Boruco he o! nafive oigin, sin- fying ",the land." Thousantof ai ose f :lhcumaim have beeni curtid by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This la, abondant resson for beief that ih vili cure Yeu. -.Abyssinsvas tho lanti ot the Abasins, or m4mioti races" Mwoi cru" e aoa't Sot' tle mbIs aCod LAver Off perfect.- ed aun lpeaed Monthe prlneiplo -of ts digesticin anr-i 'asmlltlon là the i-inuma. - A;; ei1anâ-4â a. e wt u,44l tn imihnm MONTESÂL, Feby, l11-Althaugh s<>ý>*. ioiiimii. veeke baiae lapei ince ithe fins: t sao onsica bhai'* Phienlan n*mef - Mqfi4ug concernimg Dr. A. G. MoCrmuctofý1. ikh., "voodeilllad, muoud, wau sent eut hem this oity, ithe public cel interest lu the man anti his raovsry froPt Brgtes disesse,has îlot abateti. Dppetoy >Tbe. suSc.. cf borway Pins tueSYM AS a have natlgaw e -.report cf tua Waude#. cure fornoima colila, attums, bronibiutlsatà futleuro4,and lvesail emseles oflitssi hwoansubgtrubesinlétetthe fact irtu.As aptromt ,iphyulcuremarko tp uhaiit à the .beui audpleoàs"tôut usmnedy te correspondent to-day, 4"Dr. Méc0 or-er dlsçavened, i'and becsits ascionm nase marks a now ora * tiloulpromipt -ad certain. -prictice anti Dodd's IKidnoy,,;z whiom O..chc sapmis xriluilly < caalhmcannai 1@i0 toa seurç,w e ocgump. Cot.. OaSpnâepeson-in -'o the ro io diWalprofasehon"', oal drpggi* ruportahsaysaWbeoftms i puiaa X~ct4lu. _ý-e-W, 5tià* tIiaubot ueciy i s s ure A g.Y,, m, wries %$#Pla. mepottuil. luâdatic ln roua of pw PIle. ais eU Baok Ii Whitbys WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphol8ter, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoriber begs to announce that he has again opened buisinees in hie old stand, and -has placed therein a choice, stylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, whieh will be sold at a emali margin on coait. ànother bale of those celebrated ?ixed Mattrasses $8.25, 'worth 85. Seé thotse Tapestry or Carpet Loicages at #5, worth 88. Hardwood Sideboards, l4x24 glass, for 08,0wortb #12, KýA full stock of Ooffna" and Csskets, and a Firet- Glass Hearse. WMra ILL Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm (or Sale. 6= crs Lot NO, 30, 3rd Con , Townghip of Wtb; 2 miles fromn Whiîby ; saine known as tUe Lynde Uomesîead. Sailisecond ta nope, in a firet clasasiate af cultivation. Good fences ; watered by live streamn acros eue corner zoo yards fromn a fine atone bouse - (rame stable and dnivug shed ; alsa framne bouse andi abundance af fruit af ail kinds. Fer partictilars apply ta 1ai Ua 4th - 1894, upon tUe premises. DLE[INEOO. ing a really genuine Cure for Doafuesu, Singing ini Bars, &c., no inatter how severe or long standing, will b. sent-post free-Artifi. cial Est-drumo and similar appliances entirely supersoded. Addresa THOS. KEMPEViO'roRuuLOHmBE, South. hamptn'Building, Hiolborn, London. THE Owen EIec trio Theý only scenisifmd practical-,.Electre th"t e i.trong Oumi urct pllcd te auj part of thi odorhecr! XERVOUS DIBESE Thousaudé of people suffer from a vsziety of Nervous Diseases that the old modes of treat- ment fail to cure. There 113 a los of nerve force or power thai cannoi ho restored by any mnedical tresimeut, aud sny doctor who wonld iry to accompllsh ibis by sny id of drugs la pursung a dangeraus practice. Pro- perly treated, these dioeases osu bo -Poisitively Oured Blectricity, as appiled by the Owen Electil Boit andi Âppliauoes, will mott sasurediy do so. It la te only kuown power that viii supply what la laoktng, nasncly, norve brc or powr,limpart tone and vigor; and arouso hi hoalthy action the whalo norvous osuem. ht wii most assuredly cure Witht>ut Medicine GéneraJ Deblty, Nervou&Potraion,,Ehe- m , Lameacand sd Dymepi&, sud imany other Our large fllustrated Catalogue oemtahuufuelêiuoatln, lut of isss cmiiou Riiemuid Iianeu k swhonu Iiood's Cured After Others Failed "C. I. IiôGd à COqL«elt mmàAJ "Gentlemei:-1 feelilth"I cannot MI nôugII in favor of Hood'i 5âtsPUlIlL For flv* years I bave been troubliod *tk arolula In m" ueàkI and tbroat. B everal kln<fr et medicines whlch I trled did not do me any g0o &sD when I com.- menced to take Hood' a BaapUIllw there were large bunches on My neck go sord " itI Could liood's" Curel not bear tlie slhetton-h. WbOfl bdtkf one bottle af this mediclne, the, sorenes a4l gone, and before 1 bad finlsbed the second tho buaches had entlrely dlsappeared." BLAZNCB ÂTwooD), Sangerville, Maine. N. B. If you decide te, take flood'àS Basapa- rila do flot be lnducod to buy auj other. Hood's pille cure constipation by restor. ing the peristattic action of the allmeutary cana. TH4E IOST SUCCESSFUL REIEDY FOR MAU OR B!ABT. CerwtaIln l iseffact snd nover blaters Eep4 proofa bolow: Gen,wm*-I bouffb*ta~eul "dhÃ",1s timn wfthavîn ctlmmtSaf s sud 1 have-becît oliered5 smwsime borue. 1 guly hd him nn = n t#..zr@n vt,th fR.ind n,*e'.-ce for ur '*lorsi YOMmrstrwîy, our-- For Sale oy it DruggtW.c4GIimdtor £N0551U5G14 7AL4, VT., ire OMM q5 f0 meè arý ie ,:lit ng 1,rs-uîî1< N { 'I ,M'NO

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