ED CET 0 BANX ric an and 'tes. eStables Propri t.o r deitwith le prices- uled et res t' t hurt b1, andi . Sewittg Ma- owr. Bnc- cale. Clothes e, &cý Saw ve. Clippers Ail kîndit of qpaired. Shop rch, 1)xin d aé :AT ng Whitby oncr <romi gent. 10 nu finshed s ili fal to b eso 1 If they suit Ding and liicely r dyng a sut, pressed 75c, o r dyursg gents NN, Agent, Wh it by NGE. ý Acciaent oronto nuran C IONER MER. MM:DLAND FAR D. J , r . - .6 47am bor ere ni y... - 9: 8 m .0'2: p M SUD. S:Op SUDD in :5 lu(1 '1//fl w la. Wd. Almost a Hopeless. Case. A Terrible Ooiigh. No RLest Night nor Day. Given up by Doctora. A LIFE SAVED AYE;s HERRY AYR'SPECTORAL -Several years &go, 1 caught a severe coud aittended wtth a terrible cou.gh that aflowe( me no rest, either day or niglit. The doc tors, after worklflg over me to the best o their ability, proioucd MI 7c&80 hopeless and said lihey could 4& nw mmr for inE À fr10114 Ieanug of! my Uoubl, sent n a bottlie Ayer'5 Caerry red6ti4a, whlchb began t tace, and very soon I1 . 14tau ..citevOd. BythetimelIhad lIed . *D bottie, I waa compltaly cnred. I havof 10? hsd nxuch of a cough since that time, d flrm1I' believe that Âyers (21eM1 PectGl saved rny lfe."-W. IL Wà ", S QUmt Avc., LoweiIx". AyrsCheîîy Pectoîa ISHESI AWARDS AT WORLS FI Iver'eua the i. es ,FOw phVai Beven Years of Bnfeéring. It~E pÊGULT1dýU EXPEELIENCE A HAMILTON MAN. Neuralzia mado Hie Life Mteerabiî Many Romedies were Tried Vain-At Luet Relief Cane-L lio Obtained it. Froin the Canadian Evangelist, Hamiliton. &. member of the stafi of The Ca dian Evangelist in conversation rece Iy with Mr. Robert Hethtringtoýn,V lives at No. 32 Raiiway Avenue, foi hin.i very outspoken lit his admisaî as to the beuefit he had derived fi the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi and anxious that their good quail should be made widely known. H su thankful for the good hie recel frorn theni tliat he aye he considei his duty to let ethers know what F Pilla have 1-'ne for him. Mr. Het] ington was a bvvere sutrerer from n- aigia for abo ut seeli yea,s. Ih bot ed bm nv, ry niuch ni the head.a and Iuce, id the p.ti i w aýt9f tondo cessive, atid the sr-utse q reat ho couid scafcuiv wî K fie ir t(.i, matter of course, te hn(relo1ef, an doirng si triid inati.-.sî-cailea remeo but wlie eof u:îemi were of &ny bai to hum.iii.l August last hie atten was cailed te IDr. Williams' Pink1 and hie determined to give t1jem a1 and procuring a suppiy bogaun thei In about two weeks ho found hir much relleved and found the paiE appearing, and aft.er using Pink for a few woeke longer overy vesti the pain had disappeared, and hi as woli as evor. Mr. Hetheringt< refrained from making anyF stiatement before, for t.he. reascm th wishod to be convinced that his wus complote, and ho je now sat upon this point. In reply te sa tion Mr. letheringtofl said he wa isfiod that his preseut conditioni entiroiy to the use of Pink Pille. fore beginning them ho badd tinued other nedicines, aud wl, found them hoý'Ibiug him had coni their use unitilbuhoit that hoe wai curod. Ho f urther roniarked th now folt liko a new man. "Fi Iy,' said ho, "whion 1 got upi tnorianug 1 wua u stiff and tired oould hard.iy walk, while now I feeling fresh and ready te go to 1. have not fto!t any of tii pair iast September, and 1 wouldn'l suffor for one day the. pains 1 foi endUred for the price of twenty of the pilla." M r. Hethoringtol l not th member of the f=11iy who basi enced the beneficial reauits of Pille. One of hie daughters, a1 up youiig womlafl, wu5quite. il] rnonth or six weeks, tnd af 1er a of Pink Pilla is agein fnlly reAi Dr. Williamns PlnkPiI3. areU in bom abearirag tbe fw'a tradi snd wrapper, (prlztted in r. Bea tit Ùlnd thst Dr. WiIIS Pâlla are»V« aoId in -bulk or d«or h d»u4 nd su4uY 40* _' B b il" SX 02MM ~ * caRMI I wM w C MU-,&;"M The xeybelie fomuydealu, or' 048 on 4ubê mt#**sfor . a w dbii.' Thé. m e bssent by me, on receipti Of Pd"epf t steed the.length fci'mire Ilet Dr. Willias%' Pink PUil may b. h ba d b. flUOCUSUY U> M&ke *pa il Of 6il druggsts or direct by maUl fom SOdofthe. monitor ini order to pro. Dbr. William.' Medicine Company from éilsiitPlIwerepn eltiher eddressea. The price et Whiohible for théfe e9-,ana Whou th. e plle are muid melie a course of treeti- we u ie *other ooolly drowned het nment oomparatively inezpenhlve sefourea doffpring in aetub cf weter. onpared with cuber remedies or medai. »- ca.l treatmenti. iOIILLIA. «M4w ý Exporte of XEawl'ara. Missing 'Links. *W. had occasion two or threes(laye, ag o e b in the. fur ho ses of Thomas Fiying frog are nmrous in ~BorUo. Goffatt & Son, an d were quite surpriseci Whals ae noer oundin he gif t the collection cf Peir On the ticora, str sae eorfon te gm.lfboing soraped, sorted, etc., for expert te fitream.London, the great fur centre of th. À good bicycle can be bougiti wurld. About 400 foi, 500 or mlore Paris for $15>. raccoon, 600 or 700 muskratg, skunks,, Horshes made f cowhide are bears, and a large quait. cf de quit. common in Iustralie- peitB. This finm are extensive 8hiPpe6 Tank car are used iv France for the of fur, purchasee and sent in te tiben transpo>rtation of wine. ovor a wide extent Of t>eritery. Mr.. Crawford Goffat travelo oonsiderably, Eight thoneaud carrier pigeons are mo8tly in the norberu country msking kept for use initie German army. collections. While the fur trade is an Big crabe are found in India. Borne interesting one, it je risky. FAshions c f them measurto we fot in leugh. ch~ange rapidly; se do the prices in Rice paper je net made frein nice, London. Mr. Goffat's connection witli but from the membranes of the bread- the Irade extends back over tbirtY-' fruit tree. three years, and iii is eaid as a judge hoe G'oldflsh were first known in China, b ah the head of the Profession in CAn-U and were broughhtet Europe in tie ada. During these years ho han baud-' soventeenti century. led more raw skins thau any other Fruit wrapped ila brown papor wili Ca.nadian ti the business. Under the stand fitteon degrees more of old than tuition cf his fatier, Crawford bids fair L f th ; poteced.te be an excellent buyer. We wero in- 1f nettuspteed formod of something that we neyer d, Tho briofesL politi cal platforus i8 that beard of before-tiat the pelits cf ail fu.r edto the DemocratetofTh ornas CouuhY, beering animal taken Bouthhof the Arc- bc Kansas '6 ReselVOd, That we are tic circle are changed by nature four ;8 DeinocratB." tîie in t1WQ1Y9 igQtbgl sjust as regiilar e. japan is a corruption of the dhinesé âg the âéeung change. Tiey are twice neO word Shi-pan hue, which means "root black and twioo white-~white whon ofay,- or "-sunnise kiugdem," be- strictly full primo and whito when no é aus Tpan bs directiy east cf China. value whatever. This decided chriage Fr Mm. Rognon, a floriot cf Roostoeenhas clonded the judgment of many fur MmtHlad i h wo e n oe buyers, especially lu mink. As the sun Rolbunh, icbthad6,00r oses ilnt fosei-cannet convey sufficient heat feir inside bloom et euimebd 6ing0troets ull the artie circle the polse do net change bloin t oe tme urig teýpst um-more than twice bu the period mention- A itebt for nda lcreod. Furs have been worn vory exten- wire form the lateot rat trap. ThesieyfrgetrohaIcnrlad cheese is fixed te the wirer ana lie in.- eastern Europe. The nobiity cf Rus- * stul h~ at ouces he heee h lasia, are the meut extravagant purchas- sock te lrdaohesth oseb i rs cf expensive fur garments. Il maY shocked o deacc.seenstrang., yot iti jetruc that Dmena MUsbrorsi, wheu once cooked, of thc commoner skins are worn in sheuld nover be rewarrned, te serve a England Ihan any country in the * second tirne at the table. After be- world where furs are muci worn.A ooming coid they are apt te develop in- large quentity ef muskrat, Siberiex 0F jurious propertios. oquirrel, a eheap grade of minke, etone A Newark bridegroem started on his marlin dyed goods, and a liirited quan- wedding tour with a black eye His tity of seai. Borne of the nobility in- sister lu law caused it by vigorouisly dulge in sable, but as this fr il entire. tbrowing a weighty Aipper after him iy beyond the, reach ef the average in te give luck te the yeuug couple. Englishman ils sale le limited in Engý low Prof. Ghoost says that if w. reckon land. France, Antia and Germei1 the average depth cf tic 'oceans at are purchasers Of the finesto minkoe ex threo miles there would bEo a layer et portd from our country. The Ëflua sait 20foo et thik lu their basins ehonid sians aud the Tuxke are tic' large8t cus ana- the waters -of ail suddenly evaperate. tomera for red fox, the former tic larg cnt- Th ags owrith ol os est purchasers ef silver and cross foxee Who Tnheumatrgeet flowe luthe wonlges uFars are being very extensÃveiy wori u nd Alu ,sudra L s cao the afilsae i buCanada amnong thc ladies1 and as tlý ionsArodadsmcftepcienae - elimate is especially adaptedil twil I om twenty-nine inches in diameter. The on lêe increase. A. lady doos Dot ai contrai cup will hold six quarts of pear to e h properîy ressed On a stonis1 >ilwater. day in winter unlese aoconpanied wit] le is A prieet cf Buda, Huangary, recently a fur' germent. The annuel I4oDdcI ived married a very youug couple, and, in fur sales closed last Friday, the 'rosaI rSs it steard of the usual benedictien, amazed net being as favorable as hoped foi Pink principals and witnesees by exclaiig, Bouae kinds of furo beld thoir own, lx her- "Father, forgive them, for thoy kuow two impoe£ant eues, mnekrat and boai eur- net what tbey do " declinedÃ,'the former 15 per cent. Ca :lîer- A genus in Asitabula, Ohio, bas lu- lectors of ,mluskrat muet ho preparedt arine vented what ho calle "indestructible accoptu lower- prices the corning 8 pniD i c- eding a ke." Lt looke tempting te _________ 4i.efIt ntion trial, r use. nuseîf s dis- SPille Âge of e was au ia publie fiat he. 3cure tisfied Lquels- as sal- ie duo -Be . aiscon- ion ho tinued US f tliy fiat ho %ormel'- in tic L tiaI 1 gel up cwork. t agali ,rtnenly y boxes ie only growni Il for a a cour»e torod to -b ls The absence of foyers in AmericanL theatres which makes it necessary for women te kcep their scats duinug.a whoie long performance, whereae in Europe they are able betwoon the sets te relievo tube cramped position audth te tedium by etroliing throngh a beauti-i fu'liy deoorated roem. (hie interesting resuit efthle abund- aùce of game bu Maine in recent years has been lie developmeflh andI cultiva- tien et taxidcrmy in tuit state. Bkill- ed taxidormists are now te hoe found in overy sineli town on the routes that lead in and ont et tic great forostus, aud not infrcquently bu remoe.beckwoodi Settlemuentse. Tho tamenese et moine animale in thinly settled districts is romakable. While a young man wue fishlng on an oltI dam in a New England i atrn a chi munk rau ont frein le wood an« holSly picked. up thse crutmbe frein li luncheon tubat wore scahtered er hilm. Tien, curions au 10 whati-,kiind cf animal the Yonng imsuWas, lie ýchip- munk - ra uapon bis log as fer asbis knee, chattered' for an mastant anti whisked ofinbt te forestegein. L BlUOoo de for tif-estoiing aà re ruaed with Muoh saccesa sudspebslar t eist u svemisoutisemru uwesst atffl. ana sels of lie animais are Per.' me ntly .441 b to he xirf!.1' outIlt - U' soins countiasof R.nluok ind Missouri. Â,peirof houuds lu adii (Ji3Vu3?,Koiititky,, wbere SOiê*Dth. itrai of aetief oe e f$eroon irestlys iud after fo)lowiïzi t, ive iUes. rà n- 0 inosab.d in -wb4 bth aa-1fwP chireti VeO asl rt IYami'Y' alOs bIo a4Y»s rcdi es- sf.- methoda, poseeà o~tube greateert curative powers. and baa tube mont wondsrful record of auai cures of any medicine bu existence. Take only Hlood's.' HooesPis are puroly vegotabie, sud do neot purge, pain or gripe. 2Wc. London snd Canadian Loan ompany ebares wereweak again on Saturday,. beû*' offercd st 119. Any teudency te premituro balducus msy bo promptly, chickoxd by th euse of Ayer's Heir Vigor. Don't'de1l# t.,'ÃŽ ýe scalp la bare snd tic bair-roots desotroye If yeu' wouid realize tie best refmte bgie aI once wih Ibis invluebie prepertioui.., Tic tourrmg Winui« hockeyista defeated tise crack - Montireel club team lui e ,game played et Montre5 Moeday night. The Afler Effcte t thelb.Diaemeofteu More Serions sud'Ystal tienTyplioid HliE O ,Ont., Fol>. 4-TypboIdl foyer l insoaet b raed beceuse cf its daugercus nature -M weU s for thse fsct bisaI lmoesdrseabe"reonlbS uifly uper4reue wbeu -te .,p*tlit; h be aà d fron thé." Ãlcb* f tiseAissaoo. H$1urvey IL Néi.K M 'Ibis 1"sc, wu corvlucing, zaf er 'su-atbak of týphqe& wbè e -howas P«rotad um :S of Od-liver Ofl, with Hypophosples o f Lime ildiSod,e je a conttractve food that uouriéhes, enioies the bloà d, roates olid feu, sltops waatng and gi'ves trength. Il fia for -an like Qonsumption, SorefulaÂnois, Mer&smuï or for Ooughs nd' colas) BoreThroatt BmonhitIs, Weak- Lmi n L of PI.hand Goueral. Debilh. Scott's Emulsion lias no equa.l aS ?Iourishment for Babies and Growlng Chlldren,. Snd for pamp Jet on Scott's Emulsion. jFR. Scott & Bowne, B3119ilevIQAlil rugglete. Lii Ad a.I 50o.and$ 1. r WPRST oU1~Bi WQf~ ~LH 2 Le au infallible remedy foeJied Legs, lIed BSfiSIs, Olti Wounds, Sofas sud Uioe~m. It in amnonsfor -Sont sd flieumatim. FO 1. IISORDER8 F THE OIET, BORE THSDAT, BROI4OIT18, 00fJ6I4, 0L0, 9-wet ~' tvllings, sud &Il 91dklO imu ithem ne equal; for coondactdud stuif[ jnints by mv» MeSie Vendor i lieut teirLi ~TPurcteom a@MMftk6k te thbe Label on thbe Pets sud Boxes. if th.e adrireual t b8. Oxford OtrSti Londont, thq exoy 'suLt LAM EBACK l AN1 EUIA IA CURED EVERY.TIME TUE DA& L:.MENTHOL PLASTER A~ vOXORD NwoonFURNAClE 1COALfc. .FOR AIL SIZES 0F BOILDfIRS. (tapacUvy froin 10,000 to 80,00. (ubic 'IFee WOODl FUItAGI RdW«,,OROIMc-iCSt0 __ LARGE AM IPI? - Large WOODtlfl çItmbrn' FullGuaanteýd gP.ÇitY« yrm rduflt I..q ~IITISO5 The cURNUtI0IIIfItY:lý P t Mwe have tisLe yinestSoel0ouiiinuZ 01t tise BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PAPLR8, .Borders to match :-: PRIÇESO Coru sad getfirst oChoie. P.B.WAAM lnd. '1 wooo's The Great ~ patsa#44g i Sold in- -fWtl bp%~@