Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 7

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qadstofles. ork. Alîc ,r/ca n and 'tes. uid do 8 ,lice@ of b l Mtailles iltby, >roprietor ealt with ae t res n conflito ,-arried on hY el Church, and SSewxng Ma- vioweris, Bicy- 'aies, Clotiies ~EB, &C. Saw vea, Clip pers Ali kind n of paired. Shop rch, Duindan AT tg Wbitby once iront gent bto n fintsbed w ll fati tobe5ol ý.If they suit ning and niceiy ýr dying a sui Spressed 75C. 0 )r dyîug grnts ýNN, Agent. Wbitby AN CE. & Accident Eoronto B ubluran C per cent. ol al returned to tb re paid witho f of destb >OWELL £. W itby St. Toronto. ths I &in giving "IwUd1k.e o d n 'testmouyt Lthatof* Oth"ers o ae used &1'ves ila, &rVdteaay tbdt"have taken hom ormnyers, and always dartved thé, bearesutsfom their use. For Stomrach beadaclever teansd for tecure oi .Ael ledhea.sod L yth ST ements, nie rilla-caneit b e. Wbeu 2n redàas8k,,tDe What la the beat 'eedy for dlsois os the stomach, Liver, or> ýBowels, My Invariable ant swe Lyeyr.s Plik,, Talcen in seaonthy wh1 break upa -coid prevent laripe, Check lover, and eay tO take, and eora&Tby ae Are the best ail-round faily medicine I have ev-'r known."-Mrs. MAYi JOHNSBON, 6S i ir Ave-, New York City. AVER'S PIL MlghestAwards Bt WorIld's A Mlle'sStory. HE WA8 GIVEN ) A TIONER "ICA )THER. s Table ' 'D MIDLAWD is5?wASD - il ....647 lei7y, ex. top here a M 9:08.. atSm 2:64 Pm bpt Sgn..8:IO Pr s8?wjatzo lept Sun 8:06 am ept Sun 10,01àarn 6-840 Pm .9:67 pm s r'- v'4 JUST ONE1 MONTH TO LIVE. First &toked With luflammatomy Riieuznatim, and Thon Stricken With Paralysie - Ail Hope Wae Âbaudonod sud He Longed For Deatih o Robas. Hum From, Suffeing-At Luit He Found a Cureansd Relates IHie Wonderful Becovery. Sherbroke Gazette. Tii. benofiti arising from the. use of -Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are ewell kuowu tte Gazette. It is a treqlient occur- -rence tisat people core neuto tue office and etate Lhat lhoy have beau restore4, 4te healti by their use. It occasional. ,ly happons that extraordînary instances cf their curative powers cerne te our notice, aud eue ot thoe waï- relateil to us recently, se atonisbing in its nature that we feit the. cloet e ivestigation was required iu order te tiioroughly test the accuracy efthle atatomnente macle te ns. We dev -ted th. noces- sary time for tisat purpose sud eau vouais for tise reliability oft ho follow- ing tacts, woudorfully passing beliofsa they may appear : There arm few men more widely knowu ln tuis iection than Mr. A.. T. Hopinsa, of Johnvil e, Que. Proviens tobis removal te Johuvillo, Mr. Hep- klngrsided at Windsor Milse sud was for tirs. yesrs s memnier efthLe muni- ,olpal counoil cf liat place. When a yuug em c. opkini wass ueed for bis streughhasd hle Aoiviîy as a wrest- ler. .Hiaatrongt~h stands him ixý good e,»ed for i. vorks bard aI uie business, .Smrying iesvy acs ot fleur lu hîo ,Sill for many kours during thse day -sdfeqpnty, fam mb tise nigiit. Aco :1. . a su .ongasm-ho is. tiser. 'vas a lime Dott 1ng ditntwheu ha ,wai ai belpese sas an infant sud suier. ,ed intolerablo agbny. About tire. e m %go, wvile xiesding sI Wipdaor Muao, h.ovas attscked by iuflmms.. toryrieucatimnim. It grew ee sud wrorm.e iIin ,Pite cf medical advio abil pr.scrzptions, ofter s yeza's lunse h. iia astroke of paralysie. IHie igit ,aroe and leg became quiée useolee. Bores..b-roke eut en bots legs. R'Ha iuf- Iereqt exeruoiatiugaoi.sulidms noiher diy uer nigist. go môngu, ti. b t nodical advioe t u al ooilb. -e ëa e, but ne hope"vr uedett j hîm by tisephycu due ". vi Oer. taini>' die vitâtu s met4" '"On. vOUel- knowun paticue r t9l4. 1lIts ionà& chier docIorIp1uleot IM,'P% "4 i.om"yn ite beaume a burden- î> hlm sud h. longeA ford l e zle.hïm from bit sffu$!ug ý.Tblnm*am invug. ut4,18M, About Ooober.of Uist Yeur ihour <Dr 'Illaof Iln Pink a sud 44 * fotIoirn opt d.t.u0ined tb4stry tisemu.Ut dida! o nd! beore leu'gw m>le ta ioie or»À».rmae. Relu, mentoo asvey~.tif.e iàprd.wt ch oer à- ed ei Dr. Willia', Pink Pille an"lOIo ln boxes bearlng tiir,i~ms~ tra4, inari vind wappor, (jrnted M-'n 'ea, 1ùk) Beat in midethas Dr. Wilhlatn, P i Pilla are nover moud, in bulk or by tse, dosen 'or iiundftd, and any dealar whôo, offert aubattutea ine ibis fo*oe 1* yng to dofraud. yen.-end éboula, b. avoldeds. The publioarasiso oautlond -agait ail othor so calod blood buiderand, nervo tonies. put np in si udliar forin in~ tended to deceive. They ge ail imita. tions whoso makers hopet 1,ep pecuniary advantae frm the wonder.. fui reputation aobiovod by Dr. Wil. liame' Pink Pilla. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pao. pie and refuse ail imitationsudnd mb- etifutes. The Sunday School Touchers' 1 oventUwL On Thursday luat the. convention wau opened in the. metiiodist ochurch, Pickering, at 2.15 p.rn., the ?presideut, Mr. J. 8. Barnard, beiug îu tiie chair. Rev. S. C. Piiip, paster of the church, led in devotional exercises. sTATISTics 0F TUnoTYs" 1894. The secrotary, Mr, Wm. Purvos, of Columbus, thon read the statistical re- port on the state of work in the coun- ty. Officers sud teachers--Piokering 208, Wiiitby tp., EB. Whitby, Whitby tewn and Oshawa, 283, total 491. Scholars Pickering 1675, the. Whitbys sud Osqawa 2162, total 3837. Averae at- tendance officers sud teaeiiers-Picker- ing 167, the Whitbys snd Oshawa M2, total 395. Do. schôlars-Pickering 1054,. the Whitbyesuad Oshiawa 1350, total 2404 Sciiolars nme of church -Pickering 278, the. Whitbys sud Ouhawa 322, total 600. Sciiolars join- ed church during the. year-Picekermg 32, the. Wiitbys sud Oshava 54, tota 86. Balance of cauh on hand #26.41. The treasurer, Mr. Wm. Dale, gave the financial report, siiowing a fair balance of cash on iisud, afLer -paying fifty dollars to tiie Provincial Associa- tion, an increaso of fifteen dollars over the amount previously paid. He stated that of tiie amount recoived fromn the ownsMi associations Picker,- ing had paid the lre share, and sub- moquent discusion brought eut the. tact that thse Wiiitby's association Wiadnet received what they should, owing te ai mijsunderstaudeng in the. sohoolis as te tiie way in wiii the. money reaed the. Prov. Asso.. The. repl!esentatives from tusù assoc. stateil liaItiiey were doiug what they could te remedy thia state ef thingsansd hhat ,witii the.co- operation of aIl the sebools tii.y hopedl to get te tthe sanie state cf efii.cy shown by tiie Pickering sciiooîs. 1EV. TNO. mCenWEN p aMIDRMI. Tii. Rev. Jue. MoEwen, the. normal secretary of the. Provincial Assoiation, wus thon iutroduceil. He gave sail.d drosi upon Normal work, basing hib remarks upd' a general view of the,. Life of Christ. 1Ho said that tiie great neoil of the. teacher wus a goodi generi knowledge et the text book ho muat teach froi, sud 'normal worhs was lu- tended te give a wider grasp of tii. meaniug sud tii. structure of tue Bible. Ho aisked how mnuy preseut were actuall engaged in the. work -sud fouud that only s very imall proportion of the, audience were teachera. HoeaMd à is the. old story, tics. who moat needed, the. ielp et conventions were àasnt. Wiiy ? Tii. 8 S.teaciiere are, an over- wrougiî clasafciiuhrcii workora. They were usually activoly ongaged in busi- ness tiirongIi tire week sd-,wereÎ, frounw the fact ef their efficieno , sud helpful disposition, in dêmand for' every kund. ef religions aud soialwork ; 7witheh raait tiat their eneçrgies were di*sipa,- ted snd weakeued by being, di#Wrbuïedý', tirougi ted mauýy ciauÎnie* f usefnk.ý' ness. Tii.y were hep0sly *d' the. work. More thasu this,, their àtu4ylý sud tueir Impression of thepus6t to bî& taught, sud tir ïii«rultià W - ib1ê trutioame tirougi tiiear an&d>tW unobi au extent, was tii. ne n-P ower ot- the auditory nerve t.rI hat it 800& refsiodl te perfora i ilsfonction", propcrý ly sud thon tiare <came tise quiet napl- in. flue pew, ortiemitfthe par"ialU"dr-I wr M - 1K imune en. smre otier plan kamet b dotil réaolh thor. The o*Id met" M iust b.ý t 0 lutionlzed sud more prmtWlonu., aédolpted. '£ho Normail èsgs Sd toed these seomed' teo ffer'a solatien' > ti trubensd under eiie ausipices cf the" sgocîetyduring thi. promeut yoarthWe' ,techors shoild as .1spssbeb brought under..these lhelpful inifunÀs, The evening meeting was ore wdbd. Dr. Bairra"s ave a ve ry aec Bptable ad-. dress, sud lev. Jno. Xs*e wen gavé those present 1,a bird's oe viow of the~ Bible," illustrated with a largo chart, showîng its structure, divisions, tiie k.Y note of the whole, redemption, andl a1aï) the. keyunote of each book. 4 SECOND DAY. Friday morning. the Meeting opeiu.4 ab 10 a.mn, with briot dévofional exeroi cime-. Unfiniished ,bueiies a-ds os -fandMr W.Porur -tes #li gave a vory ab!i. sud intere sting report of the. work of the. lait Provincial 0on : vention. Ho gave the, but pointe, of many of the addresses and waa the, means of transmitting te tiiose present! a large sharo of the praèitical thinga that wero said at that meeting. Mrs, Duncan, tiie Primary Socrtarj of tii., Pro. Association, tien gave a very ex- cellent address upou primary work. Sho deait in a vory thorough way with, the. need Of prayerf ul suad loving pro.;' paration of the - losson snd motiiods of illustration botii by the. use of 8toryV,I objecta, sund the use of tii. blackboad 8he bolieves that the. primary work in, the. foundation of suocefui wark in the, school--that good order, and intereat in the lesson in this doprtient will hie1 the. soholar 1<> a loyal feeling sud a love of work when romoved inte tthe higiior APTENOON SSIN Mr. &lli8on et Dunbarton epened the. aftarnoon session. Mr. VcEwau thon followed with a charseterietic sketch upon tii. "Biograpisy of the Bible." By. the snggested use cf a long lin. drawn upoxi tise tIaek board te represent the. 4000 Yom's of Bibi. hitery sud the. biseotion of Ibis and subsequsut divi- alou aud subdivision of thue halVes cf the. fine ho showed relatively where tie livee of Itioi.,greateat iu Bible histeryo feulin peint of lima, The.ns.eoft tus methei illestrated the. value cf mu" aida te study audthhoir help te lii. momory. Tm oSu*<AT sOOOL. A confseenceupon "lti.e cnstitution Of the. Saibati 804oo4," led by Mr. Bar.- nard, -foflowed. H.e openeil witha sketch ef the. hicry cf S. S. work, from wbioh -ho laid dowu a rae as tp the, objeet ýsud aim of the. Suuday sch<ol sund thon excit.d a gounral dis'. oussion as t b tii. mes whleh asQiil goveru tii. usiness of tii. achools. Mm.Dnan thon ta'ughis tise leusOlu for thsefolowing anoday te ,acie Her method i showed thse Vaine oetme-i vlow' of tii. pust -unday'i work, the use ef objecta, the. Use of tlb. black boa4 - sud the. opeuing sud closing praye 1r re.- oited aljogeuher býy teachefr suceas. 8h. ahowed i at il vwsmoe.Ahu 0er.- eue of brama on lthe pa4t f-.teacio in prepamiug the. objecta than 'alavis'h expenditure cf' meupey, and-tisat tha simploat thîgef êvery day lif,. may b. made the meapa cf oeveying aà-1.5504n t. ýthe-eëhil d aIwlsty Ue drawlngs-were prepared bofcinansd wore of~asml hmce ihn~h cýap&cl±y-cf manuy priinary teaohers.-of l is ooucty, wýhé; penisapa, haie nover attomptcd work- of tus ýkiind..Ma Dnnne,'nvaaaswar a ,:âr ýwn,W.n L ~ere ~g MArna &. .8e thse 0,4d ~tones ùp Lois cf Flu TtuBbo,,WeakCIr hidon 4 L -ail coùdltiorns,,etWasting.' Buy onldy the genuüinel It bas Our trade. mai. k ou sabnoîzn-coù..rcd w pr *We hve tl is e lstse<Mon l1ttowun 'V.UTIUL AÀMERICAN WAL- p R81; LQWEST;::Prcs c~ d# arZy and~gti# k~~ PBw -1aMA, 'ss"U~AYfl1*T. ~ .Ymr v w Pulytbe m02 -êUDsoMm, ëf ttiie IJVE, SOXÂE. t1Nm 0 ÂD 3OWLS Thuq invw~rate sud rebSo u tehé" ltisDbl",W Gd Ontutlons, sud are lnvaluablo iu il bJmlitoldeuëtal te Feiiyeù" of'a3lag.FoS obldren sud the'agéd they aeyiw 1ea Kanufactured only at 78, NEW OXF03»JTý 5TiDtZpt* U, OXFORD BTREET) LONDo 1 snd sola by &Il Medlclue Voeéq, tJoughoutte.WoriL SEf Puirchau ob soudlook tth labelcuthoe Bxsand Pots. u the. sdrào ls no158, OiSd ftb.àt London, tbey ane apurlous Sevre Na Shd ly ,Cuitd by TheMMnhlPatr Mmd o chn ure fi i of p lb--. b ein soid by meeIvigùgshci SOM ! VerYwhere. 25C.eah riol1AT1@ .8r Afiv 00:: .::# 08.41

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