Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 5

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sCOmfor#'ît Style, la *bat you deianIe purchamrsef$pectacle s ad Enegluât$. e. W-uf jutent., sently tii. bet appileco. 4r saitl the fiam -qUQ4k ' ens.We e gresi 1, lps la the CbAdle -c s it hi frame. 'for attention-le csîked aur new frmes lii Steel and gold for ibosen , eyce aud for thase uhome nôse le especially tender. At u Gold Eyegflssesmliiidouble action sprntn. * HOM~ :o:OPTICIAN, Brook Street, Whltby. FRIDÂY, FEB. 1, 1895. Council tmeets ucit Monday ulight. Remnember the. candial to.nlght, Frlday. Remember Barrai* day sale of R.eady made clothing at W. G.boWalters Saturday Feb 2. A s1e h load of youug men frorn here attende the carnival at BoWmanviile on Tuesday cveuing. Woven wire bed-springs full ie, wlth steel corded wire and hardwood (rames.. OnIy $2, at W. TiU's. Rernember the hockey match to-mor row (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, Lindsay a htby. Admission xoc. The Pickering youths did flot corne here on Friday eveuiug luit on account of the stormy weather, conscquently the hockey match as aunounced did fot corne Composite Lodg. A& F. and A. M. The D.D.G. M., Dr Rae of Oshawa, will visit thc above Iodge on Thursday even- i ng nea& 13 per cent. 09 for cauh At thc M.ammoth Parlor shoe store, Dcv. erelils block. Open every nigh. M. Colines, prop. New Plag Needed. From the appearance of the fiag that fioated at hal-inast over the colleglate last Frlday that institute wil soon have to take Up a collection tuY a Uew One. In Thos. Lamler, Yeoman Gibson and j no Lauder tItis toma boni three land- marks, aad ail la about six mceks. Tbey1 mere ail men of specials traita of(characicr, cacitpsesis a markcd persouaiity. There=lusc=r aly-stradition ai ihe toma ianmiicit ancor tii. ailer does flot figure.1 This farta af discase la very apî io de- velop about the.age ai pubcrty, or tuay b. posipoaed until beimeen thc ages af thity ta forty ycsa.,hla teusuaily acSMouned.by mare or lesa lichlngl and seriously impaurs thc lustre ai tbe bair ta> reunove and pre- vent it. Use Dr. Grant. <Haireneto The first of a series ai inter-Coilegiate hockey gantes miii be piayed on the. rink here on Saturday afternoon nexi beimeen the Collegiate Institute club and a icant front the Lindsay Collegiate lastitute. SGarne will b. called ai 2 p.m. sharp. An timission fee afiîoc. wili be cbarged to assi..t ln dcfraying expenses. This mili no doubt prove an interesiing and exciting gante. and rphould b. mcii aîtended. rhos. Law5er'm f"aa The couuiy councîl attended Mr. Thon. Lamler's funeral lu a body ou Priday luti, and formcd limes îbrough ubich the hearse pascd.Tis tan board of éducation and Utcermalc teachersof ail ihe scisoas d likewise. The concours. ai citizens ubici turncd oui mas unsualiy large. Menaç. Jna. Tircedie, John A. Watson, Thos. Moode, d. rmutong itThwaite and John Stanton. almosi clong ifricads ai deceased, acied ma a-bearers Specli train ta Pari P«rry. A speclal train msws ru (rom ber. ta port Per-y an Tucsday, w toeble IAberals front this end of the county ' ttead a anectai meeting ai the aider called tiser. tfat day, for pupom cLnk=o o wbath ihose mia iaok the trouble ta go and ihose uha siayed say. It mslnte'ded that the meeting wonid be of a privai. natIre and not open tagnca atteudaqce, but the Port Perryr Réefors ney«rdo thiags by halves, suid mienthse mem rou the various precitICtM .rrved uiscie tbey found tb. tamis is all mi tceancued sud tirown open for tiseMeetig. Resa the record for tes yel . he greateSt sionmn tis ba sstruckberel in ten ycam mas thai etFriday aiu li4 s Coming fromteseoutbat t maiOIi Meeo about sevstýY-flYO miu =Mcrosa lak tarla. tise breese as vmy O*PÙi fhuRkg alniotef«y itflSt W eie ucelc with ScTe doorway, In 86-0àg~stc an We«lkw85 oot Mbi <n Tise st recis Boa.i4itOfliing Wcetblked to tis extcut of six or 011,1t tesnluOMr Places Thse railusys mereail hloched iiisues u extent tisai pasacuger and fteigb'er$oB alike hsd to e b.caucelie. -Tbou& 0( c fiubernu theq. 0gonFriday unttgIi We donow«al ever1ai. beard of àsto 1 çnalugsuBdsasdid tislcOme Trans e e intItheO 4ri* ail uIoýig lhe railusys isu ne'bc" SuonItL C. ftumciwu the etem CO' ingne. -- Rtmetber lb. einve lil(Pdy) dance.. Fstlu1o sdu Dr. Gisais «Hairene,,s la uuntced t' top f&lhngbsUr âaud datadmfistA*. eno am druagim for It.ve Jes ccMber titt-IsuhedilsoIldev Welgbtà guanàtnôL'M eayo Remmubethe ItuSeWalTrio i T.of T. meeing a th nuukItpl al exi week. Excepl.t la every may. iri cias. en- Cail ai lthe Neir Shoe)Store sud et the ü cabarghu offered for on.entonth. Ail %C"ol des at auction prices at M. W. oif New SIo, tômStre §The metubers of thc Christian Endea- vor saclciy Or si, Andreffl church Whitby wmli hold anentertalument lu the Suaday Sebool on Pet>. 8th. Mies Murray, gradu- at. of Pbiladelphia collogeofaiOratory, and me of ai Uic uaitproinnmielocutionista of tItis ir province, miii give severai selc- dlons. Everybody shotuld conte and Itear ber. Socia. Oui Almond fricuda ii hoid a social at Mr. D. W. Carruthers on Weduesday eveuiug next - Good chance for a sleigh- lut Party ta have an outing. Quutrtny service. Nexi Sunday the quarteriy lovefeast b.- gins in the achool roomn of the Methodist tabernacle at 9.30 a. m.. and the Lord's supper ai ihe close af thc moruing service. Major >arewelî Vice-Presldeat. We notice that at the annuai meeting ai thse Canadian Military Institute in Toron- ta on Monday, Mr. J. E. Farewell mas eiected anc af the vice presideata for tihe year. At Home et Mmm. Bircisyse. An At Home, under the auspices ai the B.Y.P.U., wiii be held at Mus. Barclay's this, Friday, evening. Refresisments mill b. served. Thse pastor Rev. Mr. Syca- mare, Mr. Scott, o ai craster university and Mr. Fowke, of Oshawa, are expecteâ ta b. preseat. Admission 1,5 cents. Wbtby Cheeker Club. The Whitby checker club held a meet- ing on Wednesday evening ai the Whitby House for tbe clection ai officers for tbe ensuiag year, iand are open for any en- gagements. The follamiag officers mere clected; John Robb, Pres. ; Robi. Pardon, Capt. ; Gea. Wbiteiaw, tiens.; Jas. Diii- mav, sec. The Imperli trio. Dan't miss the meetings ai the Imperial Trio, Royal Tempiars of Temperance, iu the muusic hall, Whltby, commeacing on Sunday eveuing, Feb. 3rd, at close ai -church écrices, and continuing evcry night ncxt meck except Saturday nighî. Sangs, salos, short speeches, aa pomer- fuI lime ligbt Illustraions milib. givea. Pleasure and profit tlcbly contbiacd. Sil- ver collection ai door. Mr. Hay la Deputy Registnar. Mr. Rose Johbstun ha, resigned hie position as dcputy registroaitise coun- ty, and Mr. Jobn Po. Hay has been ap- pointed by =-gitrar Perry ta liii tie výacancy. M r. Joisuston has been con- nected wthé c-r- siyoffice for sevcp or cigisi yeai,,sud-Iha, donc effeciet worJç. Mr, Ray hasail Uice<4uafltls uecessuy tt ic fui! sud satisàctouy dia- ithargof-he, duties ai deputy, ýW. con-ý guntulate hilim phis appoiniment, sud trust liemary iff It for may a year. Olubu t el3253 $185 5 5 Jor Obraniole and m.sk.ly Empire toan. lm9. for Chroniole and Weely Globe ta Jan. 1M9.. 1 for Obronlale anad Parmres Sun' for 1895 fot Obronicie, Woekly Globe sMd Fàtrmor'a Sun for 1895. for Chrontolo, W"ekly Globe Fermers Sun snd Ladies Jour- nal for M89. NoT.--Almout alailier papers ai saine rateà. The Citroalolo lu given fues tu the end ai thm year tl U cases. Sample copies sent~ Mechauwles' ntltnte. Sixty volumes of the maStirccent.pub. ficatians on literatnre, biogab y, science, fitilon sud traveis. miii b. eplaced on the shelves of tise mecbauice' Institut. lUi-ar la Uic course ai a very fçm day.. Nom -ta the tinte for cheap ami h gb-cbassreadlng. The iibrary. la open cvery Mond ay sud' Frlday, bath in tise ateroon sud thec evening. YVearly tickets, may be eecured. frons tbe librarian for the mmfflsmnofail. Tisée isechanice's' itlute la ue anfthe, mont descrvng public instItutionsla the' toua, -sud mernt. a mpre liberal and41 geaeral spport tan it le..aipreset r.-, celvgi. Iu (st iy pe-cent. of tise, goverumucatgrýant lis eet let tIis ycar ouig 10the *»lmmliisber ofsubscribes ona tie liai, maid if itou6g èClati are udt put. (cutisby Uic rcadlng public of tuis toua tise atier fifty per cent. wiît go sud thi ttute Uc doecd. A few ,zeaiatss ,ojffieer spend a great dia! of ite, at cou- skdergbIe lucoôveniituce ta themelves, t wlg ekeep ihinp uu.ving and me trus now tia thle public uuderstassd the situation that a aufficleul. ntsmber- of chti- meuswmll taise onti licitais ceesqthe Y-=.. ctlW bottom oout cf tie .geoiay night an d t.gfrict danruf 'fusbaldue. ?mwo, sp1iCetlôÃ"m cf l oignut 'is, eqeo 1 ho bW cg l eans0 youir scalp. Ise tyMte stage, due ber. e*rday day a ;Môonç ocWuoiobehng ,biock- mvery paIr of boots, ehocs, rubbers, overaibim sudilong, fait boots will b. s#laugbtered -f«amoraouttb,-M. W. CoUinas cti aide Brock el, Wbifby. Port Perry -races wcre postpoaed que -day sud consequently- are on for to-day ~rday.The trackisla l irai ,class con- Churcb baud. St. Andrews church board met on Wed- nv'sday afternoon are electcd the followuug o1filcrs-: Chairman D. Wilson, Treasurer, HugIt M. Rosa, Sect. A. G. Hendensan. A fineitant. ý The Royal Templars bad a fine ope meeting on Wednesday eveing lait. Ba L. T. Barclay préslded and an excellent programme iras rcndercd to Uic dclight'of a mcli filled bouse. Scranton CoaL Foi thepreseut, 85.,5delivered f4.go t barbor. Special care taken screeaing and delivering. There le no better Anthracite coal mincd tItan this. Bring êlong your orders and secure your coal nom. Ternms cash. Office opposite CuukaNCLu Whlt- by Ont. E. R. Blow. Preedmmotratlon of Cooklng. Mrs. joy, graduate ofitbe Toronto uchool of cooking, wbo wisbes ta start a scbool of cooking here, wHIi give a free exhibition of her art in the couacil chamber here on Wednesday next at 3.30 pm. She wil afcward1 give ten weekIy lessons at $2,5o, uhich la very reatonable. Vacaacy for Scisool Trustee. Thse dents ai thc late Thon. Lamler has created a vacaucy for school trustee la tise centre mard. for whicis position me under- stand Mr. A. ML Rosa la a candidate. Hi. experience bath at thse sehool board sud town council fully qualifies hlm for the position, and. the toma may as mcli have tise advantage of him services iu this capacity. Notes of thse Chromice bom.- We shall b. glad ta bear front suy uhose papers are adi bciag regularly de- livered. Hundreds of people bave notyct sut>- scribcd for iheir papers for s8g,. Let us have ithe names. Wee .pt la ny Torm*lpipers ulth UicCurowCu a- t.25. 'An Don -S#a, ou. string af naînes la stiilcousn lai. The CHERONICLIE eau tb @s~m subscribers ln tihe cotisty af cf Oniarlo iban aay otherfour loal papmeà n'bÃ"., This la a pointer for advertisers.- Since Oct. lot me ave booked 72 nucu subscribed uhose inames coumience uith thc Initial B. With ten yScrs af bard,- faithissie0ori me bave unade ibe Cimiu. icLx the most popular local paper lu Caàadat. COMME TII-19I'R 0-11AT ANNLJ-UýAL W-IN,- TER SALE - THiTS-will -be'gn exeptionàl> Opp~i± for .1o* . y - - e ir-c.tc a s G o-sa t p ic 's ' ote i4iy ra rèdoti loia=- e e-en ievy4.. TRIS SAL OONT rd!UE -foR 3t ben DAYzin* We lbeg t'> impres Ipon a> ux Many patrons Ul. ad*sbiiity ,opfi$-ý ingthor uroass ~ erlyasposgible am the prieo ae, now ,offtr- sng tevsddsrhego~ tmi nueVy,~ *l % o. F.ST *6 pieco-solid,'walnut parlor -suite, plush Carryathe War lato rpa. wlth's11kplh bands, for432, worth $q, ,I 'f, the Coreans, knQew of the manifol d, at W. Tusif. virtues of iba. Ne* Wilams scwing ma- Rural tchadsa were slimly# attended dur- chine thcy would .tcachý the, Chinese and: ing the caily part of the n-eek, owingtoc Jape Iho* to usé the NcwWllllams ewiývng Uic heavy *utorm of Frlda:y iight. machines, and ln thatlpeaoeful occupation High School, Inawwtor Seath l. ayîgail tboights of the horirosof war, espépial- hie ann'ual visit offuspection th i eg lyur4 ig the eraduybododas luild be iven overto scwing socleties laie lustituté. and ti alo of ail kinds i fcothes for The sftcrcd. concert held lu the metho- thec Asiaties 1h. New Wilhlazns la on dist taberha'cleoen Wednesday nlght waudc :ayfr a tEd. Hr',the not very welk attended, but Mr. Landy Whztby agent. Ladies wlshing, w pur. iras-hI zoo(rndespite the. dlspilig cbasýea etug achmne mlaplîcala efei o f'ipy b tcsi ad er t ba ama examine L eNew Willasat his blislfneô te ee snert13 a bouse on Brock street soutb, vlsltedItis towa for a lonS& lie.Asuorpo atdm (anLnda Lait, lgto on euSwiay nxand had -a fairlyý A large futm iteblack cuuly dog, ekin good-passagoo UWMi-Ir tsto*kthe drifts fat*d ilth chamnolibetweeu t e Ontarlo soOuth ofthelde' college., and there it, Ladies Collage and, theiClngotokb road. cmeto asaudtilL. After taking a ru Flader mii eonAër a, favor by returuig aà,-tla coupwer 0f ýtiïnes, lte ,coudcorcm ame 1t is offie. uptout abo ,ut a o 1 ockzsd routed.ont Union Meeting..e diver and firen0an of cMllnstan The cbristia, endéàvor oclcty of Uic ThOn bath engnsprefrtierun tabernacle will hoid,* uWiuii meeting of hoet i o rfswt erfeSPéed Meibodist societite thilse Friday,, .vONhngýand rbentbey siruck bthe oUi noir damý Fcb. itiat e7.3ô. Ag W i ganie i 1h eathera. X p zdepot u er melcorne AVo d abexktif.e BSE&iU Sbe enemsY bfours là cclaiing a re- m %.w ,AT potaroud OshmWàl the effcc ttboil-W. ofà teperanceneii t O" ICLS hm beeé abat off fron club. d h.mid roL mýre Lbing miii ibe Globe., W. club with cubr the. --Globe or auýy ôilier papér tisai suy- b&y anie, sud lunulusteen c"sesouit of <ýwenty-onr raxtesareýl.our tisasy body. XORNLiYG, A/W W Aggressivo R I. A good imany people uoùld ika'New1 Vans ,Dafly. Mi. F. W. Gienlêtc4W.P. for- ' Sauth', «naro la editar aofihb lNeu York Adverliser,- whiéb las very - i- y , . rbl cau siscet, and w. *Ulclub4 fi mwehithe Causeiicatai *-TItis'includes tise Suu- o dayedition'ai tfie aieuiser. Rugis Ba7 ilaconvlcted. -Hugh Bart-y, mcli kuoma lWhlitby sud, PortP" Ferywas convkted -lu théeppWice coin-t, Toranto, ou Wcdaeïday'ou a charge af stïaliutg *190 (ram.Alfred Orser, -'tis guileles (armer (rom Uic non oih- Qunuy» mise mas swiodled'Ilu"a grteengooda. deal f sont. weeks ago-In John O. WÃ"od's drug2 store iu, 'fr s miSentence mas dcfcrrcdl unîili Prîday.lu order ihbe lt-d nmay1 subtl saine evdence as ta chaacer.3 Whai evidence ai good charactir-'Rugis proposes ta ofier mc caunnaiimagine. Pro-' bably bce eau dram on Hom Beni. cQuayr fir a citaiacter. At ail eveais mc Iclaru1 that aûter biîs convicton by -thée polie maistrat.. an Wcduesday, Hssgh, ment ta tise -officecf tise ceCiuve departuscut aif tise police andaaconsfession, lu which1 h. daims that h. worked Uic *reu gZooda, suiîndle -lincausacctiou mitsS.-Jahn Q.1 ýWooda, drugglst, York- utree in,, bosei ding' storhie sunidie uns' morked., Woods mwas ai once arrestcL, .:_Bgrry oinatest »tisah aigot balf of he plnndcr, .1 lt,, disi take long for tise" Torautb aiketà nais thse gre o gentry, sud tisep oliice -I 'r Caps Beaver r Cap Menas 8 1.2b. it cost. races, ýorkshire gîatctcd. sire sud S. Coa- re White 814rlord, 6 at the Weng the Can b. ;C., cash, Oct. eut. Dg tomn- 1 35, 7th Ire oc. parilcu- Wbitby. .»Wmwo"wl id -pen,

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