Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1895, p. 3

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taIainions 0 ablub ligýhtén Ihepublgranitsh. pa ferie. hors -we hold eta bo1uns t6 !mUui0lpe.lies Iiaving ne institutes te ifldtoe thènite make a mcve fer, read- In libranies. We'say te Litei: ",Bore t 2 or, #50 for «'Ch I'brayyoumay fit tl establiah." Re liopes ti0 'voI for the fgrant may b.nunanimous. Trhe War4n doms net agre. uwith b(r. Ham that makiug grant. in tii. j & waina meanisof taking money frein. the poor and giving ilte otlii rich. Tihoe institutes rnaiutained by publie mo -are mainly int.nded for the. booi f the poon. He bas learned 1 from membera cf Ibis councîl that pr senaliy they faver mach grftnt.s as these, but dire not face tbeir niggardly cou-' stituenli. He really bepes ne mem- ber cf this ceuncil will oppose these grant. from an abject fear of a par- sirnontous public. Bir. Hocyle sys ho hears smre mem- bers express the view that eaci munici- pality should maintain iti own insti- tutos. He do.. net believe in leoking at educational maters fro&a mercen- aypont of view. Reos ne aneuiber ef tii.body would 1k. 10 have it Ro ou recrd that the county ceuncil cf On- tarie, couatyveted dewn a grant te mechanics' institutes. Mr. Vrooman would support Mr. Edmonson's motion but ceuld not any cf thi.e tiers. Rie pleain bard imes. Mr. MLrnro sayi w. spend toc much on educatien during tb... bard times. Mr. Edmonson-Why tie taxes in tie municipalities have net been se wel paid for fifteen years as at preseut. Mr. Munro--Yes, tiat ia se ; but we muet remember tiat this je because many mucicipalities charge a per centage on unpaid taxes after Dec. 151h. Mr. King srongly opposed Mr. Manne'. statement that w. pay too, mach te educatian. " IMoncy is trasi, cooepared witi- educatien 1" said ho. W. çiould not apoak ef the cest cf educalien. Our scbeoli and ether educatienal institutes are among tie besI in ti. wold. Why ? Becaus.e or legisiative institutions bave given largesuma sfer their maintenance. We should provide unlimited reading for children and adulte alike. This i. the best way te abelish crime. Tic sum hone aeked for mecianie.' institutes ta -o emn" tlat we cannot figure out the amai fraction of a mül il amounts to. Mn. Couîthard asked what sense àa in lbe county paying $25 te a townshipsî institut. and lien caling il baek in taxes frein hal township. Lt ta legal for miner municipalitiei te mako the"s gatand hae presumes lhe members fonrural municpalites os sucb grant. te them institutes, aswell as woe au, witheut being fonced 10 dé se. Messrs. Breemfield, Pouchen, Oerowl Hüts, and otieri continued lie debâtOe Vi len the lime for votin came, 1fr. Ham's amendinent waude-aedlesit. 2M;. Gillespie'. tien failed by 10 to 22. cari-l«ned 20 le 16. Y.-S4anon.n, Hanm, Vi-ceman, B3>rethour, -Wet&erell, GrieTson, Gerow, Pencher, Mowbnay, Hit., Royle, Ourla, Wuflcox, Gillespie, Broomfield, Rrge ing, Trolesven, Rauter, the W en-go. Nay-Couthard, Me- THOMAS L*.WLwe '5mUKAT. Aelmiran motion wvm ead rset ing lie laIe Thomas Lawi.n, sud o>_- de o bs eugnoSsd at'peene Mu.. Lawier. m E oATW1S1GT ?OAI>WAzi Mr. Sam <v! noti'e of î blah4 .vil intno.Iucoetb.Jane session b.y whigob4198 conuty vin, assume, Ioinlly -i le outtês f1- ztn a 1 lqortbamben te, h Omtwnght IELW. MT oEN1Ln= MDstorm' Mn.Tn.oavixt!uv.4at ab1th nuns d' uyslw b. yuet 9l" rau Ibis oounatstonoê'.-L@S to 4150. vestigation eof m&atrs Coo ïeiwlîhh ~ote the coeuttyjal 1Er. ýýOcuthard objcta t, e liêaction bhfiýtr& of the 0coiuitlet ulà aitt"g ith>bing àeal Oft their bande in Ibis way. TUe. h,,' wzonq asud whoist le ~ Ub f HL oommitee kuMows already" ,whY aot 're.. pot'i 1h07 have fouatout to us i t ne li u se linputtiug, off cwallo th ià Mr. Hanter Baya thbe trouble a, te P-5OWd M jail le entirely negleel, of duty on lb. O part of officiaisnet under tbis ooundil.'a 'eip14-of 0enirolt, and #Q the .couneil eau do la to *ut Mess ask for an'!inveatigation of gverament ' lis*,t08 OMO" aisby the bedy hohounos&d h Mr. Miimno Baye the *report I. toc in. ProPOl&Y) defiite..The committee shoald coma bityau ont and plainly aay who- la to blame, y rypo and if the officiali je fot unden or con. Smon. trot ho aI leasi cannot b. beyoad our LunspaS censure, anàd w. ahouid place the blame monson upon bis aheuldera and ask for his e. e- ue moval. If th. je.iler is'at fault, as cent for'& rumor aye h. ta, the cemmittee ahcnld amcount report te tbat effeot. wenld Pl The Warden believea that the cern- county v mite. bau performed its doty very over #6,1 well. There ehonld be au enquiry f a Rev. Mr. judicial cliaracter, and this ceuncil making a sbeuld ask to b. represented. Mr. Wi Mr. King said tbis conoil bas ne 81100' f0r authority t.o diamisa a jailer, and eau- from al net consistently even reoomrnend th. awa te ae diamiasal of on.ountil we know on a81moat ul aworn evidence what àg wrong. The 1SJy Ifove committe. had cal.d averai officiais ided whi and bad made sucob enquiriea as justifi- tabiish a ed their report, but net enougb 10oen- diate lfutt able them te, go any rarther. Mr. Pr MEr. Conithard admitted that th. Mr. Edu wbole responsibilit.y rosted upen the have ma government and its officiais te manage CuUC1i ic the jail. The inspecter cf prisons bas tien. power te tako evidence on oaths- and te The ix do do ezactly what thia committee now voting ini asks, and wiy has net Ibis beaun don. aiready? H. underetanda the inspecter Mr. p, bas been bere, and 'wýnt away juil as Pringle, he came. This county aboutit net b. mittce tc at anY expena. te inve8tigate g0ovrn- and asce ment officiais, and se. that they de veuient their duty. iae Mr. Edmonsen took much the same for _0w view, and belioved liaI lb.e nly duty lishin d.volving upon Ibis' counoil ie te eau es... the attention uf the local goverument Sm t,, the direliction cf its officiais. Hene e isainicta munder committed Mr. Pr maigy montha age. -W. know sme um. iiu ôffiéiIs-Onmore or leséOtcbiaeàefon ilmi canée but se -à. ý we m larî ýC stop cooncîl'o have Ms yet been taken 10 lodge, tbe ne- by a stan sponeibWi.yt-'onybody. W. should Mn.. B 'net~ ~ ed î.û l.1o < pay for Iiivosia $0O ting Mn$o*' -u negligonc. (>' t0q~he repSwos» pwsed. ' ý_, ý_ .Mst ~à I~ ot6r i 'thi Mi jadIer's aiù, th. -reportasu1kOIIhtin in- a llowed ýGo,. Docker $650 lnelead cf purs t10 #8W0 sud,!Mra. Docker, matron, $1ý50 until Jum ultbard moved that lb.ejil- tovo 0. ýes zyb. $600mi4the matronelinea #200. At prosent the mâtron happens Onn to bohoii jailen's wife, but if it happen. I1'Tue cd othenwise lh. $150 would net b. enongh to, seur. an efficient matron.- froin ontaide.i ..,cr Mr. (3-ilespie agreed with thiso, view,j * diSa ud after Borne othes bad agreo 10 1.1 Vtsowa the report was altered. wré%bh o Wm Broomfield. Mara D A Brown, Thoral Wm Bretbour. Breck C Calder, Wbitbv :p. Go Cleuverley. -Rama W Coisiha. Osbô1awa 1 W Ouris. Port Petrr Gec. cwzwe1ýU. 4. p. S: $BusoOshawa Oi. <res., -Pketug Days Miles, Alin 5 70 *a.oo 5 5 4 8 88 of iiex- O x R . .ïbx(>oI8Ntî s bi li xi.n rahc ~n waabeiuglld, Mnr. ad- rose and -spnnng a mcmlat nox- action. Upon lie concU lu ntse- ~b a~lgmembeni cf ceu- ne. Mwbay, Vroomgsn, Mun. spie, »trowu, HoyIe, Mec. ,wgor, mover1 le go to e saiwa sMd la. espeal Place, (the W. H. <*ibbý, r) sud report npeuw ils adapt., id cou for a housecf refuge,, ert to hoput la M the Jwie sea- eaing ef the motion Mn.. Ed. salid Prospect Place oould t. Bd wllb 45 acre. of land adja- a littie oven *8,000. of Which the government cf Ontario pay eue fonrth, leaving. the riti tb. whie place for e liltle' 00W., Ho read. a loîlen from . Cuthb.nt, cwnen of lb. place, an offer for eaue. 7ilicox aaid il would cest even Ibtis comiite. te assemble over the coanîy aud go to Omi- ie Ibis place. TI4 woald be cmbusinesalike and extraordin- a te make befone we bave de.- 2ether orn nt we inteud te es- b ouse cf refuge in tlb.imma- tun.. 'ringle aaid banteriugiy. tiaI imenaen migit about as well >ved for a special meeting of cO iuspeet the property ln qaca- netion was losl,, only. 5 on 6 ls tafavor. MOTIONS. Poncher meved tint Meurs.' Rinig and Goulîbard hoacon 0wait upon Mn. J. RHain ?enn, erlain whelber il vil b. .on- and aâgnecable lebim le a portion of the reglstry mc S»r of pipere wbich - tin - lb. Tokinnons ssten! of laùdý JOUX rTHoMPOyN'S MXOIT&. 'ringle moved a suilble'motion mg Sir John- Thempeon'. peuif- Br. and giylug exprousicu 101h. r egret luhi. death.-Ca0àried sdfiug vote, Bnown ruoved for payzment of, à o G.;F.B-riceandwvm. Ne!- lance for -andiiaùga-ée' te e, Prof Xes onSalrdayaflrnoo aIthe" 1wÀ& Mc f à abidosedfclGnipeby I WAB c Ou eof Ionsof- voiciby MN S. LIN IMENT. ventlou.tegandtsgHsu. ÀyraCherry Pocteralii k=*u b>' ls à k~Thope e"cf ha entury provestanoe0 herXprparaîlcuofîh hu stos o1hu~sudaiae ialiot cf -the eft, iy and sis. -'t m..m y J. Wardwhowa the fuîtl-ro-, mmat akacres. lb. Niaara suspension OAtTTON,- gowm ofet u a wbe offertà #-Ou, animitation rtloeyne malter Wbàitielan sd sa it."usa. e the gonuue » îhy'"Ill- nkuids of -'5sbem remedies"ýinIbis way upou ibo epulatien e lii. Pain> Killer-be sure sud get b ensio mnade b>' Puay - Dvms" aLre =oi populan prie.. The Kinguten snd W..: AlÏoms Provincia byeictious lok-place »Âoücay NORWAY PsESYUP engtbeus :1>. Luongs ud cures aU i hroak Troubles,' Coeubs, t3olsetc.; ýWeulworlb onty Gouneil dewn lb. propoied poorbeUse. bas voted1 bkyeau- à Scousaphupie tp-,lb. Presuidont oefEars MnW, Ioula w64slenfor he mi*k bry t«Ü d oill Mud> bohésegltu ~~hy 2 ei-toria-ý-t MOauoeIasauxceUat*udldê fr ci it- oe~mu~csesou~ s morphine, aoothlugÎyrnp.a - dean lb* - bsmtoprsauatunepavaa~ "a..?. /4 ice liaI ho' wi Ms for the sel. zu ring usse( odicino Fair Tr ':i M ent U0iJ lee illa rffla It lu 'i i Il, ConTstipaLtin .che, indigesUon. LS MT. là CURE I s'home @nmer $Wf; 3. 1 uffod Min la gonie fnow the sarne hors. rot $120 for ualng l8 CURE xL. Dm e M6lS Il,* spavin C0r twc, horsa au ruaed. wI adreDWRs i.'P NY 31A e*ý !IISTION -1 wiS mud we Liy eoufidabl mûmobq.vatoi Taat. ont ~nsby umdg W. Kzxoum~ou~' Vcasway, Ârk v .1

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