Races next week.M.E. udibêlg Idilp*,a R.D. Robblns of.Toronito*wasslhere tuis gang -of -hmberaren lave lioen Intho, wrek on business. woods for so>em*.ttiakdig eqpiare4ii.t- Yl'e new electrîc llght apparatus tg not corn. ber, and s sttroflg'fOf f tRatISha5:be5ê> plete yot. but will he lu* a fe\v days. . at work for âote Wtek nât. , It w M t lie- MEr Il. S. Camrpbell sud vifé of Port Hope sorne tltie te itet thié timboërbo'th railwsy-, bave been vsiting relatives here this wyack., on Its wsy te foreguà markt, Great quantîies ef wood are coming in at Councfor McUlIy banots attouied tb B3 orneof It cernes fifteen toiles from the bdorurybemets tendby $350. three doctors. lRe liashad a very etitical A.5 jzn anvlwa edi h nplbut t hie Icd s t. fIS4 te aeauble A. gand arnial as hld i theble te agalu show blis saitIngfaca abscand. Wednesdaty eveuang. It proved a great suc- sorry te Say itht ,,zý ý_ ,. wortby mail carrier, Iî downwiI fll&plesriry Our town lest a centenariau uhîs week. Mrs. Hope lie wlll be sern ell s. W. -cêtnot Florence Cameron, who died on Montlay.spr nt aged roi years sud ro days. aaehm Mis GetrueLang udMie Lotie0cm IMr. . HaInes bavlug obtalue a large riss eatude e Iattnd ha priae hl- contract froinsGoidon &. Lyous te draw ensleae hiswee t aten a rivtehosi.cordwood to Bîlatien junetion, bsl tal ln Cincinnattilta graduate as sick nurse. *t nggeanubwuftass ea est l Mr. J. Wright epens ouir aext week in the wbu[o the. slelghlng lea.good. ms-hn premîses occupleti by A. Soper with a bran Mise M. Barry la*agjan b ,sVstigi new stock of ready made boots and sheci. MnIPesu.Uarsdncs cf 3. R. Mr. Soper is movng next door. Moun lea mq. We anaIl'peuof t1. R M. Stewart Bruce k bus getttig mâerilier bloéming face arouud. logether to build a nev barn ln the. sprhng on tise founidation of the one that vas burned hast Miss Janet Mackle bas beau for seral fal. Mr. Jno. Power bai the contract. vache confiued to the bouse .vlstidan- Ourhih cholisover.crowded ai~ Mation lu ber eyom. lier companlonsl se much so thai the trustees have been côm- m ypalyfrbr)adýhp peîled te put in more mcats1to tccommodate se vwi soon be able te bu back 1e ichool the pupils. Ths peas wal for the ichool. agalu. Mr. L. Sebert, of the St. Charlei boel Ivwu Lleutetiatt R. S. Webb, of Grand prostrated by epilepsy on Wedaesda d >1epoIeacesdvune p«Idaà short Iforunately upon the smaire. Ris fathaused uit hlmbisPanuts bers, sud-frleud some serous bruises. Being bubject te ibis, MackIè looked sprY sud altiost yttug, 50 be vil) ne doubi b. arotrd as usual in a day glad ha vaIs te ses theni. or tio. Tise S.O.T. bes are in vry lionisilg Considerable exctemnt prevalitslu town. condition, AdMittlà g - adiions' sary over tbe appoiniment by the. oouuty couneil of evary meohsTby aejsinlsbed à trustees to 611 ithe vacaacy caused by ithe te. Very SU= ,*, êr*- cutmt sdth movai of Mr. T. C. Nichols te Uxbrldge and metbers n Ov pilnca. holdlüg a ,ple social the other reappolntmeral of F. M. Yarnold to on tise eê#enlng of t i # - - ,1ýeb. tli. bis old position. Tva etitiens bave been Friends comae sud belp tô ùe nai. ood carried around towu for Ders. Forciran sud tîrne. Courtice. and almoit every rstopayer bas sign. Pour Reynard Soi Into acre trouble ed one or the other, and are anxioizsly avait- about Ch laperne f.. .0r tng resulte, do's trsy tafea yacks absence 'nie council for 1895 met for organizailti ou they vira dlsovered bnnled under tisa Dos Monda. Ail were present sud subscrlbed te strav lu tise barn, as mli alive sud ile their deLaratious ef office. The folhovlug te scratch. Willcox, Davis. On motion of Mr. Jelflre $owas ordered to be paid outint the varions indigents. On motion cf Mr. leffie, the In- surance on the town hall wau renewed for $5500. On motion of Mvr. Willcox eiders were granted as foUlows : Jno. Nott. coffiri for Harry Jewett, $5 ; F. M. Varnold. station- erY, $7.16 ; R. F. ftuntin, firemen, S ; New- ton Bros., bal. printiiig contact, $306 O.q motion ot Mr. je rey it was ordered that ten- ders be taken for leasing corporatica weigh scales ; o corda green bardwood ; zoo piecffs cedar 12 feet long and î nches in diameter, plank and scantling. The council then ad. journed. On Fridayevening. x8tbh ist.ï in the (Odd- fellows' ha1 hbue. Mr. Rose Johnsboa, of Wbîîby, assisted by Mr. W. H. Buchanan. of Hamilton, editor of the Templar, organi- zed a council of Royal Templars o Tempe- ance, to be known as Pot Perry orclN. -9 Alter a clear. concise and forcible ex. panatory address by Mr. Buchanan the elec- nion of officers was proceeded wth resultlng as follows S C, ister Mrm Wakel ; V C, Sister Mms. Soper ; P C. Bro. "A. ;er;C Bro. B. M. Bnsabin ; R S, Sîster C 1 ýlor; F S. Sister Mes Brishin - Tr. Bro SJ&ýMel- low. MD.; H. Siater Mis ()aG B; James Rodman ; 8, Sîster Miss Maqie Gra- ham. Trustees, A Soper. S 1 Mellow. MD. and D Archer. MD. A. severe BUow-stoT! vas raging witbout during thie progress cf or-, ganization. May this child of the starm abundantly successful ila lu efforts for good.. PILINCE ALDEEKT. M rs. Peat le very Ill. Mr. R. Bond la aald telie improving. The Epworth league beld a concert in the. basemnent of the church Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Wilmot, who been in Toronto General Hospital, returned Tuesday even- The sick of thia neighberhood' are on the mend. Mr. John Brmuning lise bougist a nev cutter. It is adandy forpitéli boles. The herse sud cuttartbat dis>pered out of the churci shebd turned np *11rgt, ln the mornlng: COne cf the beys- waued to iake hlm girl eut for a drive. Mesrs. James sud John fHoran. s- 9gaged lu cuîtlng vwood doun luE£in*. Tley are two Industrlcus boys. Welavea fineclo»,cf hores la Salt- field. Auy klnd yon valEt- < .L-0.,lbast stable MlaL A"y me tuut never vIsILd that gentlemn's stable ouglit te; ha bas- fron a 4ockey up to à cabIe. A pluasut qvos>itg wvsm penut,,4 Mi. JalszCroletsç us y v ein y Young Mfof O5tb Odle4 Mr. jsmes Grahame for Ubé-ouh.,» mer" Mmr. R. Haruden la very Iil MIss M. A. Stifi bas quit. recovered front ber late illucas. Somi forty members or more cf'the Sous of Tempenance of thus place ttend. ed the district meeting at Greeubankosn Frlday liât. W. uuderatand tiser. were about 700 persous present at tues district meeting, -ail as WC, suppose stauunciitem. perauco people lunbliat village wlsere a temperance boume existe sud no doubt la wprtliy cf the. support -of every temper« suce man, wctnsn or chld. What en. couragemnt did titis vast bost of lamper. suce, people show the. preprtetor of the temperance lions. of Grecnbauk. Thai th. ln erlulove sud sympahywithbim anud tisat they wvan as, peopl e wthlng tc one to every hundred took dinuer Nth oui wortliy bout sud ostes&s7 If the. proprio tor bad bad a licans., -ie would undoubt edly hava tbo!alht '"îhey vere carryiug ou tiseir prlncipkes of temperance, but thi abova proceedings reinds e sof manj bemperanCe (?) Mmn ho drive tetows and occtspy the. sheds, stables, pump, &W, tbe Warin fie cf tic tavein keepar,sac trns borne vltliout paying a&cet fo e ceenforts tbey bave derlved, wbilt otiiers bavç been kuown te enjoy thaesmu comforts aud bave. e --en perched _ù .one corner cf the. manger ër aftraddle ib tougue cf a sleigh, sitlng a lunch ont'.0 theu overcoat pocket. Wluenthe t*mpur suce people quit thuir meo.n*ess ansbie tisai vlllnguess to support a -public bho» alougtie Une of tempaeanesd u*pç abllity, tbd ieuy ue a eepers.,of publii bouses beginu te relluuli h eWhlold upci strong drink and bk ptmeac It la net every da that seveis undrol gatber ln a place like Greenbaük, no every year, sud lb vould only hava b.. right if tbey could net aflbrd to givei quarter for their dinuer te bave arrange for their ,neals at vholesala prices, ani thus shown their apprecià tiù of s ma whotm they profeos te support.- Lt e r a d 'flic couneil1 d, towxiship orwhttb t ' gnraus*it to etatutes, wbet 1é flqta ,caiou and of office took their seats îChas., Calder reeve ~~ Srnith,ý,dep.ree M. Mei'aggart, A. Ketchen aud'R. Rogers, couancillôra. Reeve Csl4er addressed the ouncltoutinlnig.theprobable work foi lie year, land odvlsing , econiy' lu expen- diture as far as consistant with safety and A f.w accountwere esenÃted and aub- oïtted& to têouncUi. An accounta from- Grosa & 0ranger aud one fromý the toWn of Whîtby wer referred te tii. reev1eà _ù&d deputy reeve for enquiry as te tme par- -i las ir. Alex jeffrey 'and'Thbmas Hurrlseach emade apicton for pay for sheep kilîed and liuJure by doge, Xi. j eulbuy wa & allowed $2&66 for 3 shep kil- led'aïdi lJured and Mt. Harris s4.4 for 31 sbo Ãœhjred. ,The committee ap>point- ed eroeve tender. for- cedar'rpre having received 3 tendýers, but consldered tbam in toc, bigli, nône cf tbem baing te- cepted. The. saine committe., Messrs. CulderKtctheù ud the. clerk were sutlar&to bpurchace codar wltbout ten- der If thay couldstlsfactorily also car of r 't«roide. 1Mr. Jo asoe and vb& Rd ere atc, aîven $1 rebat. on a ber - î avg beép dostroyed es la itasprÃag. Thie oesu ou cilors K4tcbet and McTaggsrbwere sp- n sneoiltte. atd-tii. nfee 1 MltyOa cmmittea -on printing. Tnd reeuddpty, reeve were-named as comitea o-mke rragements'for boer*ingmony to nmet expeudituros unti. eep of taxes for 145 cone l. MEr. Mean'. collectoir cf taxes for zSg4 made 'rt h is roll bavlug 'collectei $*;too, leaving a balancé of $3-32, wblvb amount was allow d hlm as uncol- lectable, sud the. ureasurer vwu autborized to grant the. collector a cbçque la payment Of is uaary $75, (theOIi. o ul fouc by conçi witb collector being that lie bad applled 80 eauly in thie year for bis psv, the earilest lun25 years. The. treasurerl's bond was iuspecdby council sud deeni- ed ssîisfiactor*-The. debeuture debte cf tbe mitclally; were reporbed on by council as- requfred by statutes sbhowlug amounts cf principal unpald -it-3lst Dec., z8u .achool debanture section -Ne. 3, rod iflsâge iauprovemrenb $913Z; intereà t, everdue tsothing. bylsv was intri4duced sud psssed appoint- "lIg jas. Balfoui assessor for 1895 ; also by- "law appoitifidi lai. A. Underhuli and H.: "T. Langford auditors., - Aise bylaw a'. .pointing bhc reeve, clerk and councilers t.McTaggarte Ketchen and -Rogers usembers, of the.tp board of, hcaltb,- wlth F . H. Starr as inedical bealtb oflcer, sundjoeph tWanlng sanitary "inspecter. ou motion- c ouncil-edournedto meet Moudà y, Pcb. r4tb, at one ô'cloçks p. ms. Iwo" cGou"sft Meèt ?Moaday 'MUnast statnuse;The. çouscllelect subo&lbed.ttis ela o f ri o"sud qusa#ifiot1ca eoeli Vý which Roeve Mudom o ok se caîïr, n4 tue couacilOf 189~sda Jmled outine wee isy ppited, vsAuditor-Wlo tu Ld Ln OOURTICE. Mr. 1- T. Courtice le boume Miss Rice. Whitby, le vlstiug ftiende heme Mr. W. Everson le sufferi froin ttroat trouble. Mr. T. F. Wright. Blacketoc, le visiting hi@ olId associates bae. Mr. and bM .FalUs, Cartvrîght, ver.ee at the Parsone last veek. Rev. 1. W. Aunis, M. A., London, ie stay-1 ing with relatives hoe for a reat. mr. Thos. Cciuant sud daughtor, OsbaWa. were gueons cf Mr. LevI Anniel' last veék. mise Eleanor Everse. Osha vvWtd tt at Mr. Samuel Everaoa's, aPle CUlit- reçt- -The a*al"Ioxc Oiro(p D)ivision cif ii. Smoucf Temùpeirauc vu gaies sud vWsting esubera v.M 1 dactise largest ever h.ld l nugs, uer di strictý, tearlY evcrY divl*1 Mle vt Urict wuasné ros nçte&,fkAutos pro eutvt W.- H. Beveéli, G. 8itdbe !) ,Weélcs, Jos.,Wétsoa, L ru A. ïillèér, &. W. Crà 8l) Bîetisour.' W I. Real, JuO. Wethev phoenix. R. Micisie.-aJn-du,&e . II.4 LAu., MissesScenes,, Ge;rov .WIdt Whe, KiveIl, Flcbett, linmuet j, uew .arll aUother 'proninueunt -workëm,,, county. Much imporant busi'wul acted. Owing to thse gmetattencc çeut- sessicos t vas deedAe4 e y Itr thedistrict, tii. disirlol iosî t tebpêl 0s ridiffl "for leiislative putuii< AIN DAY, s' -~4R.M NANTS.E -0O11T Saturdy <inw Jan,2Oth, -AT--- Goi WA LTI ERS We wilI place on our counters ail the Remnùà nts we have in our store for sale,, at-, One-haif COMPRISING 0F: 1.G. WALTERSG flegular DRESB GOOD89 FLA2ÇNELS, L A M B .S y RIBBONS, TOWELLINGS, COTTONS, LININQS, Price~. FLA.NNXËLETTES, PIRINS, 8¶'Ns, ýETC. In order to clear otthe balanice of oÃ"ur we have placed on -a larg GOODSf< re table in centreeo:f si pi eces of Dres Goods. The regular selling prioe we per yard,", ÀAil-reduoe ooepuie..5 o'ôerng ýat such. iow pieo audi whether you want t urchas r flot. Theabveprce ae or Saturay,,Jan, bura, vere gueste of Mr. J. Unie Jobu'.tbls week. Rev. tL. PWspea~ocied an ezelloat ,ser- mon basod on the . .S. lessonSunday 00tW.ll ing. Ho vas gmialy benefiie4 by bis Ãœtnp te England sud le possble Morepopular viêh 19 congregation s ave«. Mli ureIoClaonncetla t pwemoa guesi cf MMx R. Holtby. MisM Xà tha Peams bas roturn.d home after Speudlng ser rne ln shb. W. are ghad tto ae 41>5Me M~r is sore better à iUMW, q.~teh FiiodMfor sonlm s. W. tilk tWepartIs. -tat iiiefixea& V( Hi It 1 for, r I - -- a 1; Ili rse M-Z