Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1895, p. 6

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Louis 1eiito'sEzp.i~Imei t *uh hie bat té yousu4Xia .U où ~ opu.4te., Wt *u "But ~ ~~ Tbbtjight,,wheu ho went tà b * hns in I~ "'Whsl, dat a 'qom foi)ut tii. luxuzions ittinga'p-But*.te Peton lhm4y Wor. "I wih yo woul putdowu hat ii,.ueho1eér.rs 'et thé 1smoiusut *gain lisido ies4o do.avLil book snd Usi te tusmesfr aulsquar." LoUis' hesul Mfr t'>spllo befog b iook- hies ftt t hge dpar'th3e broog-, Ke eon ies blettmath. ,griùdeur sud b e fbo blk utofl hi .m ye brrd lulth er o ut th.peetoul.sas s)b1e vas, d add mamtnima ithe',masO naýtur1al sud oe - "Go swsy, 5*ldra 'l ber readiig p.ud pr pàrodten "fQr Ing boy fsshiop. what mii. sho*l4b. qvr q ~~bbok bore, or Mlyb~Ody that and squar" ta lb.Conversation of th&& ont on tbe'Wideoeéan, semn Wybelqn a e ýo you. ' ho sdlo*usy Yotug emperer, ber son, Louis. But frout hlm tar the fit Uie in b@s lit., "Why Louis.ye ugrtelboy M 11 se oe.supposed voulul b. ih asd -that mouh ue0ips eer redbsuother, br voice hil master louisa ouly wauîed au oppo r- birr- sin uddenly loewed op as+ wltb love s&D&happilesa. tunity te urge again uipen ber ýth._pur. 5- black Cloud on hie horizon.. H Se "- eer miàd., mether. Llm a Chase et s new bicycle, mn"wiilholi thougbt and thouglit of-her; sud thonit ouly thus ocoe te reliove mYeif." hsd sot his detéeraineâ lijtlo hart. a lump camé into his threat, -sud ho "-The dear olu borne seetus rather "T1 don 't S& why papa csu'o siford it, cried hie lonely piliow wet. ehabby, doesu't it ? se.wen t ont10l0:k mother," Louis wound op another un. Neit day alilwu brigbt once more. ing etrouud ber, fondly. successini pies. He breakfastod alogee lu the vastdin- gishaboy r', bouted Louis.' 41 "T u 4 psene, ou s,"aid' the ing room, bis, unoe ansd sont flot a p wouldu't give it fer ton of Unole Brow. ldy at aigh,,. "Pr you would, show pesriug until lator iu the day. Ho ai -ster,'sIl yeur love for me by eayiug 'ne more lôwod the foctman'te assiet him into And ho bas remained steadfast lu about 10." ceat, snd walked, actuslly walked, that opinion ever sinceý "Ciily Wsidwrigbo gel a new wîee down h broad front stops, with-a dig- yesterday, s bully eue tbsc cost $10 nity benofittiug his eurrouudings. CBUG more than theoeeVIve piclred eut, for Louis lunched at the sehoibônse, sud COR lI lake thi.e hoaper eue. mother, if 1 Ion returning lu the afternoou to bis A pet ma.-:tiff was taken 111 lu Peterbore Csn'tgel ii. ther" hooonodednuee'.oouild not resâtt nviting a few, recently and when operated upon by a obligingly, "hu ihofbicucuhtoaooopay um,»eor doctor a skewer was feui in luthtanimalla obiinl,'In Bl Wainwright's fbscum oaopnyhm no-stomnach. [he skewer was efght luches fathr sd mîhe do t 1,.lu u.l asderte hbave the satisfaction of display- iu. iength and had been swailoedla ni00 s bouse as ours.",. iug te them his now apleudor. piece ormneat. Me.- Fenton sighed again ; ah. wss When lie stiffi butier s.dmitted Ibis Here's a timely talýe,, sud w11b.of iu- beooming used te thoe argtiuents, ad procession il vau te look upon them tereat to the asaèssors. It la from the found eut that they required no asu with ne friendly oye, snd Louis began Shoe andLeather Reporter. -. Sullivan swor. ets to wouder what ho sbeuld de with bis beuglit a. ,geat, for whlch lie aid $5. I juet Wsb,"l Louis burst ot tfrieuds. Drswiug ro, dining reem, Sotlyoft. Hoe eved afta he us-h nset, "aomebody tbat could afford such librsry, ail ver. tee fi ne te be invaded ga f~.H aldo afry h s , sessor, and said4: "Why do ynu tax meý -thngawoud aopome ud . dueby a puahing, ,shuffl!ng, merry ittIe tg on aidy goat wlhen i" but for with lt." * mob of fellove s poiling for fun sud bim ?" WeiI," said Raffrt,"Ibv A few days after this coouversation froic; se, bidding' thora foliow on tip- carefuily read wbat te statule, Days, and, Mrs. Fenton vent up te ber beys room tee, ho led the way upatairs. punt .unt It reads : Whoever ewns property a but- just after Louis had gone te, bed. N. Marias roomo te the third story, and ting fot.è " etsahb axd$ arn was lyiug awake lu the drkess) ie sown quarters. Here tii. beys iuThefoo" rce ortereifo etretching hie tees comfortably in th begAn at once rumnsing in every cerner dlphtheria appeared in a recetit issue of dean ~ ~ ~ ~ ;t shiasdnéln né,témf efind amusement, aud, finding none, th*ScentficAmeica.and .,...hi% . In- dowv uilthoth'tsdecidcd weathof it dovn. te;esttc uir readers :. 'tefrst in cern floyers, thinking thal, after aII, Ahi. 1 Aunt Maria's chaire, oovered, cation of diplitheria in the throat of a chiid. lite had somne agreeable moments, even with pomipadour brocade warned them maire tthe eom close ; tien takre a tin cup without a uew bicycle, when lie hoard away. Nothing danuned, thoy made a, and pour into It an equal amount of tar berentr.ring upon the floor sud talked cf echool aud turpentine ; then bold thie cup ever "Tb en nter dear?" orn malter tii hilarity waxed hi4h. Thon the fire Be as te 611 the room wîth thie I'Tht yo, moherdear2" Crnefumes. The patient, on inhaliùg the and kissetue,' said theý bey, îevingly. Lenis' beart began te expand, willi hi. fumes, will cough'aud spit- eut the mcm- Precions to both cf tbem were those usuel ideas-et ho8pitality. At homo ho braneous matter, and the diphtheria will Smoments cf tender intercourso, wheu wss wonutot dart dowu toe i kitchen pmss off. The fumes of tir mnd turpentine *Louis was accuîtemed te mnake a 'dean or pantili, sud roturn laden wiîh leosen the throat, snd thus afford relief breast cf bis effences cfthie heurs juil applos, cookies, cheatnus, wbatevor hé that lias baffled the skill of physicians. paet, and te indulge in sundry caresses ceuld ceai from, hie mothor'a mtaide. A case which will be cf interest te resi- ho did net care te expoeo t the garish But the image of theé atarched butier, dents of Hlimand was tried befere ligbt ef day. Ithe Prui footinan, oeroame hlm, and Judge Bensun last Friday. John Smith, To-ng tbismoter kelt asusul, e paeedirrsolte.Joseph Retives and James, Robinson were Temgtbu iehr uet a sul le mse rrnlue chmrged with having stoieu 8 baga cf peas bouide hL, and,1 as usuel, bis arme "éJ net you- stsy bore quiet, fellovs," from Edwiu Wicks, and witi pethy tiev- want &round h er neek. But vint was lesiiid, st lait ; 'H b. back lu a mn- ing from Wm. Stewart, Frank Aitchsen, quit. unuedal, Louis f.lt tbars floviog utc or se andi thon look eout for fnn." Soloman Bray and others. Reeves vas froni ber eyea upon bis obeek. Sho Letting himaeoif eut et the front door also chmrged wlth imviug stolen a'herse and cutter near Centreton lait vinter. bati corne ho 1e11 hin noe reserved for tie lad 50ew dowu the stops sud aliong During thc progress ef the case the court Ibis moment cf confidenceo; tbat, the a aide Street liii hé came te au avenue rooni vas crewded witi indignant resi- doctor bad ordered ishi father te go where shops vere found. Takiug ont dents of Scibbereeu, wie seemed to, agre. away frem work sud cire cf ail kinti of bis pookel book s rol et dean dollar that the prisoner cetccas iaul for noverai menthe te corne, as the only tbille, prosenteti by bis tather te b.e usedi cf the receut steftlinf iu that Part cf the means cf avoiding au nter breakdovn me "uecessry pookot meney."« Louis townsilp. Thc -evdence disclosedtheIi of M. Fnto'e ervs ad helth exendd prt f itin conergroeryfact tInt the tiree prisouers BOUd 8 baga cf cf M. Futos nrve su hoath. expndei prt f Illu cenergreerypeas at Pratt's mili, aud the. 8 bags vere "Papa go away fronm bis office 19y upon 8snob1a&vide variety of articles 1 afterwards f uudahmthslee ee eaid Louis lu astouishmuent at sncb a There vas, firet of ail, s cern poppor, tic tbree llved hogetier, with the namnes. poesibility. ',And we are te stay bore wltb saventi earset pop cern, neit a cut eut of the baga. Mre. Wicks ideuntifi- vithout bim P" browu paper parel ot pickied limes,' cd oeeof the baga b>' a pecullAr Patch. "'No, doar, I muet go wilbhlm, sud thon applos sud ginger nuts, sud Iastly Sith vas glven -z8umthi, ieiug bie sec- it vas arraugedti t-day that vo Bsil for a pot et stravborry jam; ? Laden vith 0dfnd e evsadRbo mnh Genea nil St aturdiy. W. voro for- thomo treaures lie returned l e > cil i enrlPio-tr tunate in finding somo one vin wilieuse", an~d on lhe stops viiil. ring 8&A tako our bouse off our bauds for lire.tOc tho lerdly katnt door bell, vas seled jMesas. w. Ehlitsud 1. J. eUnton cý menthe if woe anulgve posesson M S Usaqualm <f alime aetlida qufor -ap. seapoulute tothf .pont Ro0pâ.peulIny fl woek." ueo. ii. -imnuWho admltied Ibis -wcek .and. succccdcd u in nlug sero "AndI'm to tsave fisoeol sud travel 1Il n aS f>tu0aely, a ve7 Yffl'«' ?i' Hurrah " criaid Louis, -boy-iiko; gal- sud LouIs manageti, te getlbm villi Mr. WSu. King bas just lot the catir. ou was ready for a change et exialing cir- out -snkiuig te eartii under a sensoeOf ttact fer bpfiding. a new baru on lot " ,l i he cumaancs. is wn antof légnce Re3rd con., of Buat Whltby. te PMr. Hà arr l.-,ý cumaancs. is wn wnl f oegace. o Ore p-ter. The dimensions of i are 36 X 6e, x8Ieft "No, dearot," said bis mothon, fâl etaireouid the beys engageti u=hgiposts, hp roof, andjt scema s Îif the oldpeu hoing. ý"Tbat*s vial makes il doubly 1 uika, tnmbling upon the beti, vil itis eers kuow Wben and where tte get a go jOQr)b. bard for me. Yen muist nott bave lace ceuntorpano, sud makiug barri. dont adfactonly.. school your faîlier omys. On ne, me caties of chairs e ojaip upon. MtL£Lvi Aunis, co.by Ebonezer, Dar- cout illhéhear otit. At home, lin h el wovru olti den lngton, bas just tireshed 40 bushels otet ed "&I'm te go te bordiug acheol ?- sgad vbete Louis field swmy, noue et0ie. lover seed and if le no*' worth 866.îe penbush. d f thoSeLevi fans 150 acres, ao aces of whhic'h arelu Louis, Sittng up iu bed sud rallier tins- thinge liatimade any particular differ, timber, and h. aud bis.sons do- ail the verk,- zieti by the. prospect. once.. But lie.hb, vs filed villi dis. Hé soled last year . oo bushels barley, ah 4o "'Net even hat. Yen are toetsay on jMay for tear cf conséquences, sud ouly 'cents. mnd 400 bushels pease at 6eý cents mnd at day sebeel, viiono w. bave every 'tOisgit cf the ediblos lad .suy effeot - uqms reasen Oc be satisfiod vîtlî yonr pro-.1lunbringing tho gueshe tlu order.A rmsonue .cuîly, bappeh e t l grées. Louis, your Aunu Maria was As there vas ne lire they bail Ocpop famuily ef Mm. Dixon, wbo a, few ycas «~o,, thecen aenAnu Mria .wîth art eider ýbrother, kepi a dry - geud ifre here to-day, and sie lis effene to te Cr ve otMai'eshetie in Osbmwa.- Mr. IDixen movedfront bcre te take yeu nlte lier homè until we ne- I gai futures, romoving (aud bîeakîng) a -tic Northwest, where be. bas -sinçeccarried en, luu"IVenotimu glass siade lu'n rer te do se, -a wccs4sful business. Scm. veeka sinxus e hd "lAnI Maria P" sai Louis, ig orng I hule sBtsntling uponthie seat ot -ne et loft hie ýb me tnding *te isthindsiO. biseniothe' émotion st tiie hbeught of thle Pompadour brocado chairs. butinlaxi tri. A few heurs mter lie left t t tlo'use' giig.hlm up. %'AunI Maris I the exhilarateti utate cfthie compan3*-n oeofbs bI4ýu.msbr WII Inove;i te aj> deatir vitb tiehfouse an&ialh. ~tu~ ?liow 1Wo,1 er thonghî of ber hhese trilles made litho, -difference sud t having a bey or a girl olthon iu lier 1 Ohe beys wszing belder-vien thie feait FLI M boeuse. 1 ssy, mother, vias fun to vas cemeuceo, ve. cocu au cd M ar. Jue'. Le e nuable ho b.-eut yot. t wonry tbath 11011e overted bruté cf a pug UPOU n eeOft hefamilian old romps Uiat 'Ou i bursday xoihb mt., a party W'asprovlded- @he carrios arot i vill'ber. And rocal receses hool. S bv *télie s at~Btîy fersaumber eofi yuuu Uucle Brewster 1 Uer.'. a chance ho ITuthie midît oe t i, ien the noige plé,oithisviciùity a»àdaltotgb-t'wasdis Sund out vihbohr bis legs farereeslly w5ah etUs height, Weho otiIoked ~~a>cmhe~aeutc h wece muade o esauîg vaz, snd Ot ome hm liko a rag fle sud lie fleur vas Srevu jcymetit nside. O 01 rd) -i,~l take 11111e pellets viti him sonp#ý... v n ith the wrc k-cf6t2rIilre hadorrjieuecf T-.W u ray". drou;2 "Mydea bo, lov au on2YuuW~soueed -Thore stood Âùiit Maria similàr. occurrenbe -îôolc place P tbr nodb krnov Your pon Unob. Breveter is asu Jole jBrewalort attexided 4y twà thc smine reedits. martyrtOc indigestion,- sud your Au ~idm d ln hea monsrane li pet Mania very oasil'tmada nerv*o, ~rfe vlihro u atpswn  ite regtilaw meeting c th . "A O* yen go t leut-sud 1Tamsuerit v s obis ).is flenegot away tram Ibat, U. u- ffces wý tory Ind cf thou t ocsugg.st --yeün eof ai eoLouis 'nover kne. Re0.w gern~ n W lIhave tû b. me particlan about ie~a don lithe grth mg, fa@IURIgthu Park, -PT.D.~a: noise andi punululy 'Sud all tbats. n'ad6rswthie fr aas réd, as nsf, <o BUl it's sa beanoltal eel.bliâhl Llngwo ' )SY' ~p viiore nu money i,îb sp ansd >voyi . W" b!Ï-00àPhi'*,Jpreent-.cêy r n ; J vil have aeorye C in a dthe bet lýw ù nce Breiot r, opemugîh,, «ane liiw. came baci? . >pt» -rm. P.ao1I4I, "1UnceBo newze a utIhIowai.,i't iOIoJhiI ~pinside of it sudit bo ?" asd Louùis, -Gi rand,2< Io S~~ W uba ing tou. Wr.?Dr., -Pi Ibun mol, e* hauf «Ver h . - --I T~ONtO,1)A. S1'-I4laans eit4bllshd tact tistodl' Dedd' âney P1i e to-daby doiug More -tera. beva duratlon, cf lite Ibis "sY aiieî Medfinhe kWCo , Tt lu urue Obat mani>v people égre rd Wbe, &do t lmn- piAotlyr tolo* the' lot rIsgiven On oth. direton$ sentl eut vOi hbQx, but i lu ai.. *e trse th.t mssy more recever more rapidiy tysric obbrevauo@'- cf the lustructions gîe.Iun-dreds ci testimoniale haveýbeen roWeled by the SriÉ, bemlRé , aste ocures ellect6e, Ybytense lla, sd net lu oeein. ot*oce bave tboy failed. The. price et a'bloh Dodd's Kiduey Pils are ÇoId places thecu withîn tho reacb eofail, Tbey Mnay b. pro- cured frein aloers Bt fifty cents par box or six boxes for $2.50. Talc. ne imitaI ion. West Hastings Conservative Association bad a very large annual meeting on Thurs- day. Skmn Diseases are more or laes ocoauiouedi by bad LUood. B. B. B. cures the followiug SIdu Diaseu: Shingleu, Eryaipela.,ITîcbiug taube, Sait Rheum, Seaid Iead, Emuptons, Pimples, sud Blotebes, by remeç * g &ali li. puimities f rom the blood froru a cecumon Ficuple tte eorst Scrofulous Sore. The Bail and Countesa of Aberdent tended tbe bigher courte in Moutreal on Sa -« urday sudilsteued te tthe proceedngu. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLE ArTKic INTICRNALLY 1h relieves ýlntantly qoh.ie sente pain.;IYSED XTEýRNLLY, il la the boit Linimeut lu the world. Ite effect in ai. Mest lnstautaueous, afferding relilef from the =oet intense pain. It soethes the lrritated or înfismed part, and gives quiet aud rositeo the. sufferer. It le eminsntiy thie people's friend, sud cvery oue sbould have il witb tieni, or where tbce' eau put tbeir bauds on it lu the dsrk if ueed be. Put up ln large Boules. There wau serlious riotlng lu ceunectian witb lie Brooklyn street car strike ou Salur- day uigbo Obstinate Ooughs yleld te the grateful soetbiug action Of NorwayPîne Syrup. The. rackiug persistent C"ougl cf censump. tives la quickly relieved by tbis unrivalled hbroat and lnng remedy. Prie 25o. and The funeral cf the late Se nater Tomae teck BU-RDOcK PILLS do net gripe or sieken The>' cure Constipation and Siek Head ache. Tii. Ottawa Hockey Club's toam i lipro- iably riait Toronto Feiruan>' 2. tandieme Voiture,. Sometinies uusightly blotches. Pimples or seîIow opqueskis. destreys lhe attractive. nemi ~~ Mfbnsefatures, l] u ci caes gStt'se Emulsion viii bud up the systein andi imparh freines sud beauty. Tii. Port Cobenne & Fort Brie Raiwvay' ompany bas orgaulzed. Thb stesConeetrati.s, Oue Pli adoma, anc box 25 cents . One pill relieras cntipation. Ou. box cures an ordlnary came. Ouapili hakan veeki>' neutralisas formation of une aold iluthie blooti -sod prevants Brigt'. Klduey dlsease andi Diabetms.Tino only cf Dr. Ohase'u Kidue>' Lîver Ples. fren eiltneeadulte nueDr. Lov'm Worm Wnipelate hbave coppers fer change. Kucian, lu Parai',boa been dotoyed by u eartbquace. NORWA.Y PINE SYRUP dures Onghm, Coltis, Hoans-eoseBore Tiroat Asthma, Brouuhitis, etc. M. ugoe ibasundertaken lhe for- mation f aa Obiu.îfr Fraice.- Pils IPue! Iobt~gpues. -~ ~ ~ ~~ ùçý 44vD aie imn;itesioi andi Gus la down ho S1ýperhummnd iu London, £U..iz cetanwous. W- . . ATNOLD, D. L. B.. outSurveyer and Drainage Enigineer, Port gerry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a speoialty. Drsw.' ings, prepared for reniodeling existing structures, Office-.First fat over W. W Hlowse's drug store. 95P O Box 202, Whitby. Having moved inte our new promaises we are prepared te extend the range 6 business. AUl work pertaininq to the har- ness-maldng and saddlery business wiU b. doue te satisaction. Collars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. OALVEBLEY, Second door west of eld shop. Dundas Street; Whithy. 101 ALEOR TO RENT.- ewbouse, 8,bezo e;s3 acre cf gardon, veil fnc.Goct i lt'on Frontstreet il: South Wad. Appi>' t, 1.1 B. WORFORk," on the adjoiuing lot, or at the CHRONICI.I office. Wbitby, Mmrcb 7th,94g. GOA L! COAL!i Trhe uudemsgnedlis juet ,rée- Cccl diroofrein the. minesï, a e '.pre- paredt i îis i sizce, dry audclean, icludng svral hundred. Ioue ofthe a Moetpo9pulan use behivee- Store. anl, Cstt, *leaveyourodcn *tg=.' imd ,get:vo' lovcst quetation. REMVE D N PREMIB8ES, 8OTH0FONTArI fO BANK WhIbMaieWrB MarbieMoflhifietaHeadetone su 11other comtcT Workl. Aisc impotenlof Scotch, èeds, mrcnand AilpaOis wsbigwrkould do well A il work 5usrtét dfd prices of the hiv Llvary and, Sale StaJiges Dundas.,St.,, Whitby, J. T.,XNEWPOIT, Proprietor Commercial mon iberaly ealt with Teaming doule atrea&onable prices . reight sn&dB gae hauled atrea able~ pre..A ii oiMtd w i& six T JXMEBY Ras cponeda apeir Shop in connectie, witi he Cooper Sic p lately-canried on b>' bsate, oosite1AilSaints' Church, at viii deoa&l kinti f UBe - -in-.Seing Ma- chines a sapeciilyï-,T=avuMos, Bicy- dle, Firarmn,. Lochs, *Soses, Clothes W inges, W asing Ma hn s c Bm Filin gé- Sktosi Soisors, Knivo, Clippers &o.,sarpSeneadanrepired. Ail ids of Cooper Work made sud rt£paired. Shcp opposite Ail Saints' C'hurci, Dundas Stroel,Whity THS P-EAT- Of BowmauvMelic ntândsidoliting Wbitby once a fentuight, te celle. clotbiug f nom ,gent s te deanm ei dye. -Gaiauents ,visem.finiished vii leksods #ew. If tbey fae,,- tobeso- viii netacarge fer y trouble.. If the>' ait Mny chare 18 ý,«i'-2 or cleaniaag andi -i*eIy Mgnesegsuiîprcouilg>; foi dyilauga 1e coas lenaahd pressed75, dy4e fr $: ,. For -cJeasjangordyu es bas25c- - m -- - -TLnfNm LIFE INS.Fl Trgoit capilal Stock Lii accunulsltions 0u1 surplusis pliOy bldr8u, Au laimw a delmy or, diseoùnt -on pré 0 miîuniy cf udovmeut J. B] Comt4Jettoe, Whitby. JAXZS aVTZZDGB,ý Barristr, etc'. Oice. irnerly omcpied, by F'arewell & RutIe4gé, net Boyal Hotel,. Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, . . Attorney-a;-Law, Solicitor in OhaucBZY, Oonvoyancer, etc. Office-Tu the Office sonth cf the post Office, in momillai'5 Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barristler, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer 0f Marriage Licenses. Office - Omith's Block, South cf Market, Biock St., Whitby DOW & Mc<(-'LLIVRFAY, Barrister8, Solicitors in Ohancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Ha.wken«o new block Brook St., 'Whitby, south of Ontario bank. D- P. BOGA.RT, 9 .LDS PhYsîicaga, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and ResBidence next te Am Baint's Churoh, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promrt- ly attended to. La

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