cde LA'&-Coxxrmn. 1ORTEI TEÂR CITMZft -MR. JORN BÂlL DOW ÂPPOINTED TRUSTEE, AND MEUiRS. D. ORMISTON AND M. Ob DONOVA.t A1JDITOR8. The. town counoil met for organiza-, tien on Monday luit at i1:l oeok a. m. Ail the. membora were present exoept Coun. Grosa, of the centre .ward, who holda a feul contract and could not take the oath of office. The firat business wus to ballet for ive inembers to strike the. standing committees, and the fçllowing wre selected: Reeve King, Deputy Pringle, and Counciloris Burns, Noble and Jack- son. An adjourninont wus taken for haif an heur te allow this committee to re- port, and the following committees were brought in : Finance and Assessrent- King, Pringle, Warner, Smith, Burns. Streets and Imprvnoante-Deverell, Noble, Jackbap. Fire andVater - Burns, Noble, Jackson, King, Pringle. Town and Market Property - Blow, Scott, Devereil, King, Pritigle. Applications Letjffice-Sinith, War- ner, G rosa. Licene-Pringle, Noble, Smith. Printing-Scott, Smith, Gross. Railways and NianufactureB-Pringle Blow, Dovereil, King, Jackson.. The firet nanied on each committee te be chairman. When the committees came before the coucoul for adoption, Deputy Pringie objected to Coun. Jackson on the sîreets commlttee. Hie believed Cou. Smith should be put on the cern- mittee in Cou. Jackson's place, as the @ôniitsn intht.word. 1pn i luit w'eek tormin« ,one."a1t failed tto mmii.the, cirole 1rgo .uoigh te enmnare thei connol? Deêpîty Prigle, thie tatiIrin-u-e,. Three of the. ballots to haine t1h, coccmittes to strike the. standing cora- mittees were marked for Pring1e, Sot and Smith. It in easy to guesa whose ballots th.y were.. YOet whie the reeve's name wus being left off by the. Pringle clique, Deputy -Pringle handed Reeve King a ballot te put in with the. folio,% ing names on it-King, Pringle, Scott, Smith and Burns. If ths wwu net a dextereur and deoeitf ul piece cf bunoo-steeriflg we would 1k. te know how Le classify it. The confidence game did net work, however, the reeve being toc old a bird te b. foled by ohaif froin Deputy Pringle. Thousands in Dire Distress. MANY ARE NEAR DEATFII TUE SUFFERERS SIIILO BE DIRECTEO TO PINEIS CELERI COMëQNOO, MRS, DURANT IS CUREDI c 1 , t qelp lit-i li ai 50 1r., tablo iilit nutk UIrý IaI &&%o V"4lvr mal~V4~I~» lt fer i ' aiiv> hmeansý eI W1:UaËi...atd bors. flerfh oà r migit-:y lird CountyOoCýnstà bie William .nebbs. of Àgtn.' court wasin Toton Io TUesdaý wtb a peisoner from î tu oty. The pnlsoners nail JO& Hebjier "à d b. pleaded galyTdy beëfore M isrtJ.C. 'Clark etAgluceut,, ef break. iug ilioe ba raIehn, aa t cre on six differem ocains ldst oig fmoue frein the ili., Thepisoner was Iocew uplu thé. jail over nlgb: and ha bas boeeneminlited» foî trial by the magistrat. flbner lial'abor- er living.sear Markbaui. H. aà bout elbteeu years *of age and b as confessed te breaMnol to the Store on Sunday evong, Dec. r6th,ý forcing an entrince tbrougli the cellar wlndow. What mlgbî have beau a OeHous, conflhgmw tien teck place on Saturday lait about 6 pim.9 lu Mr. Bray's wonksbopwbicb lis aboie bis cul- tiug apartruent. A larup. whicb wus used by oue et the e#pprr.ntlces, was aocidentà lly upset and failing ocx the fleor, wum broknThe recru was socs all abase. -She ut once suis- xuoned Bert, wbo was ln the1 lower apantuent sud h. rau up and bavlng taken off bis ceat eudeavored te extinguxsb thé Slaies with h. Faillug ih this be rau dowu stà irs aud seizing a quauuîty et ready muade clothlug he weut Up witb IL. Uslug an overocat ho sucoeeded in puttlug ont the fire* before any great damage- Iwas dcua. lad- he flot beeu svccesful the Ibusiness portion of Stouffvîllle south cf Main St, would bave gene up lunsinoke. .1 uro~1s' ajort", oAuroraare viit- inx friends bere., Chs.- Ellisoît, et Chicago, vlslted the Miss Hastings, of Toronto, la vtsig ber'tousin, Mn., Dr. Franc>'. A. E, Major and A. E. Thoruten have returned frem a tnipte Hamilton, C. C. 'Reesor was absent for a few days last, week In Toronto, aud other points West~ The new assistant teacher, Miss Colvin, of Toronto Junction, is glving geod satis- faction lu the scheol. Misses Chester and Jackson, of Scar- bore, have been spendlug a couple of weeks with their ftiend, Mrs. W. Major, Miss Cora Bnrkhoider, after spendlng a couple of weelrs witb ber mether bere, bas- returned te ber home lu Stoufiville- W. P. Spfnk, cf Quebec, spent a couple of days wltb frieude in the vale. Wilbur likes living In the ancient city, sud re- turned te It after visiting bis parents Iu Toronto. Mr. .Ward was se unwell lasi. week as te be unable te tesch for a couple of days. but we are pleased to state that he bas re- cevered sufficieutly te resume bis duties in th.e chool. W. understand that Inspecter McBrieu bas ruade a reccunt cf the votes cast at the late school election, aud bas set aside the election cf Mr. Beare, declariug T-.Hager- man elected trustee by a majerity cf îwo. Lef. Cooper bas located in Buffalo and secured a geod situation as foreman iu ene or the depsrtments cf a bicycle fac- tory. Levi rssesses a good mechaulcal head and will get there ail rigbt as White- vale boys always do. On Saturday quite a number frein the vale assisted in raising the framework cf a driving bouse and pig peu for David Annis. ex-deputy reuve; Since David-re- tired froru the turnicils cf municipal poli- tics, he is devcting bis time and attention te agriculture, and is makitg bis barns and other farru buildings as cemplete and cenvenient as pesible. Ths nceO id TwhOeiriugural eetg Ayeare RHum Vigor is. eentinly & reuk- abléi prepartien sumd nothing like it bas aven boen, pro4uced. No auter boy amysand. td bpiw.- 'Ameble he iiote ona me _»M ~,*anin KeSp vour blood pure and h athsud yen viii net have riseuiatei. HEb 'sSarsapa- niU&sgivea the blood vîtalit>' sud ichueus. Dr. John B. White, 185 Collere, etreet, dneée dead Menday as h. entéred bis bouse t7 A ]4m&rkab1e Cure-i. W. Jenijs9Pn. Gfiford-Speut «*between $200asd $300, lu colisnîting Dootona ; tnied Dixouis, sud al othen treatileuts but g t ne bene fit.-Oue box of Chaae'î Catslqh Cure did ina'memore geod 'han. It othen rrelbediaq'-ita tact1 con- ider inyseif curedd awti à 25 cent box at WOOIrl g DS g*iUoItlIPielpg Vr"«i&tw"' o Ttat &Ad Cbildré-Tn.J t lns2sJýetiIGTOniUMa irple other I<~*t~sl*o.Ii la saliarmiesa subitute for èreowic r>oStblng SYrup6andm Csoy01 Io l P-iasat lits guarantee l4 tbfrty :yel.'Une by Minions ofliothers Oastoriadestroys WOrmaand8as fteverlslities. Castorla prevonts vomitIng Sour Ourd, cùmI)r Iarrhoea sud'WInd Colle. Castorla reUëev« teething troubles, cures constipat'on aud fiatulenlCY. Caotorla asainilates the food, regula*es the utomaok sud bowels, givlng healthy and natural sleep. CaSS toria ls the ChUldren's Panacea-the Mother'. fleud. CaMtria. astSl-a lo sn excellent medicine fer cbil- dren.. Metheu bave repeatedi> told meoci 115 good effect upon thaelrbIldrenY*, Du- 0. C. 05000E, Lowell, Mas 41,Csstcnilasthe bestrnedy fer children cf wblch 1 amacqaft" I hope the day ia net a tant whenrnethers wfl consder the real intaret of their cbildren, and use Casoinai- stead of tbvartousquack ounLwbl<ham dastoylng thefr leved cnes, by forcing opiumu, morphine, soothlng syrup and othenlxurtful agenta dean thetr thrcats, thereby sendlng Cbm to prernature gravme. Da. J. F. KrscmELz, Oonway, Ârg. Cutaris laowelladapt«atdgi ebMM tx 1 reccmmend ft aà sUper totaiiyr mlPilt IL A. AnmsEs IL D., Ul S&e Oxfrd Et., Brooklyn N. Y. "our pbyviciam inh the cbfldrem'i deast ment bave apeken blgbly cf their exper- ence in thef r entaMe practie. with Castorda sud alhugh w. only bave "m o wgcs miedica supplie wat la kaewu as reglar producta, yet we am fr o econut baSth merits cf (lastonis bu-wcus te look wÎth favor UPon h.,' IUNTED HesPITAL AM bgDrsM&sXsv ALLZN C. SUITE4 Pire&., The. C.nim Company, 'I um st, KoNw Toeik Oity. DO;'BECAUSE IT CURE$ D BIkIOUSNESS, -BAD BLOOL: THE STOMACH, LIVERo KIL feveuservicetin thel surthePretsbny teiuhrcbmet helrose theensa- tranements teoaidheverpoerof aiesaw- daneml ens m id st. Al omml a apit- dwesud on vistsvAcf miewsaphoest- wdand fonud tat.gse er lufgeat homes cf botb fodnd lthing. A weeigrea muchcof ingh huoaendsenttho.ra sd sma feod.- Everasyeen wbotcan sbelanssia ie food. te luter work ns hoat uigth ae omit- ter l webr are oad boretse eesres cf toer et mabafrdy ed those he aresnet cofortateenugbe ae hsfieut t ae mot fobelay waouts. Thae ouci tt, e og boerudaicipwal Te soul aine ethe ev- erl amis rtesugabsort dstane et et Sîoufailles w refR aor itanutelutgrof ncedfU. Wo ar fon tewascf wht iwe pe eas. sud sure olysuad cheofullhdtriue tesa supl houfeessandsc ourWfllow mrbe Tribune. nEyou4 Dispute. There ia ne better, saler or more pleusant cougb remedy madethan Ue.gyard's Pectoral Baisais. It cures Hoarsenoas, Sere Throat, Congbe, Colde, Bronohitis aud all threat sud luug troubles, A fariner named Fitzgerald waa found d ead and part>' esten by pigs in a stable near Grenfeli, Au&a. Soe persena bave periedical attacks cf Canaditin oholenia, dysentery or dtarrhcea, sud have te use great precautleus te svcid the disease. Change of water, cooking, sud rnfruit, is sure te brlng en the ats. TI"nubpersons we would reo ommend Dr.1J. D. Ktllogg'a Dyseutery belng thbe baut mediclus in the market for all summer complainte. If a few drope mr taken ln water when the symptema are notice ne further troubla wlll b. experienoed. nditiomt Taklvig latter had been breught up a clerk and bookeeerandhad o eperenc toCbarlie WIlson left on Monda>' fer the bookeeermc ha neexerlncete At the present time there are tbousands cf Pacific coast where hie wil1 joie bis guide bite. valuable lives in jeooardy lu cur country, sud brotbers Robert and Tony, who are botb The reeve said they had selected men sud wemeu are anxieusly seeking fer doiug well eut tbere. Charlie is a goniaI, three ruembera for the street committee belp. Many are crnelly sufteriug sud in deep o bîîging fellew, with a beet cf friends hero, whe couid be found at ail time by the distress. Kidney and liver cemplaluts. beart sud will be greaty i>russed. He was a chairman. There had been trouble on trulshave rug auyindtetoe vedre cf h member cf the baud aud cf oeeof tbe tr tie grave Mot aie t he alreswuh octeschoirs sud bis departure is a great loss previeus cemmittees, and the stiig.gae eWaxey alrswt otrte both. W. wisb frieud Charlie prespor- committele had decided te appoint new sud the thoughtoe leaviug nean aud dear ones i>' lu bis new berne. men. ihDpt nl. behind adds te the weight cf n.gony sud phy. Quite a numbor froru bore atteded the Scttagee sil ad nolege It isutii . duty of aIl who kuow what Paiuie's anniversary services at the ruethedist Ho thought moresilakoege Ceîery Comnpound have dene lu the paste churcb, Locuet Hill, ou Sunday sud were should be exercised ou atreeta than a ure ever>' sufferer te give it a trial ; i canuot highly delighted witb Cenductor Suider. bookkeeper couid have acquired. fail ; ils mission la te cure sud te cave. The ruetbedist churcb choir troru bore of- The mayor said if one cornmittee wus Mr. George Durant, a lady living i lu ra, ficiated areucd the ergsa 1lu the eveuiug. chauged ethers would have te be, and Dundas Ce., Ont., was cured cf liver and id- An bnp lu the organ or eut of il gave the te commence re-arraeging theru meant can ;sh wies as cf svoalphsi:- c at eneatabeimpredressIn- anedesjob."Primet record my testimoey lu favor aide. Ne doubt, bowever, the orqgn willl Cou. Burns said a place on the cf your excellent preparation. Paiue's Celerly lie gl right whieu the regular choir again streets comrittee was net a desirable Compound. Fer mauy years I have beeu a surreunâs it. one, andif Coun Jackso had g siafierer frein liver sud kldney troubles, sud ilcosngnSaudyihtMa periuce n tht lie hewas eucga haveîydectored with several physicians, but WbecetigoStudyngtMs peurec inud a ifCon ie ackso adnet ex- havefound relief for s very short time. My Alice LiddIe sud Win. His emet wlîh au would accu ilearn it. When h. (Burns) 1busband advvsed lue te îry yeur Compound. accident whereby both were ijured. wau firest ppoiuted te that committeet I did se, sud fonnd se rnuch frern the fistc Their. sleag-h ruuuaug cff the bridge cros- ho wus inexperieuoed, but uobedy ia.d botUe that I coutinued, sud arn now usiug ithe sing the river, precipitated thean ente tbe ebjected te hiru on that score. third bottle. Youn Comspound bas doue more ice below. Mass Liddle received a bad Cont. Siîhsai gret sillwasne-for me than any bycacia . For menthe b.- scalp wouud, while W.'s back received cormiteean fore using the rulnud I neyer bad oeeasvre wrenchiug. 'The accident mîght quired on the. streets ' utee ad ight cf scnnd sleep; but uow 1 eau go to e e easiWy have beau cf a more seoions nature. h. would basve it te the council which sud sleep sundi>' sud naturally, aud feel like Ccastig u the roadway ut this place is they wenld select, Cou. Jackson or a aew créature lu thernorning.' no tthe, safesi of amusements. hims.JfA part>' O! Young peopl, fromi Scarboro passe4 Unanîmeuly. haE4Co . through Îa bvlaw te appoint a sohool iiari aiyot fone.. , ouMonduay tha1* ji1I t4n lk a îl nt utpr truste. on behala cf the. tevu, Mr. Jue. jofce atbltg.brwk l. txvs a é e4gttsitsib tro~ Bail Dowbeiafg amed. à " SPP5bigot )I2I.SSand trofteandud à t4d hie .oo& Bal owbengnme. JcîeArdagh im, »arie, and fi s uJss ~oin ii ýCnterWang tbelr fiiçde. fiîe The reeve amise iutroduced asud arried îrecoant.d, the reuibkag the ectio l os. (,Iu a -,beiug $ar ts, -jeWu nupaqatar. tha-ough a byiaw te appoint Auditors. Milanrb>' oui vote inasSda4 w et v a ale id ehe gat4iered lu soin.young The ceuncil uamed D. Ormisten and b>' Retuniug-offir Grant. Thais hattlly' people sud had a surpnisingi>' happy tl>ime, the mayor M. O'Donovan. seules the question. snd flot uill eanly morning did thbe cern- After ivng ose frml utiea t ipped by a horsa. pauy depart,. siugîiig beore they' lefî, A f er ivig sme frma noice of Reeve Miller had s singular experieuce oee« Fer the>' are a joli>' couplé," suad traie bylaws the councu adjeurued. day iast week wbich rigbt bave been attend- they are.-News. 1 dams arho had just drawn seme henabock Howç is it that it lways rainé on the bai-k loto bis tanner>' yard, oee cf the herse, George Devo>', cf London, Ont, asu kili- m'crniug cf the firsi meeting eofcuncil ? evideutl>' s vicieus animal, caught him b>' the 'ed lu the disaster ai Butte,, Ment. rgtshoulder witb bis teetb, sud lifted hlm Neyer b. without Esoîja>". Liver Lzn As Deput>' Pringle hmd te dévote ml clear off hic tet. -Mr. Millers ahoulder was e.Lzn hie lime 1aI year te lcoking after the ý cousiderably bruised sud shows the îeethb other oom mittees,. mcd bad no lime te marks. but he was lu ne wmy iacapacitated for Keep the systeis regular w th Esejay Po devete te biseauw, he was re-appointod! buiaes Liver Losanges. Chairtuan ef manufactures and rail. A5ti-TIOZI» & Sueee5S. Dr. Eaeljays dent ask yen te, take pilla. ways. Dr. Gichrist hba bad signal sucsu lu bis T treatruent eot dipbtheria with ants-toxine. On lt yen are aick laite Eaejay's.Laver Lozdn. As long as Cou. Smith ia exempt Tnesday be reported to tb. Provincial board ges sud get weiL. from- tax -for sidewalks, lhghting and et heaitb that the disease bad beeu compIetiely Beseljay't Liver'Lozeuges invigorate the street spinkling, he shonld net seek to stamped ont cf Seabright, wbene Iast-week weak. b. ppointed te h omite nthere were thinty.two cases. 'iià hem ee011o AD.nicve>lfpetvle-slsy the omm'tees012elgbt deathsansd four of the bad occur;edà Anwdsoeyo getvleBejyl streetu on fine mnd wiaten. Depety belte thse éew specific »ad arived ; tha other lÀver Lozeges, Pningle sud Conu. Scott te the en- four acre weak children who had ne condittas [,à i n-pnj eraîîy ithereait ef a ceai. tran>', notwithstanding. tien to vhstand diseusef anykind. Oftl.uiaedo esp cniincfJsdgs KEO y CURE hom g1ne ali h.rge. t&flDE)I CURE le.186, M pa" n 'r hsband rs ION. Co. Te. Ili lx