Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1895, p. 2

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KNOWLEDQ B_ ingu consfont and lýproVement sud. tends toersenai 6èjoymenb wle rlghtly used Te many, vse live bei- t her tean sd enjey 111. more, vitis leu. expenditure, by more promptly sdapting tise ved'. be«t productis to tise needs-of physical being, wil sttest tise value ho )sealth of thse pure liquid4 laxative principlues mbrac.4 lu the' redy, Syrup of Fige. Its excellence is due to 1h. preuenting lu tise form mosu acceptab'e and pleas- sut o the haste, tise refreshing and hruly beueflia.I properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansinug tise systesu, dispelling colIs, headaches and fevers and pernsaneistly eurng constipation. Ithmba given satisfaction ho millions and met witis the àpproval cf the modical profession, because it acte on the Kid- neys, Liver aud Bowels witbouit weak- ening thesu and 1h is perfect'y free from every objectio:iable miubstni.co. Syrup of Figi is for szale by ail drug. ;lu tu 75C. %ottnem, blot it is mnt)u- fti1red by tie Ca: 'friia Fig Sy--vp Ou. offly, whose naine is printed en evvry package, aise the nanie. S%-nîIp et Figs, and being vel infortii, ,YOn Winl Dot oceept uny ,%ubst;tito :fu C é1'.'d. SJom .E iAie. Almost Passes, Belief Xr. É- .E.Nicheléon, Plorenceville, NM. 13., Struggle. foz Beven Long CAN~CER ON THE LIP, A.ND 18 CUMRMD BT & y-'g-~ Sarsa- rNicholson iys: 6"I congulted due- iwho precAcbed for me, but to pairose; the cancer began te 'Eâ: -rto the Flesh, qpr- 'I to rny chin, and I sufeéred ln f .r ' -even lonf years. FInally I 1 i:;îg Âyer s Saraaparll& k IX ~c hprovemienf 1î,gcd by tilts resuit, 1 e~e ti, iL*I.l ln a montil or se lbê sore. u% y chin began tohbeal. In tbre. co:uît; isrny p began to healend,- mter u.Lnig the Sarsaparilla for six months% Crie SL Lrace ofdi cancer disappeancL Admjitted Stt h. WorId'u 1»Wr. CANNINOTO. Mr. Duncan Clark bas returned te Cen- nington from Qgflas, Texas, after an ab- sence of twelve mouthe. Hli s eAlth has mucb irnproved and w. ail welcome hlm baik again among us& Rev. Mr. Pa.lmer la thç naMe Of a a tist evangelist who bau Mn a holng forth liere "hu week. Your correspeadeut veUt to hear hi inand Would say tl*thi1l bIt best we bave heard for nomse tine.- Ris subject on Sonday lait wuS, «"If *Zbuls Came." Miss Faney Hogan bai returned (rOs a trip east. lier bealth bu been con piste. ly regained. The 1ietbodist churcb people ari-'ept- ting ulong feioualy wkhth*ir eUbhoelp" tionlst. Tbey have uow subicdtbedUlesl" ly *5,ooe dollars wbkb la Ithe l*'e amount to begla their new chutch, I Mnr. w.. a. ho*1w. imated thast under certain ceinflUons ha Wiglvpe't towards the .rectlon af a bond jÏÎ thus toma. It .13 needinus In dd 1*1% is wsntted very badlly sud wli beê0«i by the boys, to 611 toaegouTh B n" s finemaemtt eplicod -Ian y' utln.l~~ner and thon ail sang God Save the Quean. Mr. lavcny relvod the largeur vote evor pot. Ledfln tzuvillage. Mn. Chinlea Eiiot, barrister, son ýof Mr. linott formrnely reacher ef the Canningion u liecchol was arretied ln Brantferd- on- y C!enitDg let while lu the act of bur- gl$lg turà*tEmsdy, Wilktes aud Hazdy's &aWofce Te -rreut bas caused quite a son- sation as the young man was well and (avor- Ably knotWn ln Brantford and vlcinity. The prisoner bas been released on bail. 'The Rural Deenery ofEt a York met et Sunderland ou Monday and Tuesdayat. Thene weno present Rural Dean Fictohr, o »Port Perry, Rev. Talbot, of Oshawa, Rov. Walker, of Scabero, Rov. Reid, et Uxbnldge, Rev. Harris, of Breoklin, Rev. E. J. Etiler- ington and Rev. G. -A. Rix. On Mouday evenlng a good côngregarlen met at a public service, et wbicb Rev. Mr. Riz was tihe preacli- or. On Tuesday morning at 8.3o thse Holy Communion was edministered, and, lorenoon ,aad aftertaoon business sessions were lield. It was decided te hold ihe April meeting in Cao- nlngtoe. A large number ef the leadlng medical pnac. tîtioners of North Ontario and West Vittoria, met in the Quaen'a hetel bore laut night and organized an association te be known as the "North Ontario and West Victoria Medical Association," witb the fellowing officers ;- President, Dr. Gillespie, Cannington; is vice presitleut, Dr. MçKay M P P1 Wood- ville; 2nd vice president, Dr. Fimpson, LindI- say ; Secretary, Dr. A. Gillespie. Manille; Treasurer, Dr Bîngham, Cannîngton. After the business bad been tran@aCLed the medical gentlemen beld a post morte "i over the oysters served by muine host Dancaster. The next meeting wil] ho held at Lindsay un Februar 15th.--Gleaner. UX1BB.inGE. Our townsman, J. A. MGliry Q.C., has been elected vice prtsident ef the Don- set Horn Sheep Breeders' Association of America. When the bis announcing a cannival te take place in Stouffville Thursday evening of last week were distributed about town it was seen that Uxbridge skaters were barred fromn the championship race for a $25 silver cup, to be won three limes lan succession. Now, we do flot sec any rea- son why our skaters should bo treated la this way. If the Stouffvijle competiroru are afraid of Dusty or any eue else in par- ticular lot themn bar same individually sud frankly admit their superiority, but wo think it is hardly the fair thing to bar the whole town, Somo people bave the habit wben tbey go the depot te see thein fiends oofe ac- companyiug them ou huard the train sud nemaining on board until tbe train lu in motion and thon bavlng tejnmp off.Tise practice is a meut absurd as well es a dangerous ene, especially if there lsaa crowd. One evening lately a gentleman at Port Hope accompanied a lady frieud on board sud remnained until tise train was in motion sud in jumping off sipped sud feul, and had one anm taken off by the train. Several uthen accidents et the same nature bave occured quite recontly and should prove a waruiag te those who indulge in tisat siIly habit. Mutual Tire Inauranos. A meeting efthtie froobolders of tise coun- ty was held 'lu the Market Hall he.e on Tuesday afternoon oftiis week, punsuant te a notice published in Tise Timnes, for the purpose of establishiug a Mutual Iu- sunance Company fer thse insurance of tarm pnopery and isolated dwelliugs. Thse meeting was a good, ropreseatative eue. Auoug tisose presont we noticed tise toi- lowing :-Wm Hamilton, A Graham, jas Harrison, George Solley, I J GonînI, Chas GouinI, John limuer, R P Harman, Jeu E GouinI, Thdn 1lhowWy, John Galloway, A D Weeks,W P Widdifield, M H Crosby, W M Rosi, il McKay Win Ledingbam, S Brethoun, F N Raines, H S Petons, W Smith, J B Lernon, N Case, W Gray, R S Webster, jas Hird, S Douglas, F John- ston, W Joisaston, W Jamieson, W Bailie, bA Mllard, W Munrue, Geo Vernon, John -fanne. H F Laugfond, T Tunâtill, W Feas- '%>y, Z Feauby, sud H J Gould. Mi R P Harnau acted as cisairman and Mr. H. McKay as sec'y. An iuterestiug discus- sien on the pninciples of mutual insurauce took place, Mr. McKay leading off, folluw- ed by Mn. Jos. E. Gouin.I. was showa that seme sixty <'f sncb companies are al- ready in succestul openation ln tise Pro- vince et Ontario, chiefiy la the west, sud tisat tise cost of farrn insurance witb thesi, unider tise meut comprehensive blanket policies, is about 6oc. per $100 for tisree yearns. It lu claimed tisat isolated dwel- lne nthis towu cas ho profitably insuned at thé above rate, or evon bs; h I appears from a curetaI estinsate that We have paid ln -tiÎtown' on sucb riaks, ienougit eaci yean toe eual the lbases et the lest seven yeaa-m. T evidence addouced at the, meeting, iuntte shape et goverument r.- turus, regardisg the cout of tfarin Insa- anc. ln companies; similan to thse one pro- posed t* be established, was concluslveý., tmre of theso conupautes. having e1arged, uiforas raté etf oc. Per aunui-per Sroo tbr over tblrty yeans, loîding ùpea11an&L- sosie surpluis ont of thls low rate, ater payiug lusses sud expenses, wwuer the meut lîberal mmd e of li yIt .appeats that thte expeniesce et -r local'agent bore lesJust Jas satisfactory, i1f net more se;- se tta thtie cowlty oO dn e o0f' tie safest finsuletrance , At-tise,,dcose jof tise dlsensslon It wau Unaniusooéy-resolve te establish snCh-,& Company, *sud Resas,è McKay..iPeons sd lahtn-wr p poittdý to tako the marnes oft tbe e hblg to, insanýe itfithIe comspanv. It Je noces- seryt t aèe)promlsets of $zço,omo finsur- aues testart wth.-Tuses1,.l -The chioet fPolice le on thse trail et met- chants wise obstruet the. sidewulr kwitb Pocagboxes, vtoves, setc. Treat MI ~WIJI0J Parr-saRY8hat 2ft. bard- bridge l h tbàa t for It. Tbli.-ýa 4 bI nss centneet wthtolepisons ad te communication, dally msarket rP thse City and conVenlont shi plng '1 IÙ4 A building wlth ýpower 8oCte eu d e w1thout buIlding,,on., and, we wouldau gest that tise people of Scott Reach, 1: bridge sud Brocda nute ina adeteriDtiiato te bave a good -factony bore for botihocIl and butter.-JounaL. Patrickl Lanicî, et Toronto, torrnerly ef Greeaweod, sud for. ycans tax colleçtor, ton this township, was bore this week and callcd upon us. J. A. Rults left for Orbawa this week whore lie and bis partner have opened eut an undertaklng establishmenit. Mn. DIl- llngham wiIl-bave charge of the undertak. lng and furuirure business bore. Thee have had thoîr littie beanse ail remodeled and now have rwo of as fine bearses as are te ho found ln Ontario. We wish the fixm good nettiru for their enterpnize. In vlew et thse bcavy losses bv fine late- ly, thse Undenwriters' association bas de- cided te Increase their pnernlnms trom twénty-fiye te fifty per cent. Should this determinatîon be carnied out, It iwll ouly serve te heston the adveut of municipal lusurance. The increased rates wîll be a pewenful argument lin (avon of sncb a movemnent. A very pretty wedding took place in thse R. C. chu. ch bore ou Tnesday men- ig, i4hen Rev. Fathor Gallagher, asst- cd bv Rev. Father Jcficott, et Oshawa, pronouaced Wn. 0' Leany, ot the Western hotel, snd Miss johanua Casey, manà and wife. The service commenced St 7:30 and was attended by a goodly numben (rom the varions denominationu lu the village. We join their many friendà, henesbouts la wishing Mn. and Mrs. O'Leany happinese, and~ pnosponity for aIl timne. ,After baving conducted a successful business as general nierchants bere fer the paurton years, the membere of thse firm et Dickie & Marquis 'have, by mnutua consent, decided te dissolve pstrtnership about F'eb. ist. Thse business will be con- ducted by John Dichie, while C. E. Mar- quis expects te locate la orne western tewn. We bespeak ton these gentlemen the same success separately, as have been theirs togethen. Mn. Marquis' departure from the village wiLl be negretted by al. Geo. Salter, ut the lakre shore, met with rather a serions mnishap on Wedunesday rnorning. He and bis hired man were wunking lu the swamp, when they spied a nabbit dant beneath smre bnush, and de- terasined upon getting it. George gor the gun sud held it ready wbile thse man tramped tise brnsb. As the rabbit emnerg- ed from thse brusis George kiciled at It, sud at tisat instant the gun was discharg- ed. The sisot entcred bis left foot, infiict- ing sentous wounds. Medical aid was called, wben it was found aocessary te amputate threeofet is tees. Wben we lest heard the wounded man was duing nomankably well unden tise cincumnstances.. It will be morne time befone tbe foot will be entinely bealed.-News. Tise Mechanics' Instituto bau madIe an- otisen extensive purcisase et books tor the library whicb wlll bo placed ln the catalo- gue shortly. 1 Mr. George Riley isad the mîstortune to lose a portion of une efthtie fingers of bis right haud by s "jam" while werking at -a water wheel et tise fouudry lest week. Tise beaurifuil mounlugist aigis witit the crisp crust ut suuw 4linduceri unr youug9 people te seelg tbe,4pleasures efthtie tobog- gan,-we ssunîd ýatisersay, s1eig1, ôJu tise hUis about thé illage. Tisrîî a ià. been lest sud lurons. We leara that tise cases et scanlet forer ta tise family ot Mn. Geo. Thaine, reporteil iu unr isat, are ail rnovenia under tise ukilful treairment of Dr. Grant sud thar lie heu now ceased visiring thern, bis services beîng nu longer neqnired. Now that the time bas again arrived for, the appoiutmnent ut village officiais we. wonld oncý more 'urge on tise council tise advisability et ceumolidating thse varions public offices se fan as practicable into une, payiug a reaso64able salary tiserefor. It would save money and would make it wortis a man's wile te attend te tise duties et tise office. Tise effort of tise Provincial Government te place betore tise farer othtie Province- by meas et Farmuers' Institutes sud Travelling Dainies the measof knowîng la whicb direction their iuterestu lle-ýr.' sutrely te ho commended and 'woare suré,. frou tise intenest tuanifested la, thse meet- ings held la Beaverton lest wéeel-_tlsy are, awakening to.this fact. It migJst bepo sible te givé us heevien weligle è lu their lUno tissutise gentlemen vite aperd &but for a», tier plain, matter of fset exý penience wes well wontis gong t-%hoar a 'nd we are sure will be 'apprec' te . by those present. One point which urnuck meis beingtif key noteetftise witbeaffrw as the appeal whicis rau througitaut thse 4W- Courmesufor ce-operatton du, the, part ~f hrnsers tor tise better production efthé Cprocluétsoethtie dairy. Tise exhiriton«. *M. Gould'sýcreasi sepàtator v«aia tevu- laton te zma y that wlll -bot eoo,'be W-ý gotten ansd ichofeedf ',wttin itîelf--i object lossoà oetwbM lah posIble by a si6de, erate dé,re.O-eperato LAiiuue,. creans (rosa, giveu quantity of utltk wtI eutthe latbSet thse dsry itgbî.t~~ thse eyes of the isauI workigvwomen,,pý-o. açit.p en. ,lTse <cfeamery wil* oin, be asecoimn ua esture f lu i ep- it h býebo in lumusnyotbetjr%,a tbe proiqeoand wittlJ aý, __ A-lady purcbà*ed w~ poutid-ot chocolaté' ~-~ta enfedonr'stheother 'iy. 'la one 1 f.lb. pyramide she ébçwed 6ut a pice, sil- ver th1blIe, wonb miore tbanlthecandy. hie article dôubtles got tbere by acci. dent. Tihe trunks of a commercial man, wbo Came te tawni Tuesday, bore the followlng suggestive label ln good ulzed 'print: etBagggo.amaahers, beware 1 Dynamite 1 Hantile witb care 1'" The remarkably good condition of the trunke Indicates that, the baggige men along the tallroad Untes had heeded the warnlùig.' Where the vaut quantities of farmn pro. duce shippecl annualIly (rom Canada lu fin- ally consumed iu certainly a woaiderful std.Durlng the past sumrner, whlle en- gaedPacking eggs for M[essrs: Dundas & Flavelle Brou., Mr. Albert Plikie wrote on the sheli 0f a good sound Canadian egg a requet as followu; '<WIlI the lest pur- chaser of this egg write te A. E. Pilkie, Llndsâ-y, Ont." The matter was entirely forgotten b y hlm until last week wben he was reminded or the fact by recelving a letter (rom L,. J. Meyere, «"purveyor te the Rlght Hon. Lord RothschilId and family," Cook and confectioner, *o Houndsditch, E.C., who stands rcauly to do business, with Mr. Pilkie,- and la quite anxious te form a Canadian lino of commerce. The netessity for the very greatest pro. caution wlth stoves, chimsucys, etc., dur- ing the winter season, wns fulIy manifest- ed on Monday last in the Blgclow block, on Kent-et., and atso explains how very mysterious fines can somneti mes occu r witb- eut the aid of that incendlary fiend. In the office occupied by Mr. Allan S. Mc- Donald, barrister, over Mr. Carter'. dry- goods store, lu an unused fine-place, w'hich was closed up some years age. It had been fitted with a wooden front lincd with shoot imon on the inside and was supposed to be perfectlv safe. But for years, per. haps soot has been dropplng down until the .grate was nearly filled, and on Mon- day spanks fromn a stove-pipe abovo fell down into this heap a.nd set the mass on firo. It burned away for n timo and final- ly found its way through the lower corner of the board front and in a minute or two thore was the foundation for a first class mystorleus fine. To add to this Mr. Mc- Donald had a large numbor of books and papors piled up canefully aRainst this board front, and whicb would bave been excellent matenial to carry the fine to the woodwonk. As it was somo of the books and papers wono badly burnod. Fortun- ately Mn. McDonald and his lady cleril wero presont at the timo and wenc not a littie surprised te sce the "fiory fiend" got- ting in bis7 work. It took Mn. McDonald but a fow .mnilents te toar ont the front and carry it out te the streot, and srtamp eut the fine la bis books and papers. New if this had occurned a few bours. luter it is safe to say that -we would have bad occa- sion to chronicle another fine and tbe un - charitable would have hàd an excellent opportunity to insintiate that theno was a cause for Ut, and somo poor unhlrtunato would have been made the victim of sus- picion.-Watchman. "Am 1£ Mâa-utedor Notr'_ asked Mr. A., despoudeutly, "I dedlans,. my wife àa so nervous and irritable that I 'lon't sv.ty in the bouse a moment longer than I cau belp. My home ian': wbatit uned te be.." "Mrs. A. is sulrering freinBorne functinal derangement, 1 persume," aaid B. "Yes, abs hvm been an invalid fer year." "Exactly. Her expeWenc is that of my wife but ah. was oured by Dr. Pienç's Favo)rite iP=reciptîon. Get tbio rerniedy for Mis A., ad hehap»is o;soù ondbe palaf a1 pniod4s, irýrclita-nbrt I "complaits e" uliar to tbe feutale*sex-the "Favoriteý Prescription" la a sovereigu Rupture, or Hiernia, permaucntly'curedý or ne pay. For pamphlet and resferenoe addreas, World-o Disensary*Medical .&smoi. atoBuffalo, N. Y. Gladstonse insauid..to have announeed te bis. forerculev resttk wll sp.e1kin-te WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Makerp (Ipholuter, And dealer ln Furnirure of all kinds. The 8rrbrcribcr begs te annotunce tisat ho ha again epened buuinesé in, hie old stand, end lhas placed thercin a choie, styliali and complete stock ofj NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which wil be sold at a amasu margin on cest, Another bals .,of -those celebrated Mized Mattramses $8.25, wortth $5. Seo those Tapesr or Carpot Loungos at $5 worth 0$8. Haweod Sîdeboards, 14",4 g1'ass, for 08. 50, «worth. $12. Undcorta' kng1 Kýe fun' stock of OofflnsU and Oaskets, anud a Firet- C1&ss Hearse. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm (or Sale, 65 Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con , Township of Wbtby; 2 miles from Whîtby;- same known as the Lynde homnestead. Soi! second toýnone, ln a first class state of cultivation. Good fenoes ; watered by live stream across one corner roo yards (rom a fine stone bouse ; frame stable and driving shed ; aise (rame bouse and abundance of fruit of ail kinds. For particulars apply to k. 1. LYNDE, JUl> 24tb, '&894. upon the premises. O EAFNESS. ing a ral eu Cure for Deafness, Singing in Bars, &o., no matter how severe or long- standing, will b. sent post free-Artifi- cial Eer-drums and ainilar appliances entire1y superseded. Addreas THOS. KEM B, VCTO C& O jrmnB, South. bampton Building, Holbern, London. 1lk Owen Elect,'ic 88lt A»D ÂPPLIÂNOES FOR MEIi AND' WON[EN Cure many Diseas'ea aul Pi.t Fat. DR. A. OWEN. A (lennue urreonf Igloctrlelty la gononted in a battery ;n ise Boit, sind eau b. àpplied, to-sal partef Ils ody. Tic our- retc64n be magre sUd or utreng s îtecse àsy, reqüfre,.and is absulu'tely under control e! tib wearrattaile-, Like a'MIrace Congomptiot"'4ow Condition Wond.rfu# ÉRulm - Vrom Taklng .KHonf'e satUI«lI8 MEfss. aunah Wyatt Toronto,COnt Pour years ago whlle i the old coun"r7 jEngland)k sy cdaughter Haunali wasant -way trom the lospital, ln a very low codlis wlth eousumpt!on eft he lungd bowels, aud wetk action eft hie eart. Tb"'tnp acros the wster to thls ceuntryseemod ho malte ber feed botter for a wile. Thon silo began te gel worse, aud for 1l4weekasi&he was aMble te gel off«i ttbcd Slie-grew Worse.fordve m"the sud let tihe us»ober limbeansd lolerpatof body and if silsestu p la boa bad te be prpped up wlth plllows.- Physiclans and waflted me to semi ber te the 'Home for Incuirables.' But I sald -au long as I could hold myhband upui;uehonld not g. We then began le give lier Eood'u SaresasifS e Iogettlng strong, walks around, la out doors every day'; hma no trouble w1th hler threat and no cougli, aud her heart seem orat be ail right- agin. Silo lia a first clags appetite. We regard er cure as nothtng short o f a miracle." W. WYATTr, 89 Marion Street, Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Pille ae purely vegetable and perfectlyliarmlema Sold by ail druggist& 25e. FOR MAN OR BKtAST. Clert.ai n lts.affecta and 1>sven),Ustoemi, tmDALAjSJ7IUJE Toue unl thse Tryw srac UI v i il

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