- L J With cclm printed wordt, great thot<ghts, and itntiring iflditft34 we advocate Peace,lPrlogreas, KioWledge, 'Droq&erhood#-. WHITBY, ON1*tARIO, FRIDA, JANUARY 25, 1895. *GOOD HEA I/Y :: BARLEY FOR WHICH 1 WILL PAY THE Highest Prico. I arn also paying highest Lrice for Wheat and O ats. it will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F.L. GUreen, OUIT OQD E LUU IJII DOMINION BANK. Capitâl Pald up, - $19500000 Ourplus, - - *1,500 0 Wbitby Âg.ncye Gevneral: Tranated. Ba.ning Business BAVINOS DBPAETMENT. J.atwr.uS Uow.d a* heut ourrenS raies No notila o wthdrawal requir.d. E.- J. THORNTONt UMags P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Ointario. Office and resideuce, north smction of the. "Ternes," Byron Strisat, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication witb office. Whitby, July 4tb, 1894. SWho? Who? Who? Says the Owl. Who soU the. bes Baking Pewderl W. R. .HOWSE do... Why ? Bacause only the. puresi ingredianis are usad, sud ih la frequenly made. ConaaUeuuly ihala- vays pure & fresh. L ondon -ONITQU" Poivder LOCAL NELWS LEJIERS. Miss Anuie Kemp, of Taomto, il home Mn Mins McFarlan, o C lrmout# bas vitad MissWslks for a f., dayn, A danceo-will ha bold laibom msnia bal bore on Wedncsday clvenlng ne=i Mms Darlington. of Toronto, is opplag witi ber motbear Ms. Maning. for afe day.. Mr. . Btybusbean u eimly U sine Sunday luadI tililtu asiPle0arlous couidl* tien. Itcen hardly be hoped ha amunof bis yers wtil recover rom sScb a svais 11. A repreentativa of thec Bell telephemm' pnyhbusbemubere thlsveek overhaUjIingjf unstruments and paiiing cverymhiug lu gond shape. A nev swichlg sppuxitus bas beau placetd in the contrat offi4e, bloh. vil b. mucb more satbà fctor, iba theou.eua&tbas been In use heretofore. Never befflu Intebe htso f B"bnkh werc tbe uldewalks se veli and so qulcly cleancd of smev as ihey wve oall e bibg Storm of lut: Friday. By tbrS ea olck Stur- day aiternoon the uraflm veto .11clear. This sbows wbst am ba doue lu ibis line whea eacb citizen does bis duly. The firni meeting of ibm counÀil cf 1095 vas beld on Monday, ail tbe mebs being pre- sent. Mr. H. Meen, tbu atxcollecior, le- turned bis roll. bavlng oompletcd bis vork. la gettdng tbrough ibis arly Mr. Mien bas beaten a&l previons records, and la being con- gratulated on bis succsu, The vhole amenai of taxes lcviedwau $z,49.3~s ad cf ibis al bas been recelved but $3.32., Tbe luterout iu tbe meetins bcld bite by the ImperiliTrio wus oeuîlnued io ihe close, tbougb thc big anov Storm ou F" aypreve-t cd a large aticudance ou ihat zlhti The pgrmmm, good at first, grew betW iargbî- lTursday nigbt ib alu vapcked snd Friday night tic audience wouUd dubilcas b au been as large, bad the wcatber been à wab1e. A number cf nuev seeora, bave blon reoelved hmnthe mcnci ad more-are 1e tecorne, Iu addition te ti i hla sife me tai ibt the icmuperance Sentiment cf tbe wbole comsnunity bas beessastrugtheed sud bii up as a rasuit of thc weeks meetings T-be meeting cf thé district cenio f the &T. of T. vas vdlialteuded, oonsdidolg the unfavorabla veather. AlUicheconucils In thc district are represented excspt Oshawa. and, amount cf discssin. ocf teU1ic roout medadions Madie bi tbfa cosamtties in Uic approacbing Donion cIc, ý wu Roif Templzirs shoudgive "bYrote aMd infuec only te candidates who ame bRoy te be sowmd on thc question of -prohibition. -This w»S carricd by a vote tbat wua ll but usaimons A caidiate of cubher party vboisaucîsapro- bibitîcuisi need net expat sny assisiance faom, thc Royal Templau s cfOnlarIb çou t was decldcd to mcci sm-anuualyin futu. instcad cf qnarterly as bas been tbe cuslom, and thc next meeting wiibo beldln Piorn in Jtly. A resolliion was passed epcsa apprecistion ef the Impeila reia 8au o vorkinglin tbe dstrlct, sndsaoimite. vws aplntcd te make arrangements, if tPossible, for ~ ~ ~ ~ V =lcnîie i eaa pouah lin the couuv iy ere the eider bis Rot ya t 'e es- tablilsbd. The lisi cf ofmm rsfor z895islas follows * D C, ýTtc. Ygtm, Wblîby,; Vice. couacilor,. Miss lDavidscn , hbuaoe; PÇ_Jý P Pirie, Brooklin ; D Tc w Ieu'derucu, ?ikeiu; ).secyWI Moore, Colu "bus D Herald, Gkoe e, Osawa Mr F Pirie wau appoîuîed reprmaetatlve. teb grmud comut iWoodsioW, ZThe delegates snd vist=rs ad tbe aueubers, of Broociia connu had -lm ;ogetbar. luthé i.fsonle hall, and after tb#ý business oftbutlevealg saisios had bien Moncuded a progranmeocf rreadingi, mugieandd sanging wuas eyéd. Afrad BaRo- n sd famlly visltad fMcud% iu. Wbltby on Sabbath. UmSaBah 'Lawrence speut Ssbbatb lu thc Queen cdRy wllb freuds. A large cougregatlon atlended churcb on Ssbbsth. Rev. Harris offlciated. Oui outerptisiug harus aaker Wear& prondluusie the»a day.lie@ a girl. Chau. ,Neill aud Wm. Lawvi Wstod- tbefr old friand Isaac Barkay of Markha, townsipj, "lestyak. A gocd. mauy bave been suffariug frot eore ibroat' sud heavy coldi cf laie, bule earlous Ilumu to report. A good many from hiere aiîauded ld. 1aaltemparauce meetings ai Drookll dmurug the past faw days. Thte m eg are lntcrcstlug. C. J. Stevenson le lamucntiug the les. Of bis valuable wsîcb. Wile vorklug aisa puMna sfaw days sInce bis time-place drcp pod into the viii. Ha nov ibinki ai ad; visable te voar a chain. Atrou Perkins la making extensive pro. paraduons for remodclllug bis ouibulldiaags next seasc. Na Intends having stpsie- vork eractcd mader bis baratandsudttble- stablug placed'îtol'elu. Arng the visitora la tovu ou Sabbsth. Mr. sud Milme Walker of Cbalk Labo, Charles SiIvor cf same place,Mes. Allu oi Bowmanvllle, Mr. sud Mis. lack- son cf Loakard, Mis. Disney of Biss isse GUI cf Brooklin sud others. Miss Mimne of Manitoba bas beau rebew- ingýeld acquainr.aucea tare cf laie. About flficau ycars or more ago she vas eue cf titepupils of out scbool bore. She speaks nlowlng terma of tte western counutry, suhas ne desire -w eml¶sia eastwaïd for anyt.tiug more than s vi it. Old Misslonary Mat Eliloit, cf Kingttn cslled ou out farmers ibis wack. lIa' says be nover grova vcary cf veil dôing. He la at preseut buyiug 'caitle fer Mu iroal markets,-sud bas been on ibhis telta fer thc pasi bal! century, sud lu halasu bearty yeî.. Ha dailms bis hearty apor anc. ls atiributed te bis being a fùUl o- cdIr hsmgn,h avlng bad saveailiche ai the Blarney atone. Aberdeen cornera la Uic place to wbile awaythelon lcuely evenin!. The7 domioesalcugbh a tceod fasb n. met vit i sbaarty appreval cf uearlý,.all the corneïsan sd tiat means ne smaili- pauy. Ifa-betel acconaaemùl v ith à 4à od billard tabla or tvo could'bo providd4»,- thepmulacé, ft vould Wivi mplaïýUr- Mi.C. Paîklns span: a 1ev days wlit ha? parants bara. $savru atenmded thaeol udbsness ,Iotlugbk-uraday week. wlgave net u T .118ha e le CRrno cf Pickeriug, labea fiand, XW . Uic bre eti botâ ousin ssSuife Mc- Titu bauilîb McQaay Puharnsud Isla!*tllon lb. sl ii. Glad le oIw hlIad bdafUoseada A ibe~Ir ofions ca editaiy. lar oPMny was4sth ithe residenci of t4an4elMsdd onc Woduesday woe~~'hotapp ca'wd çilsorsed nir, ibe ulu tesatose ilineon.- t A lmarge aber foud aýMn Jyhpfl ai thbo 4iec i adaodo ea day L-- lbfnu tssie vas lu- du erI bs bà udln nfe ayà W wlhei betothabü s Co. Walter, cf tlj wpae. City ilfé sceau. ,toe agie vlthI;ýr a&sitelopheas weol as ver se Tuawlncr aibpen ail that conl ha vlsbj4 for., Altheugh, -ieaming la mot done w ,ae.e:tent ta efaîmin; cotmunlîy Iwa buj ,etldg o hoi Oummersuappl of *dd. pl t wlronig-wllOui progresive CbOlf lu ib ot f ib i eldor bav41ý"er ancbed? Nb cIAu erilîpsa 'le- taki "~ce t ndpynatit l ast sud the Ii ill octhfe mas-uâuaL. M"s. a. p. Brôwaý,wbo wasfil lut ivéakJt , Mr. 33. Bhard, cof ronte- lé visiflng lo ba 9t'Mr. -Milieu ,.Br9wn's. 11f r, Mrs. m ky ýcfLOIIU,dmltgvluttiÉait fmhit I~. le. efre'sfanily bav ýben'.t ft s~iffb lng f mu lag rppe for the psft w a ~ T 'facAr itafim wua.not dLapof efvënh at'tite sale lit web Wouaetand m0ntinl thailgS wuov bld. -Rob M i.ttitise Mickey bu ýiec Lu to bu5 tnt titis weck mmder.ii c ent cfDL vidSol Alkens. At urne of wrin&aag ha vWs te' ettats poited as progrcsslug farby N.A 1Mr. sud Mifs. Robi. Wilsont celebrated m' thett nwodding on Tuesday e0,0109,aag e lut A-large auniber êcf iaielatives samo- sudfiands assmbled te cehe-b*ýteicoc-. kas esuwli toeu anid luaddition toa tiit- uow erous articles et tlvarerosca th W m wo;id vitit >a coagrasutoryaresAvey ots plisauteveniggwvsent, a~a Wo bave te tbsuk te Uidtcî-lnécblf of. M io the CEOIL e eheigu u ecit. 1l NO doubi ta -est wsss ui £h , la.jaa ted by thé . readors-as by us. dhlala - sorr t hâm iszodesty proveunted, l t~ r tg bis ýreadors knew tiaI _UhiefUmd. eveiim wUi isGraker friands, ld ~vetbolÀs X& ~accepta8 ull-drv-iau Iii thc Patirens eparrow.sliootixgmac ,i Sen.à Veltone sud bis sbhmp-shoot <> ces dees4Ied MiWm. Kemp sd Is 'rolty a b7forty-flve birds.Thtol merf cÎrs *ught kla asfour. hu4d an, fbrty-o 1Re enpsade- - her otera Î;; the 1no S* ione& Asseciati Guide- -DstoJý pied b)avey- lueter, Sis l,: fin;, Ajof ~!UOUGEAIL i1'Jbu- Mfip bu lýelited thc Sbamd Le methodlist chof"ereagau-on tke bt rka b a 1wMâpfed«Rom s'. ~y. Preshytorlsu ai. iba.We voulU remlind James1 yoqugsud bas as msuy pn'vhjl boys, snd if ha 11v,,iiiutîiprov iba dayis go by bh. '*111 n e tit .R.Movbray,, ex-reavo, W counîy cou cil ibis- yack, i bhoped ta udatal squasuderng' cf ! t akeple.p llysr amcang i Ie Lii. buit Blood Pufer sMd 900ra OottonDPowdar1n th$ masrket. h ie th@. ohaupest powder"thm bsever beea-offend fox sie., IL -curm &U ems et cG44=9ul Debflt.y lmoi f puriêy of tua -Blod, W*~per lb., or'. for 60ý. MÂEonyXIX. WOL. XXl X NO.8 have rS, c. e39 e are i9th, i LY. usually e, weil at suc- -J Id No. 1, LE SYRUP, Qrockery, ýheap, dies, Toms, >R TRA DE. NfE TIMES. d examining yoursecl 3uAppica Wson's doubla re for=l. 'l.- 1