Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1895, p. 6

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S U~8 ORS~OLk. ds Ifîtu of-ë Monttir. 4hoet cfi Me. fallen cb ue& -.By~ <>PlegIbz o~ 4"~ ti aueh a herpent. pvmeo s la W B8,vich 0»n.rul is vl in &il casesbe mfe: j »ver write what yoU unuot put your ut le s sudmi o potS theGeorge Kenna. early.s vie wbo-wit14 bravo hearts. hoef'i'n b OrA to hw th oÏéîves To.anyone vbo had, been a resder cf thomin lie forstt. The . monoteuy cf the~ Century Magazine for the lust ton to vs uocoaioually brolcen by e&rs, henaeofGeorge Kobui the veicome arrivi of a letter. Fro yu tm e la cf bis a ils Great Britainu4tok irm xteej * , t fom Runa M m0t. B ha rtile weeks te ,'eao1iits etnain tht~uonRsi, oe esexisly b <lur eues left-behîind, su d, mithoe 'la'.,0'bis relations ooncernîngti.eleys botiea er lke ltte oînyeaY-tom as praetised in Siberi h. bas brother., Lthe letter vas made the. miii- mr hnsyose- es jeet cf disoussion for the neit week. At' gpve tbe'p.ople etfArnoricas cloa ide thât tilue Le mesure -their "uf arrivai the of the eppresaion and the misery under- pes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gn aseerppauaâ by al op > oêt f the d<espoqIo tve aiugs cf the, thon pcUuds, îil- cvet of L.usa sr ocn linge snd pouce currency, (thia 1 be- of0;nr Wotel 4biid cIê,tha1 t tt liev. te b. correct>, sud generally proes eneor cf Ruais. Tho personal.* mesa tard scratohing, sud soinetiqies ty of Mr. Kenusu doe nt stamu him a littie had te b. borrcved- fretm asnyiu more than an O & iieighl>or te psy tor iL.as tii. hnq Nov ,lot ns oiluderounr 5dvafltMt45.shp dpratoshthe<ia bi W e have every fa ility 'for 05 i sb ra n u r, no d d i . u ii thom safely sud speedily te their desti- domiabîe courage, iron constitution. nation at a thre. cent postage, and are and' bul-dog détermination. Ho ila looking ferward te its etili being leason- tai and thin, s mid of sionder fellow. ed te the loW rate of our neigbbors AÂvery pronounced stoop in bis acro - isthe border. With the peu, '&the siiouîd.rs stamp hum as -a student, tongue cf the abset, vo e au cern- 'hieh idesî is coufirmed' by the fact t.hat municato with our friends uear or dia, ho i .considered au autbority upon tant. ..j Bussian affair. A, thin, paked face, flot anything more we icouis than a lot - tache. snd snrmounted by a limitod ter, and viien in our power lot usn iet orop of hair through vhlch bis bleacli- miss the opportunitiy of giaddening ed pate shows conspioniously, dosnet their livea ; but while doing se lot out.j attraot eue with any degre cf force. worda be fitly chosen, which SOoeman Hie manner isestifi sud undignified, says are like "lApples of goid in pic- though whon ho 's fully aroused by bis turcs of silver," -and lot it b. doue 1 prtryai of' some exciting event, iL promptly. Don't lot the suspicion t hat les iLs sawkvarduees ana tairas ou ç& "te long leoked for asuer arguetli semblance of gkace. Rh. favoxite et, the. cooiing friend" ever get foothold. titude< is te graep the lapels cfIa coat Alao lot them ho laden with wOI!ds Of tvit)> bis bauds and ini a manuer, encouragement, snd, sasover a beauti esusut ees i ic»i ful porfume, ho will dlight te lingr. moo nsd lugubridns toue. It may waf t hin back on golden vinga Hie lecture on Saturday night last,9 te te land of pleasant meineries, may in the M&Bsey music hall, Toronto, prove.og on te treubled waters cf oir- jwue upon his persoun.l experieuces dur- cumatances te which vo ail seuetim.s 'ing bis sixteon months' trip tiirough tee easily yield, msy hope sud courage Siberia, nudertakea fer the. purpose of already beginning te f5ilÃŽOXiuvestigating the exile O<ystom cf. that A weli writ letter is a rivet in the chain of country for the. Century ,Mag"zie. afiection Tii. companien cf hie 1joys sud sor. A letter long delayed is as ruet te the nove duinig tueS peio4 vsu an artiat soldier. Froosdt lt-Who lest hie reseon sud Censpicieus amoug uthdeI wLh hatene belet-be ters aeLiz !S.Pu ea.B-jounney ended. Upon coosiug te brews, when in language moat olaborate l>cundary lino be&veen RBussma in h. magnifies Christ sud the rigion of Europe audRumsasiil, ti the the gospel te suob an extent that Moeust elers found, themelveo iu the. and ail the teachers ho receded hilm midst of a veitable gardon ?f< aov.rs. 611l îuto ineignifiosuce. A oai ays down Mr. Kenuan oompatmd he c limt. an&l prcpte for the negulation cf theïr the vegetation.tuer. te thit found In tiv,eas v.owl) as prepsring themu for thé Qllor-a sdIlbv n ontti perseetion wiiich ho sanvthey muet i-the:frtnsuof a Canadimn rnrmg lu evitably endure. Thoso vho ioekii'ion lune ,rould glveone aafdo fwe Carlisle as àa cold, uusympathizwMa Mi. anan wished, te 1 dhgébe. - Re' egotist giving toe b. ved grand, deop , aecmid that tii. shqrmomeèter. r trutha in te meut unattractave style, t ted 108'0 iu the eba&dluring bis exe *would do veli beforecitioising to e .d eos drivethrongii enthern Bàassýv. hie lettrs, especially these addnossed te That ia order te keop Mc ool iew=pp hie mother, wbo vas his ideal héonea. hims.lf in four pairs of blaukesu There you will see a depth cf tii. ton- hept anider-oupil*er ha derest affection, suchas only strobgns;hoad. Tliat li couldn't iholdhias n4l tures lire hie are capable cf ahcing- mnthe blazing eua for ,firo .miniuteJ an ides of ber rosi vert)> vie yloted' wiîtbont fsinting. Tbat yen 4-4«M , hlm paut the dangerous reefs -o 8kO p.ý.iigaisbthe. preseuce'of 'a, heosemap ticiaru whea in great danLger cf shîp- jfi e ies swïyby thel0uud of dûsî; Thora is a cam cf lettLes vhich ýPorl siiould neyer b. iudlged lu. Borne-i. rosi Limes 'feeling that 1ve have beon BibE grievoualy vronged, te first. impulse in te express our feelings by letton, ising a)pk the strongest adjectives 'This May~ou Boom quit. justifiable; but beforo pî 'u ting suci t Lougitts i nto execuaticu w 1ev isiould éleep ovcr iL. Then if Li, e-. çva# essie seema te juetify te resolutien fret aleep over iL again; an,slf uo cag cernes over your,,-mixai regardlog tîi mater, write iL, sud-put iL luntthe ire. Ipris Yen m"y crush a sensitive spinto 0tio4 si os h keapoor veuudedt ýbird,^ noer, taon te tise, sud cause. yburself bitter ne- ver gret&. Rathon go .,te person-whxoli Onu May- mesu pslgtbrong u ul ie o! hrnilau, amnt rofit&W y9vsleylits throngh wv to 0pues sominth«q- .d and have-au oxPlaa lon Ju ahiprobblhtyi %7 yen vil ftnd tii. petecuma$ have ob. 9 edtbroughemieotan' ;or hapo ther. ta a ilobef iiikr the. cutain. Or yen may mse. the 'A i cireumtance.bas been en «- nover, nover regret gjvulg..tï»-mamter dueounieain Anonyrnene letters .uùnot é o. domned tee aeverely. n jufn caseore the». as M pb* te carryoet oanil IporWetýri-0YrI a so.m J PW$labl4. BtM uth i amethe dlctation of e14i ovu oeà"inIr vard,-ýi on Lia pu ptm*Ã"b tI Mud lotis 01f oe*. èVoe*~ vngit r i e noticO, tii. flnder vil p befot tie Ofo.'dê te the 'a iug sad tiWï Il thâÏ -W Dot e&ltued withn uneyeq shculd nê e xceud $M0 u vaie blonge psttye taki th op, if o1rOi bslb e the. justi""sumed, sud the ex ail -expensem4 shah b. paid ith mnomurer. Any porin a Msu U af estrsy sud ne"loting te cause tii. sne tobe advertiuedéàill b. Iîîl.to»a fine of $20. Tio. law applios aise -oto otiier personal property. A cotnpany Pse beu organisedvii titth i. oôf 4-h e UaiWBates sud Ou.n tarie Steaca Navigation Compsy,t coenduot the. business cf tnausferrlpg cars betveen Conneant in~ Ohiosu Port Dover in Ontarîo; --Tii. capital- la i $850,0. Tii. Ondlgshipbnildiing cern. pauy, cof Toledo, , #tii. buildera-of tii Aun ÀîArerferry beàti, viii ll t*à' vooden bose it)> capaeity fr2 freigit cars. Lire Lb.e eu ferriesou ,Lake ioehiganL4 b osto vii àaa-eà . . and scres inbotiithéateru-and ov.Tii.exclusive ights held by the~ Grand Trunir in th, harbor - orover are to-be-gfreàiup to the'neo m'aa~ for twenty yoe, and the. GrandTrk in te spend 850,000 for terminal facili. tios. The. Principal busiess cf the nov oepn iib aring ca from Penusylvania te Ontario, sud Lhey hope te bandie 50000 tous a yesr, or about ouc-tbird of the presqnt cofigumption of Ltie province,s tb. ferry route je oiaimed te be 82 miles aborter te Hamilton tlian any other route. At Lb. projected speed of 12 miles por heur, iL is expectod that each boat Wini cover the distance hebtveeu Conuesut sud Port Duvet, .50 t4Ues, tbnee imes a day, or that "the- -,ýve boals vil maire -tre. round tripe carr- ing 26 cars viît) average, leade cf 25 tons. The abova acherne bas- be en mooeod sos-rsi times for a service b.- tweert Cobourg and some peint laW the * United States. Tien. ahould b. sMffl oient demand for cealin la saton On. tarie te, warrant snob a sobeme. (1 west ,Young Peope. lun a neighboring locslity -th", k>tbe day ne leue than oe u Mudred.sud tveuty applications - ver. recei'vedb -the sohool trustoos for a vaaut mïoéi. tien. lu another place stosober bold- mbg s flrat-elogsq certificat. et $6w 71er an. l aMsitobà, ou t è- ether sund, Berne country echoola boàe. beau clseed fer vant eofteachete# Tua i a sugestve ce4~t u t bbrotd #adf ertile S -user gONré Gour isWlhîtbi4 Banlistere tc. fietmyoUtf Brook B#., Whitby. DAVID oRnisTONi, 8. A.9 Âttoneyat-awSoicitor în Ohmuc« Ys, Oeneyaoe, ec.Offie-lu te ii Ofie outh ofnte Ptoat Ofice, in oMlSl' Block, Brook Street, Whltby. GYOUNG 8SE1IH. lL. B-# l5arrfster etc,,-Money te Loàn-Iie of Marri'ag Liceases. (oie- nt Block, Solth cof Market' ,iock Ut,Wbitby Dow & Me(4ILLIVJtAY, - r«dvetb borefi ateecue *faoted, by th.e»" p ia nnet luaeuein- gêne bave Ibo.7a1ld, ii.priesosat vb Dodd"à Klducy Pilla are uold placestisai swthin ýthe noach f &U, Tbey1m bu er six boxes for 2.50. Tae*ne imitations. Bt. Oatues .alest Its fdne Masole Temple Ind n lwh leh tie-Pre. Library vu, ait- Bcott'm Xis >n Il i aUd up thé. systein Awd lmpasressuad on Reports are revlvsd of adiseovery ef geM- In Chathamn tmoshp. MoersNo:hr &Lymsn Co. are Lb. propitiors ci D»». ('A8ïe ÇEcrcCL *bli ow ovbing sold in immense quantities ,Witoui thé DominionIt -làvelcomedb gh. sfeiginvalid -- everyviere vit .eoet oetdeliht because iL banishes pain and givuesinstant relief. Thia valuable specfie for almoat 'every fil thattueb l er te," te vaine-I by the sufférer aM more prenions tJan geld. IL la Lb.eélixir of tif. te mnany a vasted trams, Te thofurmer It in indispens-. able, and iL ubould b. ln every honn. Tii. Quebso Legisiture vas prorogued on Saturday, . 11U&ala CenOetwst4ea, One PMt a dose, ene box 25 cents. One pili relies-es constipation. One box cures an ordinary case. Ose pl] taken veekly neutralises formation of urie acid_ in Lb. blood and #revents Brigit'a Kidney dises...aud Utabotes. True only of Dr. Ohase'. Kidney Liver Pilla The Nova Sceis Legielature in snminoned for Jannary 31. The sugar-costed, vhlcb make Âyer's Pille se eas te take, dislveé immediately on ýreaoiing the stomacit, and 1#e permits the fniiy strengtb and benefit cf Lt.einedicine toý ho promptiy commuuicated. Ask your drug. gist for Ayér'. Almanao, just eut. Mr. W. J. Smilth is the patron candidate for Dandas oounty. VbelPla tTuta telle. Constipation. Headacie, Bilieusucas, sud Bad Blood are proxnptly cured lby Burdock Blood Bitters, viiich acte upen Lb. stomach, liver, Bovels, and blond, curing ail their diseasuca The. cofiàtry betveen the Yaln sud Liao- 'go rivers in China lssaid te be deselate in tbe extrea la", ont Tor IL. If yen, are troubled viti a col-1 or ceagi, bhoeveor, llgUhe L.attaeki look ont for it, do utlvtô ose o n the lungs: breaknup tite. ceb by"loosonmng the. tough pblsgm 4 atrike le aai f sre t the Carnogie TO DBM OY'WORM anÏd xpotbem frem chudren or adui anun Dr. Loaves Wortr Hion. M.,Taion, Premier cf Quebec, le isaproedeti. but el»very îlh Ulas'd.adufm CaOr« Diatoemper -The Nitoar Valla High sooibas ben ralsedtoe .ako!Cieite beiue N<ORWÂy Pl"E sYRU? ýces Oongb, eoîd, Harsno., Bre hroat Ast'hIa COAL GOAL 0133A BOUT» 0F Wkftby MAIIfl &AhfI Mn.uatmrenutR0 An patisev arerkol lv cul n u b.bropnrltshd- J.T. NZWPOR, Frop#çetor Te Mngd. atB senb1ùJo05 1 lieited.e h Ae fNISer, WEITBau Hoene a wes nSo l enei oies, YirearmSw Leoh, Sc-gales, Olotbes Wringer, Wsshig Machies, &c.0 Filig. Sate, 5cs#erIives,(Il 1:fr Of eetWhith déean or dyea Garmentswhen flusbcëd wiiIl- Fookasjood-asrsew. If tbejrfai t àe-be zoL 1-V wiU nol chage for my:*rot ffly my charge, t _ç -, for nlq ng in4qîeijr $yfo z. ,,For- cleani --or 4ylnàf",ts. dvd Ïor- -TOS.Mc N& r1los. aç...l.. Barristers, Solicitors in Obancery, ec Office in ÏMathison & Hawkeu's nov block Brook St., 'W hitby, south of Ontarobâak. De P. BOGAKT, M.*D.,L.U.S. Phyuicaa, Surgeon and. Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next te Al 5aint's Chuzch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promt- ly attended to. W. B. YARNOLD, D. Lu S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainge BEngineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeet, late with Langloy, Langley Burke, Toronto. Designe for Ohurchos, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- inga prepared for remodeling exiatin~ structures, Offie-First flat over W.e HKowse's drug store. laP O Box 202, Whitby. Wu. CÂLVERLEY, H.ELANKasMAXI1 E, HTY. Having moved jute Our nev premiseis we are prepared toexetend the rangeO business. AUl work pertainin;. te tho bar- ness-making and saddlery business wMIib done te satisfaction. 06I118" a speoiaty. (lau ana see mày shop and stock. W. OALVEBLEYi second aoor vest ofold sho Dundas Street,Whty JPOR SAflEOR TO LEN e'1w libeuse, a recui;'g cr icfgadin, ivel fenced. . <ood localty on Front streetin South Ward. Apply te, - B. WOIeFOR1CýI on the adjoining lot, or at -the CHRO0NxCLE offmc. WhitbY, March 7th, '94- nnder~ LIFE 1

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