Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1895, p. 2

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teRev. Rolt.i v !riga oxfort and improvem aa tend toPer oza1 *njoymnnt, es rightly une& Th e many, who live b*t ter than others and enjoy Mei more, with là"a expeaditur., bx more promptl adaptizig th. end'. ;beet produota te the needs of phyical being, ViII stthd the value te 'heelth o f the pure liquid laxatve principles .mbraoed in the romedy, Byrup of FY». Ite excellence in due ta lin presentlng ÃŽu the form moat acceptabe and plissa- snt to the taste, the refreahng'and truly beneficial proprties:Xf a perfect lax- ative ; effè8tually ci ensing the ayatem, dispellhig coids, headachesa nd foyers and permanoraly curisg constipation. IL. bas given satisfaction ta millions sud mnet with the appraval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kid- neya, Liver an4. Bowels without weak- ening thom and itain perfectly fre.efram *very objionable substance. Syrup (fFin lafur sale by all drug- gisri n 5c. ttlsbut ih la manu- factîired by the California Fig Syrup Co. oîîly, whose namne is printeti on every package, aise the sarne, Syrtîp cf Figs, and being wdll informned. yen will ucé aocept any substituts il offered. srtzL-At the i tri on the -21d LCW fl lkùA frar reçu have oeen regfistred "ci utuerear e '=»y: oftie toner schoarsWho have not yet leturauef.. Tht--eleciors of tbts fair àiid welthY counity, by th.lt vôtà -'on ,Mond"- latuai aeclared .mIost _.eInphb*tially and'by aý tremendaus mÏajorlty that.tbis couzity bue no use for a prison for the poor. Reach. and- Brock aions rolled upo a majon'ty oi aver one tbousarid against the fratid,,ý Eblsotonof 020ev. The Curlers-President, F. M Yaraold;, vices,jas Swan; secretary-trea5ure5t J IL Forman; repressutative, J W CUrM; skips-Curts, Cleméins, Sébert. True Blues-W M, J G Harditi; lD M, A A Bowerman ; sec, L P Kseley;è $uâafl- cial sec, E H Purdy ; treas, j Ny Mark;, chap, W H Clark; director ai Cer, G J Morrieli. Sons of Engtand - President, 'Franik Williams; vice, R F Bustin; ssetftrys F J Wldden; treasurer, Win Tummaflds; Chaplain, J Nott; lodge physician, Dr. Mellow.4 *Fire Company-Samluel Graham, cap- tain; Robt McKnigbt, treasurer; ,Wm Clark, secretarv; Wmi Bond, assistant secretary ; Tiios Cook., îst lieut, of boss; Wes Powers, 2nd lieut. of hase; Arthur Allen, rd lieut. of hose: Win Frier, 4th lieut. aihose; William Wilson, ist brascb- mani; Orèn Powell, znd brancliman;, Wmn Clark, 3rd branclinian - Frank Wiltiams', 4th branchman : John A Corrin, ist axe- marn: Chas Powers, pike-pole mani; Wm Corrin. engineer; Robt Btîntln, strokes- mani; H Roberts, assistant strokesmnan., Methodist Sunday School - Superin- tendent, Wm Ross; assistant, S Jefirey; secretary-treasurer, Miss Bond ; organlet, Miss Wilard.-Observe. COBOURLO. usn 1pMW 5#Uý.I 1ci u w m, btûév. the eî%dent -toucher, pteseted e tot wth a bandsciae Ne* Year's Banting ad bis, moter. 1fr., B. WCS ai ýFlnt, Michigan$ tbis weok rthe fuia.oi tho lattee, s ua, la Edwarda, *boedeatb tooz place iSunday. Deceassd wuwasiiy vel tete, bAing vluhed here ou severat oc- c e mn ,e 'tie or a w hole #r.1 Th*a nmeut irgtettial.spirlt prevailed anuong the tlvuFlididteli, and wlicti the recu, It Ocf the oiÃ"l madie knows thre tss were aniotugthe iret toa congiatulate thec wlnnsatItbe po, t thougb the amall.- ss or thetniaj6rtilsl madle the -deféated1 candidatel'kidk theauselves for nôf put-1 ting forth Jusi one extra effort. Another year we 4uaope to sms ' gooti Liberal can-4 didate for the moyoralty ln the field.It isvê t ad roma part>' etandpotnt, ta 5UtiTozt f fiw 41ptbez'ia Durlns thepai week there bas becs a betious outbt'eak'of dîplitherlîa cf theIos virtialent tyrpe ~at Sebrlgbt, sasse îwelve mites cast Oi theitown, ibere belng no bs than twentY-flve cases ibere ithe present trne sud sceraI deaths huvisg occurred. Dr. Glichrist sent ta Taronto for enough asti-toxine for thiri>' patients, und- an Mosday recslved enougb for tes, the de- mand belng consdsrably larger thas the supply. Dr. Gilpis. cf Brcn la foreCa- cal bealth oflcerfor dtohs p tar dien ant'i e a nsng the strictest aucsures ta securs isolation, -tbren:enîng to arrest anyone enterjng ar leuving 'Infecteti housse, sud sceiig that al uecesaary sup- Plies are furnishe th te intmates. It la diff- cuit ta taocats the cause cf the outbrcak witb certainty, but itsegcnerally believeti iliat an infecteti Persan was ai a isa-meet- lug recenti>' beldt here, anti thus com- mencedthe dispread ai ths disease,'- for an the second dfay ioîlowing siglit familles Were strickeu. The resuit ai the experi. mente witb anti-toxin lu ibis neighbor- bood will be waîcbeti witb a great dent oi Itierest.-Times. BSUPM»RLA» W. Gaiýs: and horme took a tusuble into the dhch eosai of Carrutber's bill on Thursday evening, whils returning: ta Oshawa. When found, by aparty passingbe wae in a belpiesa condition, being pisned besath tbs wagon box. 'Flechbasc was also unable ta move. Witb came difficulty the vehicis waa rlghted and proýgress rèsumed. We tejotcr. ta state that Edwalrd Jackson, of Grenwood. whoni we reported au listing been rtin over by a load cf bran, ias ow able to be about again. If nothing happens he wili bave Iully recovered witlun the nex: few weeks. Hie many friands wlll be agreeably surprised ta learu this, as a:t iret bis recavery wua thought ta bs Impossible. It was a mira- culous escape Indecti. The CHIONICLE does nS like the Iok aof the school buildibg ini section NO. 4 esc, nor ls the township hall at Braugbamn to its liking In appearance. Bath thsse buildings are somswhat aclent, but so long as thsy serve the purpose for whicb they art intendéd hi usme sta us that it don't matiez îwo shingîs nuits what the Wbuîby OnnoNîcLs, the Moutreal La Patrie or sny otbsr foreign paper ibînks af thesu. District Deputy Grand Master Rose, of Wick, vlshted aur Workmas lodge an Tues. day evening aud Inetalled i h new officeru in ths presence of the Workmsu sud their lady fniends. After the business of the evenlng bati been completed, tables were spread li the hall andi an oystsr suppar was enjoyeti. The cca- sian was much enjoyed by ail who attended and it is onty ta. be regretted that thers waesDot a better attendance. Such gathenzngs as this cannot help but have a good effect lin promot- ing goati feeling among the members. Wilmot Lintan. wbo bas been cashier in the Ontaria Bank bers for the pas: year, left on Wedseeday morniug ta taIre a similiar position eleewhere. Wilmot was ose of the msct popular assistants dia: bas becs in the employ af that insurution. Although on ly adl- vlsed ai bis departure Tuesday evenig, his gentlemen fiends gave hlm a farewell supper a: the Gardon Houetint evening, There were somne :wenty present and a-very sociable time was spent. M% &at join in wishlng hlm long ie aud prospsrity, while regretting bis departure. Master Frank Gilders narrowty escapeti be- lng serionely wouoded by a charge cf chat the other day. He accompasieti soins sports ta, Gordons grave in search ai rabbits, andib soute mens lie separated froin the party. 1 rabbit suddenly made hie appearance from be- neath sasse brusb. when he was quickly dlown- d by oneof the 'Party. Jus:tbtenFrank's pensive vwall announcet that lie too baid been in range. Upan investigation it was ifound tu :wo grainsaifchat lied penietrated the 'cait cf, bis leg. Although palita at the turne the wcund was but trivial. It was a lucky es- cape indeeti. The following frasu the Montreal Herald of Satirday is of sous Importance W gisny iu this localhr: 1"A good deal of Interat lias bo o- s ofwaiae lu Ontarlo Bank ,afaire, sdimany ruiors affctipg -ths bank have been crule.Tbrée Of dillbus "ihbave Ws sueti circtu' letters ta theii agents* wfh a view W seutng ai, tes: reports that -a&lcted the soundass, of thse bank naine, ln coUnsa- tion Wih the, kseral resuer cfains cf dis WM. TILL,' Undertaker,' Cabinet Maker, .Upholoter, And dealer in Furniture of ail k-Irdo. The Subecriber bega to aunounce that h%,haa again opened busineusin hie old staiud, a.nd ha. placed bherein a choice, stylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE Of every description, whioh will b. sold at a amati ruargin on cost. Another bgàle of those celebrated Mimed Mattrasses $8.25, worth #5. See those Tapestry or Carpet Lounges st 85 worth $ 8. ilrwo idbàd,14z24 g1ýas, for $8«60, worth $12. UlioImKaldg.g Ke-A ftill stock of (3offlnsE and Oaakets, and a Ffrst- Clama Hearse. WM«. TIàwLLu. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 3o. 3rd Con. TownsbhrI. qf Whitby ; j miles from Whitby;&-a»n known as theLyrde homestead. Soil second ta nonuw ln a irst cdasestate oi cuhtivation. G«oo4fencSrp; waterod by live sn'sain acrsa one corner zoo yards from a fine stone boues; frame stable and driving shed.- aise (rame bouse and abundance af fruit of ail kinds. For particulars applv ta k mi Toronto, Ontario. As W'eII as'Ever After Taking I-ood's Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serlous Dismea. Btght*s cilse.-i*e for âve years, andi for da7s at a tlie I haver tcen uuiable ta etraîliten myscilf Up. 1 wzts la bcd for ilireo wes; dmling tiai trne I hati feeches appled andi deriveti no bens- fit. Beslng 11=119 SareaparMla advert:4ed lui tbe papea I decidedti t try a botiis. I foruili HOOD'S Sarsa'paril fa relief befoa t o bt tie. I gai so mnuclihélp froin taklng the s rt botte thai I dsccied ta try another, and aince takIng dis second bottle 1 feel as well as ever 1 diti Lnmy le)' Gro. MErtIront. Ont. I4oo'S pills are prdf .É Sd efficient, -et easy ai action.Sold bymi&U égglste.25r-

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