Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 1

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Gifts. ie habit to iency is i n part monoy. Those ice u8efl and E R 'S 3 for 25c. '. for125c. each. each. eaci. eachi. each. COVERS. .l0t h in g. Tweed $5.000 7-made $3-75 0. Weights, JLTERS90 NSE usually y made, weII the great suc- at OId No. DE MAPLE SYRUI ire and Crocker a sots cheap, Groceries, Tea ES J, s N I - .f -p.. ic With calm printed wor&e, great thoughto, and untiring indwu&ù,, we advoc4te Peace, Progress, Knowledge, Brotherhood. VOL* HEA VY XXXIX. GOOD :: BARLEY W AN T E D FOR WHICH I WILL PAY THE Highest Price, I arn also paying highest price for Wheat and Oats. It will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F. L. Green, ~DIWOD LODI MUI DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid UP, - $19500900 Surplus, » -$10500 000 WIVtby Agenoy. 44 Generl Tranmsoted. Bakinig Business RÂVINGS DEPÂBTXENT. Intoreut mUoved st highest ourrent rates No notice o viihdrawal required. E. J. THOINTON, Manager P. G. Meldrumn, M. D). Liceatiate of the Royal College of n 'sdac Edinbifrgh: Meniber of the COÎ7genb Pbsîcansand -Surgeous,-of Ontario. Office and reidene., north section of tic "'Terrace," Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communicationwith office. Whitby -Juiy 4th, 1894. WhAo? Who? Who? Says the OwI. Who "caithe best Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE does. Why ? Because only thc purest ingrediants are used, and it. la frequently made. Consequontiy is al- ways pure & freali. 2j ah1) P, etc. , etc. CASH OR TRA DE. SUIT T'HE TIMES. mnling and exmmienug mices for youtei(. kÎnds cf GMin, Ape Iiry. Have ise gest tue id] ÂsdursoS& do"bl Write me London, Powder WHITBY, ONTARIO,- FRJIY.AY, JANJJUARY, 4, 1895» 1 'Phà V4.4at,.,.c JLLU ~ JLIUIaaaoegaa.o TOWN OP WHrrnY. Joc. White actod as returning efficer, and between 7.30 and 8.30 on Monday night received nominations for the teva ceunci and cchool board. About 9o1clock a public meeting vas organiZd vitl Mr. Whiîo in the chair. Mayor Ruttodge vas- called upon aid arfter a few complimetary romanks, took up the fleancial etaternanmd vent tîrougli tle various items of importance, giving sud oexpianations as vere noces- cary. Ho vas ready and villing te reply te nny quections tint might le submitted touchlng thc fleancial afiairs ofettove. Ho retnrned tianke for past support arnd deciared himseof a candidate for a second term. L. T. Barclay vas neit called on as a can- didate for tic mayeralty. Ho siovcd tle advantages te tic town efthîe Ontario Ladies' Coliege, and claimed for it more liberai treatment aitichelande et our citi. zens. Ho turther called attention te the double trackiiig et tic G. T. R. te îthe cet and veet of uc and urged eur raivay cern- mittee te sudh action ae vould lead to the cempletion oethLe link. Ho vas net a candidate. F. H. Acces considered tînt île actions efthîe council in dealing vitli thc tannera had mnde tint important section efthLe community aetagonistic te tic test. Thougit the trouble migit le arnicabiy~ arracged. Had ce speciai reneon for fauit fieding. Wouid, if elected, strîvo te ad- vareotîe interests efthîe teve art largo. If tic raiepayers tîniuk h teir duty te break this custom eftwov terme in the mayor'e chair le vas at their service. Chas. King began by poÏnting eut. n typographicai errer ile lei6anc al saie- muent, anad tIen directod lis attention te Messrs. Aunis and Long. BotI gentle- men dlaIm tInt impreveaients might le mnde in tic management eft tev affaire; but neither could point eut the siniplest remedy. Mr. Long pretonda te le an- xious te advance the intereste ef thc tbva and laboring men, but vile he (King) ernploycd a large number ef mon Mr. Long gave employmeat te cnily one. Wc lad te, pay .885 fr a nov bridge this laet yes, tInt couid net bo gurded againet. Loaliprovernent shoui e paid fer by tIose vIe reap the direct bacS it. Noxi yeat if le te tetutned, tle expease should le borne, if le could accomplidl i , by tlase teceivitig benefit. Tovn cannet nford te lave amy tosses >from *roc. Scbcols have -bçça buil, rmade and aide- valks laid ou te oaccommodato fumers mas veli as others, but te would net oblecit t ,nitod',el Taylor nsked' vhéee the sinkgtu nd couid le feuad.- Mr. King saîd il vasinâ the lank dtnving 4 per cent iatercsA J. H. Long regretted lic couid, net finti areyone te give a correct idea et iov'to*n matets stand. -AUl vas mismanagement from île mayor dova tote olicitàor. They maintala vo lave ne dlaim agnlài G. T. P.. These are points for aIlt te con- eider. Mr. Long caid hé lad effered'lzo rent for tova property vtidli as afrer- yards rented for U~8. Ho výoUld like an expinnatien. If elected viii ueo tint you get $îco instead et $48 ia sud ,cases. W. B. Pringle said lie enteredîhbecu- cil viitIcthearmest feelingsa' tovard ail tIc meinlers, and ih pained hlm, When-lie found hiniceif- compelled te differ ftoni the m. Feu tnt hais businesstrainng on- ttiled hlm te a position, on i-the finance commiîtee, but vas praîicàliy,,shslved, on tIc Railvny Ce.' Hovever, he- got te vork, collectod large qua nchUes of infor- mations cailed cemmttée but failedt t get a meeting. Ased councitto employ.con1- peteat counsel, but got no encourage- ment. Coneuiîod 1B. B. Osiersnd 'if dlci- cd and supported vili pugb this mâatter te an issue. Mr. Pri.ngtedla4ed street cern- ittîte yul cismngejudgnzentin their verk on streetsL. Accnsed theux of'pur- chasiag sewer pipe vithout order of co>- cil. Fouad fi i i, Mayor, rqçve and deVrîlY or otCenM rId g M . Robson, eftp üx fmets te siecede, lie felt sosnethiln migitliedoeto Iighep their,rdns t and !Sake ibet4a amore equitable. 1 and alun ton bac mu Mayo>r,-reeve ana cde esheuldor. one mati. Mr. gus. ' ibat an accouct orepiretibyKM. lsCommittee hInA yond that hoe nv the Interests 'of tIc towa often in the carne iight tInt tbe mayor andi reeve saw it, but he ight cay that not eniy lias lie votod In opposition te the' reeve,; but on one occasion defeated the reevc'c report. He la a heaî,y tax payer and if elected, wouId continue te guard their interect along with hic owa. Wm. Rebaun caîd Mr. Pringie had donc nothing cisc during the year than foiow up the mon working on streets, sticking hie fingers into overy hole they.mght bave ieft open. Before Mr. Pringle had even takea hic seat in councit he trlod te terina ring te keep Rutledge and Rocs and Rob- son out of ait important committees, but the echeme faiied and he cornes- here and taiks about rings. Mr. Pringle dld noîli. ing on hic 'bwn committee, and thoni to cover up hie noglect for nine mentIs, cal- led the committee te meet when ho knew every man was engaged oarning bis daiiy bread. He vas requected te cati meet- ings In the evening but ne further calte were made. Mr. -Robson explained his methods of deaiing with the streets and with tle mon working for the corporation, but ho couid flot saîisfy Mr. Pringle do what he might. The councit needed tue. In an informai îalk arouad counicil board1 it was suggested that vo get corne of the sewer pipe of whidh ce much lias been heard. Mr. liatcli offered te geL 3X car ioad at zo per cent. increase over price car lots and lay corne down in yard. The1 fait raine vere coming on and tule vere needed and although there vas no erder from councit he felt that le couid handie %~ car ef sewer pipe himcotf at Mr. Hatchlc pricea if councit did net .vant - theni. Mr.1 Hatch mnde a special effer and lie did1 vînt le concidered best for tIc tow' mad1 vînt wouid lave been a good bargain for1 any man lad t.be.councii net needed theni,1 but tbey dîd need thein and thét almoeet before they got liepe. The, freshet maÏde great need for just sudh pipe. Mr,,AIbb-à son explaiied tIececdar coatract amidsti mucl Iinterruption frein Mr. Prin#Ikand othors. Mr. Pringie spoke agai11,. 'r over mucli the camne grouind-aw-1bi fermer addresc and insistiýç n d-%ta there was a ring at tcé countil boa ~bo, for vînit purpqse ho dld ïnet yN corrupi nio*m es oe charged aDor eglect ef duty other thare il net censurlugEIr. Rebson -for ordering tile iithout thie in- strUction of the coucil. He rep'eated- Uic chage hatmoney was paid for tiîber, co he- as told, without order of the cou,,- Cil- Mr. John Thompeon feit tk>î thc *Id heads in the counicUt cid titt ive the Young ziýna achance." le 'thought t6e1 atayor, î- e ve :.an<F depuîauoulf bav made r obéon ae.kno*lcdga bl.rmü.eX. - con:rary te . uwestS'ýOf tbe t6ei t-,ý;ëm cept Ia thecàse of lettiag Rebse ouof. bridgei;. -a- hlt,yeî by- élwayp et> dong thejapi, '. pcared te cyouuger membera és a s e rt. At of close Corporation.,' He tliengbt every- dravi if mepiber ehoud <viote. ndependeaîIy -of. is adopteti, aciglibôr and <w wuld'iet, thon he& >f- cd as (X sudh uhg cig.wi e Mr. Nole fol l: ke Mn, Thompsonïult erxt d theolder meaibers. et-tIc couacil'did ntut , a give thé youage'r-mni r tn encour- - Rcad agernent theydhouidrneive. Hé-tlioughi Mn. Robeon did . vroîgignl orderlng the Où, X tile, andîtliattîle etliers diwrong le net Caîli pf A making hlm cnt humble pie. tpye Mr. Jùo. Siîidd -ùot take-up mûch? îleayeu tUrne. Mr. RObs'- areîiiad béén pretty.Mal thôroughy- gene ipto and lic veuldapîtgo candida ýover tIs-amie grouati., Hle wne Out as faëb counclior for south -ward. They' lad . t4 tlected lim befor'e 'liéhàd-propert 'ad eAtl ,an icoaltlian nfter hebought - a- arm andle fol him. deînqè Interecssvqeis. Iatèrests sand thcy would -Uic ver a iBrp p p a t e tly ' l a d n e s n u t a '* county valuation, and loy cevorai Cilaitie bad te go te law te buret It Tle deenttire debi et the county *pid iff in fourtoon yearc. Thc e bridgé où roadway lelilkely te be Ioned )fy lis present oveere, and viii pon. Plekerlng for maintenance, and rpreséntatives muet maire a very K'effort te compet thecocunty te foot ýhareof et expense. The house of try Là finother question of the Ione-, fte.Pickering pays nenrly one- f the taxes, andtf a poor boeuse be d, we viti have it oene-fifth ef ont and maintenance. , This. tova. i1w no ver yet cent a poor percon te tud lias always keyt theni le cern- He woutd net mn or the reeveship. ýGerov caid he vas oui for the ehip, but vas sorry te sec Mr. Mev. kom thc councU. The township's and bridges are in good chape, and ye a àstoni which wili make them stiti. He viii stand for reeve. Poucher said the business efthte Il lad bcièn weli rcperted in the ,apore; and ratepayers knew ait It. If thc twnshp statute abor computod at 75c. per day it would upD $8,ooo, and tbere Us$4,oo c p ont hon roads. Ail the ffciais ef the raio have donc voit. Cs His satd ho lad been cliairman lins for sheep kitled by doge, and 6ticed that tiere wveoo edoge le wnsiip and cînly z5. bitclec.Ho not ccc liow thc latter contingent the former geing. (Lauglier.) A rlio viilie4te cave a dollar of do a boodler. Ho strongiy epposed or lieuse. Peor beys maire the best aitovod te go lie othc e olnd Iteir, vay. Sut thein up la !a poor. aud -tboy -ili always. be paupers., Il stand for thîrd -deputuY. es Richards 9M4 councilmea vork- isiderable bas to- themseives. W 1lesi te get a, roard job donc thua dyp, toeople viii now take them Ï-6 Th teabca to lave better rae il stànd ýfor 3rd depnty. Lolover sidlie- lntendLed te a IliCirfthcro'waeîo'tèbe aàfighit ait vers of the respective forces for commad- ngL the advantageous positions on the fiel began &bout x2 ocock, andjong be- fore M. G. Munro opened thc battie every patntof vanta g*e'was sccueocUpedof uhoh ean ge es 4î rIy g h loet mnarcd frein hic last engagement te tIc present, showng how skifuly hè and his- stafi ad guarded the homes and firesides of the -eomen et Rendh againstèery, as- sauit flie enorny. M any deatîs iad oc- curred lu tber raaks durieg the year, -but lie hlmseif had corne -tei the roscu.re, pro- babiy rathor late they miglit say, but hé lopod epon to have an infannry brig 1ade of lic own that weutd de crédit 1.0 île vet-ýz race who railied around lits stnndand te day. Heoeuttined thc plan ofîthe present campaiga and caiied -upon lischier etaffý offirer,. Colonel Real, to submit is report., Coi. Rfonl caid he lad concîructed sever- nl bridges at the oulpocinecar Epsoin,.and ad repaird al lins of'communication from headquarters te tic rernotest point of their field of camipaige. The enemy lad tried to levy tribute or qteal supplies but1 ho lad cent Adjutant Martin viti cuffici- eut force neot OnIY te recover ai louaes, but te retura vith considerable spoil'. The forces cleered hlm for lis vatdlfitunecs and zeal and'conferrod upDnhlm the crocs [ef the - Legion of Honer. and exompted, rhi frorn uther duties durlng the day.. Major Weîr- reported bnvlng cent but several fatigue parties te keep al lfins Oet comm unication lu order - for rapid and cecure. transit, ana ln ait cases b us- banded hic supplies, and made hics Ur-, dhases uqder snvh favorable condi ous' that le lad saved concideabeof - thce mono yien for sud purpss-Hé d' jeined yul Real and lis commiandiag offi- cer i theplan ef sendligAdjttanMar.- and vas -ploase o..report tInt oo 3o ,ot e poli a-ben secured i w*otld'take charge et lits old positin aM liold it or die iu the met dîtch.-ï Lrus lOilv- ers cb eered'hIm-ttechod. T h e. ene mny, , leèd by > -Bn g dier W rgh t, began'toe sOh ow "siïne of mo bg anil - m e d a t e y a t c r l i r v - a w a t d l ~ r t d h e ' lf NO.5 ceat Uxbridge $5S0. The council Of 1$94 has done its best. A. J. Davis, and S. Jeffrey had cerveci as cO.uncitors -for 1894 and would do their beét anoter year i f elected. E. H. Purdy wili rua for deputy reeve. He lias noý fault to find. but with two, years' experlence ho- belleves li ecau fill 'theposition lhe seeks satisfactôrily. lThos. Rudle said, tbat accordlng wo wliat lie >c<uild -learn froid the' other speeches It takeso a migbty lot of bra3ins for CouaciloýýR.é Hebas bad -bràiùi.enoughi 'to pay -zrocents on tli.4olar.. lie lias bee - toid'lie has flQt- tact mugb: :thiâks'tiose w*ho ran the towv $îb, ooo indebt 'bad better také a uewacktë, sud pay omefftoff. H. béars thaesome of tbe cuncilloHfôrs b ave n o backbone, but h. ýbelioves I t ila. £»lne tliey are short, Of. TheX sayzelsaladies' man, .probably becagse - le béprmnarled tbree Urnes, -and b as fuifitied tb&scriptuiati 1njunctioaý te replenis4h and- çtuttlp'lyUt.eeartb. The other candida~tes >uiow 'ýtb Most eteetors -and *te,,bèetéi'taikers, bu- t they are-b.-ý lied ~ ~ _ -Iluod tck -bb ahal t "v. th&- blaindi do> a, loir et Bôi tu mybua g .9 lh, ga 'au-n do.Iva, ynViIl. d '-m L~~I&Ot. 4~ - .QSYIAWA. c! T ~kuî 'nu! od, Oondion Povder in the mki.I I. thi esposupoid« thmbsee besu ofrd oram mmluon&Wa au"et fGeneraiDébilfby 1s. ptl * f theBi.lO4.& gr& perM., orS 4&Ufe50a à 1 lebt-..Im , ., NO.:5 gnon

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