Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1894, p. 8

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r - ~ ~ ,- W. Henry aiüd ýbtè, .boTMM, arl», I lia pSiVtltn~41é lgt town. JIp Weulo'pot ïà.ir' -~a a uIt. liglit faîl QfSflOW i.o H. L. E-bbels and Iaûilly spent Chrlàîmas ToroIntob, lý ,1î-C, MrMr, uttôn~, 6f Locuàt HiU.are w aToronto. Mrs. Wm. HibDard 15 ton ttieslck Île i 8ta *iSitëtlezid>,Sberé at peert A Parrtsh. Palsley,.spent Christmas with this weelr. ofthia ho W& lis brother here. Miss Rbse and Sarah Churchill are visit-" lyIsi, bvýù we are glad to say.0 a Miss Florence Brown. Toronto, is vlsiting ing at John Phillps'. M.Joefths ilaewohd her parents here. Mrs. John Keast's sister, of Lindsay, is mnoved to Manitoba, we are glad to see %Ir Thos, Rice, Michigan, is in town this- spending Chrlstmas'here. bas rgti4rzar to Us again. wverk vsiting frends. Doctor Bateson's father and sister, are A pleasing event took place here on Mr. loaeph Bigelow and Mr. Chas. Bigelow, spendifitg a few days wlth him. Frîday last, belng the marriage of Miss Tren ton, are bore this week. Mr. Thomas Young o Toronto, s ped Lillian Dawes, of this village, and Mr. W. Jac Kennedy, and jamnes Whorton, Peter. ing his vacation with his parents.1.FnofPrtply ehaiy trart bere for some hotidays. Quite a number of our youn g folks went wih the young couple every happineus. li. lihurd, of western bank here, put in skating on Greenwood pond hita h rgnlwie ftesprt Ciirstnias witbh hs brother in Toronto. day. Prince Albert item in the CHRONICLE, thinks that those on whomn the heavenly Mrs, Chas FPaxton and Miss Florence Pax- Mrs Robt. Phillips' brother and bis wife father saw fit to îay the plague sliould be ton are spending their holidays in Port Hope are staving witl lber during the Christmas entireîy îsoîated, and nlo one allowed to (. . Ross, Gi. Jones, A. Burnh.,n, end W. week. enter their houses. Well, they are willing Wîilîamis, Iorouto, are home iti êk lo"r Mr. Henderson, our teacher and famlly, to submit to this statu of affairs, provided the holiday. are spending their Christmas, holidays at he is obliging enough to station some one The PresbNterian choir toit part in a Cherrywood, at Mrs. Henderson's and at their gates to secure whaît tey need to concert at Utica on Christmas tiigbî and others. sustamn life ; but they are rather unwiUling were weil entertaîned. Our frlend Norman Poucher is home to starve to oblige Ite christian gentie. Mrs. J. C, lBrown bas been very l laiely, for the holidays. He stands the law busi- thank tho b ha yo he tpow er t flc but we are pleaaed to be able to report that ness well, and repoýrts work enough in tan oneas longbas nthe wer ad bave she is nproving. tbough slowly. that line. noeaslgasts w rendhv Mr. Ceo. Gotidy, wbo recently passed the Arth'ur, Thomas and William, sons of benafiTe mainTfom mo. th model exams., bas been engaged to îeach the Mr. O. Johnston, were down home on a TUTN union scbool between Reacb and Brook. visit te their parents. Theïv Say that A very pretty wedding teck place at Maple Thr aebe oChriaitmas entertain- Brougham looks qulte natur' Villa," the residence of Mr. John Oo'rnîsh here meTshere basvetbutte no ' ay To. on i oe naviibu sWednesday, December 19, when hîs daughter, mentsl bereho as yt u teethoFrday igtSndyT ho.Yug ehm O iMt 1t is MsSAnale L. Cornish, was marrled te Mr. sehol îtlhod arq.se ths. riay.nlgî.going to the City sSO to prosecute bis Robert T. Rowe of Bewiwanville. The cere- The largest market of poultry held tn Port studies. Me is going to loin t he 58w bonesmovecpleat ococlatersee Prov fr yarswasbed o Frdaylas. Tnsfraternity, and bas passed one examination of about 6o guests. Rev. John Liddy. Hamp- were sbîpped froini ere to Toronto, and very as a doctor.tnofcae.Tebdsmi weth he b pes maretseinîtd. conry one ro- There le some talk on municipal itters brldes sister and Miss Lauder. Mr. Harry hducestm esî h outyfrfnF but thinge are pretty qilier. They sayRice, Bowmanvllle, and Mr. Charies Rowe, jUce.that P R. Hoover la goï, to opos G.brolher of the groom. acted as best imen. As On WVednesday, at the restuence et the Gerow for the reeveship, end H on est Ah- the bridal company entared the rcom the bnde s father here e onD yaoe raham is talking of oppjosiag our man little r"ad cf houer preoeded them. strewlng ofW,i, ! nefd is Adra robitsot Poucher, but I think the4 Abraham had flowers before tbem as they went. T'Me rooni Wils, f igeroil an Mis Aa Rbinonbetter comsider well what ffie le undertak- wu sprettlly decorated and the ceremony to00K iaugbter of Mr. Geo. Robinson. The happy ig sh ilhv ev egtt lc ne ag lrlblsseddfo couple went by the noon train the same day. igas n he wil have pa r beav weîghte lcenaerofathlareforalThebie ll, us ed frm Municipal matters are quiet, though tine.A e h etote ontPretty ia a cream, cashmere gewn, and were here is sure to be a fight for every position know who le goiagteopethmbu the usual bridai ve] and wreath cf urabge whih r. ure wllthe tlk f n al odefiht. butblusseuns. She canried a bouquet rof roses. but that of reeve, for wMiss Lr.dCrtsworelcreamalcashmare. arounMiss have no opposition. Messrs. Purdy and yv<»Li. CernlMish pink. ana ecred a bouqer.oandhMis %\'licox, and possibly Nott, will run for Crihpn.aâcridabuuto hy deputy reeve anid the names of those wno Mr. Jas. Burton purchaseci a quantity ef santheînums. Amoag the guests were :-Mr. ire seeking a councilorshif are too numner- woodl south ef Brooklin last week. W. H. Turner, Miss Maiel Borland, Mr. and )us to mention. It wilt do ne harm, to Mr. Marquis Heiliday has been cutting s. C .Jono, Mr. Harry Rice sud Mr. îavenewblod i theceucil fed fo a umbr c thefarner latht John Rice, Mr. W. F. Dale, Mr. H. J.' Knigbt havenewbloo inthecounil.fee fora nmberof he armes i thsuad Mr. Fred Hoar, Mies Ethie Knlgbt and It is a pleasant duty for us 10 con vey te viCinity. Mise lessie Knight, and Mise Allie Darch. )ur readers the intelligence that Mr. James Mrs. Arcbibald Weir bas been very ill, MRLC ,lunro, the worthy reeve of the township but 18 'lightly imiproved, aad it le te be RTE f Reach, has ieft the bachelor brigade and hoped she. wiU seon b. areund agamn. Mrs. Maw's little gYi of about five years oine th bendics. n Chistas ay Mr. ohnDavi ba bult anewho ld, died of diphtheria on Christmas eve. oind te bnedcis OnChrstms dy M. Jhn avi ba buît ne hrse- While Christmas is a very jeyful day te ýhe esteemed gentleman invaded Mariposa stable, hog-pen and poultry bouse, whicb many, teothiers it le a very sad eune. nd carried away Maggie, eldeet daughter add te the confort ef hie stock and the Soeetefre . tasen - )f Alx. Ferguson, Esq. When last heard convenience of the work. onofteri4 haspt Christ- f the couple were off on a wedding trp te On Friday last, Mr. Frank Batyw*l mas here were Mr. and\Mrs. Forsyth and Foron lu. The reeve feit that It wars het * Y Jmat wh. children fremn Uxbridgè, Mr. Lewis Mc- r hm wadpt heCHRNILK' avice tunn e colts ut '0f thstbemtwt Taggart and Mise Alice Dake from toron- Lnd gel married before again asking the an accidentlain Ch le broke one ef bis te, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pike freni adies of Reach to vote for him. We wisb fingers. The d or 9se t it and it is doing Oshawa. -_, __ P verv wellI the younig couple tflaty ihappy returas ef the holiday season and nuch joy threugh if e. The echool trustee elections were beld in the old-fashioned way here on Wedaes- day, but thinge did net follow the old-tash- ioned course. The board of education bas for years been urged te pasesa motion er- derlng that its 'elections be beld simultan- eously with the municipal electienb. at an evening meeting, in order that bus y peo- pie might g et out te hearechool affairs dis- cussed, ath ing which bas net been doue in this town for mnany years past. People here know almeet nothing about their school affaire. simply because Uiey neyer heard them q4iscussed. Last spring Trus- tee J. H. Brokn stirred a little excitement in school matters by giving notice of a motion te reduce salaries, but it vas found upon investigation that (lie town only pays eue dollar in three et the salaries of high school teachers, the ceunty, Uic Province sud pupils' fees payrng the bal- ance. No person would begnrudge a good teach $i te secure hlmn 3, and especially se when the extra 82 cemes trom outeide te b.e pent in îown. hMr. Brown's echeme fe11 through; but it bas revived under a new name. and le new s herse et another color. Instead of being called an agita- tion for reducing salaries it le aow urged t1igt salaries should b. equalized, and there is some reason in thie, for thé salary list of the high echool sLai le very lopsid- ed, the head master drawing as mucli ai any other two teachers in the liet. At aay rate, as stated above, the trustee electiens were held on Wednesday ia the old-fash- ioned way, but things teck a aew turn. Instead et the oid trustees, Messrs. For- man, Cleinens and Davis, being nommnai- ed and returned by acclamation, accord- ing te precedent, a numnber of othere were put la the list, and the retining trustees ceuld net ail find noyers and seconders. Messrs. Wm. Rond, A. Allia, Chas. Par- rish, Jne. Rolph. Jas. Heal and Stewart Bruce were numinated, but on Wednesday night It wae supposed ail would withdraw but the firet three. HAYWÂItD'S LOCAL&~ A merry Christmas and bappy New Vear. To be happy and make others happy. Buy n ur Ch istmas and New Year's presents at Ali lônds of novelties and fancy goo4s. teya, vases, bocks, albums,"gamet, silver notions. perfumes, scarfe, silk handkercibf, îles,.nus gl oves, wcrk boxes, writing desks. paints. A line ef leather bound albums and ladies' work boxes and writing deeks at $z, verti $2 te $3. Special hargains ila ailgoodâ for the bell- days. Hayward & Co, ENFIueLD. Wheat 69 cents at Burkton. Everbody couiplalnlmg of bard trnes. Xasas goods arlur MOeneluore; Toysof ail kîndU peanute, cake ud candy in abun- dance. An immense l.etogo have been slip- ped from Burkton tis seasori. Mr. John Dyer bai about zoo left yet Oun achool bas clcsed I<, exercisesfor <i yer aud w. wlsh curjgeolal <cacher(who W*i be with u3saear) bât. C. Maekey spd big p upilsa n î nerr Xoan ds acmlhappyNow1 Vear and oaîîy setus of saue. A Ramm la dîgneza welI for W, J. MoCullougli. H.eldo"n ct u u water yet. JaumAutos, Cartoe# me flement, teted the. land wU h P'hsush1l stick and dcclded whemat. <fi.,ý R. Nlddl"yu on Wdu. iit LThe o. ing w la Pau Mo sd Pçîlng <h musgae fNtddesy brodm, SA gamsuy 5»v , . retii. past eeso 'Utalare lacst On Friday Der- azst 7 p-.. about elgbty friends and nelghbor et Mr. 1. T. H. i-an- cock met ai his aew resideace, sud afier greet. sngs were cxchaaged thc whole assenbly join- ed ta slmgtng. Wbt a friend, ve have ln bJesuiifolcwid by prayer, led by Rev. J. Liddy. Mn, Lid.dy -then read an apprepriate addrcss te Mr. and Mis, Htaacock, and the folowing articles were presetd on bebail of thec fricads! a pair ofgoldn mcd spectacles, by Miss Bruni; Hamepton, to Mrs. Hancocka supcub parler haxng M stnp, by Mr. Richard 'Pover, Columbus. a bat rack, by Mr. David Brunt Enalekillen, a* lovai hall lamp, by Mr. John Davis Foley, te Mr. snd Mrs. Hiaiock Mr. Hancock niade-a'mey neat, reply on behaif cf hisaseif andý wife folluwed by complimeuttary -remarks, by soeteoe the most pronmmeut gentlemen presentL Tii spcakiiig por being exhausted -.ail joiaed lna slnglug, Swet Bye snd Bye, aid di usai doim te partake of a suniptuous repast provzded by thse ladies. Old aid Young then songht pies- sure ln varions wave, tiltheh. muibohurso ei -hrig iints epaypre.wishing Mn. Hanok i fmlymcl aunee WIOK- An excellerntfree concert vas given ln the echool on the eveaing et Satunday et lit week. Messns. Ed. and jas. McCully are beoii, we are pleased te bheaz, napidly inpreving in bealth. Tihe people et Wick are sorry te, lean et the departure et Gee. Pose troin oun nidst. He 1eR Menday norning. Th etertainmeat held by the presby- tenians et Wîck was a great succese. The weather was fiti. and the crowd large. Proceede, cdean et expenses, $ie8. A public exanination was held ia the echool ber. on Fnidav cf last, week, but te juilge frein the attendance thene, the peo- pie de net cane whe les their teacher, or bow things are doue ai these chooL Only oue natepayen vas present. It ie vcny seldorn we sec lan(lie colurns et Uic CmRoN1CLz anythîng that could net b. callcd neya. But lan-reading what appeared lanllst week's issue. troni Wick, ve conclude thai it vau sinply au attempt- on the part et semze persen te stir ue% feel- _ings et rivalry la -the section whicb, but fon sucb sitempi, veuld soon di.eout. Evenone, even yeur' scnibbler et lait week and thc man *he se vilJndly op- posed the moving oetheli. chool, will on- knowlcdg. uliat ik la better in ite preseut situation. But sîhli, "These boys stood on the school -yand tence, Thein (eau rau dqwn like nain, &.1l they could do was criss and say WeIll move ut back agelu." Mr. John Clark le di ait premen. Mms.RMchad ,Glove. n vWsklg lu Ux. Rev. J.ý W. Savage basbemu quit. 1ni for th. peau fev days. Rev. bMr, f«gum of - blck-Ss>ck preacb.ý ed la st&Mbbsb, sA ti'nbuplame Mfr. George Cbewt.bau left thl vi4Iplty mnd returaed te btsfather'., for thse wu ter. 'I t ~velag <hm ok htdoU tuedy Wslago, sdbis r& e Thoanas aavii let ee ntr s i roc - 1 AIl1 the services la connectien -wlth tbe Sunday echool annlversary paesed off very pleasantly. The services on Sunday were excellent, the tea, entertainment, and social, were well parronlzed. The. ex- penses ef the whole affair bave not been fully settled up at the time of writing, but the nett preceeds will b. at least fifty dol- lars. Mr. Godfrey moved inte the 'village and la cccupying part of the Ruddy tenement We undérstand that Mr. Josephivan la gcing tp establlsh a market hrefer poultry and ail kinda of fartp "'uce. Mr. Robert Arnmstrong waa vyiting friendea t Udort ibis week, also Mr. avd Mms Ma8ybee *were visitlng frlens St Sanie place. Mr. Josephi Allen, teacher it-,* çd a farewell vlsh tet hie boon companlins liere on Wednesday niglrt. They,,.had a jpoyful tme qntil the wee stra' bo'ur4ý Our tmayor must b. under the. weather as we bave net secs hlm fer tbe l1sstweek. It ia comîng near nomination tume efd un-. less he la round esaking banda wth the electerate he'will b.Ilikely to. be lEft this trip. K.NIGHT-BiRRELL. -On Christmnasda,. at thse regidence o e ise b41 9 thse Rev. John MeMechan, Mribrt Kniçht, Plyinpten, Ce. lAmbton, tb Mia Anme Birrel, <laughster of James »lrré11 Esq., ef Claremont. - ~~ 1T8 EJfR 00 >MÂ.LL tr de any gôod,_when you look at ene cf DM.Pierce's masnt eles. bilenf or constpa±sd, or -.bave a gour.- utamadi. or a nlt of Dr. IL. V. eaùunubo dedie",a. Usoful Iroi I:Pà H"oliday. il Year by year it becomes more and more the -habit to give CJhristmas presents of a useful character. Tbiis -tendenoy is in part the oriteome of the prevailing liard times and searcity of money. Those- who wish to make Christmas Gifts whieh will be at once uaefiand beautiful, no better advise can we give you than to visit A I . Store. The newest at moderate priees in every t 'Y d C4 a 0i TEA CLOTHS, Men's, Youths' Menas Blue- Napp TRAY CLOTHU w> I & Children's Ready-made Clothing. Over- coats only $3.ý9o. Men's Light Fawn Frieze Ulsters only Men',&.G ID ves in ail-Styles, Qualîtios, Colors and Weights, Christmas Cheer, Christmas Goods Pol f(O JMO ES êal fappreciate: a good article- tha-tishnsl idw Christmas Bargains finished and up to, date. Thigs explansthe ,gret J4uc- cess of W.. Dh!&o RANBY UBR M en's H eavy Tweed Ulsters only .$5.oo Men's Ready-made. Tweed -Suùits -I I.. ha:?r -~DEPRTMENT.wm.. Embroidered Bilk Handkerchiefs at ...........S cents each. Embroidered Silk Handkerehiefs at..............1ec. eaeh , or 3 fo0r 26C. Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs at ..............15e. eaeh, or 2 for 26e. Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs at .............20e. and 25e. eaeh.* Plain Hemsatitehed Pure SiIk Handkerehiefs only .........25c. eaeh.- Oolored'Border Lawn Handkerehiets only ..........le. to 15e. eaeh.- White Linen Lawn Hand.kerehiefs only ..............5. to 15e. eaeh.* White IPare Linen Handkerehiefs only ..........10e. to 35a. eaeh. album to a 1 'l -Ar hll'cl hrl':tmà: yovoltl'g: G. % A L T E R'Sýýý TRAY CLOTH, TABLE COVERS, 0 IP7-500

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