Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 2

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Medical tock Street, FRIDAYt NOV. ight. Hall, Wb.ftby. 30, 1894.1 j' day Fltusimmona kllled Cou. Rlotdon, the poor drunIren wretch who ba been wpar- ring wlth hlm. lu uow tturns 041ttibte in upon wbom Flîzaimmons bus been displaylng bis brulsing qualitias for years bas been buastiy drunk ail the wblle, and ~only requlred a alilg hitmp lu kîl hlm. Manî thuusauds of dallars bave been pald fnr Lh chance of selug the rbdheadod k~ itzaimmns ietbump tbis almost boiplesa inebriate, untiihhe fnaily sirutk dowii the rernains ot a in. A good ibeatrîcal traupe uiight starve te deatb travelling thraugh the country, wbilie aithe smre turne thousaude would bo ftucklug nlghtly ta sec a drunkard knecked down s tcw turnes lu hie utter belplessness, and such visclaus carulvals are ternaed boxing bouts. Public tasle la certainly degradcd. Montreal cernes up witi the nexl aIder- rnanic boodliig scandaI. Iiappears that when the Montreai Street Railway Coin- pany was seeking ies charter ht awarded -,ntrirs o v aaldermen au the quiet, betore the sîreel rallway francis was passed. The scandalous details et the whoie pieceofe viliany are now crop- plng up. TraOItsUNocs. I have been lu the vlciuîty of UxbridIZe iawn this week No malter whlch iocallty I visit 1 fiud the CHRONICLE by lar the mosi popular ocal paper. The anniversary services of the Uxbrldge Methedîst church took place oi. Suuday sud Mouday lest. Couductar Suider, Toronto, Fpeached twicer on Sunday, and ecured toaua immense audience ef 15oo ou Monday nîgbi. The services were a complets succesa. Mfrs. Tlmothy Munro, ijxbridge, la oeeof the oldest people lu the cauuty Sh. loruierly resided lu Reach, where the Munie farnlly là one et the besi known et ail the aid reideuts. I was glad to find thiri the aid lady las euhl fuil of life and energy. This wcek she le on a viçit ta Tarante te sec ber son. Mr. James Pattonson, Uxbrldge, sorne yem ago employed lu Klng's tannery, Wbltby, There vil1 be tz6,ooo worth of cheese owns -oae ai' the largest dogs in the couay. exported from the Domiionl of Canada Il ' a year aid and weigbs z55Ibs. The Ti durlng 1894. Ift 1872 the value of cheese other day It îook a stroli down street and got into a personal discussion wlth Mns. Smarts exported was $,84,000 or about on1e- iroat, asuer some argument and a few tireaten- eighth ofithe present year's export and $i,- n s the goat assaulied the dog endwise. ý 0 oo inbuter In188 te Uite Fidg tisworked well iciletfly at hm Staies ex orted $16,ooo,ooO worth of again. W ar ensued, mnd al Uic nelghbors SA cheee, nÉrhis earwil exprt.sca came lu te sec the batie. The goat soon cheee ,nd hisyea wil epor scrcely found thati h bad taken a llon's contract, and $7,000,000 in that article. Each of the qulckly taok refuge in an outbulding, lrom countries namred will export about $2,ooo,- whlcb he refused te be dislodged by cubher ooo in butter this ycar, Cauada'B expert man or dog for a long trne.T 'being ai present on tb. Increase, wblle the T Anericans are turning eut teesa. Canada has an abundance ofttresb water T@wu zoom.aE and an unlimited area of lande for grazing. Goocd slelghing at Canningten. In these respecte we Durpass BEY country Hadoddingtbe,4eaeol on the Globe. We canhot grow grain .adoddnn ale,4laeol against cheap labor, but cao grow grass $,a .Vla at as ight ex pense as can any peuple. Pringle & Ce. are paying bighest price Our country la apparently adapted for fer baley and alsike clover. dairying, and aur dairymen bave become For an acceunt of Young Pascoe's shoot- B0 expert that Canadiati cheese ts regarded ing accident ai Thernton's on thanagiv- c, as a luxury in the greai American citles. Ing day see Oshawa colomu.n The clean sweep we muade at the Chicago tAnio aeqes tWityCW world's fair will make Canadian dairy pro- setl veli Esalf eset o he revere laUv ducts the pick ef the market for -uiany case. How las tus? Cows are good value Yeats te corne.us o q Somne townships In th e Province of On- jie nw tarie are entirety givexi te dairying and The members of the W.C.T.U. wili hold ,ý Mr. Vuili, of the townhip ef Dorchest et, a sale of fancy and useful articles lu ibeir V~ near Carlton Place, stated at the meeting flCw ros over Mr. J. H. LongES office, ef the Farinera' Institute here 1ai wbnter (laie Ont. bank) on Wednesday afternoon thai a farin of anc hundred acres would aud evening, Dec. 5tb. Retreshmients of support troin 25 te 40 cows. Mr. Yuill varlous kinda viii be servcd. Proceeds canined himicîf ta dairyitig, and started- lu aid of the Free Reading reeru. Admis-c somne yeara ago wiih one hundred acres. ieon free. s He now owns six bundred, aud Hou Jno. News trom , Flfty places Drydet% selected hlm ta i41ire amorig th! There are fifty budgets of news ofthle other fermera ef the 1 o Ine. u is dis- Cotnty a Ontario in ibis issue of the .% .pcgse ho merci y expai 1i methods CuponICSA4. Ailgooe readlng, -tee. of grawing food, hand"ng4se, s d mak- *ou j to &daceln eoa ing butter. HFi eta t mn Htw eldbclntalr bt mpossilente Frleght on ceai advances Dec. jet. 1894, ItwUic euexp ric af ic btImoussfibl os- 10tans pure Scranton ca ntaka give teeprecsof h o;tonthnoff cars.rak e suds of Ontario people who have made $4.80 Per tnOfcr.Grous & Grauger, money lu cheese. In loclilties where this hardware. great branch of dalrying la almost exclu- Hoesa a chance for buyers. slveiy carrled an there la said te be ne taik There wiil be au auction sale ut catîle, ef bard times. It tends ta enricb their ovine, buggies, cutters, hausehuld (tirai- lande on accouni er the Ilive stock ; î helifl ture, etc.. ai the Queen'a botel, Wblîby, theru ta produce lots of sinall produce botb ou Saturday, Dec. ist. vegetabie aud meats; lit brings qukck and IS o pas're Instituts hi hiy pratable returus in stralgbt cash. The South Ontario Fesmers' Institute Tge werkfl said te be agreable; the lu- meeii née Tuesdmy ait the councîl cham, .vesimnent permanent. because catie, ovinet ber, Whitby. Mr. jue. Sinclair, the Secte- and poukry reprodtico tbemselves; the tary, appeari to believe tual fi l uy market leaiways keen; the cheese isj e at1rhmt detsetl aps made and seid witbout tho farmner bavlug I viîch pu«f hlm up *and aresetehm ta speud a minute ovor h.fr.sett i Dairying ls the hope of -the farmers otfr. Onta rie. Ih gots aide by aide wlth fruit, Look iftOf 7001 Bam". vegetables aud meata. Nouee t tbcse are The voiflO lisecoutslfor the Dominion ever likeiy to enceunter an adverse tarIf 11515 lu South Ontario vkIl b. beld on th. lu Eurepeati counties. Gain lainiers ffoiuaesyu alapeJ etiir who have buill their bopes et a revival ef put on or strlbe off, oust b. ul<Çi iheir lutorcats upon tariS ulInkering muei tees' days before -the>olIgg of thcotur: sec by ibis tibue bat no tariff woufd make Oshawa,, tovu hall, Frlye Der, z4th; much, if any, difierence te thens, and bad Eut Whliby, town hl, CowUMbue, -M00- better ai once tum their attention te tluk- day, Dec. 17th;p Wesi ýWhiiby, tovu hall, eriug their own methoeaof faréulug. We BteokiiDWqd-e ay>Dec. igth - Wbltby always speak piainly. wlthout rneaalug te tovmi , 1 hl, ?Pl yDec. axai; Nos. offeud, sud have expressed these epinioIlS10, 110 5 n' 6Re*cs ov hlM many limes before Uow. Timelias showfl ciiesie, WdOSJan. msd-; lis. 1 the wisdom et adopiing thern. IR,14# RMcI, pUbic -ball, Gr.e~ik - ~ FldaYja0 4h PO" t prry; uown.hall, hll, W ueo ay,_anil The Patrons ut South Ontario haVe de- g agt~5%I cided te place a candidate lu the fild, but Thils tovn u snever moire bonoae the rnaority of them. are sald to ee . dm tanby'tise DmuMhero jýl f la ýhst timid bou nm gthe mu, rI4 109 t i #W W Q 4 Q 4 M 0«1-af #-, Éq ieL uXiStYk tb yàd atrald, ti asalda i e Mlxt eI..... i, * There arc said te ho plenit aspiranrt pick fren, smen are irilllug te faced electere and stand or (ail on the Patron platorni; but lb. mjeritY ai tic Bffle* fin convention deceded te vtholtb credentils oethlir tstandard bearrMt4o prosetit. This dispisys Puo« courage. Ifthae P* roueS have failli luthelr Parl ehouldisgland or (al l viiit, remepb4h ,that "ibrlice arnied la lie vio bath blsb13 te jusi." To bedefelited in ep@ce"i 'lane dio4grae. 'ho ps«M w ln - l bis platfortfl shoutd I hl sef, and ihen lot eeai~I u United Statu ,,C ; TI ON titi: S 6 coin., township ef Wbîiby, the executors of the late Noble Stevenson,. will scli 6 borses, 40 CattiO, 20 sBàeeP, 30 Piga. te. gether with iheir implemsi. SatL p.m, L. Fairbmnks. muotioneer. ýTuRDAY, DEC. îst, x894-AuctiOfl sale. of husehold furniture, colts, impie- ments, etc., at Queeu's botel, Wbitby, St i0 o'clock, a. m. L. FAIRBANKS, auctloiieer. 'uzsDAY Dzc. i zh.-Sale of the 100 acre à~rm owned by Mr. Win. Huodi- being the north part ef lots i9 and 20 con. 7 Pickering. The property vil1 be sold subJect to au extsting mort- gage. Sale at 2 pam. T. POUCHERit, auctioneor. W 0are'.ba I a youow vibtenak hrsmisprsu aIf soud luspetouratCkritmashrsma ovltaisW. H. Wrretoc ofC rya iood tre. W .Wreten dy W.d bavre.js ecvdavr ag ue an vely ust es su d as, 11legee buge btofghtdect on icf, teanutacut ticgbou eirectlliag atey close pnies. W. H. Warren, the nov dry good store.." The grand tbaukgivip~ social iu the. white churcb, givon by th cle, id, vas qults. » succsa, altiougb the. nlghi vas very dans, A pleasant trne was speut-and about $z2 add- ed to the funde oftthic oèeiy. Soïne liftceen members of our 8. of T. d4ie sien paid a ftaierual suIt te Myrtu i tuesday eveulsg eflut i*ek, aýtq*lptt - lug aîpleudld lime. 4 M~r. G. Reynolds, oft Saintlieid,- wVhu lias been vorklng: for T. Gs'llfr for scveWçlAoàdb!. bas taken possession of ticeIICw bouse reoct. 1, ereted by W. Love uearly oppoite ti parsonage. W. veiceute George aud farnily te Our towu. For morne weeks pasi Mr. E. Barrot bas been prostrated îith typhold fer, md fer ýa. time was duiug as weli as couid be *xpecte but ou Tbursday 1lait he took a serions cbaxge for the. worse and mInce tuat lime up lite bcen banging ast wer by a tremd.AMth dîme ofetnhle vas very 1evwIt bupes. LET T ?esoulai ez ibivlaest. crcslng. Tvo mm ote e impty b nov occupied. Mr West ofthis villge 14 9ini busioesslu pocedMlet aV gatD c=e eb ave bail Taîki ot ChritWui CaaFordt OW atê I laieh eetFrank=- 4 I ........... READ THIS as the supply cannot last long. don't wear Straw in your Boots when feudal turnes, the, 9lbeb- lktàlhmsslflnw palctiiar,wo-uId *eftlled to a-dttkedoff bUt as0imes have Chaug A»d:niteuY is scarce, -a iock et hair * rùtrsiu preclotis beirloetI iIn bis farnily. Mr. james Gernie loftifor Torontoeo Tuesday. Mr. jas. Shaw, Toronto, s peut Thauka. glvlng day whth bis parents bý ere. Mr. Harry Francais, Bracebridge, was lu towu on Tbanksgiving day. Mr. R. Richardsen speut Thanksgiving wltb trlends ai Ingorsoil. Rcv. J. B.Wass Brampton, la vlsitlag Mise Wass ber. ibis weok. Miss Elma Starr, of Broekiin, baielieen thc guesi et Miss Willcol the pust fort- nlght. Miss Marie Morrow spent thaukagivlng and three tollewing days wltb Mise Gros. at Newcastle. Mesers, Silcox aud Sldey, eofithe caileglate staff, aie their thanksgivllg lui'- key at Cobourg. Mrs. Gerrle-Sinitb and daughter, havlng let their bouse for t11e wiuter te Mr. John Willlla, arc visltiug inHamîlteti. Miss Maude Watterworttb,ef Ingersol who îS atteuding Moulton Ladies Collez. Toronto, spent thankaglvitig wlth Aa Richardsoni. E. R. Blow District dcpuiy Son cf EÉng- land B.S. for Ontario district, vas ai Ux- bridge Tuesday 27, paylng Buckingham iodge S. O.E. an officiai visit. Mr. W. C. Michell, B.A.. Blabop Riley Colloge, St.Cathernies, spent Satu rday bee. Ho met minusa Warin trlend, sud ,f reporta thîngs flounlshlug wilh hlm. y Major Buchan, ot the Rayal Scbooi of à Iutautry, was ln town ou Tbursday lu- *specting the armory et No. i Co. A gen- il erai iInspection et ail the armories la nov à golng ou, te (mnd oui exactiy bow the volunteer farce stands. s Antotun sales. -Unbleahed Cotton, heavY in weighty and -,While it letg will seili t 6c. per yard. Aise -have also a fine range of Red Hot Under- -wear a.t ail prices.1 A. me ROt S se. r, Z TI D DIT gODZ :1OII11 W: R R E J .7,PRESSION SALE. -~; t ngVoySpeia ntements to purohars of Dry Goods Ly eaÃŽ.s ana waMné as our »Stock is thoroughily aéotl-,* the uew and fashiouable Goode, et the lowest pricesY¶' Bargan Day k 1$. Every day is Bargain Day >rown, blaok and blue-, with large Lapelis and .m;sfl00 0* e Lôrm~ ~~~~~~t@ 9,6r4opd de~...... 'w.. .ie lqestion that bringa te eue who ha, a ivatch bringa satisfaction ote cc " Fi rst of ail these, thc cas uhiug Ot beauty and a j Then there's the honeat never look fie wiihout answer. Sý We want y'u to l'au cmnào m ai lawprice. QUCAR TERED OAK Grand Rapids and Sideboards Part Perry Ext mired by everyca polisti, finish &ni We made several proves fine gond a Country Town Wrihoe a W. J. NOTTI wbitbp (P FRIDA! NOV. 5srd.Ï irireces vdaLqut pi sjpinulibauds,1 atlW. TîiWs. 1 jout ésdewaîks gel tthe g e ukpi&croThas -d in c îbi oga le, bu Wt bas long lic = on oùncd t # 3 10 afrv days a 748 12r70 pecial for a -t 'Ã"-fl - i Ci~YOU CAN BUY ~ 2 Pair Men's Heavy Wool Sooks for ............$0.25 Or 9 Pairs for..................................... 100 NIOST PERFECT t>S TO VISION KNOWN ARE Lawrence ys Spectacles -AND- Eyeglassest ',U A ZA NTEE, ... . . . . . . . . I>ERFECT SATISFACTION. ......................... E, WILLIS, ;,hemjst cdDruggist, Tuse ISope eof1'urm.rs. ommom Or 7 Pairs for.................1.0 A Xka]jobalot oW m We have just received ý Beca 15 1 Pair Ladies' Black AU Wool Hose for 1 1 yam at 50. per skein. Wi .an excetlent port ý-ýD with us. 1 hard, ob lot ofi SALE.

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