Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 1

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* ym L y~ GaEEN RIVER. Mrs. Wm. TBooth is visiting friends in the City. Mrs, C. F. Miliard, of Toronto, was visstîng lier parents last week. 0. B. Ferrier bas greatly .improved tb. looks of bis home by a new fence, Wm. Ogg, of Ibis place, took ýrd prize ai bthe Scarboro plowlng match in red landi. A.B, Collins is"preparing lu move to the City, and Jus. McNeehy is about to oe&upy the bouse Mn. C. is vacating. A. Ferrier andi Miss M. Rickett were Unitedi in th. bonds of matritncny on Wcd- nesday. As Alber-t is one oftht boys 12. bas .>ur congratulations, A load of 1h. yeung folks of tbis place attendeti a concert at the Bnock noad echool bhouse on Friday niîghît asI anti had it nul been for the Ata club andi the Green River orchestra il would haVie beeo avery duil afiair. Mn. andi Mns. Jas. Powicr have neturned, (rom 1thecr westward trip and upon thein arrivai at Brimstonc Point, ~eegreeteti by a detachinent of small and big boys, equipped with cow belle, bons. fidles, lin pans, etc. The music jàroducedO was quit. rnavisbinig, but like many etbcîgood things - . falledto gain appreciation, Jim hastened to donote a moltt that muet effectively sloppedthelb.mecdy, and caused the serenadens 10 adjourn 10 the River. Mrs. Pickett is visiting fiends in Wood- stock. Mise Emma Major le apendiug a (civ weeka lu tbc city witb frientis thene. Mm'. Jas. Taylor spent a few days last week wiîh ber daugbîers, in Torontor. Mn. auçi Mrn. Il. A. Wethcrcl have re- St~gd om 'A vlst le friendsa in-New- 'Oco. laf .Caîbarines, â petding - À few dayiseitb bis miother hlira. .,Tayï- Thébenelodiit chux'ch citoîir l being r.-- orgalieti, anti the commotion 'caused, thercby dxcetis liat of a camp me-eting, T. P. whiti came back (nom a buniug, r lip in Bruce eounty un Fnidày, brihg witli hiro a coupl of deer, as à he bis oll. Hewawiîýih bis brolb% *naý rpaty frein 4yhmer. Mr:Witelsh bear, not a gqzz1y, but a bigeh ï'Î feh1oW ubat re#embled one,';~ »1>ths-On tbé :5th 1thé -,Of. Rev.MX Sipte:, Ease.Teb,"bbe continue to, mononolze btilabt1t.m trip t j>MACU0tp4 retutaâsd laut. *elC. If weaý ato judge of-tbat <country onJIi' a' safl-'t waWf Ud, ho isj té îp1atig a renioval, tci* Pririprovinc-,ïs we iare sure i -gobe vould b. nilaord. breedëi.'la Intending te,show hie t,tockc at the ýÇuelph fair. 'Pti ati ~ i first-clos condition Mr. ýRecnIe ,fay,4Y@U feel co4fident of succeso ýênd there J# 10 doubt but he wiluphold, flsIrecord as.one of the tbeit feeders ln the provjpe Robt«,Lqask took a Ii tle jaiM tu. Grv-- enhurst-- and bas not yet returned.- As Bob drcVe-ail the way 112r. ia littie du!0tý but he éombined busiONe with pleastike and Winl be Able bteilý us quit., a long story wben hélreturns about the countrY througb whicb ucbas passed.' Mr. T. Hodgînàis nioving loto jas. Mc-.' Culiy's bouse atUhîis place. We do ziot Iknow wbether 12e ntende to start store- keeping, but If 12e siiould welwould say 12e was the rSht moan iný-ýhe right place. On Sun4ay last ourjrnlpit was occupied by Rev.b. Leas? of Toronto. Hie many friénds in tis communi&.y are ai- he is aquaintance and we hope il may flot be ioùg tii! we shall see hin ber. again. Eariy on. morning as oidMrs. Grundy was hobbling aIong the towti lUme she beard amihty noise behind. ber, as if al NP~ the bulls of Bashan were teanig down the road. Steping aside as quic îy as ber' - ' sbaky old bones would permit, tubhergreat surprise shesaw a very young mat iwtb a _________________________ baby-face, red, round and rosy, l*tind -Ing, LINDBY.'.along for ail be was worth, and A doren, razor-back lioge at hie heels, J ustas the Avery itrong lodge of the ùnder of Macca- old lady had offered up a secret prayer for becs is being formed in îown. Two organhzers the pour boy's safety-and he was ai oic. have Meer in toWn for=si.days, arid have boy--îhe foreznost bog selzed tbe hind end met with gteat succees-un ercnass. of bis coat wbxcb fortunateiy parted, thue A cupl cfton civesies conprsin ~ givlng tbe poor fehiow a chance to escape. dAes'carcaes o, of re abiiped lbrug 33The old lady, as in duty bound, set -10 on Tbursdgy l;stt peress# lu diffeent work to find out 1the cause cf Ibis remank1 perugnl of__ able phenomenon. Lt ap>.ana that thé ailowed. by law tulu buùeefr tigou.teyoung man had been slttingz up wtb the fruits of ihe chase.lad of bis loveé, that both baul fallen as cep T'herewas s iaetlk cf ntingZ evangéliat. on the luunge,>nd siept the sleep of the In- Thee ws ssienocent tii! ca-nýy morning when lte heoivy- Mccliv t8 Peterboro., but wb.u it wau ascer- tread of lt.e<tIti non the tgiroused" taiaed t4at his terni, would lié $75 pet ulght thé p air from hheir balffiy zlumberb and in 112 agtatonceaeti Ouvetla Peerbnobis hurry to gel out thte poor Young mat people at 5 a ight Vould be diëÏ chsp. and (cIl Into the stvill'batrel andi tbhog g r. Mu% ouldtir cfhieonirci. scent of th2e swilas 1e ceossei thdé liant. 'Fur dealeoçs andti tapers uhoulti remeb yard. Hence the chase. There's a mùoralý Ibat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o byabe ndn» 0lieSI ere if any one tan find it. ssocfilisi aîuremutrats maynt_________ taken beîweea -May and Jânuary i of ettch year, and- that they miay' nl»t e shot dtung Cola in tii. beâà-Nasal falm egvOBI Api.' ,Sable, martený . k iad fisher am0 pot instant reli<; sedt ueNever pro;4tetiby lte sot. O1 Mn. W,. ILMohminre, niery *nd glia- ware merdbunt o f titis bmn a eiel4te rtssga hast vweek Teastsat-h1bl' ar bu qual. at *$6. 0.Tbeasgmu was prec4puaoted by iareU4 falnofho Farla». i lqs, cf Péeboro, wlth whom Mr. MoCitine bati business dealfige A rallway -,UMin whb wegt to lte manket -Saîurdaý hast.for theJ1Éàt lime, camne away disuted,, vItizout,,, iklUg a purchae., c la ning ltai'lb the er sk thnec ceaIe p'ré _"ud m". fOr bittý than his gromorgead for it dcliverod., If the statement. bé 4*tue, il vih accouný 1ta some extent fopr. 4thý,scarcity c-f buyérs complailtitiofou *et days. Whjle birlg for 'ý"ter recetithy o Is fartn, Go.Sleýitu, of Manyes is covened'a Wbe b Mk.wltte clai 4,lia te the CoawavjiLh'7 moe la~ the -uMai -He baý3fnoe bc=u »d -.*IR" eetÏtotkentbe- lP in p . ~ Jur Ztige Pel r u t, ~Btaesdat- Judo retem do JKn Mingaton. CIe~e <i i8 41=3ernis vathe beer.pro- d7ec tu a4 1cDOhsmPtiogi- for 1the sanie peocltéprevIous year. h ppars1~ lr -0h t1uth Of DeciWr, '89Sf 11014,,, *Itbitanclîng1the. pressing -poierty and- wantoth lÏéi~~r a9ge wa tou. wax fat, .an4'sîo ile b- #a iltpovcrtibâ bbeerrw, refed and -#lO hid by charlgy, or aie neglected 10O sufh and ie. Dr. Theodotre CUylcr one oithe ablesti and miistsaucc.,sfuî Of tic chris'tiau minis. *faring men and Women from crwiken- ness.' belongen to tbe followers of Christ. TIdhave no more'businesse b leavejt to oi*doganiza onsi 10, orders, and to- 1ld.èe -lWin, îbey have to le.gve the cane of itlCdspoor b 1the police oti 'eta and? ltekeepers of aime bouses. Every chris- tian. cburcb ougbî to have a temperancé :wb.ei ln Its machinery as much as aSu»- day:ch?%'een Ev? min ought lte *o,4cial glass. If alcohollc drinks poison tithbody and endanger the sou!, then -the Pbysic-aland sptlntual effecte of. triong Ili'ltlought to be cas efuliy explained (nfom e' pulpit.Teachers oghî todo Ibis, 100, l»hSunday echool.'- The teraptraace plede might bc used lu every clas where tiiCi!hldren are old eifough to undenstand 11. fàice and bindlng consequences. I hpyo always tbanked God that I slgned tii, total abstinence pledg e ln childhood. It eptme n tampering .wlth bot t.oddy ln collegandl froni talkiug gfust a littie'- when at'awedding or a diner party." Doddtie Ridney Pilla now 'Atked For eet7r Suffererefrom Brigiiî'a QunNOV. 1- Oonlempofflnous withi the. O~blloatloo f tbe lotter of Dr., A. G. Me- ýormtik, of RCbmond, Iwihrespet tb bis 'perutaleut OuTà: froni ftrlgbt!a d"se by Dodd> Ktdney PIlIa eery ruguî thms pit>y ordereti a genercuaw jPly -fw the ila but ogne#utbas ,sn tth ie àeôaid Ms b.he e salt o titi teatrbunia heur,oeminent an *null uitt b aî uhè ma bas b n l ze.o the supply* Alt.o:ber proprietry medil., hboieeaéà l roi1e te lb, shsblvib anti I would appbar ftbns 112e demaànda matie upon' the dnggi4 aim ,'Jvery ouieérer froruà- id. ney diseaae l thlty vas bound lu îry lthe' reeidy r oM è ea by ,MOotlk The steamer Tiber, w*hieb aârlve i tMouùt- rui on .Satùrdey, bail aterrible expence QXRWAY Phi~E SYRVUP.'xnies Oougbs The new Roman G*tiio h<buroh 4 Rioii. utonti Hill vas dedlitted by Very Pgev. ',Wbeu frein over'work-,"psaly nsssted by orný-inberîlt; eaue*sa, thé bealtitfallaiasud top'theu ne modoindan bé', .einplcyed" vtht tb* ani beaisIreu~t> s Sot, Has pro by ts The best val f of any soap. in the rutret. millions of women. throughou êeorldca vouch for this, a is týhey who hâve proved it. 'Value. It brings them,ýess labor, greater comfort. Whatis A [~i~~s' euatoqrm1sis r. SamuelP1 cerspesrpiIufo~rI1i otheër Narootto st1"taUe.Itl 8a iarmes usis for arèorl, DwpsBoohigSyrups, and- csto:ç 0&- 1118 laenasant. Iw' parautes la tbfrty yeara'use b>' t.,rab~es.CasIonpr.vputs vommttlg our-oCid, cure Dia Sa oansd Wtnê .CoiIc. C- oifs14nolvâs Castonisa 1lmltes the f, t-hlaeh.tuio "ud :bowels tlt@bptyýu4u t r 1 sle . C s tons 19 the Chid.n'a Panà"s-the Xother's J'We-d #$Ct«F &l theapaolcMeta wblchXanpifioBAlût4. fft.haytïýct Castor& ~- -4.-- -- vuora!uowehiaaI icovuritoni.' JBÈ e mercuatrs Q Lhbfont ddc, anesý cln, youi fi bread by weýigbt., 0 asa pand - ti, bua%, S I t" 3e~ by 1 --7, 1 1 iýý

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