itfll b«e iv@4 a fUïUlta.isu P0.@,jIW7 day h. varked bard ho ot iù *Mqmt aoaathia, but soMelimes h. uVedalit1s1 othiiig oao .Ou certandaya h4 weuld, rov oUt in a fun7 Ulttle bhast te a, pst rock $hat Iay in the ses not vary a from $bohre, and tufl er.howou ry arn me u hume 1nd pry until ho6 bad brakon off aovere4 large piece cf atone. Those ho weuld 4&MrrvY aaytoe ah l- tliedpodm euients which ho sold ta those Who wisýed te do honor t.o their do 11!, 'lagoeFe o tay that Fujinoko vas a very discont.ented littho Mau. Ho vwas slwas grnmbling because ho bas mc lhoand borne othere hsd ge muoh, and becase be howu poor and of no eonsequencet while smre others woe r iohand groat and noble. Hia mrumhling made hirn quite a burden te bsfriendel an d aoquaintanOe. ow- îý, ever, one good trait in the littho M&n's r ~ e cacter wua that ne nate6r how much ho grumbled, ho did not neqleOl his work ; which cannet alwaysbesd oftb. grumblers of our own tîne. No; ho aridrnoe4tesupply the simple vMenWtsaof his foinily, and often ho had S enough te treat thom to a pioflie on the %7er o a vii te the theatre . Se you &lé thore WUs ne need for ail hie gruvu- On very hot day ho had gene t b rock in bis litIle boat, taking his dinnera with him. fle expooted te spexid theJ enîîre day in> getting à fresh supply of1 Ho workêd avsy until lit wae nearly1 Doon, and thon h. stopped sud Est. down within theshadow ofthie, l'E ' 1 rest and est hie dinner. Iosvas bot sud dusty sud tired, Sud ofcourse ho wua iu a grumbling mood1 as uul. While b. wae xibbling away at hie boiled rico and hie bit of fieh, a largei boat propelled by haif a dozen osrsmeu sud with a great umbrolla spreaý, over the stern, ebot skif tlyby. 13 udr 4-h. shadest the oi.ner o! the.hasti , e ih merohant from th. ug4ahborbxý,oit>';i and near him at hie I Wv*uts &le of wbom vas fanning hi= vbile the other wae supplyiug hlm wi*44&edhmeuta. STher., now," sai& FPitjioko, "lok at thalt1 Why is thut ýunu ernuob rce' ~d greator thân 1I1t .1 work harde, sud yet 1 have uothing snd b. lies evorytbiug. He has ga right te Pes au 0eay a Le whie I have to work go bard." This smd more tote hoaimeéeffeot,oun. tiilb.h littie man lied worried blunseif iuto an .xoeodingiy u*pleuanat ste of, mùald. With bovec1.d em4ute a1rood. ing over hie la:mentable "odition. anytbiugcg o4s ýb. eh boIter ox *me ptû theaL. t4rdlml Iw1.h zdl'iot1ê0 lwoi* se bar&L 11 wwlaht ps t hite-botte lfy would stope à Ug be ma"e ie dassy. 'I ghllmta manxi the boast I I w-i--ah 1lW.ys-Il "WÎIllnol hlb norable' 'Maister deigu te tako bis tes ?11 said à voîam near lima. The littho man raised hie head, rub- bod bis eyes, and looked about him witb astonialment. The -groat rock sud hie litho boit hAd disappesred. Eieduet>' sud rmg- and ciothing vua ho gene, sud ho vas in th. finout sud richemt of H~ e WUaSitting undor a ejikon s ina.thelb stana of a larg bot; half d-imiboatmnuer. aboring.,t th 47ýAà tbo boat was akixminrsê,O î o aldng s umal Ira>' ou vhie > Ma oup af fragrant ooffeo. or ltle Fuýjinoko looked so e atel- sud Perplexed that tb. aervaut aMaster hi as da l'"tik, sud I four I have ivhiii ls~ e is isthe bol ebould bë servéd."l',1 N,1 t began ta aa*b âpôbûW; an effort,; for h. thoýthdw4*OwtI ManuliaI le vas, thal ià #oUld do for bina ta appear sutzpe ihow that h. vas UnsEOC uch £hings. Se h. tooIý lordly air, tasted îhp ith its Blaver, ~ tie tray, > aont. s'eea o* i I i p~v~hIbs.But, ho# O Xré1. "m Ibo ~ gheprince of"Co il# " sud bovlng hieahesd head. lie 1~. vwa y- 1*» gloomy thoughte. Whou ho loaked Up 4'"p1u 'they b oft tho City hehiud. theis sma were1"ùlë versing the open oconu'. -it sma to hlm that hie retionU b.d wow larger ; there wero nov maxi>' mon about bis litter, sud the greatêr pr of thern wcre cl.d' In armar sud bors swords and Seau tb.>' bogan to cry: "-Way te the Prnfot1" Then joy fdifd bis eutfer he n- dorstood that &gain hie wisb h.4- bon grantea. Louanlg haak in Mâ lUlsert Li rpare t e eoy his.hiqh eptatp. Hardi>' had ho aottlod I4imsai om- fortably when ho wae",diaturh 1 -hy a noise as of a great traumpling of iorses, and et once his bearor and & Il his re- tainers hurried te the side -of thè reo4, and stopped as if wuiting for something. ",Wbat is it ?11aeked Fujinoke un- pEaiintly. "Why are voe topping Ler. ? " The mon at-arma whose post vas be aide the litter replied . "«My lord, the banner ef the Empire- is approsching ; hie Saored M*jsty rides forth te hunt, and is even now about tapsan by. Woe te us if we give net way te tho Emporor 1" "How aggravating 1" said Fujineko angrily. "4Muet I b. eternaily meeting sm one eteorn mI must givo way ?" At this moment th. Emperor, attended by hlie noblmrnnd suarrounded by hie guards, rode by. The now made Prince of Choshi bowed profonnédly to hie sovereign, but al the while envy 1fillod hie heart, and ho rnuttered te "UHer.. at last, le a man than whorn there is none mrater 1 Ah, if I could ho that mani!' Whish 1InLx a twinklixig the littor, ils hearerst aud ail hie retainers dis- appearê4, and ho found himeif seated upon,,- ra fmsiflcent horse, arrayod in izupenial robes, and surrounded by thE richly dresed throng- o! courtiers and zoldiers, ail decorated with the imporiaJ Tze-heart cf Fujinoko gave a groal bouud. ,litilut," eaid ho te himef, "4borf 1 amn et t.he top of the laddor 1 Theri is nov ne on. who is gr*fier than I Il And as ho rode aloug, his heart rejooe<' within him, and he hiftod bis hoaW proudi>', sud frownod magnificcntly. Soon th. ýcausicade. aÎ[tead. ab tho hunting-grounde, sud xnde .prepara tions for the hunt- b*-ýere4U ]l ,readyte t so 0fieroél, that the Emporor and alU hie trw-he un altaendure the hest, . ik shelter îi Sindood. v«s Fu*iukc i ;e l u i eé i &i V a o e lant rock# hn l iits him sud ho novee mixided it 3-the eloncdsi vas not, disturbé&d, the ld hià âlêd aud howlid about hime bue1~e vwio in tb. loao# shaken; 'ý1h. 'o iarosê*ndà bnrled ils migahtyvvseantl but eo tssed em back ibattero4ild lu confusion. He iaughedgleefuli>': "HRo, ho 1i Beholds -1 an otï'nger 1in tbe strongeet lti But one day -theo came0rowing off from the land *a Inria>' Utlinanab à fuma>' Uit!. bot; h.o bae trsaig4e t th. rock, laudod npon it, audýiriaân tb ho oat -fast, lh. ýook ,-ognt, f (t smre hammers sand chiuRe*sud a *ovbà r. "Now," said therooki - 'whît do ' , vaut? But no matter--you, au't have il, fer I'm th.e trqxigoet, PI¶ y you kuew 1" The littho mani heedèa bi speech; perbapa ho didziYt b es l.At ail oveuts ho just wvent qnietl*owr with hie bammeresud ~ansd pcckod away at the rock vorYî stu rdil>', sud te such good puxpose thît, l spit of al l t. rock's effort to eaek and turn the edgos of tbe litho man' ohisges ho soon had broken off quit. a large piece. Upon tbis, 1h. rock gave warstodee- pairmng rage. IlWill thoro naver hbean end ta this tirosome business ?» said the rock. '-Shahl I neyer get to he the etrongest of tbe strong f Well, I amn nert going to stop ber. ; I vauttho bho 1thatrmani1 1wantloheis1îtrnan 1" 1Jusi as ho finised speakiug, or rà thié e houtiug, those w*rids, a great- vive c ame rolling up and drencbed- hà aies; 1hoestùrted, shiverod, sud locikod vabout hlm,,sud le, ho vas agalu lb. urne tfunu>' itho man hlat b.o aI tthe. .- ginuing 1 Theroeewre bas -boAtim4 hie iî tols, and eveut4 o rins of bie-din- u er?1 Fujinoko st4red ai thom a wbile, lest in deep thonglbt, sund thon muddon- 1 1>' ho hegan ôlelugh-ncph amerry 1 ha, ha 1 as hadnvebonkvua issue frorn jhi lpe bex HoRe eized bis h mer sua hisa aswy aa'Seso tiam et *dily thatinsali t-rshort time o Wbadal lb. he èj e ho loadod. hie achc1ugo h'omze. A61âs seauas hiz , 0&0 11 5111au I lOmeO1110 0the KAl u cS1i Y lg0tÂbsr "Ott ,&t oeeho fei u.f nisng bouu su ai Wl the .arth, andsveilKug on%,groWing with- you?' Ai lmarg nsd ae, roundor1stid auder, bdpeiul as hoasn~~)~rsd higber, sud b.- t*rmlr ghlnaz I. shiné aia l i a golden," iJuothe o lustre. &M up &udntpbv.nltgrov- 1ý'Iu fiol, tlb, ingaIlto Ami»me;' alfl I est uheo m # leu a <ros reslp1eo&da îit l lohe"ïigRiot hovu cnas. b FijinoLkbAhqe OitiOSnUiwith:ýgiu;U "v"tboughl Rie, "Ill8bOV them wanuld tcfl wà ývore o lashluehusb-% b$M& dbolt- vs1w teOht suad aJIti. emeam4dd ailth* 1 li @DiWtq, poor lahorers.-ai 1. tSJ oenLet sud cblidren, in tha..fn BLîe- bouses, unable o eeu. 4 ahi. boit,. yï4u aud anly barbed ýè &a;o tes sudNe piw vs o A01 4 sud m in 4 Y*n4 ~ axtcUs Nov I miesoogik' xtuo,# Par ùv i»soJthoe araslete ~ ,~a Il- ~UIp theB Ae ='cm4 l md obWLk*Wêt We Olce ".qB f'»'O I air;~~ ~~ O h1.gubw,ý 'u lebiod tb*:ii daA h.qmt.dI1pl'yý ê ut . Iopu$4b$W Iem be atoa e iO aquo, Ont. -Jau. lSth,1894. frais ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u tu wnror a h etentp God ousdbahve been dlscoveed in Oladon tjwiiuip, Frpotenaoc ouuy. itohingoalpa. For aie by al drig." Je leWho Weigh and, compare Know andget the best. - Cottolen, the, new vëgetable shortening, has won ýa wide, and wonderfufl popu- larity. At -its introduction il was submhitted to expert cheuists, prOmfi- nentph -sîians and famnous cooks. Ail oftese pronounced a natural,,heathful andi acceptable food-product, better than lard, for Theeucegof Cottolene is no* a matterof. history. WilI you share in thie better food ahd beter health' for-whidi it. stands, ,b>' using ît in your home? Cottolene 15 sold in -anud 5 119 pie yai rocers.- eoUd b.ýa." ulyg ièth"ýôftu ýIof>ofée lg-rbHte,. Baoy'str, e4.OuctiflnÇace-y1h.Offce Bookh BL, 1h by, ou officetar o' Chukirck 8unut., Whtby.N.B Dearl rery in aà ieyte branes rrt lyate L1d oene ffc W. 2. Y ÂUNOLDp D. L. S.. County Surveyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot lae with Langley, Langloy &' Burke, fJoronto. Deslffl for Churohes,- VillIs ana Cottages a specialty. Draw.. ige prepared for remodelbg ensioii, structures, Offce-Firt fiat ovor Eowe's drg store. 83LP O Bo: 9Q Whitby. wu. VALVERLEY, Having moved la ew promises wo aie prepard to, extend. 1h.erange ci bel U sA~ébus es libe done ct s atôiGiâsaselly Oeil suC see =y .hop asud stock. W. CALVE3LY MabeM numeni-Si a8tIl , and Ganiesie ovit.o j .:f .i 'iP ià tPrpr-iotor Teaiing oneatresnale resn dire i],à Lnud B 0 e alda$een Has opà ned a Bpi~shok- binectio ~ho Cooper Shopla&tely calieof lilther, opposite Ail Saintis'COknrch, sud ~YIdo ail kînds cf IB'palriug. -,,twing Usi- #hià ues a iqpoisity. &wu mcwers, Bicy- leÈ, Firearmat, Look, ces lothes", -Wrlngers, Waabinp M oirh.Saev Filin g. kates, SCsrH~e,(lippera &*e., srcned sud repairod. AUl kinds pil Cooper Wýork mode end ropaired. Shop OP>POsiteAil -Sauts' lmrCltoh, DILnds issreet,Whltby U~y 8IMEUU ~ SF4. t ne 5à TRilWeI 7. 1