Aurora 142 Street South SOUASH ft RACQUET BALL leagues membership rate Limited Membership Available PHONE FOR A Third Section TODAY 14 AURORA COPY MASTERS me office stationery supplies art drafting supplies blue printing E -jo- 1 ta I I News in brief Local win division meets and woman have earned the Speech Contest at the District on Saturday of the Towns of York a the divisional contest held to sot them division and Mr M I Club of Ton the distnei weUt meeting Jan Ron educational vice Newrakc Volunteers needed for literacy tutor workshop The Literacy Council is laiot month in the hopes of building up completed the 12hour reed of help the third week of on Feb 11 and Thurs a Industries Township SLSCA agree on lowest price for dam Georgia ccrc as concerned the would -r-ii- da- cos deferences Regans egieeng deparen undertake a cos araNsj aaelvi regional council the coahead ac committee has recem- idd i consul on of ire bridge one year to council and the are still debating whether surveys anc title searches are reeded who owns lands under High St the called for this work during its Dec 15 Artists display works at doctors offices wo local a wis are currently on display a offices of lac Whites trails on he offices of Robert Carrar 0 JOS Dau and lag can believed the office of Although Mr While a ho is head of the an department at King Ci- Secondary School works is watercolor and mi he is a ver satile artist fluent and pnmmElinas well Mr White is on the executive of the Newman Art Club as com munications Mr Morning w ho also serves on the art clubs executive as member ship chairman has been painting in this area for several years and has enjoyed man workshops as the York Fine An Aurora He works is both and oil His themes are oriented to Recreation department offers smocking course NEW MARKET- A interest In smocking has prompted the Newmarket Recreation Department to offer a smocking course star- tine this month This introductory coarse the selection and preparation of suitable fabrics for garments instruction of basic stitches and ap plication of specific techniques so thai sampler can be in corporated into a finished The course is offered Thursdays Jan and Feb The fee is plus about Si for supplies Registrations are now accepted at the recreation office PI Mam St rear entrance between a and Call for more information Region records increase in rabies investigations NEWMARKET The number of investigations of rabid animals earned out public health branch increased by in 19M over the previous yea- A report presented to the regions health and social services com mittee last week levealed number of rabies investigation through November was compared to the same period in 1983 In the same 11 month period the number of animals found to be rabid were in 9S4upb from 193 The number of people requiring a vaccine for rabies also increased to S6 as of last November compared to in 19SJ Rabies statistics for the entire 12month period of are expected to be at the next health and social services committee meeting in February Street proofing show to be aired on cable NEW MARKET Rogers Cable in Newmarket has produc ed a on which will cover practical common sense to avoid the risks The show incorporates material already seen in other media but with giowing public awareness some ideas have surfaced to make children and parents aware The onehour show is designed to provide information io parents and children alike An interview with Community Relations Officer Rodney Sine of the York Regional Police Department is included Officer Sine travels to schools in Region with a program designed to let the kids actually view the situations in which they could find themselves During the program parents of Christine ate interviewed Christine disappeared October 19S4 and her clothed body was found New Years Eve Fortunately few wilr experience the horror of having then child missing but it can happen The show is designed as an educational tool with a hard edge and it will be distributed to schools and sen ice organizations upon request The program will be on Cable Thurs Jan at Sat Jan 19 and Sun Jan at 9 am Child Find organizers seek startup funding EAST GWILLIMBLRYSeekiag more support for their cause organizers of the Child Find chapter here are appealing to all parents between Aurora and Lake Simcoe under the name York North Child Find The newly Child Find branch has a good base of volunteers a solid ex ecutive and strong group but to be effective volunteers and donations are desperately required says chairman She estimates the group will need a few thousand dollars to get off the ground Child Find is a nonprofit organization of volunteers devoted to preventing the disap pearance of children and finding children that are missing Preventative work will be the local chapters key focus Mrs explains Programs will include child identification workshops and seminars for children and their parents It will be a tot of work but its something we have to do We have to make the streets safe for our children again she says Working closely with police Child Find volunteers help publicize the search for a missing child by circulating posters and con tacting local groups Child Find Ontario operatesa toll free number To spare other families the grief they en dured Robert and Janet Jessop have asked in the place of flowers for donations to Child Finds child programs A fund has been opened to Christines name at the Permanent in Newmarket Plaza by family friends Costanzo and Janice Evans It closes February Anyone interested in volunteering their time is invited to attend York North Region Child Finds second meeting 730 pm Feb at the Community Centre Dona tions to York North Region Child Find can be milled to Child Find Ontario Rd