tain Jam OUR OPINION Government Week a chance to show how municipality ticks up municipal politician wif be the highlight of Local w activities in the Newmarket East area Local Government is a new in vention of the provincial of Municipal Affairs and Housing designee to increase public awareness and understanding of the role played bv local government its representatives and of ficials I will be held Jan to In other words its not an in this election for councillors to show their and give themselves a little pat on their collective back is also an for the whole com plex svsteni of municipal government to demonstrate what does how ji does it anc and a what levels citizen par ticipation is welcomed Local government is a complete mystery to man of the people serves do no understand the various responsibilities of municipal counci regional council and metal government Thev do not know how to tell which level is responsible for which road- how to ko a o pari improvements o deter mine the difference between draft approval arid a subdivision between a planning committee reromng recommendation and an official plan amendment Local Government Week is being designated as a time when council can mount information and pro vide activities which people cope this complex In East is EHCriOCltiQI no opening the town offices to the public and showing the staff and councillors doing their jobs In Ncwru has decided to open its urtcipa offices during week and hope mam citirens will take advantage of the d torn them YOUR OPINION Mayor objects to cartoon on sewers ate yew express rrv with the callous and you displayed in your Deceit edition In that edition vol reproduced an relating to the Sewer project of the iwtia was at time when the mam roads in the were disrupted because of the construction o the sewer and project hi he whicr Peer pat or case access wher roads restoration will lake place Therefore and icouacinj There are presents thre worked on a the is doing his pes and thai there has been no progress made with respect tc this and as you- reporter covering this area will know the pro ject has substantial in the past year and the completion of the iota pro ject is expected in Most who suffered r id it ur businesses and the no the case hope The Era use tiorarv the future JOHN ROGERS Delightful afternoon for seniors marie once or Dec seniors a warn chatter ioca ongsieK was- the Pipe Banc w gave precise an o ironist mcirr Grace Dancing irvantc wa Kinghorn tannery founded on water and hemlock Davis Leather Co tannery which for more was one Newmarkei a biggest employers and most famous industries moved to the town more 50 years as the major the smaller of was situated on the north side of king a Jane St and in us heyday during the latter years of the Itoh at a thriving rural village The grew up around a tannery founded when Pease a member of a prominent North York purchased acres of land on the east branch of the Humber River in as a for his son Edward The provided power for the tanner and the surrounding forest was full of hemlock that other for a successful In Edward Pease sold the business to his brotherinlaw also a tanner and David renamed the Lowell In IB6 took his son James J as a partner into whn became Andrew Davis and Son The Davis firm prospered serving the growing Toronto market and soon shipping quantities of leather south through the sta tion City the farms around were cleared the flow in the deceased and the tannerv installed a small engine to pro vide power On April ISM Andrew and J became sole pro prietor Three weeks later his tannery had been reduced to ashes The fire broke on a morning while most the village in cluding the Davis was atten ding services at the church Although the alarm brought the congregation oui of the a run nothing was saved of the wooden EJ Davis set about rebuilding and taking advantage of the opportunity doubled the size of his facilities The continued to thrive and it to hands and all of J five sons were learning the business Then a second fire on March 14 destroyed tht building too The blaze had broken out in the drying i fcne patter c Irani ucr a had no fire and couid he done an hour the Low el was azed to the and with its disappearance wer hope of keeping of the list of villages to be wiptc off Counts map The firm relocated in Newmarket even taking with it frame homes for its w Operating from its new bad building the raiwa tracks ir Newmarket on a street then called Huron to be renam ed Dav is the Davis brothers built a leather tanning business renowned for us qualm worldwide Little is left of todav to tell us of its during the 19th except a plaque and a farm still called Tannery Hill In Newmarket the tannev which the Davis brothers so proud of when it was built years ago stands aging and forlorn the railwav tracks and Davis Leather is but a fond among of market older citizens who worked there or benefitted from the brothers or remember the parlies in their glitter ing mansions Skateathon raised 17000 arc c the a erf enr wa- MLsez wrir Cirectv towards ice time expense A specia thanks must also be given the whr poiar pes our hi Sfcn Exchange Haver Caracas The Film Trn Sticks Recreation Jamie Pre Sports and Fivers I of SkATEV THDS enables to keep hi fees easonaPie which 0L anc Jianks once agair ic one w made the a success NFWMRkET MINOR ASSOCIATION Mm welts Punishment should fit crime iL reiirtg rave eac rccni of of our ace estimator p-rjfep- sen timent wti the graver ihouc unac- urei restore an trie wv How oner uiugririf her mi Ehaa mice rave It to or DM routs will flea wrt case severe ma prove err otliers I is inai tin punishmerr tie cime A rn no Letters to the editor address Letters to Editor Post Office market Letters mist include me full name address and number of sender Street names and phone numbers ilJ be published By Roy Green J Rescheduling saved the spot checks Midst all the predictions for find and newspaper one sure- fire event that mill not happen Police Chief Bruce Crawford will resign his office in spire of the calls to do so the rank and file boys in blue is a sign of ho far unionism has come that policemen can actualN ask their boss resign because theyre mad at him How far do vou think go r whatever vour job if asked the o because of sne of his decisions the exception of profes sional sports teams 1 car of a single where could suggest boss Quit much less expect him do so jus because he was univer sal disliked In fact in some large and suc cessful corporations t is considered good form the mark of food manage ment if bosses have the general dislike of their underlings In case vou missed all the fun during Christmas preparations Chief Crawford changed the work schedules a the last minute much to the of the police force Some officers who had made plans for a fourda holiday were noersandab find could expect no more thar days at Christmas perhaps another at dears Forgetting for a moment the ultimate cheek requesting the bosss resigna tion let us examine the issue Chief Crawford the three before went into effect That says the association is violation of the agreement between the associatior and the poLioe commis sion That be so but it is a minor point die overall issue Almost in last week Era coverage of the story is the fact that the original schedule have meant cancelling the RIDE pro gram of the three police divisions Region just poor to Christmas Cancelling the Christmas program before Christmas makes as much sense as declaring and February the summer months in Canada And there- lies the to this issue ha nothing to io with Crawfords areN Nor does relate to strong mooia confrontation style of current association president Frank I had heartfelt for one cop a good friend of mint I found directing traffic outside Newmarket store on Christmas Eve He is no rookie A loyal officer and as a credit to the uniform he told me he would be there 10 pm He was not pleased about the change hours I felt for him but t change the situation His task that dav was one of the most difficult at of the situa tion at the liquor store While was tne store the had to Jock the doors for a while because there were loo mam people inside the traffic on Eagle St was backed up for blocks as folks stocked jp on the spirit thai come in bottles And as we ail know some of those folks will absorb large quantities of said spirits and still take control of their automobiles I need not enlarge on thai statement as it happens so each and every year scheduling of police hours thai reduces the effectiveness of the RIDE program at Christmas is a gross derelic tion of dut In fact had Crawford allowed the original schedule to stand I would per- sonallv lead a citizens movement calling for his resignation And as I suspect we would have greater impact than a bunch of disgruntled employees SK SERVING COUNTY SINCE BARRY WALLACE JOHW TERR IYMWPASH0 DISTRIBUTION aajH Sales OS Spoil Ma ADVERTISING torn M MMM Mb Mai Mi Mrrounc jmi sutw 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