SERVING UP FUN CELEBRATE SEASON AT NEWMARKET THE ERA agreement 1 INCLUDING GST PAGES Thursday Feb 4 16100 Yonge Street Newmarket 9058951171 NEWMARKET com Antibully law wont stop violence parent Bill requires school staff to report all bullying BY KIM A new law requiring school staff to report all serious incidents such as bullying to principals takes effect in Ontario schools this week But not everyone is optimistic about the results Bill 57 was passed last June and spells out how school employees should respond to negative stu dent behaviour and requires staff who work with students to respond to inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour For the life of me I dont understand how this is going to work A key element is mandatory reporting to principals and a stipula tion principals in turn must contact parents of victims provided he thinks its in the victims best inter- Ontario is the first province in Canada to make such reporting mandatory But some parents politicians and teachers say the law wont do much to stop student violence The bill is a waste of taxpay ers dollars and it will do nothing to decrease the number of Incidents of aggression York Region Anti-bulry- PARENT page AS M w Glenway resident eff Brown asks a question at the second community meeting Monday About residents packed the Newmarket Theatre and Newmarket High School cafeteria to raise concerns over the possible development of the golf course Habitat for Humanity moving up to condos Glenway gives golf course years Habitat for Humanity York Region has helped in the commu nity for years but now needs your help With plans for a multibuild project to begin in the spring the organization that builds simple decent and affordable homes in partnership with the community and with families who will own them is searching for vacant land in Newmarket and the surrounding area to begin its 2010 project We are reaching out to citizens developers and anyone else who might have appropriate land Hab itat for Humanitys Laurie Sinclair add Because of the rising cost of land the organization is moving away from single detached homes she said These homes have become cost prohibitive for assisted families even with the interestfree mortgage bdsed on the market value of the home so it will turn its focus to providing higher density residential units such as semidetached units duplexes townhomes and condo- TOWNHOMES pap A Golf and Country new owners are committed to work with the community when it comes to future of the golf course lands but theyre also committed to making money The Group Inc and Homes took possession of the club just off Davis Drive in Newmarket a little more than a week ago and plans to focus on improving the current golf opera tion as the business is losing money Group Joanne Bamett said It has also committed to maintaining the property as is for the next two years Right now it looks like holes is not viable as a business she said We will be looking at business operations in the next two months Right now looks like 18 holes is not viable as a business and making some decisions She describes the acreage as a complex piece of land that will take time to assess but the company is exploring the possibility of devel oping a portion of die land while keeping some son of golf We are looking a development at some point but not today she said noting the land needs to be studied before anything is planned The company has not hired a planner or consultant to create a development application because it has not explored which type of development would be appropn- We have committed to being open through this process not only to the town but to the residents she said We arent looking to sub mit an application and run This would not be the first time the company has worked with resi dents or a municipality to develop a similar property- The developer owns Eagles Nest Golf Club in Maple and Golf Club in Brampton which have develop ments on the properties It has worked well on both devel opments she said However building on the Glen- I WILL pap Paramedic encounters Haitian resilience Aurora resident knew she had to help earthquake victims We saw machines bulldozing the bodies into the ground and the smell was terrible quite A Paramedic Christine Barber helps an earthquake victim at a in PortauPrince Haiti Its one thing she said to see wake of the catastrophic the images in newspapers and on earthquake that hit Haiti TV but quite another to be amidst Jan Auroras Christine the aftermath witnessing the story Barber couldnt help but be awe- unfold hospital struck by the enormity of the situ- lb be there to see it to watch ation it was just a whole different work she says Some of it shocking As soon as Ms Barber heard a magnitude seven earthquake had struck just kilometres from the Haitian capital of PortauPrince Christine Barber she knew she wanted to help paramedic As media outlets and relief assessed the scale the disas ter Ms Barber and some colleagues were doing all they could to find a way down It was immediate for me she said It was literally within days we GET STARTED FOR ONLY SAVE OVER S150 PEPSECHINi Dis Years Strong 77 Davis Drive Newmarket wwwpersechinifitnessca