WALKING WITH WHISKERS WALKING TO WHISTLER STAFF PHOTOSUSIE Nancy Marsh left and her dog Magic and Julia Funk with Darcy and Bingley stroll around Fairy Lake If 95 of what we learn comes from our eyes and ears imagine what it must be like to be deafblind DeafBlind ONTARIO SERVICES Ontario supports housing rained intervention suppi firing skills work experience ami other wwwdeafblindontariocom STAFF PHOTOSUSIE Auroras Mara Jones left a world champion and Olympic rower is the ambassador for CHATS first fivekilometre run40K virtual Walk to Whistler fundraiser Together with Ms Jones participants such as Leslie Briggs centre and Helen Buttery will use a pedometerto track their steps which will be added together to collectively reach Whisder Goodbye Fat Deposits There is a safe alternative to liposuction no Necdics Ultrashape No Needles No Sears No Pain No Downtime No Risks Lose one inch per session Uses harmless ultrasound waves to kill tat cells York Vein and Lasei Dr Philip Kritzinger Davis Drive Newmarket as seen on Good Morning America and CTV Bring this ad in to get each Ultrashape session 9058533200 wwwyorkyeincom