A DAVICXRHASKELLr P St JwiMfl9 Co Limits for two for ant CARTER Ecbnomfit and Sun TVT and Member Canadian the Bureau SKDnd Mali Mam alien Aurora Manager v n Charles St i a saw ww and popcorn than that recent township council to degenerate into circuses with and delations shouting Bene the circus had been faced on a belli among it is a liar and temper charges one that mil still no reason for the illtimed off- Mayor Burrows came out with lowing the next delegation Homes one of councils regular her point on a totally and was leaving the podium a big grin on his face noted dont you pay your sewage bill comment in reference to an error in Mrs Holm sewage bill that was caused before Mrs Holme owned her Sutton property township has adjusted the bill effective this year With no penalty to Mrs Holmes To someone not familiar with the previous altercation if would appear the Sutton woman was delinquent in paying her bill just not the case Mayor Burrows knew it and despite the abuse ha and all members of council and township staff have taken in recent months there is no justification for offhand comment to Mrs Holmes If thats what politics in Georgina is coming to council and its might do well to move Into a circus tent permanently return to the days when lings were closed affairs Aurora mighty blow to Mayor George impsons plan tohave water meters installed In homes Is top they argued and besides wastes water in Aurora j i v I I Residents may be paying for more flushes than theyd ever dream of Talk around the council table centred on conservation last week and there is no doubt in a town where the water source is from wells that is a valid point But no one spoke to the question of whether Youll never get students to lay down their hamburgers and greasy french fries just by telling them that good food is available In fact telling them something is good f them is as sure a way as I know to they will have nothing to do with it Telling a teenager that it is cold out and that he should wear a coat or sweater will force him out into freezing snow in a Tshirt Even leaving a student a choice spinach and onion rings Is not enough The onion rings will be long gone while the spinach turns brown The York County Board of Education and two caterers are experimenting with a plan to get high school kids to eat nutritionalfood In stead of chips and pop and burgers and It sounds good on paper but Im afraid it is doomed from the start Part of the plan calls for only a limited number of junkfood items in school cafeterias The first kids in line will get all the chocolate bars and potato chips and the others will have to leave the school to find a greasy diner or a cornet candy store Another part of the plan would see nutritional foods labelled into specific food areas and studentscould order a proper meal just by following the guidelines to a balanced meal SOMETHING MISSING I i T someone in town was paying for someone elses It may seem expensive now but if by some happening every member of the No fact ft bodyof town fathers is beaten r of Aurora are paying for sewage in to mayors remarks At the Georgina person in this world Council meeting Sept carry no mortgage or as I was leaving the loans kind and pay their taxes when no servicing has been provided and they are forced to maintain their own septic SonH you sewer systems in a most viciously No one mentioned that a dry industry sarcastic tone That this figure is based on the nine per cent per coming into the town might appreciate the light remark bore no Further to your fact that the individuals Is in December- an attempt by a new to introduce a five year program to meters beginning in will cost roughly appearance before owning the property prior Council at the meeting August the Again it sounds good But there is something missing in the plan The desire on the part of many students to have anything to do with food that is good for them An editorial in last weeks Era suggests that s i year incorporated in a ft prepared by town staff By the time the program commencing in was over the average price of a water meter have risen to from the present ation of water bill it would receive from a few toilets and sinks for the employees or that industries coming into town using large quantities of water in their production could hold up their end One councillor suggested raising the water rates and holding meters back as a last resort But if a person is charged more on a flat rate basis chances are hes going to use more possibly over and above the fixed price When the telephone bill and the hydro bill come at the end of the month the only one to t If the town fathers wait five years and implement a program in by the end the figure quoted in the report will have frogged to putting the price of a meter at approximately And they wait years the program will blame is the person who left the extra appliance relationship to the subject I had discussed with council On Aug 19 1 attended a council meeting and presented cancelled cheques and receipted utility services rendered I have handed the matter to my Solicitor to seek a retraction and public apology from Mayor Burrows MILDRED HOLMES MRS WILLIAM SultonWcst M f00d cafeteria regarding water and without notifying the addicts iiUuAV regarding warn ana y think many of them would get tired Of expanded to price by completion in f making a water meter a real steal at 21872 And it has to come Eyeritually an Aurora Council will element a plan to convert those homes to meters not because everyone in town is wasting water because its the only equitable way to bill dents for both water and sewage Council will make an attempt next year to get the sewage bill off the taxes and thats ad- running or dialed that onetoomany long distance call Instead of trying to kill discussion on the matter all together council would have been better to explore the possibilities now through more investigation by the town staff and if necessary hold a public meeting to help the residents of Aurora understand that after the initial costing their billings could conceivably reduced Now its just a matter of whether its an but it will still be fixed extra of an extra 500000 of town money But who is to say the figure quoted by to be spent the mayor for such a bill is high or low in many Paying for what you use is fair Paying for someone else isnt flWi The AuroraNewmarket Family life Centre Watson The staff will be on hand to answer is sponsoring weekly meetings for newly singled questions people beginning Wed Sept 28 The program is Resigned to help people adjust to being single and related matters For information on the program call 8952371 The York Region Camera Club will hold its next meeting Mon Sept at pm at the Rich mond Hill High School The meeting will feature a work shop on cropping mounting and how to slides A slide presentation will be shown The new York Choral Society under the direction of Clifford Poole who conducts the Symphony will begin rehearsals on Requiem Mass and Handels Messiah Public School Richmond Hill Sept at 8 pm Interested singers are Jasked to attend and bring the music if it is available Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Newmarket will be holding its golf tournament at the Sharon Golf Club Oct Food and prizes are available and tickets can be obtained through members Jack and Don Holmyard Sharon McKenile a student of architecture at the University of Toronto who helped compile a file of Auroras historic buildings over the summer will speak and present a slide show at die Aurora and Dlttrkt HUtorkal Societys meeting Thurs at pm at Victoria Hal During her study Miss McKenzie concentrated her efforts on Wellington Mosley and Victoria streets The Newmarket and DUtrkt AtaoclaUon for the Mentally Retarded will stage an open house of its Respite Care Centre at St this SundayVfrom am to The centre features a weekend program for retarded and special guest will be BUI The ladies of the York Curling Club are staging a pot luck supper today beginning with cockUUs at pm and entertainment at pm followed by the meal This is offered as an ex cellent opportunity for new members to get acquainted Prospective members of the dub are asked to call Jackie Slessor 8953907 bills from when moved in here to Dec 31 after I had learned that due to an error somewhere in the township records my property had been omitted from sewer connection rolls although every cheque stated clearly on the back sewer and water rates I was told there had been a few such errors made and the administrator explained the matter and I believe your paper carried an account of it Aug 24 I herewith present a letter from Treasurer written five days before the above meeting and will ap preciate it if you will print this letter verbatim Mayor Burrows cast aspersion upon my credibility as being a responsible citizen do not owe one cent to any In praise of publicity I would like to take this opportunity to thank your paper and reporters for the excellent job they have done this past summer for Georgina Through the hard work of your people and your paper the public can learn of the activities planned by our depart ment for their benefit Again thank you for your consideration time and cooperation It was indeed appreciated and hope that you will feel free to call me at anytime FREDERICK J Program Coordinator Township of Georgina Following In the letter referred to above sewers you are presently being charged for both water and sewers at your place of residence These charges however did not include sewers prior to insofar as our records did not indicate you were hooked into sewers This omission probably arose a number of years ago due to the Treasurer Trap shooters gratef u I for help at competition I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the persons who sponsored Hall through me in the recent trap meet held at Hamilton The trap meet was under the auspices of the Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Association and the Hamilton Gun Club The proceeds to go to the Muscular Dystrophy Fund The Ontario Trap- shooting Association is the governing body for all trap clubs in Ontario including Timberlinc Timber line members as a whole contributed toward the end results as did all clubs The end results were to the Muscular Dystrophy fund A Hall the ATA Delegate Represen tative for all trap Shooters in North America Maurice Wainwrlght rep for all of Ontario Ray Bruce Hamilton who sponsored the idea and Jack Glover rep for the Hamilton Gun Club went to Buffalo to present the cheque on the Jerry Lewis Telethon All the money taken in by shooting or whatever was turned over to the Fund they shot well Even those making the There were shooters from targets donated them at as far away as Georgia no cost to the club Seven of the trap boys and girls donated their time to the cause Hall in order for nonshooter to be in volved offered to pay cents a bird for all he missed times the number of sponsors of 10 Shot a and he paid to the kitty Other shooters promised to pay for every bird Al hit When all the pledges were in from effort he had raised of the raised None of members were able to lop the list of winners even connection and leaving the school every day in search of the cordinglyno change was diner or candy store A lot of students would made to the billing eventually be forced into eating balanced meals record We have as of My own suggestion would be even better adjusted our records Convince students that balanced meals are not to reflect a charge for lhem think that we parents sewcVs chaw Sf stuff will continue for solong with french fries as you utilize the service Did you have a good junklunch today Randolph would be a good way of starting Well no Pop I had peas mashed potatoes and milk they were all out of junk when got there Yeccchh Pop says peas and ugh mashed potatoes Quick lets hurry down to McDougalls for a Big Doug and a shake You look all white and shaky and no wonder Whats wrong with that school Cant they order more onion rings hamburgerasmothered in mustard and ketchup and greasy french fries Starting tomorrow Ill give you cab fare and enough money to eat lunch at McDougalPs Alberta and Northern Ontario Four hundred shooters in all There was a total of prizes valued at every one was donated and for a certain predetermined spot We would like to thank all who aided us in reaching our goal and would like to inform you that starting immediately we are planning for next years telethon We never know when or where the dreaded disease will strike next ALICE SHERIDAN Andrew St Newmarket PEAS WERE OK Special events at FanshaweCo inn THE 1 counters ft rmxr OF A DOME College is celebrating its an niversary during 1977 Three special decennial events will take place during late Sep tember and early Oc tober Im sure your readers many of whom have had an association with Fanshawe would be interested in hearing more about them first Homecoming will be held from Sept to Oct The Homecoming Committee and the newly formed Alumni Association have put together a wide program of events ranging from an Alumni vs Varsity hockey game and a DanceCoffee House to an Alumni Brunch Our second event is the Main Campus Open House from Sept to Oct This will be a fine opportunity to discover the fourth largest Community College in Ontario Well I guess it was all right Pop 1 got Jo stay at the school and some of the other guys had peas too and none of us got sick or passed out or anything It wasnt too bad Nonsense No boy of mine is going to be denied a daily diet of rock candy milkshakes bubblegum and uncola Eat your licorice pizza and well hop in the car now to get sorote chocolate bars and popcorn You can keep it your locker in case you feel weak during the day Thats Pop Its not necessary Some of us guys have taken to leaving apples or oranges in our lockers We like them and we can buy them cheap at the school Apples Oranges Why when I was yor age us kids would laugh at apples and oranges We could eat hot dogs till they were coming our ears Every one of us had a case of ketchu potato chips in his locker Why old used to carry chip dip around with him from class to class Those the good old days What say we run down pick up a case of red pop soda and some straws You could sip all day long fe No dont bother Pop I really should snack between meals and red pop is bad for teeth forward to having you and your readers join us ik For further in formation please call College In formation Services 193 or Thank you for your interest Don RICE CoChlrpewn Decennial Committee College Publicity aided club CAnRojn On behalf of the York County University Womens Club I would like to thank you for your help in publicizing our meetings and making us better known to the Bad for your teeth Hells bells thats what we have for Pass me the jujubes arid a A blue one Thanks I want you to Featured will be at school just like you do at home Rudolph displays exhibitions and junk food fun special events Thats something else Pop Do you thlrik All of at carrots or peas some College are looking for dinner And maybe some rice or a baked potato And Id like to try some ham or at once hi a while do you want with all that junk You believe all that stuff about balanced meals arid nutrition going down to McDougalls now and buy you a years supply of vouchers for Pig Dougs and and in Batter What do you think of that No cant do that now Pop a bunch of us guys have asked the cafeteria to order in some vegetables and stuff that they dont carry now and we promised wed make sure to order every day if they stocked it I just remembered Pop Tim a me to dinner tonight Theyre having soup and beets Gotta go now Bye What about your barbecued corn chips And the You cant leave this bag of toffee Hey back Ill fry up some onion f he doesnt eat out all that often SoupT Fish Beets Newmarket Im glad be eats at home moot of the time community Your continued supportwould be greatly appreciated NORA LJONES Secretary i