rtr J r j Aft r 1 Era Newmarket Aurora Keswick Out Wed Sept At jj in the hall- presented her with a Prices are adults silver students and older Were sorry to see children and you leave but wish you under Maximum per every happiness family 2 adults and KESWICK Pine Beach Association Mid farewell to summer beach activities Sept with their annual corn roast Members were kept busy all afternoon com hot dogs ham burgers and drinks Neighborhood residents enjoyed an assortment of activities meet Sept 28tn at Barb Ores The first fall meeting will follow a potluck supper children under 12 Vera Smith Keswick Tickets will be available wife of Billy Smith died at the door All are lost Wednesday after a welcome bon appetite lingering illness Memorial services In marriage by her They saw Charlie it was brother Lorn with Pride Paul and a to see a major reception following the Blue Jays game league game up close wedding at Sutton Legion says they loved Vacation over Charlie Pride but were a to work managing Keswick Firefighters diet auxiliary will rjjTi itiMirrjp he unnaaied around the I realized by a bunch of sd to take i ic at a time lady also knows a few j to participate with 21 but annual COOP Youth Camp sponsored by United Cooperatives of Ontario At the VMCA Geneva Park James Seneca College King Campus has appointed Joyce Watson as a parttime Community Co ordinator in the Continuing Education leadership camp on Her responsibilities Lake will he to work with Program Joyce will he serving the com- pollock or Peggy ol Newmarket at You are all invited to were held Friday at Lake Simcoe South Shore Keswick United Church Horticultural Societys Mrs Smith is sur- flower show to be held vived by her husband and at Sulton Sept daughter Donna Jean some of which Included at pm she will be missed by games chance Accredited judge manyta the elephant darts and vioU of Mount a pond for the kid- Albert Horticultural V Society is expected to be Last years sendoff the brought In enough entries to add some new equipment the Junior choir at Keswick United will way to raise money begin been HJ Children six years g are invited to For Information call Peggy Kernohan 476 The IOF meets at 730 pm Saturday at the Orange Hall Sutton a little told us Hope Members are encouraged It was happy to be on hand and Pat Hare and daughter Ann just returned from a welcome vacation says they had a great time Part of the holiday was spent at Red Deer cottages in and at the CNE Either Carr Church disappointed in the Keswick and Sulton Street celebrated a Blue 1 a arenas birthday last Thursday so Debra Hare Keswick daughter of Mrs Elite Hare and the late HllUard Hare was married Sept 3 at Knox United Church Sutton to Robert Clark of Jacksons Point The bride was given Cathy took part in personal development sessions in leadership and communications lour letter addition to she used them recreation activities men en Other girls being Swi3J confirmed Include3 Kathy iJSS and Heather MeiWaAreccptionwas in the church they ran off How hall and Rev and Mrs presented Mrs individuals and groups the community to assess adult education needs and to develop and supervise ap propriate programs on offcampus locations Joyce may he con tacted through the College at v i staff sergeant old of the incident he would have sent available officer to scene to help the and wife if they informed about Anne who has accepted a writing post with Anne a rTaUwfthrcrcfTan Holy Land High and the University of Toronto has been an More than Invited reporter for the guests attended the anniversary dinner of the reopening of Pickering There was quite a College Tuesday night local contingent of The guests included old baseball fans at the Blue boys their wives former Jay Boston double masters and friends of header on Labor Day me school The speakers One teenage girl we know ffiIJJChurch in included Headmaster not only saw the air show ron last Wednesday Harry Beer and for- and the ball games but mer teachers Ronald also came home with a Perry and Dr Barney giant stuffed dog she won Fifty years ago on the midway on Sept Mr Perry was a teacher at Mr and Mn William Pickering and Mr Beer Walker of and Dr Jackson were Newmarket have students returned from a It was a unique mony at St James when Mri Fred watched her great- Marlaine ills and her Pamela Hall being confirmed at the Same time Biihop Allan in the with pastor Harold Congratulations to Alaska delightful vacation in flinrfiv Tomorrow night at Hugh a Practice since the pending He s on the fourth floor and would be Saw voices are pU mu hard water moving mmm apartments on Church St birthdays and Pat and Mph nf new In Eighteen guests attended the affair and manv v tada grand time dancing KeswIcfauWuSU k Mr BllUe be leaving the community to California to cut tag was active In the slab cake community and he for the Mtv he SS S of Cords for coffee and missed by friends and cane neighbors On Sept the men of Last several Keswick United Church friends took her out for a will be holding a roast farewell the beef dinner from to Hearthstone and r SAFETY CHECKED BANK FINANCING 30 TO CHOOSE FROM 1 795 AND UP VS Landau rod rear power power brakes radio side mouldings plus much more Power steering brakes tinted glass and factory air MBS A door hardtop power steering a brakes temp- malic air power windows tinted glass rear defroster plus lots more JDR door Hard Top Tcmpmattc air conditioning power windows tinted glass rear defroster plus power door locks radio vinyl roof economical door Tour sedan Vt P Steer power brakes vinyl radio factory air bait radial tires Lie PS B power steering a power brakes automailc landau roof rear radio side mouldings plus much more door power steering a brakes Auto etc steel belted radial tires t I included in McLean Sale Price Aurora Aurora ltd Toronto i Design your own and walk areas with nonslip clibs A wide range of colours and sizes available Also ask about our edgings curbs and precision made to fit rue and square from See your local Garden Centre or Building Supply dealer Standard Sizes 12x24 Red Yellow Green Brown Charcoal or Natural colour Brooklin Concrete Products A S3 CM si V I ra i Leaf litter Mens plaid jacket garbage Woolnylon mohair trend Large poly bags in assorted plants pock- mil ihickness tor els Full cut with yoke bags to a pack- and cuffs age complete Sizes- XL ties mmtm I I oce LAWN WEED KIUER i j COOP Fertilin 3512 with weed kilters Provides balanced plant food to prepare grass tor better winter survival Contains Killers lor full control of weeds kg Regular 20 kg COOP SPECIAL 3Vj gallon el 90 Premium lawn weedkiller steel sprayer Controls clover chick Mas stage safely lock on weed black medic etc hose Large capacity brass pump Adjustable spray from brass 240 y i r COOP m SPECIAL wheelbarrow I tubular frame SAV I Sprlngback rake a- Sturdy heavy duty Xiypeegassembiy to has punctureproof teeth angled lot tires 69 Green enamel q I COOP SPECIAL SALE I Sale HP chain drive tiller tUH heavyduty sprocket loi- Controls it sell tires 515 i Snapon tree it easy to use protects year round is Unique tree guard protects against COOP all season Sonic gives sunscald and mo wo YW round protection while allowing proper ventilation Sonic is on all season permanent Snaps on and easily quickly long and coolant that 594181 against summer bodover and winter Heavyduty tree wrap In i sizes Wont boil or foam 1IM I Ctoi36C Mldewprool tree wrap protects bushes shrubs and trees from winter and snow storms Simply ball wtap attach to slakes Sale each 594- Sale each T w i v I UNITED COOPEHATIVES OF ONTARIO NEWMARKET Ontarit St OPEN AM TO writ ttr r I