y nv Kb J i EH RA k County Since DAVID R HASKELL Charley Pub Ontario by Inland Co Limited every OS v for year lor one eaehiC fe mm Baehark one the inland Ed Limited group which Included the A by Pickering Ad- verifier Brampton Guardian Burlington Post Economist and Sun News OafcvIHt Beaver This and ftovliyllle Tribune- TERRY CARTER ROBERT MARTIN News Editor Si PETER GRIFFIN m Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and Bureau Circulation Second Class Mall Advertising Manager i 7 W331 Charles St Phone Aurora tor on muchneeded library want to accept the majority decision and cultural centre on the site of the with good grace Muir Public School has been Now theyre trying to use red tape and legal lin as a result of a sourgrapes attitude nitpicking to stall or kill the sale the old school of a few school board trustees to Newmarket even though the building has the school board voted early in been empty and unused for a year no one else to sell the property to Newmarket wants it and under the towns toning restric- HO on the condition that it remain lions little else can be done with it public use for at east 20 years The legal nicety in dispute is whether when MS the town plans a library theatre the school board voted to receive its education complex on the site and one report the Muir sale it in benefactors will obviously be the fact voted approval The reality is that the board school children the deal was a good discussed the sale prior to the vote and the the town and the school board majority obviously thought they were voting the deal was done or so we thought approval done without opposition however Newmarket council was thus advised ac- some trustees who thought cordingly and accepted the conditions getting too good a deal even The intent of the boards action was clear seemed no other use the historic and if there is now any legal cloud the board site with its institutional zoning could be should act immediately to clear it up and to put too clear its own good name hese trustees were outvoted but they dont A deal after all is a deal ress j m my field away Theyre taking my field away A little squib of an article in last weeks Era contained the sad news Three Subdivisions okayed was the headline Regional council gave approval to the three subdivisions and within a few years containing 3000 people will fill the large empty acres behind my house You cant stop progress and people do have to have a place to live It Is a logical place to put the subdivisions and after attending one public meeting on the subject I cant find anything to complain about I will still miss my field If I look out my front door I see the rows of subdivision houses just like mine The winding road to the stop sign on the corner and driveways some paved some not leading to semidetached houses n r schools MS used ro THROUGH THQ When I look out my bedroom window however I can believe that I live in the country There Is a row of trees just across my fence and beyond that waist high weeds stretching off in the distance on Its surprising that students can concentrate can and will be bought at all what with the food theyre being offered in Whats the point of investing time and effort Yorks schools in teaching students through their health and Never mind the ones that arent happy in family life classes about the function of food in school any way the ones who havent picked up good health if they can dash down to the the Joys of learning or the simple usefulness cafeteria for the very stuff youve explained Tiuch of what theyre being taught should be avoided for a moment about the ones that want Its time for the board to practice what it learni Consider the chance they give them- teaches Ives Little or no breakfast sugarladen coffee Get the junk food out of schools Take the doughnuts or chemical and additivefulled time and effort both of which would be con- snacks Blood sugar so low during siderable we suspect to caterer that can ing classes that its no wonder theyre edgy provide nutritional meals Find one that can faded and have mild headaches More serve attractive and goodtasting sandwiches I watch the of the seasons from that window Waiting with incredible impatience for some signs of spring and dreading the end of summer and the onslaught of winter in Canada I r helped craft show necessary for a suc cessful show you the volunteer the artist the viewer Congratulations to Mr V of Newmarket on winning the beautiful painting The trials and tribulations of We would like to offer our thanks to Trie Era for its splendid coverage of Sweet and filling but salads and desserts Make available fruit bags Sdi Binbarren soft drinks Frozen french fries juice Jj are topped with process cheese more not flavored drinks full of preserving agents than of protein An It means a commitment to providing of continued hunger and healthgiving and educationallyconducive food fatigue And it means sticking to that commitment even Agaiiiits surprising they can concentrate faced with griping students irate parents and a all balking caterer The problem is a legitimate concern of Its worked at universities where they lie school trustees If they cant speak out claimed it couldnt be done Its time for York to iboutthe health of their students without take a lesson from those institutions Forget the reading on the toes of parental authority they arguments about providing choice letting there are three ways to build or renovate anything can at least demand that the food served in their students make their own decisions It doesnt The first is to do it yourself Since you are loolsthe choice of which is their legal work And its silly There are other places to buy hopelessly all thumbs especially where the hammer responsibilitynot interfere with the learning junk Wis this may not be beat Besides not knowing the process Time to let Yorks school board widely J ade your purchase of materials will But poster campaigns and catchy gimmicks respected in Ontario for innovation in education CTeate a umber to con students into eating properly are simply to take the health of its students seriously Show not the kids you care about them They just Trie fact is if the junk food is available it swallow it Claims viewpoint a viewpoint ex- donated by Mr pressed in Mrs Nora Richardsons letter that Carol D Rote the fact she is crippled y justices the waiving of ArUACrafUshow foe ban on pets in malls Red Barn Theatre seems Illogical While I appreciate the need for seeing eye dogs to be allowed in public places there seems no reason why an in dividual suffering from other handicaps should be given any privileges not afforded other citizens CAROLYN Botany Hill Newmarket No it isnt totally deserted Not like a real country field Often there is the remains of a tree house in one of the trees Usually in the spring when young boys minds turn to construction And like construction workers everywhere they bring more than boards and nails and hammers to the job They bring the language of construction Neighborhood women are appalled with the shouts from these young builders who range in age from six to early teens eim I Whose got the censored hammer pass me the censored board cries a lad who probably just learned to put his pants on properly within the last month Yeegads Watch your mouth shout the ladies whose houses back on to these ongoing construction projects The only last a short time before other kids tear them down- To loosely paraphrase the old peanut butter joke The Orchard Heights Ratepayers AsaodaU will stage its annual Soap Box Derby this Saturday from to pm The event is open to all Orchard Heights members youngsters to will be three different age categories for entrants Races will take place on Orchard Heights Blvd between Banff and Hill drives adults for kids to and for children under 6 Sittings for the dinner will be held at and 730 pm Tickets can be obtained by calling or the fifth annual CturUUao Peace sponsored by United Anglican and Roman Catholic churches will be held this Sunday at St Anglican Church Sharon from to 7 pm program will consist of a film Martin the Cobbler followed by a discussion There will be a choral presentation and singsong with Celebration to close the activities Those attending are asked to bring a boxed lunch for the supper hour and refreshments will be supplied There is no admission The ladies of the York Curling dub are a pot luck supper Wed Sept The evening begins with cocktails at pm and entertainment at followed by the meal This is ah excellent opportunity for new bers to get acquainted Prospective members of the club are asked to call Jackie 3907 The Auxiliary of the Newmarket Minor Hockey is staging a sale of used skates and equipment in Hall Four of the community centre this Saturday For more infer ma call The Aurora United Church Women will be holding a rummage sale Sept from to pm at the church The NewmarketEait Hockey AiaociaUoo will be holding its registration for the 197778 season Friday and Saturday at the Upper Canada MaU Friday registration be held from to pm with registration Saturday from am to 4 pm The league is open to girls over age seven and price per players is for one for two and for three in a family For more information call Heather 8957687 FT The anniversary of United will be celebrated with a service this Sunday at pm Special guest minister is Rev Paddy Sellers from Sanf United Church Zepher Music will be provided by the Young People am everyone Is in vited to join in a septal hour following the ser vice Deadline for tickets for the Oct Com- Turkey Dinner at Newmarkets Trinity United Church is Sept Admission is for A horseback ride through the York Region Forest near Ballantrae to help raise money to teach the handicapped to ride be held Sunday The is being staged by Hie Community Association for Riding for the Disabled CARD and the Remedial Riding Association of Mlsslssauga A Community Jubilee Celebration in honor of Queen Elizabeths year on the throne is planned for the East GwiUimbury Community Centre in Sharon Friday The evening features a plaque dedication ball games bands and a corn roast from to pm followed by a dance with a disc jockey and buffet Tickets are per person and can be obtained from Arthur The second Is to hire a contractor who will you hope look after EVERYTHING push YOUR project time and no worry on your part The third is to be your own contractor and call in various tradesmen to do their thing YOU are then In the drivers seat and no middleman contractor to pay I The only way alternatives two and three work Is If youre a gigantic company like or tradesmen are like the Red Chinese Army If a hundred fall in battle replacements magically appear You on the other hand will be overjoyed to find a workman who promises to come next Feb If the man you hire belongs to a union ask him if his union is contemplating a strike at the time of your project 1 predict he will say no but you can ask If your chosen artisan Is nonunion another problem arises Although a large number of Newmarkets residents are apparently tradesmen there are enough of us nonmechanical types to keep the others busy busy busy The lone worker will assure you that he willstartyour job Thursday He will too What he doesnt tell you is that other customers are as impatient as you and Monday he starts a room on Eagle St Tuesday a carport on Patterson and Wednesday an addition in Sharon This is nobodys fault You want the job finished yesterday he wants the job Its just a fact you should know A situation exists in Newmarket where three carpet businesses are involved in one transaction Two sell carpeting and two install it Yes I know make 4 game plan is optional but play if you wish Dealer A sells the carpet and hires Installer j who hires Installer 2 who is also Dealer For those now lost go back three spaces to Dealer A This game can be played at home or office and offers boundless opportunities for fun For instance who takes responsibUity for the job or Fast buck Can Dealer B Impress you sufficiently to you to bypass Dealer A next lime or Keeping an eye to the future If theres too much carpet Dealer A overordered if theres too little someone took it home or Carpet carpet whos got ihe carpet If Dealer A loses touch with Installers 1 and he loses Unless you are redecorating your office dont the tradesman what you do for a living He may not like it We were slowed down because one didnt like chiropractors and my husband is one Perhaps as a Penny van is a Newmarket l a freelance writer By Penny van Everdingen Then a week later another batch of kids happens along and spot the boards lying about They rush home for Dads hammers and a bag of nails and the cycle is repeated small boy he was bitten by one I dont know One other thing you should know some not all of Ill miss the for that line of trees will be among the first to go when the subdivision starts The houses I am told will come right down to my fence and when I look out the bedroom window Ill probably look into the eyes of another chap looking out of his bedroom window The flooding will probably stop thoughEach trbtixadS your fingers walk If youre lucky like us youll find one you like Now that you know the facts of construction life go ahead and get it done When its finished youll be like a new father proud as punch and feeUng like you did it alt yourself Until then may I suggest a large supply of tranquillizers Queens park Report by Bill Hodgson Ontarios efforts to stimulate economic growth and create jobs appear to be paying dividends The most recent statistics available showed an increase in the national unemployment rate from per cent to 81 per cent at the same time as our own rate dropped from per cent to 68 per cent Weve still got a long way to go but its good to know were oh the right track Since small businesses are your provincial government is helping them with increased levels of assistance Loans to small businesses from the three Ontario Development Corporations will carry lower interest rates and increased maximums The new low rate obtainable from the Ontario Northern Ontario and Eastern Ontario Development Corporations will be two per cent below the current base lending rate of per cent This rate applies to loans up to for businesses with fewer than employees The cor porations interest rates are subject to quarterly review Maximum assistance available through aU term loans Is being increased to to equal the Ontario Business Incentive Loan maximum To encourage export of Ontariomade goods ex port support loans for receivables will now be available at a tower rate currently set at 9 per cent while export support loans for production financing will continue to be at the base lending rate of per over the fence ale who border the field would have our yards and sometimes our basements flooded with muddy brown water from the back field My neighbour to the right can hardly negotiate his driveway for the swirling rushing water On my left the dog next door must evacuate his little house or do the dog paddle Pails are needed in the back cellar where water gushes out between the blocks I cant say that Ill miss that But there was the kinship in standing outside with ones neighbors in boots and slickers watching nature on its regular rampage And waiting for the men from the works department who were always out handling similiar floods elsewhere in town Ill miss the toads Sounds silly and I know my wife will bid them a fond farewell Toads can always be found in my backyard now Our dog wandering the fence line each night finds them all the time He runs to the back door scratches and barks then back beside the warty invader where he sits and takes up a patient vigil The toad will not move a wart Nor will the dog It might be an hour before someone checks the backyard for the dog to find him standing guard over a little lump on the patio Dad must then go out and end the stalemate The dog will stretch one tentative paw an maul the toad sometimes turning it on its back Then he at me with doggypride The in truder is picked up and deposited over the back fence Back into the field from whence it cameV The toad or all look the same will be back within a night or two and the whole thing will be repeated Where will the toads go when they build the houses Perhaps Ill keep the next one I find just so the dog has something to do Dont tell my wife Im going to lodge a toad When the homes are built there will be no more motorbikes out back either I cant say Ill miss that Its not so bad in the daytime but night time bikers are noisy and often throw beer bottles cent Your provincial government will continue to en courage job formation and expand opportunities for small businesses whenever we can I wont miss that But I could end up with a neighbour who throws wild parties all night Maybe his guests will throw beer bottles over the fence NOTES Mr and Mrs Walter Warren of Newmarket celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept Mr and Mrs Hugh Cross will mark their wedding anniversary on Sept and Mr and Mrs Russell Ellas will celebrate years of marriage on Sept Mrs Mabel Kendrlck will be celebrating her birthday on Sept 1977 and on Sept Mrs Rachel Sullivan will celebrate her birthday of the Centre which is acheduled motorcycle tracks commence at pm Sept 17 But I know why I wont miss some of that aw chased out of the field by bikers or floods or whatever Some of them in the past have taken up residence in the back yard and thats no fun I will miss the signs of spring and fall The colour and the birds in the summer And hell as much as I hate winter Ill still miss the blanket of white that covers the field after a snow storm Weve taken a lot of pictures though People wonder why the family photo album has so many shots taken over the back fence at a line of trees the remains of a tree house and V -r-