VICE STATION AND FT FRONTAGE paved road gas pump Aluminum bedroom picturesque lot with garage buildings Many extras ill valuable property at with easy icing- particulars call DOUG or Res 7228602 it SALES OFFICE NOW OPEN 17 Weekends 2 8 Weekdays PRICED FROM 79900 frame secluded area beach extras n ROBE to private beach Many extras In garage appliances brick fireplace ceiling Immediate possession or Res Sail A vr KESWICK BEAUTY See this practically hew modern brick retirement home featuring ft living room walkout cedar deck from dining area perfect for coffee New and an ideal yard for the gardener Situated centrally close to all commodities Call DOUG CLARRY or Res WATERFRONT COTTAGE Spacious bedroom kitchen summer residence Separate dining room large glassedin verandah for the cocktail hour and loaded with fine furniture and Move right In and enjoy this hot summer Priced right at Call DOUG CLARRY 4784022 or Res BRINGING PEOPLE AND SEAL ESTATE TOGETHER LTD REALTOR ST S AURORA 18954304 Tor 8890544 7273154 INCOME PRODUCING REST HOME Potential for 25 beds fully equipped with calling system intercom fire alarm buzzer smoke detectors all standards needed to convert to a nursing home Located ust west of Sutton In East Gwlllimbury To Inspect call Mamie A DREAM COME TRUEI Custom built stone and cedar con temporary home unusual in design 3600 sq ft of luxury living In the country Ex cellent location minutes from Aurora and on acre Make an offer Fran Menard or Rita DAY CARE available in my home excellent references School area Motor Cars for Sale CUTLASS Supreme mileage air conditioned radial tires sport wheels and extras clean condition safety certificate price Phone evenings MABEL v- DAVIS DRIVE WOODBINE NEWMARKET New Pager No LIVING STARTS HERE saving one level contemporary home size bedrooms Lshape livingdining room makes furniture arrangements easy ultra modern walkout kitchen oodles of cupboard space bright home oversized lot Enough room for a garden and pool Sue Smith CALLUSQUICK Were betting this sells today Large 4 edrooms semi detached home eatIn kitchen livingdining room combination Excellent view quiet location Owner has bought Priced to sell Sue Smith HOME ON x LOT lot brick detached home In quiet neighbor hood of fine homes goodsize living room bright kitchen family room extra playroom owner transferred YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED Executive home huge flagstone patio and gorgeous landscaping surround luxury swimming pool bedroom custom built home featuring 3 family room games room sauna Quiet culdesac in best part of town Fran Menard Res 2139 REDUCEDDAVIS DRIVESm900 EXCELLENT POTENTIAL room complex suitable for professional offices Fran Menard or Rita Peever FAMILY ROOM WITH WALKOUT ft living space Including 4 large bedrooms eatIn kitchen living- dining room plus double garage and paved drive Panoramic view over Newmarket A MUST TO SEE I Call Res 895- DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Live in this unique converted barn home featuring huge living area with free standing brick fireplace and bedrooms all on one floor Not much housework here so youll be free to your stable pool and hobby shop and in the winter invite your friends lo snowmobile on your 44 private acres Near Bradford Could be a great commuter farm Call Sylvia Res HOUSE BARN AND315 ACRES sq It brick farmhouse mostly renovated 4 bedrooms baths large kitchen large dining room large family room with fieldstone wall and fireplace Excellent buy at Call Norm Res Help Wanted HOME ON SMALL ACREAGE Custom built brick rancher double garage in basement fireplace formal living room walkout to deck from kitchen Master ensuite Separate building year old pool home Is in superb condition Reasonable priced BRADFORD JUST LISTED storey semi fin basement Separate room bath walkout to garden maculate condition close to all Viced to sell YOU NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD Yes you the successful business woman choosing your own working hours and turning time into money This is the profitable Avon gift season A great time to start your Avon career No experience necessary Just call WibI ambitious per- a car for day or work Can earn 8450 per hour 8533 Wanted CARS wanted Queen art reld 3 day weekly Call lull or part lime The Village Dining Lounge St South Aurora Phone mi- 1 EARN extra money Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends relatives No experience needed Our big colourfully Illustrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable Start now Write today for free Christmas catalogue and information Monarch Greeting Cards 165 Cannon Hamilton LIN 3K3 or phone Help Wanted UNLIMITED It Our representatives big money There Is more business than can handle We need additional representatives to start Full- Time or nowl If you know enough to come In out of the rain and will use our proven methods SUC CESS will be yours Want a belter position Student who needs money Unemployed but prefers to have a good position Retired but not tired We will help you earn unlimited To qualifiers a guaranteed weekly In come plus a beautiful value bonus Gordon Campbell Box Bradford Phone between 1 write 30 Wanted WOOD WORKER rooms bathrooms and home improvement CARPENTRY Rec rooms cabinet work shingling siding stairs repairs alterations INTERIOR and exterior Professional painters free estimates Tom Murray v 2 MAN with Vj Ion truck will do odd lobs Phone 31 IF YOU WILL JUST COME BACK ILL GET YOU ANY THING YOU WANT HARRY Super Beetle auto gas heater radlals rebuilt engine Phone 4797 Centurion power windows power seals AM radio air conditioning and cruise control 12100 certified Phone after pm 231 PINTO 2 door standard snows rustproof excellent condition certified or Phone7275098 CUTLASS lor sale as Is Phone PRIMO Scirocco low mileage excellent condition full slereo firm after pm CHEV ps pb owner asking Phone 131 DODGE coll wagon automatic radio will certify Phone 462348 32 Trucks lor Sale DODGE Tradesman 6 cylinder long body vans automatic mileage to 55000 new tires certified ready for customizing Price or best offer Call daytime 2 JIMMY ps pb auto will certily 478 4617 ask for for Sale APACHE CAMPER trailer sleeper Ice box stove furnace canopy in very good condition SuhjW Sales parts Service Repairs to all Motorcycles Holland St Ea1 Next to Canadian Tire Bradford KAWASAKI sale Don Wood Shop Atexander Road Newmarket Call Motor Vehicles WANTED TO BUY Old cars bought for scrap Highest prices paid Free pick up Arrow Towing Boats and Marine BOAT TRAILERS lor 2 days Phone 478 SAILBOAT Siren ex- Iras motor trailer- cabin cushions boom tent head running lights Phone Xl31 Farm Items HAY and Straw for sale delivered In field Sutton Keswick area FOR tons of corn silage Phone TOWNSHIP OF 6C0RSHA AVAILABLE IN BUILDING SECTION OF PLANNING A DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DUTIES To perform site Inspections to ensure compliance with the Bylaws and civic regulations of the municipality all other related duties as may be assigned by the Chief Building Bylaws Enforcement Officer QUALIFICATIONS Technical School Graduate or equivalent familiar with the Ontario Building Code WAGE per annum with an Increase to per annum upon the successful completion of a four month probationary period CLOSING DATE Applications will be received until pm on Wednesday August Please address tot Township of Civic Centre Keswick Ontario Attn Mr Mint J P Engineer Administrator EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLOR This short term parttime project will Involve assisting single mothers In receipt of social assistance to acquire appropriate skills strengths and access to social agencies In order to return eventually to the work force In a full or parttime capacity or to undertake appropriate forms of training The Incumbent will possess a high degree of selfawareness sensitivity will be ac cepting of and towards clients and be comfortable In working In the group or Individual counselling process Only persons with proven ex perience and appropriate training need apply by submitting resumes by August to Protect Ministry of Community and Social Services Newmarket Office 713 Davis Drive Suite 302 Newmarket Ontario NEWMAR WINDOW MANUFACTURING COMPANY is looking for a TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE To sell windows and entrance systems directly to house builders In Southern Ontario Applicants must be able to read drawings make take offs and negotiate with customers in offices and on construction sites Past experience in the housebuilding In dustry will be a definite advantage This Is a selling opportunity where rewards are directly related to effort and can be well above average for a successful negotiator Product training will be provided Please write to PO Box Newmarket marking envelope Sales HOUSING COORDINATOR AND SPECIAL CASEWORKER SALARY 11451200 to per annum QUALIFICATIONS A graduate a in Social Sciences Experience In social services with a thorough knowledge of the function and activities of other social welfare agencies A minimum of two years experience dealing with clients in an Income maintenance programme DUTIES To assist persons In need of emergency housing In York Region find suitable arrangements by direct intervention and assistance and by working a community coordinating committee To provide shortterm Intensive counselling with recipients of government assistance whose situations require special attention or problem solving in order to prevent or correct crisis situations and to prevent long- term dependence on public assistance Apply In writing until Aug 1977 to Scullion Per Coordlnalor Box 147 Newmarket Ontario NURSE Nurse required September for in firmary In boys boarding school com fortable apartment available on month basis and meals provided while school Is In session Holidays from mid June to the beginning of September and generous time off at Christmas and Easter break For further information apply In writing or by telephone to Head Masters Office St Andrews College Aurora L4G3H7 Phone Monday to Friday to REGISTERED RNAS ANDNURS1NG AIDES needed at Nursing Home is apply 31 Motor Cars for Sale 31 Motor Cars for Sale Want talk Call TELECARE or 727 1213 hours a day If FOR SALE OLDS TORONADO BROUGHAM blue with blue trim White landau roof stereo tilt wheel cruise control all power windows seat door trunk temp air conditioning much more Lie KMW125 ONLY I MOTORS Eagle St Newmarket EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER Full or part time Good wages and hours Diana Beauty Salon Newmarket Mrs Eaton STYLIST WANED For new shop opening Excellent op portunity and wages Col 7271631 Experience preferred Apply Box the Era Charles St Newmarket HONDA CIVIC THE MILEAGE CHAMP I DANNYS HONDA UNDER THE WATER TOWER STREET NEWMARKET 8984500 WE SERVICE TOYOTA AND Farm Items Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask tor Call anytime Licence No 40 Farm Machinery BLACKSMITH Hotcold corrective Phone Building Trades fumble Tractor Mirny Ford Tractor tractor loader Si John Deere710dlesel tractor gas tractor with loader NEW USED COMBINES IN STOCK Call John or Stewart Gorm ley BREAKING training and riding at your farm or ours also blacksmith hot cold and corrective shoeing Raymond MASTER ELECTRICIAN House wiring services and rec rooms Reasonable rates Blown Insulation Call today for free estimate evenings 476- 4415 or 8955131 ask for pager No and court or ONTARIO VIOLET KINO Petitioner and- HENRY PERCY KINO Respondent ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE BY ADVBRTIIINO Upon the application of the Petitioner herein for an order permitting service of ihe of Petition and Petition for Divorce herein upon tho respondent by publication and upon reading the Affidavit of Violet Ethel King fifed and upon hearing what was alleged by counsel for the Petitioner IT IS ORDERED service of a true copy of notice petition and petition for divorce herein by publishing the following notice once In The Era a newspaper published Irti Newmarket Ontario and by sending It by prepaid or dinary mall to the dent addressed to General Delivery On tario shall be good and sufficient of the said petition for divorce and notice of petition upon the said respondent NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENT TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for a Decree of Divorce has been presented Court by the Petitioner on grounds that there has been a permanent break- down of the marriage you wish to oppose the petitioner or If you wish relief your Answer must be served on the petitioner and filed with proof of service In oil ice of Registrar of Court East Main Street In the Clly of Wetland Ontario wilhln twenty days after service on you by the publication of notice If you desire you may inspect the petition for divorce and the notice of petition for divorce at Registrars office of this Court at Ontario In default of serving and tiling an Answer to Petition It may be set down for hearing within thirty days of such default at the sittings of this Court at Wetland and Iho potltioner may proceed without further notice to you to obtain a decree of divorce Details of tho said decree may be obtained from the said Registrars Office And has been ordered service of the petition for divorce and notice of said petition by this ad- vertisement shall bo good and sufficient service of the said petition for divorce and notice of the said petition upon you The address of the Petitioner Is Slovak Sinclair Crowe and Lucas Crysler Avenue Niagara Falls Ontario Solicitors for leave your name and number NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Aluminum Siding Soffit Free Estimates year Guarantee or 4782092 TF10 tv Aluminum UriiiMcrte a 5 Repairs to Industrial Rdtor Units GAS TANKS loll VthidoOnly ROWLANDS RADIATOR SERVICE ftiei Holidays Crane Service NEWMARKET CALL FREE Garages cleaned hauled away just give us your cast Phone Between AM PM Phone CARPENTER New buildings additions alterations to homes cot tages and commercial buildings years of ex perience For an call Big or Small We Do Them 47 Meats Produce for Sale PICK YOUR OWN beans beets carrots dill cukes vegetables as season progresses mile south of Bradford off 11 at stoplights Take Balhurst St signs on the gates C BEETS Davis Or East Vk mile south on Cone ALAN A- MORTON NO new pototoes also small size for price Don Thompson Cone north of Holt 3138 4 SWEET CORN heels rhubarb Davis Drive East mile south on Cone Alan A Morton fc Pels and Kennels DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES starting August and beginners and novice for Information call PUREBRED Miniature poodle puppies with papers weeks for sale Phone evenings 67 pm 7779059 19 Miscellaneous NOTICE I Ricky Holland Landing wilt not be held responsible for any debts In my name without my written consent after July X330 COME TO JUSTAFARM for an old fashioned corn roast hay ride bonfire Private parties church groups and clubs etc For arrangements phone 331 Personals MABEL IF YOU WILL JUST COME BACK ILL GET YOU THING YOU WANT HARRY FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous or a Anon Family Group can help Phone 727 4900 or 895 or Newmarket If Private Tuttioti MUSIC lessons guitar piano trumpet clarinet and accordion QUALIFIED teacher BA specialized In Grades to language and maths individual Instruction In privacy of your home Give your child a head start In school this year Call today 7373586 HEATING Gas oil electric Heat pumps Air condition ing Refrigeration Electrical Sheet Metal Ventilation Phone J AUCTION SALE Tuesday August Full line of furniture Ihe property of WALTER ROSE In the village Sharon op posite new Post ice Household Furniture Upright deep freezer burner medium electric stove new refrigerator Philips black a white chesterfield china cabinet bedroom furniture china set of dishes cooking utensils large toilet set piece good shape small table floor lamp small tray set of small tables lawn 3 chairs card table antique small china cabinet chest of silver stainless steel step stool several antique chairs Captains chair antique electric knife like pew toaster wringer washer electric large trunk an tique bake stand antique pine cupboard garden tools power lawn mower upright deep leather footstool leather rocker several odd chairs pole lamps table lamps and pictures oval mirror large dining room rug bedroom suite stand dresser end tables cedar chest chest of drawer Pino antique antique rocker antique sewing chest chrome table and chairs cords ferneries g reserveProperty sold Fred Drew clerk Terms cash Farmer Auctioneer Phone 131 i Complete Auction oy licensed 7 Bradford 4