1 v l I- J fif tut IT er sport best oiler DM Station or FORD stake It f transmission ires- con I 435 re 4 door auto- a pfcV radio rear WAGON radio tic new brakes and lady driven miles condition rift Galaxy con- well MX air PS automat new I radio asking phone 3 4laficrSpm Hatchback radio 3 snow tire Included 1050 Trucks for Sale no Phono Service Repair to all Motorcycle Holland St last NexlHCneHliMTIra Alter CARPINTIR New buildings additions alteration homes col- and commercial building years of ex perience For estimate call TANZOS 4 bib or smalt Oarages cleaned trash hauled away give us your cast otfs Between 10 AM INTERIOR DECORATOR I- painting papering general repairs Low rates free m no I 3 Municipal Off lets of roadway conetructloti of In River GWllllmbufy J Includes earth excavation plus related Hems ji Each tender must be accompanied by a tender jdeposlt for an amount equal to at I least per cent of the total tendered price In the form of a certified cheque made payable the Corporation of the Town of East Plans and Tender Documents can be at the Town offices or at the office of Engineer for a tee of made payable Engineer Auctions Test holes Will be dug at oclock on Tuesday August to enable in terested Contractors to observe the actual soil conditions The lowest any tender necessarily be accepted will not ft r T ONTARIO 8895494 Wholesale or Retail Growers of NoVMrion Mixed SPEEDY DELIVERY or Mild loaded or pick up orders it for an Instant lawn r New 125B DO Racer Replica Radial Head Tony D Fender etc OG Race Jersey HAS YOUR LAWN GOT YOU BECAUSE ITS GOING BROWN DONT LOOK AROUND DOWN ACCESSORIES Newmarket 8956845 DIRT RIDERS Your best source for BELRAY DID W SCOTT- USA HIPOINT GOLD BELTS I Fertilizing or Weed Spraying This years services at last years prices TF rVlofor v glFOOT van box roll up rear door insulated 12W Phone Ion pick up Sale Phono hardtop caynper excellent condition alter 430 pm ne stove sink Icebox condition 1000 OT5 iV TRAILER tor sale or with equipment Phone 2586 tires needs engine Hied 0321 Monday TOMayr97769 WANTED TO BUY Old cars bought- scrap Highest prices paid Free pick up Arrow Towing Boats and Marine BOAT TRAILERS for rent 2 days Phone 478 4175 r 40 Johnvan motor plus trailer Call GLASSRON BOW Rider complete with extras 2200 Phone -565- 29 15 FT RACING KAYAK German made hand layered glass cost sell 175895 4116 i i air cooled outboard motor with mount tor canoe 140 Call pm Meats Produce for 17 Meats Produce for Sale Sale DAVIS DR NEWMARKET Consulting Engineer R J Assoclahn Ltd Mill Street Ontario L9W f The Town of East Sutton Road Sharon Ontario LOO AUCTION Sat July at am for Tottenham A west from Hwy to line of Albion Twp or east of Tottenham Road and south mile to safe Watch for salt Signs on Hwy Sale of Modern Cohtemporaf Home Fur nishings appliances pine antique old glass pieces of Cranberry China matching pitchers and basins etc Crocks copper kettles boilers collection of bottles Ixluded In sale spinning wheels pine corner cop- board dry Sinks harvest table table petfestal couch Deacon benches blanket boxes washstands chest of drawers assorted types of wooden chairs Gramophone cylinder type with horn upright piano cherrywood cabinet old butter churn washing machinescarpenters hand tools quantity- of quilts license plates wall phone large school bell with yoke modern Maid solid walnut buffet and room divider chesterfields occasional chairs bedroom suite coffee tables baby furniture Fleetwood color TV new condition with many many unknown treasures from the storerooms It of assorted barn boards 1000 ft of W pine Mooring quantity ol barn beams 1Q pine Umbers oil furnace new This is men tioning only a lew of the many useful Items of Interest to the home maker car penter Terms Cash cheques with IO Allen Horner Auctioneer 4589 28 Auctions Auctions Private Tuition MUSIC lessons guitar piahb- trumpet bano clarinet and accordion GIOVANELLI MUSIC CO teacher specialized Grades to to language and maths Individual instruction In Ihe privacy of your home Call to day 727 2586 129 Business Services for HEATING Gas oil electric Heat pumps Air condition ing Refrigeration Electrical Sheet Metal Ventilation HOLSTIINS ebi 30th Anniversary Sale will held at the Fairgrounds From fake exit Into SO Head RegisteredClassIlled or close to Including a excellent show cow by This tremendous scored Excellent In December -r- due August 12 will be ready for the Fall shows She Is tall and sharp with beautiful udder This Is a top cow and only comes to ihe because the owner has sold his farm with the herd but retained this Excellent cow for EBI Sale Also selling a very good 4 old cow due August with 40 42 Alsoa Very Good from a very good Wis Romeo A President heifer due August from a very good RocKman A Marquis Prince due October from a Very Good Lassie Leader a fancy Senior calf by Senator from a very good A Senator heifer from a lb fat dam from a Very Good President 2nd Dam VO citation Fury tad Senior calf dam with 205 A number of fresh or close- young cows and heifers by Perseus Leader Kemp Sir Winston Instigator etc Many to help the fall milk supply All blood tested Lunch available Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc tions Ltd 4161523524 Twilight Auction sate PM late Minnie Davidson at the parking lot of Ice arena Park Dr South See weeks paper for complete detaiii like new this Is a good sale Two auction rings Sale PM sharp Norm Faulkner and Atkinson Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday July AT AM TOO LATE CLASSIFY t- i VJ Phone 30 Years Experience Hires R127 and Double Wrapped Budget Terms WE CARRY FULLLINECjFHEALTH FOOD Pick your own tup lots ofparklng space miles North Bradford on No milt on line or- For direct line call Distance and ask for motorcycles for saje Don wood Shop Alexander Road Newmarket- Call BEETS Davis Dr mile on Cone ALAN A MORTON 9648 129 NEW POTATOES now available green barn op- Sharon school RASPBERRIES pick your own Phone 478- 4294 4 YOU Call anytime Ont Licence No 44 FOR SALE Alfalfa and mixed hay In bam not rained oh last years second cut SI per bale This years first cut 125 per bale 8957994 1 itj fr r i- A- A LATE MODEL AND RECONDITIONED lbs to lbs Ofiiarib Limited iSrdlN Tractor gas COMBINES nor Stewart or Sale training and available at or also hoi- cold and Raymond RIDING EQUIPMENT To be sold by public auction Monday July at pm at Sales Barn Large Inventory of wall known wholesaler Including Western saddles of all makes from beginners saddles saddles silver show equipment blankets pads bridles bits halters leads vet supplies breast collars brushes combs palls Kodet grooming accessories leg wraps etc tic Many articles too numerous to rnehtlon pay those store prices Buy the economical auction way For Information Phone did LEAVE ME PLEASE COME HOME I PROMISE TO BE GOOD TO YOU HARRY Pets and Kennels EXPERIENCED dog walkers available Walks your dog daily for you Phone FREE good home terrier spayed years Good with children Ideal pet MALE Yorkshire Terrier Free to good home Phone J Personals am to pm Monday thru Friday miles of on 8957143 Tune up brakes wheel alignment safety certificate i HORSE SHOEING ttdoe Phone Found L05T t Ladys glasses bi focal gold frame in light blue case Friday evening Bradford crock concert Reward phone 4014 vat LOST Pair ladys pink rimmed prescription glasses red case needed desperately 895 AiicUons SATURDAY PLEASE REPLY- NEXT WEEK DRINKING PROBLEM perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous or Family Group can help Phone 4900 or or Newmarket If TROUBLED Want to talk call or hours a day There was a young lad name Barry Who thought a young lass he would marry When he saw Isabel He thought she was swell And now its his ring she she Will carry Congratulations Barry Isabel Bondl July 2nd 1977 com Carole a Jay- ST Legal Notices QUARTER HORSE Gelding regd sound vice NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN LATE OF THE TOWN OF EAST IN THE REGIONAL OF RETIREDDECEASED Creditors of the above named deceased who died at Townof East In Regional Municipality of Yorkon or about day of April are hereby notified pursuant to The Act to send to the undersigned proof their claim on before Ihe day of August alter which date the assets the will be distributed haying regard only to the claim of which the will then have notice BOATED at Newmarket this day of June AD James JULY the contents summer lodge also cottages cabins the properly of Rene will be held in village on main road mile south of lust past the camp Several refrtgerafors and gas stoves space heaters chrome tables and chairs all hinds of dishes and pans leatherette chesterfield and a Chairs space saver couches antique parlour tables picture frames sewing machines antique harvest table picnic tables wicker table pressed back chairs antique rockers antique chairs seVerat chesterfields sets Quebec heater email Iron box stove dining room table buffet 3 chairs childs swing set pool vacuum hose and sweeper annex clover leaf table wash stands dressers beds targe quantity of bedding and linens hundreds of other articles- found In cottages extension ladder tools gardenVtools vise wheel barrow- terms cash sale at A Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers Phone antenna and Tower In stallation and removal Call Tuesdays or Thursdays 276 4016 a AUCTION SALE Saturday July AT AM For the estate of the late LENA KIRWIN wllh In- elusions Sate to be held at Newmarket south of Eagle St on Hwy No east side of next to Quaker Hill subdivision Watch for sale sign Sale of home fur nishings appliances old and antique pieces Including crystal Carnival Depression glass candelabras with a variety of unknown treasures from the storeroom DODGE VAN certified Large quantity barn boards A sale of Interest Terms cash Cheques Allen Horner Auctioneer Phone AUCTION SALE SPECIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION COOKSTOWN SALES BARN AT JO PM 100 head of local caltle cows calves at foot mixed stockers Charolals bull 20 York sows due soon Property ol ROCKY VALENTINE Cows all brucellosis tested Frank Bennett Auctioneer V2t AUCTION SALE For Walter Weening Main Street In the Village On Monday August 1st alio AM Tho sale offers a case King power fully powered wllh cab 518 Ford County FWO P with cab Case 200 gas with back hoe ind loader Ford gas with loader 35dicsel with loader Int TD dozers Case 310 gas crawler Oliver Cletrac plows discs cultivators sprayer mowers spreader barrows garden blades riding mowers from 510 rolo tillers chain saws Hunter wheel align ment Inch accessories Moor bumper hydraulic lacks power greaser pressure washer Car mobile parts accessories clothing etc Partial list only Terms cash day of Cheques Nothing be removed until settled or accidents Neither ihe owner nor Auctioneer will be responsible for ac cidents or property loss Lunch booth Ernie Auctioneer No Alllston Tel auction sale of 7 or more bicycles numerous car accessories- sportsman supplies wearing apparel televisions hardware miscellaneous Interfor and exterior articles being or more of unclaimed Items for York Regional Police at No Richmond Hill Sate at terms cash date of sale positively no reserves See posters for particulars Contact Clarke Prentice Auctioneer r- Sal July am lor Ihe estate of Late Lena KirWIn inclusions Sale of Homo Furnishings appliances antique old furniture and articles in eluding Triple Candelabra crystal oil palnllng It freezer barn boards Dodge Van many unknown treasures from the store room Sate to be held at Newmarket South of Eagle St on Hwy No cast side of No next to Quaker subdivision Watch lor sale Cashcheques with Allen Horner Auctioneer 4589 FOR house monthly plus heat Phone Monday Jul at North Union Community Centre pm Prizes lunch i vat sell moving best offer producing well Propane heater never used Phone FOR SALE sofa tables English pra July am- pm Pine St Newmarket yat T1AKWOOD Living dining bedrooms Designs in Teak Road Plata Rk mond Hill 884 piRsiit for glass and service work for prominent window manufacturer located in North Toronto Trucks tools supplied Must be Matur lady to live Toronto home with adults drivers licensed preferred required Wrltt L Little 451 Manse Rd West Hill Ont FOR SALE 1975 Audi door automatic AMFM cassette rec or mites like new CE OAR STRIP electric starter redone wlndsheleld running ski rail paddles Phone INSECT CONTROL REASONABLE RATES OVER t A t t lJ CALL HAROLD VANDYKE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY CO LID or why you should buy your next w from a new car dealer fh In cor your hole i K Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES STANLEY late of Township of East In Regional Municipality of York Mount Albert Ontario Retired AH persons having ctalms against the Estate of Charles Stanley v Rlsebrough deceased who died on or about May 1977 are required to file proof thereof with Ihe undersigned on or before July alter which date Ad ministrators will administer the Estate- having regard only to claims of Which they shall then have notice at Uxbrldge this day of June ASSOCIATES Ontario Solicitors for EQUIPMENT AT II AM Complete Locmoor Dispersal owned by Douglas Moore selling atthe farm on mid way between Port Hope and Dairy Equipment Delaval lb Bulk Tank4 Hose Sinks all Re9fare Tested clean Brucellosis test All unit Sires 25 by selling Rockman remainder ice the by Admiral Citation Dairy King Emperor td and Charles This is a herd young cowi and big powertui hellers with a great deal of quality Some of the include A Very Good President selling with 3 Rockman Very Good Rockman bca sells a fine Emperor daughter both due at Sale time AnetHtr Very Good Rockman with sells Emperor and Ned daughters This herd is ready to work for you due In August 10 duVln October more for 8 Certainly for fall milk am Lunc right to adowanc on your car tho to In ttioilghlloa mil or month en new fight cor thai hoi boon by on and con bet right loo car with eight to on that hot not boon on nor of or right to mil or month gtiQrant on a If you alioiit Uglier you lets get lo I LI I I I i 1 6PassStotionwogon I tool conditioning w n onr miles hen W9S Paris Brg In a mm oar ctoin and a lop Equipped a- tounj a conditioning Rg Nova UnH K auto Jf its Cranberry paint an a fthtie padded top including AM Control rad4Mr For only A tV a- I 4 Oulo PS radio mm only car Ms to be tt 2 or auto Vnl top endK car only Grand Prix equipped tend Mill lop Wtlfi local Onns rdo minor A ol iti miles r a- Overtoils el a pm we WW be lV2tJ TORONTO