The Era Newmarket Wi June THEERA Serving York County Since Published every Wednesday a Charles St New arket Ontario by Inland Publishing Co Limited for two years for one year Single copies each The Newmarket Aurora Era is one of the Inland Publishing Co Limited group of suburban newspapers which includes the AiaxnrhitbyPfckering News Ad vertiser Brampton Guardian Burlington post Gazelle Economist and Sun News Oakville Beaver This Week and Tribune Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class Mail registration number 1908 Phone Newmarket Charles St DAVID HASKELL Publisher TERRY CARTER EditorinChief ROBERT MARTIN Mews Editor PETER GRIFFIN Advertising Manager Phone Aurora RIBBON AW ARC O CANADA O Canada Our home and native land True patriot love in all thy sons command With glowing hearts we see thee rise The True North strong and free From far and wide O Canada We stand on guard for thee God keep our land glorious and free Canada we stand on guard for thee O Canada we stand on guard for thee The East Public Library is sponsoring a story hour for area children from July through Aug The sessions will feature short stories crafts games films and puppet shows Hours are scheduled from am to noon on Tuesdays at Queens vi lie Hark Wed at Park and Friday at Mount Albert Park The program is also being held from I pm to 330 pm on Tuesday at North Union Community Centre Wednesday Holland landing School and Friday at Sharon Arena For more information call York Pines United Church Women will sponsor a strawberry supper at the church tonight from 5 to pm Tickets arc per person per child under with smaller children free Supper includes cold meats and salads Everyone welcome Volunteer homeowners arc needed to help welcome York Keg ion residents into their homes on a shortterm emergency basis There is a need Can you help For more information contact Kim or The flea market sponsored by the Family Life Centre and the Georgina Farmers Market sponsored by Chamber of Commerce are open every Saturday through labor Day The flea market goes from am to pm while the farmers market is open 7 am to noon Visit The Market Sat July 2 at Optimist Hall at the corner of Forhan and Davis Drives Newmarket There will be spot prizes a 5050 draw private booth draws Vendors for The Market are still needed For more information call or The Market is open Saturdays from am to 230 pm There will be a ball tournament at the King City Community Ccnlre on July and 2 Sixteen teams will take part in event A beer garden will be available as well as foot booths Ad mission Is for adults 75 cents for students and children under are admitted free A baseball game between OPP and York Regional Police kicks off Coachmen Week in July at Keswick Arena Also planned for festivities are a on July starling at am from Dawsons Marina in Keswick and Canadian Tire in Sutton There will be a carnival at the Keswick Arena on July and with a teen dance the evening of the 8th The weeklong celebration culminates on July with a parade at noon to Arena for a tattoo featuring eight corps at 230 pm The events wind up with a Bavarian Festival July at pm TO The second annual Aurora Folk Festival is slated for the Town Park Saturday July The festival will also feature displays by area The festival organized by Fok Night Auroras coffee house will start at pm and wind up at 8 pm featuring workshops Canadian songs a special kids session and several solo sets by regular performers Persons In terested in setting up crafts displays should call Jackie to reserve a space The York County Board of Education will accept adults Into its summer speed reading course where space permits Those interested should contact Lloyd Morrison at The course begins July 4 and runs three hours a day for days from 830 to 1130 pm WITH THIS OIL INCREASE IM IN TRAINING FOR THE WINTER Stay fit jog on top of a van is Satire 1 Beating up a vandal may become a popular exercise in Newmarket this summer Feminist takes Roy to task What misplaced stereotypes Roy Green has raised from the dead Reading last weeks column in which he berates goldenhaired summer girls with mouths like storm troopers was chuckling benignly until realized it wasnt satire Then the pettiness of attitude came home to me By concerning himself with something as arbitrary as naughty words Mr Green has missed the issues in what he terms the base of whole problem or liberation Feminists are trying to eliminate whole backlog of such thinking that espouses nonsense like golden girls of summer a lady daintily sipping and golden dreams What have these figments of the imagination to do with thinking breathing eating eliminating rational manyfaceted humans with female hormones To seek liberation from these Idealistic and absolutely un wholesome male at- commends festival organizers regard to our Pioneer Days Festival held on Main St June and 18 I certainly would like to give mention to Mrs C from Minor Matters and her executive of the Mer chants Association for the fine promotion and hard work through which they endeavoured to promote the successful promotion If more would help this association It would be of value to the Main St and bring a friendly spirit of old days back to Newmarket It was fun Good Work RONALD EVES Merchant Main SI does not mean women ore out to use specific words to do anything else for shock value although Anyway what about Mr Greens admiration for the verbal gymnastics of male storm troopers A man whose livelihood is words actor Richard Burton says that swear words have in trinsic value in our language because they add richness that confirms our Anglo- Saxon roots So what is the problem If silent golden girls of summer is your par ticular crush Mr Green why not find a summer 1964 issue of Playboy magazine and curl up ROBIN FOSTER Newmarket a Historian angry that his letter to mayor released a a I was very surprised to read your article last week in which you quoted extensively from a letter I had written to Mayor This was not a warning addressed to Council as you imply but a personal letter to the Mayor expressing my concern over the possible sale of the Aurora Museum building The letter along with all other matters per taining to Town property was to be discussed by Council in committee Committee meetings I understand are not to be reported on By writing the story in last weeks paper you imply that a con frontation has taken place between the Historical Society and Council when in fact my letter and the Mayors reply were written to make sure that such an unfortunate situation would be avoided WJOHN President Aurora and District Historical Society Editors note Mr Mclntyre may have in- document at last weeks tended his letter to be a Aurorfl personal one to the mayor but as it turned meeting thus appearing out it wasnt The letter to create the con- was tabled as a public Pools fences dont work says reader I have been reading with great interest the recent articles about pool fencing bylaws The reason I am so interested is that I recently found my fouryearold son and two of his friends inside the chain link fence at the Fairgrounds wading pool I watched them quite easily climb out again They had gone to the Fairgrounds to use the swings and slides and had the permission of one of the boys mothers Our family visits the parks often and on one occasion some time ago we saw three boys about 810 years old go into the wading pool under the fence 1 also heard from a friend the story of her cousins twoyear old boy climbing the fence into the pool area at his grandmothers nursery school Glen Jr School I dont know what answer is here but it seems obvious to me that a fence wont keep out a child who is determined to reach the other side SANDRA CROSS Newmarket Vandal One who willfully or attacks or mars anything beautiful or valuable I like that description because it uses the word ignorant Thats a keen word for vandals This may be the summer to catch and beat vandals Two stories in last weeks Era point this out graphically First the tale of the vandals at the Whitchurch Conservation Area Vandals have forced the closing of the area for three weeks and possibly longer according to Pete Seibert of the South Lake Simcoe Con r servation Authority Broken glass and beer bottles have been strewn around the park Picnic tables were burned and outhouses destroyed Tools were stolen from on the property and 1 barriers to keep cars out of certain areas have been sawed through Vandals are ageless They range from the young and stupid to the older and stupid They know no single sex color creed or religious affiliation Still they arent hard to find For Newmarket people finding them this summer turn out to be a fun affair For last weeks Era also carried a story about a jogging and fitness trail to be opened later this summer The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority is opening the facility in the Wesley Brooks Conservation Area Fairy Lake to you It must anger vandals to learn that they arent able to stunt the work of the SLSCA No sooner do they succeed in closing down one park than the Authority announces plans to open another It Newmarkets park will have a halfmile jogging trail and exercise stations along the way You can jog stop and do pushups jog some more then stop and do some chinups Other exercise stops will have balance beams and other equipment or instructions for fitness In twenty minutes or half an hour you can run the course and keep fit Its a great idea So great that a service club is planning a for Dennis Park Two fitness parks No one lias mentioned the vandals though So I will They will come Im sure They will not run the course like everyone else does They will start with tree carve then move on to the picnic table burn exercise Vandals will likely use the course in the evenings and will add little extras like the broken beer bottle obstacle course and the burning trash fire run Some vandals hough will not be deterred by light of day They are likely to be spotted from time to time by people who come to the fit ness trail just looking for the normal run The one planned by the SLSCA g Why not add a little spice of our own to the fitness trip At station one we could do a couple of pushdowns Thats an exercise where you take the vandal by his dirty shirt and shove mm If there are two of you you can adda variation where one of you kneels down behind the vandal while the other does the pushdown Its not only a good exercise its as funny as hell Complete next jogging portion by dragging the vandal through his broken beer bottles to station two There you can do some vigorous treetying exercises Wants Boer War papers It Is 75 years since the Peace of Verceniglng brought the AngoBoer War to a close The Boer War was the occasion of Canadas first major overseas military campaign and relatively little has been written about the participation of the Canadian con tingents 1 am engaged in reseorching the role of the Canadian forces in this conflict and I am anxious to get in touch with surviving veterans or with relatives or friends of veterans Volunteers from Ontario were especially prominent in ihe Canadian contingents in South Africa I will be travelling and resear ching throughout Ontario during next few months and I would be most grateful if readers could assist me In this project I am especially anxious to gain access to papers In private possession pertaining to the War Should readers be aware of the existence of letters diaries scrapbooks photographs paintings or any pertinent material would be most ap preciative if they would write to me at address below as soon as possible In addition to the troops there were also Canadian correspon dents doctors nurses priesls and teachers who went to South Africa Any information about these participants would also be greatly appreciated Springfield Ottawa KIM Tie the vandal to a tree Use lots of rope and run around the tree at least thirty times or until you are dizzy whichever comes first Leave the vandal there and find another one to complete your fitness run For your next vandal station three will provide a real fitness test Make him walk atop the balance beam all the while poking him and tripping him Keep picking him up from the ground and starting him at the top again until he completes the trip This may take awhile Other tests at other stations could include shoulder flexes Thats where you hold the vandal within arms reach with one shoulder and arm Hold by the neck and squeeze Its great for the shoulder muscles With your other arm flex your shoulder Keep moving the arm forward your hand in fist The sudden stop when you hit the vandal is a great test for the muscles For leg development you could stomp on the vandal Jump up about two feet bend knees and land on the vandal Again the abrupt stop when you land on the vandal provides good tensile testing of the muscles Gravenhurst holds reunion Gravenhurst On tario was incorporated as a village in This means that we are celebrating our Cen tennial in We know that former residents and friends of out town are scattered across Canada and around the world We invite them all to join us for a Grand Reunion on Friday July the beginning of our Old Home Week For more Information please write Centennial Box 2132 Gravenhurst Ontario CYRIL FRY Chairman Centennial Committee The wishbone pull is also a good fitness exercise For two people and vandal the with- bone pull consists of laying the vandal on his back Perhaps a pushdown will accomplish tills Then each jogger takes one vandal leg and both Joggers run to the next station Carelessly Using rough terrain and bouncing the vandal Off trees will develop strong back and arm muscles and shapen up allover muscle tone It also does wonders for your frame of Exercise is a great thing 1 see no reason everyone in Newmarket cant become fit aft a fiddle and be a real testimony to participation Have a nice summer and stay fit I I