Cine En Am Wei REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR COMMUNITY OVERLOOKING NEWMARKET bedroom home finished room with fireplace walkout to patio large main floor sun deck 3 washrooms Minutes to trans portation Call Shirley OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JUNE PM miles east on Wellington from Yonge Aurora Come see this bungalow with double garage lovely view acre lot Call John HOLLAND LANDING bedroom frame bungalow on ft treed lot in heart of Village car garage ideal for mechanic minded person only Rudy Strote 3 bedroom bungalow with large living and dining rooms eatin kitchen huge basement with partially finished family room and games room nice location Call Bob Walton the Permanent ACRE Minutes from Newmarket large hardwood flooring modern kit ap pliances Fantastic lot in prime area UNDER PRICED AT 500 3 Finished family baths walkout to priv yard Choice lot on quiet dead end street INCREDIBLE BUTTRUE New 3000 sq ft of luxury on acre treed waterfront lot 5 miles from Newmarket unique styling bdrms 3 baths sauna area stone fireplace 30 family room games balcony fantastic view of Bay flexible terms TURN OF THE CENTURY Acres rolling land mature trees creek finest totally restored home in area natural pine floors 2V mod kit ft of craftmanshlp zoned for antique shop or what have you only KEN HALE RES CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO REALTOR WALTER DYRDA REAL ESTATE BATHURSTST year new 4 bedroom brick bungalow finished rec room situated on acre land scaped Only with reasonable down payment To Inspect call Walter LOOK AT THE VALUE Newmarket area modern bungalow full basement Large family kitchen living room over sized garage paved drive lot To view this opportunity call Walter BETTER SOB WALTON RUDY STROTE CENTRAL NEWMARKET good starter home with apartment now rented at per month helping pay mortgage- Near stores and Go Bus and train Only Call John LARGE STOREY bedrooms master main floor family room with broadloom over hardwood x lot walkout good financing and more Call Bob Walton IMMACULATE 4 bedroom home baths car garage paved drive fully fenced lot finished family room and good financing Asking Call Bob Walton HILLCREST DRIVE New home on acre lot large bedrooms family room with OBFP 3 baths this home is built by the best Your choice of colours and cabinets Call or Rudy ALL YOU WANT In a house bedrooms separate dining room panelled basement 2 bathrooms 2 car garage and very well kept All this for 66900 Call Harold RICHMOND HILL this home has lots of possibilities up to bedrooms separate dining room huge lot garages with workshop Now used as legal duplex Fully fenced Henry MATURE TREES PROVIDE SHADE for this clean 3 bedroom semi close to trans portation and shopping rec room and bedroom in basement priced to sell Call Shirley PRICES SLASHED 5 bedrooms room tastefully decorated carpet throughout large 1st mortgage of Owner wants to see an offer Call AM GRANT ESTATE LIMITED NEWMARKET TORONTO IMS DAVIS DR NEWMARKET ACRE QUEENSVILLE REDUCED Nestled in the country this 3 bedroom home features corner fireplace cathedral living room ceilings sun deck bricked in stove enclosure and more Call Ron Saunders MATURE AREA OF DOWNTOWN this 3 bedroom renovated home features double carport large deep lot main floor family room with walkout and baths stretch your dollars today CUSTOM RANCHER ON 3 ACRES soon to be erected 3 bedroom 3 3 pc baths 2 car garage 4 walkouts finished basement all for ask for Ron Saunders WE BURIED THE HATCHET saved all the stately trees on this 73 lot near York County Hospital featuring family room fireplace 2 car garage and apart ment Income to help your budget Call Haold ARE YOU TIRED OP RENTING for down and per month this home Is yours 132 lot bedroom aluminum home call Ron Saunders AREA OF INCREASING VALUES this bedroom home Is finished top to bottom with cathedral living and dining area Ceilings walkout from kitchen to cedar deck finished family room with cosy carpeting cork and mirrors walls and magnificent fleldstone fireplace the centre of cheerful gatherings laundry area with lots of cupboards and 3 car garage Owner is building call Harold McNamara lot ready to go 1800000 FREDERICK ST KESWICK Reduced to In area of excellent homes 50 lot all electric 3 bedrooms Fully bricked home KESWICK OFFICE KESWICK NEW LISTING 3690000 Large bedroom Frame Bungalow kitchens washrooms Basement with walkout Town water Call Johnson at 478- 4955 OPEN FOR INSPECTION Bruce St Keswick Water frontage Saturday and Sunday June and between pm Call Gayle Johnson for Inspection at i NEWMARKET transferred bedrooms attached garage double paved drive nicely landscaped and decorated family room salt No agents Please J Mil FT baths partly and laundry room clean and In good condition 122 to be sold for lax at rears Official Ontario Lists Dept er box Station Ottawa Ontario WIT PRIVATE DISMANTLED INSTRUCTIONS Cedar log home 21 ft 27 ft evenings Tt SHIRLEY CAROL BASIN HAROLD HENRY PEGGS CRESCENT rooms big tot almost new and only Open House Wednesday from 8 and Saturday from Call Harold for information ROOM IS A BONUS with this bedroom home on a lot with frontage extras in clude walkout from kitchen see it today Call Carol BRADFORD one bedroom apt for you and bedrooms for rent makes this stonehouse a real money maker and only down will do it Rudy Strote EVERYTHING YOU WANT In a home large living dining areas good size bedrooms full basement deep lot fenced per cent 1st mortgage Its only 56900 Make an offer Call fCtlltf Jimtlvtl MORTGAGES ARRANGED AT NO COST SUTTON ROAD TORONTO 8890 CENTURY HOME 5 bedroom home on acre lot with bedroom self contained apartment rented at per month This well maintained home has lots features including large dining room lovely living room Possible Group Home Well priced OUR NEWEST LISTING Excellent value on this 3 bedroom brick bungalow on a lot This lovely home is situated on a quiet popular street and has a large living room with fireplace separate dining room large A pc bath high basement with extra bedroom 32 pool garden and more Only terms available CHANCE OF A LIFETIME bedroom bungalow on acres of land with flowing well garage Home has fireplace in living room large kitchen new pc bath large deck excellent garden area financing available ACRES Featuring a 4 bedroom solid brick home garage good large barn several out buildings acres working 27 acres bush Excellent horse or crop Farm Let us show you this fine farm Call us at 5 ACRES READY TO BUILD King Township St North road frontage pondsltes good building location excellent terms ftRS IVAN HI BRUCE PRICE BRUCE EVES Offices Buildings Offices far rent Davis Drive Vacation Properties for Sale Rent Wanted FOR RENT Lake BanorottHallburlon high land collages very modern reasonable prices percent off June and Sept Brampton evenings Accommodation AVAILABLE Year round resort In ottering service for retired or handicapped persons Short or long term Very reasonable rates For longer stays cost could be less your pensions if you qualify Trentvlew House 70S or NEWMARKET Optimist Hall available for rental for your wedding banquet or dances Catering by Phone iA JOHN MOSS ONE OF THE NICEST models In Hill finished rec room with fireplace 2 car garage Call Today 3 bedroom year round home In Gilford fireplace large lot garage sauna well Insulatedterrific value wont last long Call Bob Walton QUIET CRESCENT bedroom two storey well landscaped home finished room large master bedroom with large closets and gleaming hardwood Call Shirley KING TOWNSHIP One acre lot of lovely treed lot solid brick bungalow with brick fireplace In living room huge family room commercial must be seen enry LAKE bungalow large lot good area block to Lake and corner store Very clean Whats it worth to You Call to Inspect TREED SECLUSION on this 300 lot 3 bedroom bungalow has bath rec room games room greenhouse fireplace garage carport and many extras Rudy Strote ROXBOROUGH bedroom backsplit plus room with fireplace and den bath garage will be some of the features of this custom built home Rudy Strote NEW HOME under construction Choose your own colours for this 3 bedroom bungalow Call Harold JUST LISTED 25 acre farm In a prime location South of Albert Call Bob Walton Phone 898- or Toronto Davis Dr an REALTOR chub DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET WOODBINE 955131 PAGER NO RAVINE LOT 2 storey Basement living area overlooking parklike garden bedrooms fully carpeted Lovely kept STOREY CUSTOM BUILT Park Ave area Magnificent setting best lot on street centre hall plan with open staircase Separate elegant llvlngdlning rooms walkouts to deck and roof terrace 4 bedrooms family room fireplaces sauna bath All matching crystal light fixtures will stay many extras A truly delightful home to entertain In AC HARDWOOD NEW HOME Bond Head area Home under construction about ft Family room flreplacedual furnace bedrooms large kitchen buy completed or as It It HOUSE ft ACRES Pine tree setting 18 month old beautiful well kept shows like a dream large foyer separate dining room family room with floor to celling fireplace overlooks your own forest HOUSE a SMALL ACREAGE Private treed setting overlooking rolling hills Is this level in superb condition living room with lower family room fireplace 3 walkouts to decks or patio baths main floor laundry room carpet HOUSE ACRE POND 63900 Delightful rural setting circle drive construction fireplace In W O living room targe deck W O Master large dining room A A I J I LEASE PURCHASE YOUR OWN CAMPSITE For as little as 5490 We offer completely serviced lots Olympic healed pool tennis Is mooting basin on Trent Canal System Recreational halls creative playground theatre and much much more On site financing bear and call today on Pigeon Lake mites north Peterborough