rtA TOM Ford radio excellent for camper Phone era evenings JO a TO Dodge CK Cao cap Phone rap FORD VAN VI automatic pa pb- silver mags miles still under yarrantr 895 mi PICKUP A I condition Phone 20 me FORD ion certified El 20 FORD Van and interior or best offer Phone 890 after Trailers for Sale LIONEL hardtop camper deluxe model asking Si NO Phone after HARDTOP camper trailer with 3 way fridge Motorcycles Suzuki Sales Parts Service Repairs to all Motorcycles Holland St East Next to Canadian Tire Bradford HONDA with low mileage faring and many other extras A condition certified DODGE DEMON pb VI miles or best offer Call after KAWASAKI motorcycles for sale Den Wood Motorcycle Shop Alexander Road Newmarket Call tf US Elsinore Triumph 77 plates Honda like new Phone YAMAHA ex cellent condition low mileage used one season Asking Phone Hi 1974 HONDA miles back rest Avon lire mint shape or offer 775 HONDA A I condition asking 52000 Phone 4438 Chopper all and low mileage Call 476 after pm YAMAHA low mileage excellent condition Phone days 37 Motor Vehicles WANTED TO BUY Old cars for scrap Highest prices paid Free pick up Arrow Towing If Boats and GLASTRON It Bayftyte Merc- load trailer convertible top numerous accessories in clude Tath compass etc Reads go Asking Listed at 54800 Phone 2 SAILBOAT BUCCANEER Trailer equipment all in beautiful condition Offers View at Grace street Newmarket Phone 9195- FIBERGLASS boat motor convertible top trailer many extras phone after 5 SAIL BOAT foot inches Siren many extras including heavy duty trailer 120 OUTBOARD MOTOR Mercury Twin Phone 9139 MAHOGANY Lapstrake Johnson Phone 473 2400 20 CANOE Sportspal foot square stern Phone BOAT TRAILERS for rent days SIS Phone 47a 4175 Far Items CRIPPLCO Picked up Promptly Km till anvil Call anytime EDPECONIASON title Me ttCM FOR RENT 20 acres pasture large box stalls and standing stalls Mount Albert area Good trails board reasonable lessons available 2 FIRST CUT Atata cents at barn Call fjBNeawiaj Farm FORD JUBILEE tractor 3 point hitch with new tires and 2 furrow plough included Perfect running condition 7532 international tractor point hitch front end loader good running condition 1733244 GARDEN tractor Chalmers model G with tool bar excellent running order Phore LATE MODEL tiller Phone pm- 9 pm Livestock for Sale REGISTERED HORSE AUCTION Holiday Monday May oclock am at Stouffville Stock Yards Approximately Quarter Horses Pintos Hunters etc including several show horses Consign now to proven auction 510 entry fee on horses per cent com mission Plan to Several new English and western show saddles sold by auction complete tack shop on location To consign horses Bill Simmons Auctioneer SOMETHING SPECIAL One of Ontarios finest now offered to a person looking for that special horse 8 years old black and white hands stylish and flashy This gelding has over last years won with his young rider numerous trophies including high point and ribbons In halter equitation pleasure saddle Now in his prime and basically started in jumping Phone for arrangements to meet him FOR SALE 3 REGISTERED horses 4 year old mare 3 year old mare 2- year old gelding Sired by Grand Champion top Gunn Canadian Warrior These are all sound quiet well colored and excellent game or trail horses Newmarket YEAR OLD ARAB STALLION Canadian and American registered Double Raffles blood lines Excellent show and sire prospect Green broke 4233332 219 BREAKiNG training ana riding lessons available at your farm or ours Also blacksmith hot cold and corrective shoeing Raymond or 5261 THOROUGHBRED gelding size Pleasure horse 9 years FOR SALE Female German Shepherd spayed years old excellent children 264Q HORSE SHOEING hot cold and corrective Excellent rates Phone Aurora 416 3 YEAR OLD pari Arab Filly stern quiet Best offer Call 120 FOR SALE Pram excellent condition Phone Building Trades G LEECE Super Carpet Ltd steam extraction rug cleaning Loose rugs Free estimates Pickup and delivered Building Trades Building Trades mom HOME Under new ownership and now with the following services for your home renovations Aluminum Siding Windows Doors Shingle Roofs New Repair Insulation Cellulose or General Carpentry Recreation Rooms Etc FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED A Now Available RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FENCING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGN SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM WORK CALL COLLECT 17651 A Industrial CUWVEOHOSE GAS TANKS RE PAIR CO toll Vehicle Only RADIATOR SERVICE 8S HI After A Holidays U ISIS MayUlt Building Trades Building Trades Building Trades FOR PAVING CONTRACTORS Paving Ltd Washes to announce the opening of their Richmond Hill asphalt plant for the 1977 season EFFECTIVE DATE MONDAY MAY 9 977 LOCATION Bloomington Sideroad One mile east of Bayview Ave For Further Information Phone Head Office egaf Notices IWAYNE will not be responsible lor any debts incurred In my name after this date without my written consent Private Tuition MUSIC lessors guitar piano trumpet banio clarinet and accordion GIONVANELLIMUSICCO TF Tenders Plant FINE FURNITURE REFINISHING 30 Years Experience llfm Uilae mil nilCo Evenings TF14 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTERIORS Home and Cottage Plans YORK SIMCOE ALUMINUM Bradford Seamless Aluminum Siding Fascia Awnings Doors Rooting Windows One Free Trilile Door with Order Aluminum Products Pets and Kennels KENNELS BOARDING all breeds ideal conditions Also dog obedience classes GERMAN puppies registered needles and ready for homes Phone Keswick 23 419 REGISTERED cocker spaniel puppies black or black and tan call Keswick POODLES Standard pups purebred White and Call alter pm for sale Male black lab Phone 120 SDIHG 0 r DOAS F iH- Crone Service NEWMARKET CALL JACK NEWTON Experienced eavestroughing and sheet metal All work guaranteed Phone 4784469 FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled away give us cast oils Phone Between AM PM Phone X PAINTING and papering room and ceramic work Low rates and estimates Gardening Gardening For a Greener Weed free Lawn call WILLIE YOU CANT GO WRONG licensed weed spraying or fertilizing THIS YEARS SERVICES AT LAST YEARS PRICES can WILLIE 8956845 BEHAVEN TURF FARMS LTD NEWMARKET ONTARIO 8895494 Wholesale or Retail Growers of No Mixed SPEEDY DELIVERY or Held loaded for pick up orders it for an instant lawn TFia Dont seed it Fertilizing per SO lb bag installed No Nursery sod laid and delivered WEED CONIM Lawn and Tree Spraying For WEEDS INSECTS DISEASES Call Bryan Allen Newmarket SOD LANDSCAPING No Nursery Sod Call Clark SOD SEEDING Picked up delivered or laid Meats Produce Sale Sale ALUMINUM Aluminum Siding Soffit Eavestrough Free Estimates year Guarantee LB TFIi WHOLESALE BEEF FREEZER ORDERS AT CUT RATE RED A SIDES of BEEF Free Cut and Double Wrapped Budget Terms CHARGEX DENNIS IS CUTTING Main St North Newmarket Gardening INVERNESS FARM Top soil evergreens strawberry plants raspberry canes order yours now Phone WELL ROTTED MANURE by dump truck load delivered 8631712 or TF19 LAWN AND GARDEN maintenance Cut and trim and gardens PEAT LOAM ANY amount load your own easy access reasonable Phone YOUNG TREES lor sale J each spruce pine and fir no MANURE one ton load Sis Delivered Maple syrup also 130 Meats Produce for Sale FRESH BEEF direct producer Tom Glover 4 Personals DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous or Family Group can help Phone or 9S50S or Newmarket If TROUBLED ant to talk Call TELECARE 895 or 1212 24 hours a day Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WESLEY WOODCOCK LATE OF THE TOWN OF EAST BURY IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FARMER DECEASED Creditors of Ihe above named deceased who died ihe Town ol Newmarket in Regional Municipality of York on or about day January are hereby notified to send particulars ol same ihe undersigned on or before the day of June alter which date the Estate will be distributed regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have nollce Doled at Newmarket ihis 28th day of April WILLIAM TURVILLE Administrator of the Estate of Harford Wesley Woodcock by WILLIAM D TURVILLE Barrister Solicitor US Main Street Newmarket Ontario L3Y Tenders so Auctions NOTICE TO CftEDITUttS IN THE ESTATE OF BRUCE GIBSON SMITH LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET IN THE REGIONAL MUNICI PALITY OF YON DE CEASED the abovenamed deceased who died at Newmarket In Ihe Regional Municipality ol York on or about the day of January are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned of their claim on or before 1st day June after which date Ihe assets of the Estate win be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have DATED at Newmarket this day of May Harold J Executor by his Solicitors Stiver Vale Main Street Newmarket Ontario L3Y4X4 INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below addressed to the Regional Manager Finance Administration Ontario Region Department of ubtic Works St Clair Avenue East Floor Toronto Ontario and endorsed with the Name and Number will be received until hours on the specified closing dale Tender documents can be seen or obtained through office of the Director General Department of Public Works Ontario Region Ten dering Floor St Clair Avenue Toronto Ontario PROJECT No Cleaning Post Main Newmarket Ontario CLOSING DATS THURSDAY JUNE Nil Enquiries INSTRUCTIONS To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be ac companied by the security specified In the fender documents The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Warren Regional A Administration Region TOWNSHIP OF GE0RGIN A TENDER FOR SODDING Sealed Tenders plainly marked will be received by The Acting Clerk Township of Civic Centre Keswick Ontario until noon TUESDAY MAY 241977 for the supply and installation of ap proximately a yds Nursery Sod Staked yds Nursery Sod Unstaked Yds Top Soil on various Township Roads Township Tender Forms must be used Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Tom Appleby Tom Hare Purchasing Officer Road Superintendent MA Day Camps Years V1HH0RSE LOVERS CAMP boys iris weekly daily lessons in English riding and horse- swimming trail and large indoor arena FREE DOOR TO DOOR PICKUP IN NEWMARKET Brochure Informat 58 Business Services S3 Business Services PAINT Student Prices Year Guarantee for free estimate call UNIVERSITY PAINTING MARKS AUTO SERVICE am to ft pm Monday thru Friday i miles East Side Tune up brakes wheel alignment safely certificate NORM BABC0CK Crane and Welding Service Fully insured and experienced in all types of hoisting Phone evenings REPAIRS lo all makes of sewing machines work guaranteed Fast service Sewing Centre Corner of Main and Timothy BRADFORD DRIVEWAY SEALERS Summer special percenl off Phone WE WILL CUT and maintain your lawn at a price you can afford including planting and general maintenance Calf Jim Going on holiday Will maintain your garden etc Also pet silling Have references PROFESSIONAL carpel Installations at excellent rates For estimates please call LOST Siamese CaMemale vicinity Millard and Forest Glen Friendly answers to A Phone Auctions AUCTION SALE At Cook si own Sales Barn 1 mile east ol on You Brine Iff We sell Tuesday Livestock and product Fridays Household goods or what have you Time pm Complete farm or household dispersals For details contact Frank Webb phone CLASSIFIRDAOS ARERCAO THOUSANDS 1 Auctions Saturday May is A Canadian Museum quality Includes Solid cherry banquet table gateleg plus ends Tiger maple empire sofa Pine grandfather clock working Primitive Windsor cradle Hooked rug Book Whale oil Lamps Also corner cupboards chestnut pine I pine penes pc Moss Rose Teaset Rare Stevens gun Sitar pc Georgian silver Caramel Slag 4 Royal Copenhagen Figurines Large collections Coffin plates Victorian Mottoes Medical books also spool beds commode cherry chest wine chest wall clocks assorted chairs other furniture Old bottles books linens hooked rugs folk art primitive paintings string instruments Iron brass copper Pressed glass crystal art glass sterling pewler line china flow oil lamps old doll spreads quills oriental rugs and many more Hems The property Catherine Christie miles Manchester on Rd formerly miles southwest of Port Perry Sale at AM Sale managed Sold By Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd Uxbrkfge 41ft- Complete Auction service by licensed auctioneer 414-775- Bradford MONDAY MAY EXCELLENT AUCTION Complete household in cluding Viking Upright Croiley Frlgtdatre stove Motfat dryer Annex stove pcdlnlng room suite pine chest drawers an tique bedroom suite childs rocker captains chair antique high chair toilet sets butler churn back trunks rto small and stands wicker rocker dresser with oval mirror matching cane back rockers wicker Sewing basket stacking bookcase books antique picture frames very ornate mirror rugs china antique dishes chesterfield and chair small walnut table parlour table with cane work Tiffany lamp hall seat hall mirror hall tree oval parlour table oak buffet wicker lower stand ladder back rocker iron and brass bed bonnet chest dropfront desk round pedestal table pine com mode sewing machine blanket box several cupboards several antique rockers pine harvest table organ stool bolters lanterns oval table crocks tools garden tiller wheelbarrow plus many many other Hems The property ol Edgar Leask John St Port Perry blocks south of or 1 block north of NOTE Mr Leask Is giving up his home The properly has been sold This is a line sale Lunch available Sale at am Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc tions Ltd SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of antique furniture dishes im plements etc property of Madeline Carpenter Lot I Con miles south Sutton on at Baldwin furrow walking plow single plow manure spreader potato digger manure loader Quantity of scrap and other machinery oval cook stove Quebec heater space heater Morris Pressed back high chair Pressed back rocker with chairs to match Boston rocker cupboard sewing machine treadle of dishes carnival glass depression glass Ironstone crocks kettles settee arm and rocking chair Sherlock Manning piano and bench Cabinet long type phone antique dresser and brass and iron bed antique dresser and another brass and iron bed Quilts commodes clock pc toilet set arm chair books electric stoves 2 dryers washing machine bamboo easel harvest table bottom of flat back cupboard chesterfields humidifier hundreds of other articles plan to attend Terms cash Sale at Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers Phone Friday May MACHINERY A HOLSTEINS EQUIPMENT Clearing Farm Auction for Charles Sutter Oshawa at the corner of Harmony and Tauton Rds From Hwy 401 lake Exit Harmony Rd north miles farm AM F Traclor with loader good Ford Jubilee Tractor 3 lurrow plow MF double disc pi hitch Hay mower- No Baler bar side rake Cunningham Hay Con ditioner Spring tooth harrow pt New Idea Manure Spreader MF Seed Drill on rubber Tiller pt Hay elevator chain harrows bale steel roller grain auger oat roller unloader It cleaner over of chain and chute pipeline milker units Bulk Tank with washer 1 PM SO Holsteins Herd Average per cent A herd with great depth of pedigree Daughters of Emperor Ned R Maple A fine group of young cows selling Lunch Available Sale Managed Sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd Tuesday Evening May Furniture Antiques Tractor Auction sale for property ot Mrs Evelyn Cowan miles of Stouffville at Corner of Con 10 and Ave dormer Mongolia Store Including Cub Tractor wilh im plements show cases counter with till store scales like new remainder of stock store Stanley Piano Stool pine blanket boxes Antique Secretarylop drawer drops tor desk- bookcase above Ink wells 2 spool beds washstands dresser Antique drop fronl Secretary desk trunk lantern tin pails ft con tainers chairs antique paper rack several old buttons pictures milk cans J guns antique equipment lor making shot gun shells tools wood stove extension table sewing machine pillows quills stereo gramophone lop for flatback cupboard glass doors plus many many other pieces Pile of scrap metal Sale at pm Lunch available Sale Managed Sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd Ux- bridge 2 19 At the Sales Barn every Saturday am 5 pm Fruits vegetables etc etc Ven dors welcome On mile west of or 1 mile east off Cookstown Inside ample parking For further Information call Pnrnnte AftMiTRGNU ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS SALE MANAGERS Albert LfOIMI Sal June at Auction Sale House on Large Corner Lot Contents Sat June 4lh at AM for the the Estate of the Late Mrs Margery Thompson In Holland Landing at Bradford St east of Old No to home Watch for Sale Signs Sale of Home Furnishings Appliances Antique Old Furniture Articles Including Chesterfields Color Con- sole Oak lee Box Pine Chest of Drawers Blanket Box Double spool Bed OH Lamp Raisin Shredder Paris Toilet Sets Frames Small Oval Butler Bowl Wood Space Heater Many useful Items ol home cottage a Antique enthusiast For In- formation on property see Ad In Real Estate section Phone Bert Thompson evenings at Property selling at PM Terms Cash Cheques with Allen Horner 70S Sal May at Auction Sale for Frank Robinson on sideroad No Con 5 Twp ol King miles north King on Con then turn right mile Sale includes large western saddles western pony saddle Arabian and other bridles blankets English riding hats and other miscellaneous horse items John Deere Model Iractor with end loader and plow riding lawn mower rubber Boat wheel barrows sleeping bags guns 410 and no scopeslte Fireplace set bucket and grate room set Bar It long with tower cupboard 2 bookcases blanket chest burner electric stove chest lb cap air con ditioner whirlpool Brothers cabinet sewing machine other miscellaneous fur niture knacks elec trical etc Orr Auctioneer Thurs Evening May ft30prn Auction Sale for Helen Tackaberry of Lot 34 on Con Town Vaughan miles of King Road Sale includes No Tractor Glencoe Cultivator disc harrow sec Case Cockshult wagons and racks Bale elevator New Idea spreader snow blower Ford 100 truck racks and ol Hay ton of feed oats 12 pair of standards trotting poles Drums and assorted used tumps and rails tents 9 oulrigglng self supporting assorted camping items 2 metal water troughs large rolls of snow fence etc Terms Cash Cheques with only cord Auc tioneer SATURDAY MORNING May 930 CarFurniture Auction sale including Ford Maverick car door Vinyl roof Ihis car bought new by Mr Mrs has miles certified Gllson 8 freezer Chesterfield Chair Bedroom Suite Speed Queen portable washer spin dryer sewing machine all electrical appliances TV Lloyds Stereo oil paintings oil painting supplies bed chesterfield Table wilh swivel chairs china cabinet dishes Limoges china Camera Lawn chairs tools etc The property Mr Mrs Frank Sorice Maple Street Owners leaving country no reserve Sate Managed 4 Sold by Lloyd Auctions Ltd 2 20 Saturday May AUCTION SALE lor MR MRS J HOWALO Cherrywood Dr Newmarket blocks nor ih Davis Dr Langford Or opposite Maple Leal Public School on Saturday May pm Auction Sale off household furniture including colour TV stereo set dining room suite china cabinet electric slove Admiral combination walnut bedroom suite sewing machine oak desk Viking washer and dryer only months glass and china many miscellaneous Items including antiques A AUCTIONS Bert Van- Auctioneer Bradford 120 ANTIQUE AUCTION Sat May In the Community Hall 7 miles south of on Airport Rd Preview at pm Refreshments No Reserve Featuring Pine Pail Bench open Pine cupboard wicker Pine Bar door raised panel dry Sink pine hutch old telephone hanging lamp peg lop table 2 drawers CNR strong box Extra Stoke on Irenf Jardiniere Auc tioneer Norm Not responsible lor accidents of Sale want speeds reduced SHARON Parents of the Holland Landing area continue to request that the speed be lowered along that highway Barry Sanderson was present at council Monday and repeated that request goodness the police are there to catch speeders he told council He noted that parents wont allow their children to walk along the road and rind it necessary to drive them to school He suggested sidewalks or better still a walkway built a little farther away from the road Councillor Bob re peated as he did at a recent meeting in the Holland Landing area that the road in question comes under regional jurisdiction They have been asked but will not consider a lowering of the speed limit at this time he said Mayor Angus Mor ton who is on the Regional Engineering Committee said that come the metric there will be further consideration of the speed limit drop And he assured the worried parent he is absolutely certain it will be dropped when the new school goes in TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Alex In memory a father and grand father who passed away May 174 Lovingly by Linda Wayne Dale and Donna FOR SALE Pair red velvet drapes piece- white Provincial bedroom suite twin sue bed mattress children toys set of Roger Spring time pattern silverware value wilt sell for S150 crib excellent condition with mattress while MS work wltdfiower frame pairs of kitchen curtains S10 handyman Special stereo and dishwasher top load Phone8ya14S4 FOR SALE wedding dress tile cabinet large portable planter wringer washer wicker OLDER PHOTO COPIER needs minor repair alter pm SO FT FRAME BUILDING available lor demolition after pm 2000 SO FT STORAGE with loading dock ft heated wilh loading dock sq healed witii loading door Could be taken sq ft suitable tor Ugh LOST Grey tabby cat neutered male Drive area Call 1 SAIL BOAT 25 Hughes Sloop includes sails Sleeps 5 Johnson 7 cock hull Many lying at Keswick Illness forces sale Smith 727- 4994 ras- DOUBLE ROOM downtown Aurora shared kitchen and bathroom with one other available Immediately 20 FOR SALE bicycles all sizes King 220 FLAMING RESTAURANT requires full time Apply in person 749 Davis Drive Newmarkel 1944 CMEVV 6 automatic road worthy as i Phone FOR SALE Lionel hardtop tent trailer sleeps with canopy- atteOpmiV iRumbNt jTractor Heavy duty engine oil Transmission oil gallon can while supply tests MF PSI pressure VF bushel spreader Used MF row corner planter Used Grain a drill Wf PARTS as SERVICE Call Win or Sto wart SCHOMBERG SPRING FAIR MAY 27 29 SEE NEXT WEEKS ERA FOR DETAILS LV