The Era Newmarket Aurora Kes Wick Wed April mi UP TO 2200 SO FT J J from down TO QUALIFIED PURCHASERS Finished basement walkout Planned recreation facilities Large family room Large kitchen Main floor laundry room Shopping schools transportation including GO bus bedrooms a den Or 3 bedrooms 2 washrooms Garage Broadloom throughout Large master bedroom Walkout to patio Beautifully landscaped Paved Drives J Aurora Garden Homes has shattered the price barrier Where else can you buy a home of comparable size and features in the Toronto region for under Only in Aurora On Yotige Street Its the opportunity youve been waiting far Come See And convince yourself SUES OFFICE Henderson Aye AURORA ft Lake Ontario Pit to 6333340 10637 V J KESWICK STOREY HOME 5 Acres buys this in town property with future development potential Currently run as pony hobby farm CALL AGNES BEDROOM 3 Year Old bungalow in Sutton Town water detached garage 5 major appliances make offer Vendor took job out west CALL AGNES NEUGEBAUER ACRES BUNGALOW W500000 Square feet living space aluminum siding major appliances Commercial zoning miles north Mount Albert CALL JIM DAVISON MULTILEVEL BACKSPLIT- RIVER SIDE years old truly custom executive residence on secluded Sutton Street Town wafer feet river frontage CALL JIM DAVISON BEDROOMS PLUS ROOM plus bedroom den or playroom baths double garage on quiet court CALL SHIRLEY FITZGERALD FOR SALE Royal Trust THE SIGN THAT SELLS THE ROYAL TRUST CO ONTARIO REALTOR 8981220 Thornhill 8813232 WE SEE THINGS YOUR WAY 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Srigley Street nothing to do but move in the end of June CALL SHIRLEY FITZ GERALD INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS CALL BILLKILLAM JIM DAVISON Toronto Line 3 BUNGALOWS Each containing bedrooms Keswick brick fireplace in living room brick home Keswick large lot steps to all conveniences paved drive Holland Landing Brick paved drive central air condition fireplace in room Ron ENJOY THE WARMTH OF PINIi This home is refurbished to its original character 3 bedrooms new piece bath large country kitchen plus pantry New garage mature freed lot 50 Ron Ploder 8981220 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT Large lot all fenced features rec room area for your pool table piece baths pool fenced workshop for Dad car garage plus paved drive Ron Ploder 898- QUIET CRESCENT Immaculate home 3 bedroom brick- beautifully decorated glea hardwood floors Landscaped apple pear trees plus rec room car garage Ron 8981220 BUILDING CLEARANCE IN BEAUTIFUL KING Down sorry only one left acre stone rancher family room fireplace Try your offer Jock NEWMARKET BUNGALOW EXCEPTIONAL VALUE REDUCED spacious superb decor detached 3 eatin kitchen dining proff finished rm with corner fireplace walk out auto garage door Bruce Trim NEWMARKET DETACHED BRICK BUNGALOW Spacious 3 bdrm features large eatin kitchen walkout to patio garage situated on a large manicured yard Bruce Trim NEWMARKET2 ACRE MINI FARM WITH BARN Value Plus Treed country set ting unique picturesque country 3 kitchens baths living rms garage pool more could produce In come Bruce Trim 8981220 KESWICK BUNGALOW VALUE VENDOR ANXIOUS Just listed reduced detached living dining rm yr old roof fireplace treed x lot private drive carries like rent Bruce Trim GARDEN LOVERS 3 bedroom ranch style home with professionally landscaped grounds At tached garage rec room and bar Just listed Bradford area Only 59900 Phone Lore Liska FT FRONTAGE Customized cathedral home with open staircase huge sunken living room and open fireplace 3 Walkouts to sundecks A dream home fust 15 minutes north of Newmarket Only Phone Lore Liska ACRE FARM This property is suited to many purposes Horses welding shop machinery repairs woodworking etc Barn Insulated heated workshops 2 storey modernized home including all appliances West of Bondhead Asking Must be sold Phone John Kent St Hi J Direct till fctil t if MORTGAGES ARRANGED AT NO CfjST SUTTON ROAD HOME OF THE WEEK 3 bedroom bungalow on lovely lot This home has upgraded extra large master bedroom loads of closet space plenty of kitchen cupboards full basement with walkout to patio garage and much more Asking with terms GREEN THUMB SPECIAL You can plant your garden anywhere on this acre lot Excellent 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with main floor family room fireplaces rec room large workshop garage and many more features 65900 what you need to buy this home VIEW FOR MILES Square 10 acres terrific view government land to the north and east Privacy unlimited 59900 with percent first mortgage LOT Completely redecorated and has new 3 large bedrooms dining room utility room 4 pc bath small barn at of property II must be seen to be appreciated 68900 with good terms available Call us now for more details INVESTMENT BUILDINGS Numerous buildings for sale In different locations ranging from small buildings to large apartment complexes Call for moire details 55900 Super sharp bedroom brick bungalow located on crescent and completely decorated finished basement Includes rec room extra 4th bedroom and L wa laundry room area for bedroom strapped and insulated 5000 down to one mortgage IVAN f VIS BHU mi I I A 3 bedroom raised ranch bungalow on x 150 lot features kitchen walkout to cedar deck fully decked pool with heater and floodlights finished family room with bar bedroom laundry room roughed in washroom new top quality throughout at this price It wont last so call now DAVID HARTE REALTY SERVICES LIMITED NEWMARKET 8958553 TORONTO 14 Wanted to Rent house Newmarket art small family school age children Good references Phone Wanted to Rent TWO aCOMOOM apartment preferably Newmarket or Aurora for mother and children under monthly desired Call Bob Martin Wanted to Rent MOM TRYING desperately to keep family together seeks farm house or with garden hetf ample wafer and reasonable hydro by May Can only pay one month in advance as Im on a pension Call anytime 117 Coming Events PAINT DAUBERS Art CraM Show Sharon Hall Sunday May I 7 pm 79 pm RUMMAGE ft St Andrews Presbyterian Church Friday May Coming Events AURORA PARK and Recreation Annual Art Show Wlna and cheese party May 6 Advance sale tickets At door Saturday hours 11 am 9 pm Sunday 11 am pm Silver collection only Ml HAPPY VALLEY Square Dance Club Friday April Newmarket Fire Hall All welcome Lunch provided 9 pm SAT MAY Newmarket Nursing Home Davis Dr opposite Hospital baaar I to pm Cralts baskets rummage sale bake sale refreshments lucky draw HO Births CATANIA Dennis Janice nee Sheridan proudly announce the birth of their son Joel Dennis 8 lb 1 or SI Catharines General Hospital April A brother lor Alison Steve and Barbara art pleased to announce arrival of daughter Shelly Ann lb on Friday April at York County Hospital Proud grand parents are John and Anna and and Velma Grimsby SMITH Fred Sheila nee Dates welcome love first child a son Wayne Reginald April at York County Hospital First grandchild lor Mr Mrs Reg Smith and Mr Mrs Ivan Bates Special Dr J Fearon and stall an West WOLFE Jim and Jan are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter Jessica Elirabelh April 7 lb 10 Special lhanks to nurses York County Hospital Dr Townsend and Dr Jackson 18 Marriages MR AND THOMAS Newmarket are pleased to announce the lorthcoming marriage daughter Marie to Mr Gordon Davidson Schomberg son and Mrs Roy Davidson the marriage to lake place June 4 at oclock in Trinity United Church Mr I steed announce marriage Mrs Garth are pleased of their daughter Susan Gail to Eugene Paul son Mr Mrs Joseph of Leamington Wedding to take place Saturday July 9 pm Trinity United Church Deaths John Luther his residence in Sharon Saturday April 73 John L Farr husband Dorothy Lunney and Hunt Beloved brother Evelyn of Maude Lewis of Lethbridge Alia Lindsay J Sharon Muriel Ruth Mills of Erin and the late Eugene Funeral services were held at Rose Funeral Home Newmarket Tuesday April Interment Newmarket Cemetery John Kemp suddenly at home on April Beloved husband Terry and dear Bobby and Dear son of Carl and Kathleen Service was held at the Chapel ol and Rose In terment Newmarket JAY Margaret Jean Davis in Toronto on Saturday April alter a lengthy Illness Jean Jay beloved mother Audrey and Dear sister of Kenneth and Davis A memorial service will be held ihe chapel of the Rose Funeral Home Main St Newmarket Wednesday April h at PM In lieu of donations the charily of your choice would be appreciated SMITH Alfred In Newmarket Sunday April in his 1st year beloved husband Elizabeth Smith and dear falher of Alfred Mickey London Elsie Mrs Lome Clayton of Wiltowdale and Mrs Harry Davis Newmarket grandlalher of Rick and John Smflh Susan Wendy and Kalhy Clayton and Garry Davis Funeral service will be held at Rose Funeral Home Main St Newmarket Wednesday PM Interment Newmarket Cemetery TENNYSON Annie At Acres on Tuesday April 19 1977 Annie San derson beloved wife of the Gld Tennyson niece of Edna Mrs Hurst Funeral service was held Bedford Funeral Chapel Toronto Interment Cemetery Joanne chub Articles for Sale DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET WOODBINE Toronto DEEP TREED LOT Just listed bedroom home livingdining room overlooking parklike setting bath fully in excellent condition walkout basement has lots of possibilities Mark or Joanne Schulz BRICK FARMHOUSE ON ACRES Almost century old Centre hall plan Large separate 4 bedrooms large pool heavenly treed lot large vegetable garden Located on paved road 490000 Joanne Deaths TAYLOR William James April Beloved husband ol Dear lather of Penny Bruce and the late Judy Funeral was held the and Rose Funeral Home April In and Cards of Thanks CHADWICK In loving memory a very dear husband and who left this life April May winds ol love blow On a quiet peaceful spot Where one wo loved lies steeping And will never be length time can dim past Too many memories hold it fast To day tomorrow our whole lite through We will always love and remember you Always remembered and sadly missed by wile Rose and son Bob MEYERS In loving memory our dear husband and lather who passed away May 3rd Time will not dim the lace we loved TIe voice we heard each day The many things you did lor us In your own special way All our lives we will miss you As the years may come and go In our hearts we will keep you Because wc loved you so Ever remembered Wile Vera and POWELL In loving memory of our dear Son in law and brotherinlaw Bruce who passed away April On his year The months have grown day by day It is now one year since you went away Time goes on with many changes Joys and sorrows smiles and tears But your memory will be cherished all the passing years missed by Dad Mom and Family POWELL In loving memory a dear husband and lather Frederick Bruce who passed away April Gone is face we loved so dear Silent Is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech But nol loo lor thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once was here And who though absent Is ust as dear Sadly missed and loved by his wife and daughter Tammy POWELL In loving memory our dear son Bruce who passed away Apr 1976 We olfen sit and think him When we are all alone For memory Is only thine That can call lis own Lovingly remembered by Mom and Dad brothers Grant Bob David sisters Lyn Lee and Tracy WE WISH to thank our relatives neighbours Newmarket Council Prime Minister Trudeau Premier Davis lor ihe many cards plaques gilts and best wishes which made our Wedding Anniversary so Mr Mrs Brice we would tike to express our sincere appreciation to our neighbours Waller Ave and Court Newmarket and and relatives lor Ihe many cards and received during our recent bereavement and loss my dear husband and our falher Leo Thompson Special to Rev Suitor Royal Canadian Legion the Ambulance crew Thompson Dr and emergency nurses at York Counly Hospital A verv special to Mr and Mrs Don Graham Newmarket Evelyn Thompson and family Newmarket Articles lor Sale walnut dining room suile Duncan excellent condition Phone 7969 WELL TOP wilh access 117 75 outboard motor electric start plus controls refrigerator All In good condition JACUZZI horse deep well pump i hardwood plywood Phone WAREHOUSE SALE Large selection used furniture Saturday April Dyers Warehouse Slmcoe Sir eel Newmarket GARAGE SALE Sal Apr Three Seasons Dr Guitar record player etc 1 CBBASE RADIO cobra side bander wave antenna tower Phone PIANO NEEDS Small colfee table ISO One horse Johnson out board motor Phone El- 17 TEA WAGONS New maple wood regular price only Few tell Aurora Furniture Norlh Aurora 7777877 CHINA CABINETS many choose priced reasonably Aurora Fur nlture Yonge Street Aurora REFRIGERATORS Many to choose from Excellent condition Priced reasonable Aurora Furniture 28 Norlh Aurora 727- RM MOVING SALE matching and fridge Eteclrohomo radio stereo sewing machine many other items Come weekends 6th house of Vivian on Cone PIANO Dominion upright grand excellent condition needs tuning as is or will deliver Firm Phone OUTSIDE cottager lent wilh canopy Used once Baby bath change- table with tub 58 Phone 14 mission complete wilh BOLENS riding lilt mower wheel weights chains cab Pur chased November 76 lull warranty remaining or oiler Musi sell Phone 4a AJ69aller6pm 17 FOR SALE OK Dodge Darl J tires mounted miles Phone DINING room Suite piece S700 Phone WOOD FRAME storm windows lor sale Ideal lor greenhouse Phone 4897 alter X117 new Save 33 i per cent Black and Decker work male I heavy duly router complete router table template bushings edge guides router bit box router roulalorm pantograph Also small tiller like new Plus miscellaneous XI 17 GARAGE SALE Sat April 9 am dark Booth- bay oil Millard Ave near St Anllque vanity and bench dresser white bedroom suite and chair wringer washer oak and end tables goll clubs deep baby carriage records books telephone table banana seat bicycle window sheers and numerous other household items all In good condition SHOP WHITE BARN SOUTH AURORA SHOPPING CENTRE Beds children needs cribs junior size beds carriages dining room suites lawn mowers bicycles occasional chairs dressers and other Items to choose from Come in and browse around OPEN 10 fill to tills Saturday Mill 4 Sunday CALL Ml SECONDHAND Betty and Macs Discount Music store 9 Wellington West Aurora 7279373 Buying and Selling teakwood Furniture direct from Importers warehouse Open till 9 Clausen Ltd Rosewood fur bedroom suite dinTng room piece chesterfield chair wall unit brani new reasonable Living dining bedrooms Designs In Teak Road Allencourl Plata Rich- mond Hi II If TV TOWERS Antennas and installation and repairs Mount Albert Hardware DIABETICS All types Insulin always refrlgeralect tor your protection Co stock syringes needles test tapes and tablets Robins Prescription Pharmacy we d Phone b95741L 19 Inch Black and White portable TV condition Phone after 4 pm STTT LOCAL Pool Dealer has a limited number steel at greatly reduced prtct In stalled Other sizes com parably priced Call Polynesian Pools 1800 Ask lor Operator BICYCLES for sale speed speed speed Any any age SINGLE bed double bed picnic table dresser drawer washing machine Phone IB SMITHCORONA portable electric typewriter or best offer 2 high chairs best GARDEN TRACTOR 40 mower riding seat cart Best offer liquid cooled HP cylinder engine Powertakeoff shafts both front and rear 3 point hitch trans- mission Live hydraulics 7 models to choose from iro Woodbine Avenue Don Mills Keswick Ontario Telephone LAWN Sale Sat Apr at Andrew St Newmarket For list of Hems call suite excellent condition Phone X117 TWO wheels bumper lack from 67 Phone FOUR aluminum spoke mags lor Dalsun pickup tires Phone X GARAGE SALE April May Excellent buys Teak table builtin oven stove doll carriage two sealers cycles bicycles dishes bird cage chemical toilet snow fence out board motor like new and much more Cone Whitchurch belween St Johns and Vivian Road STORAGE shed lor sale x6 Phone 895 GOOD VICTORIAN pine furniture Windsor and fancy chairs occasional and serving tables Ladles bicycle Alexander Road Newmarket April 29 and 27 pm MAPLE coloured crib with Excellent con- Phone 7886 30 HEAVY DUTY range almost new Apartment sired refrigerator Very clean 117 USED pm back books Call alter LOWREY organ year old A1 con dition Phone 8309 alter j- BABY CRIB baby car seals Dodge Van bucket seals all tike new Phone 895 FOR SALE Channel Johnson BC radio new frame bicycle condition Phone 6701 MI CEMENT MIXER 3 yards on wheels with trailer hitch Call 4077 El SOLITAIRE engage ment ring carat gold 3 wedding bands female karat mate sire karat All rings art yellow gold inter call alter pm BLACK AND WHITE console TV Moffat electric range Phone WHITE PLASTIC BAGS on rolls x per roll 2394 POOL TABLE nearly new 1nch thick state sets of balls complete equipment Asking Call BOYS 5 speed bike Phone after6pm 11 GARAOE odor sec tional hardware Phone after pm EM 4