Era Oat Wei April THE ERA Serving York County Since every Wednesday at St- Newmarket Ontario by Inland Publishing Co Limited Subscriptions for years for one lender year Single copies c each The NewmarketAurora Era is one of the Inland Publishing Co Limited group of suburban newspapers which includes the News Ad vertiser Brampton Guardian Burlington Post Gazette Economist and Sun News Oakville Beaver Oshaa This Week and Tribune Member Canadian weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class wail registration number Phone Newmarket Charles St DAVID ft HASKELL Publisher TERRY CARTER ROBERT MARTIN News Editor Phone Aurora RIBBON AWARD School board debate offers material for Hollywood epic Are you listening Hollywood The scenario for your latest disaster epic is unfolding right here in York Region Take school principals put them on a single aircraft add 20 jittery trustees and youve got Airport York Region style Thats what the trustees would have us believe last week when they engaged in a debate over sending York principals on a single plane to Britain Theres no money involved in the York boards decision it was just a matter of what would be lost should the plane crash According to education director Sam Chapman it would be more a problem of find ing quality principals rather than a financial loss Separate school representative John Stephens and trustee Bob argued however that there could be a financial loss incurred in trying to replace the principals With that in mind Mr McMonagle served notice that at a future meeting hell introduce a motion that the board insure the principals with special coverage during the trip So the issue is not if youll pardon a pun dead In spite of the arguments were inclined to agree with East trustee Dr John Den son Putting two groups of 20 teachers on separate planes only doubles the chance that York region principals will be in a plane crash he stressed The principals will be fine we believe as long as Charlton Heston isnt their pilot needs signals will soon be rebuilt and partially paved between Yonge St and Bay view Ave yet there are no plans for traffic signals at the St intersection It was stated at a Newmarket town council meeting last week that the provincial govern ment which has jurisdiction over lights on St will probably wait to act until is paved and the increased traffic at the corner creates a problem This would be foolish The lights should be installed before the reconstruction of Mulock not afterwards billboard The corner is already hazardous and Torontobound traffic coming out of Cane Park way and St onto Mulock is increasing daily When is improved it will function as a bypass for Eagle St and Davis Dr and will become still busier Why wait for an accident before remedying the problem Install the lights now As the signalization of Queen and Main street intersection has already shown it takes months to get lights installed after the decision is made to do it Billboard is provided by The Era as an outlet for service clubs youth groups special interest groups charitable organizations and many others to get their message about activities into community And best of all its free of charge If youve got a dance bingo raffle seminar film annual meeting fund raising drive bake sale lea or just an old fashioned get together planned let us help you get the message out to in the community youd like to reach Just give us a call at between am and S pm or after hours phone Please have your submission in by pm the Friday before the edition in which you would like to appear so we can guarantee it will be printed us help you give others the good word A fiveday plan to stop smoking will be conducted at the York County Hospital auditorium in Newmarket April through at pm Participants may pre register or ob tain further information by calling Ext or in evening June For tickets and information call Benson 8335952 The Aurora Minor Hockey Association will hold its annual general meeting and election of officers April at pm in the Aurora Community Centre Hall The Puppet Theatre will be per forming four shows at the Upper Canada Mall Sat May 7 York County Hospital will stage a display at the Upper Canada Mall May to Sal May 21 Also at the mall York Regional Police and the Newmarket detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will be marking Police Week with displays The Newmarket Optimists Club will stage its annual Victoria Day fireworks display behind the Upper Canada Mall May 23 The Anglican Women of Christ Church Roches Pt will be holding a rummage sale Fri April 22 from 7 pm and Sat April 23 from io am to noon at Roches Memorial Hall Contributions for the sale may be dropped off at the hall the evening of Thurs April 21 The Happy Valley square dance group will stage its regular gettogether at the Newmarket Fire Hall on Main St April 29 at 9 pm A lunch is provided and all are welcome A tea and bazaar will be held at the Christian Baptist Church on Main St in Newmarket Thurs May from 2 to pm Baking fancy works and crafts will also be available The York Humane Guild will stage a noon hour luncheon Thurs April at the Royal Canadian Hall on Industry St in Aurora Guest speakers for the luncheon will be Aurora Humane Society Shelter supervisor Judy and Kennel Inn Manager Arthur The speakers will attempt to clarify operations of the two shelters and a recent confusion in roles A display of wildlife and nature photography by Peter Hissed will be shown Each of the photographs will be for sale with a portion of the cost being donated to the humane society Mildred Wickson for the annual house tour will give a progress report on the event which is slated for sometime in Just a reminder that daylight saving time arrives Sunday April 24 at 2 am Dont forget to turn your clocks one hour ahead The Newmarket Historical Committee will hold its April meeting at the Yonge St Friends Meeting house on the corner of and Eagle streets April 28 There is no admission and everyone is welcome Meet a Canadian author and poet Tues May 3 courtesy of the Newmarket Public Library will appear at the Community centre on Cedar St for a special evening of literature beginning at 830 pm Newmarket Craflers DDay featuring demonstrations displays and a craft sale will be held Sat May at IhetraltersStudio 1 14 Mam StTheStudiowillleopenfroml0amto4pm Newmarket High School will present Showcase Thurs May and Fri May 6 at 715 pm The show features drama music art and a gymnastics display For Tickets and more call Big Brothers of York will hold its annual meeting April at in the Aurora Com munity Centre The public is invited Tne Newmarket Ladies Softball League will hold a dance May at the community centre to raise money for their Fairgrounds ball diamond lighting fund Tickets are available at per couple from Marlene Best Fern Thoma or Mary Hogg C Next gome move the TV indoors Letters to the editor Tom Hughes enters debate over area animal shelters I must correct statements made in the papers concerning the treatment of injured animals in Newmarket and East First may I stress that contrary to editorial opinion this Society is not interested in playing politics May I point out that the Society wrote a private letter to Mr J who operates the animal control We did not publicize the letter we did not send copies to the press we did not send copies to the Council Our respon sibility is to enforce the laws which protect animals in spite of political pressures of the sort that we have been subjected to in recent days 1 commend Mayor Bob for Reader is proud of Crosbys stand Your goal to become a Community newspaper is great To discern good news and report it well is greater Thank you for the report of the Reverend Crosbys courageous leadership Many more appreciate this than say so We are very proud of people who stick out their necks to protect and to provide alter natives for a better life style HAROLD CARBO Bradford ling out that the Council had not been advised officially of any problem This is quite correct On the other hand I must condemn Councillor Hall for his irresponsible behaviour First he has misinformed the public by stating that his Society receives a year for the Provincial Govern ment to care for those animals are now denying This is sense The Provincial Government provides a grant to the Society to assist the Society its responsibilities of en forcing the Criminal Code If you consider the cost of such enforcement work spread over entire Province you will appreciate that the grant is indeed a nominal one I think the public should also be aware the Government has repeatedly advised the Society that not one penny of the grant must be used to subsidize municipal animal control work And finally one more correction Councillor Hall is quoted as saying that injured animals had never been left at the shelf unattended Unfortunately this is not correct On a number of occasions all of which were carefully recorded injured animals have been brought to our Light fund hits 1000 The fund drive recently launched by members of the Newmarket Ladies Softball League is well on its way to reaching its Donations and pledges obtained during past week give the fund about and a substantial amount is expected to be raised through the league dance May 27 Donors during the past week include Doris Ladies Wear Evans Fuels Keith Davis Sports Memorial Co Newmarket Cleaners Knocks government The Liberal govern ment should not renege on its promise pump million into ur ban transit scene with the excuse we cant afford it They should not be considering how to keep their promises by building bigger and bigger budgets They should be looking for that money within their present budget structure The government could save millions by reducing its ever- expanding bureaucracy by cutting out multi- million fiasco of a federal employee language program by grounding Otto Lang and other such expedient measures If a party cannot be trusted to keep its elec tion promises why should we entrust it with the future of our nation in these critical times GEORGE Newmarket Young players appreciate Era hockey coverage CLIENT COBBER- DOES HE OH MOT HONOUR Seer On behalf of all boys playing House League Hockey in the Newmarket Minor Hockey Association and the NMIIA executive and divisional directors please accept our thanks for the excellent job you and your newspaper have done in reporting our scores during the past season I am certain the boys appreciate your efforts in making the game results an exciting part of your sports pages GLENN SMITH General House League Director By ROY GREEN shelter during the night when shelter was closed and there was no- one there to take care of them until the shelter re opened in the morning Many 1 also point out that the animal shelter is not a veterinary hospital and there is no member of the staff qualified to provide treatment for injured animals The solution is relatively simple and is one thai is followed by most of the municipalities in Ontario Injured animals should be taken immediately to the closest veterinary TI HUGHES Executive VicePresident 10 Motors TorontoDominion Bank Upper Canada Mall branch Foods of the World personal contributions 50 In addition 190 was pledged during the week BEST Campaign chairman Aurora boys liked it too On behalf of the Auroa Hockey Mothers Auxiliary may I thank you for the coverage in your paper of our recent Mothers Hockey Tour nament The boys really look forward the tour nament and cer tainly do enjoy pic tures and the writeups of the games afterwards Again many thanks AURORA HOCKEY MOTHERS AUXILIARY Mrs KKlMfT Secretary Coordination in collections needed now Will the merchants of Newmarket and area rise up in arms over the constant requests for money for minor sports special projects charity work fundraising drives etc This is not intended as a criticism of such groups Please dont write me letters saying Im against fundraising Im only suggesting that there must be a better way I am on both sides of this issue as the charge of sponsorship for one organization minor baseball and the one in charge of dealing with requests for funds for the company for which I am employed If I have learned one thing It is that associations looking for money cannot un derstand how a firm can turn them down Members are so dedicated to the organization they cant see that their request could be con sidered anything but allimportant to everyone else The minor sports organizations are providing recreation for the youth of this town An admirable job Failure to sponsor a team could mean a boy or girl cannot play baseball hockey Softball soccer or some other en deavour Or does it With todays rising inflation and increasing costs profitability is becoming harder and harder for everyone Longer looks must be taken at the books especially outlays of money At the same time Newmarket seems to be enjoying a boom in recreation on a grand scale Soccer is growing Baseball is growing Minor hockey registration nears the 1000 point Football for men starts its second season this year and I understand that minor football is a strong possibility this year Ladies softball continues to grow and this year the girls hope to have lights installed on a diamond All of these goals are admirable ones But it all costs money and more and more merchants are being approached by more and more organizations for money for sponsorships walk- athons bikeathons etc All of these are good causes Im not suggesting they are frivolous and unnecessary I am suggesting that the steady track of groups and organizations looking for money is in creasing and Im not sure the retail community can handle it all The company for which I work currently sponsors a minor hockey team a minor baseball team a kids softball team and a ladies softball team In addition we make smaller con tributions to one or two other groups take out the odd advertisement in programs etc and con tribute to a number of annual causes Im not suggesting my company cannot afford to do this any longer We are starting to look a little harder at the requests which come in and there are only so many budget dollars to be spent in this direction Perhaps Newmarket should establish a minor sports council to deal with this in co operation with area merchants I understand there is some preliminary work going on in this area through the recreation department Wherever that goes I would urge many of these organizations to reconsider their fund- raising operations Every organization for a start should adhere religiously to the code of leaving the sponsor alone once he has agreed to sponsor Many of the minor sport organizations have an unwritten rule about this and it is a good one I think it should be written into their constitutions and strongly enforced Otherwise you have a situation where a sponsor may be penalized financially if the team he sponsors happens to win a championship There have been instances in the past where the sponsor is approached to provide trophies and or jackets or some other token to mark the championship I believe these organizations should also look into the services provided to the people they serve Im probably going to anger some of my colleagues in the minor baseball organization but I think we could make a start in that direction right now Minor ball currently provides one of the best bargains in terms of services for the sponsors money A pair of ball pants ball sox a cap and a are provided to each team member for 100 The sponsors money does not cover all of that of course Registration fees and to some extent a small Wintario grant assist In that direction I wonder though if our registration would suffer if we provided only the and a cap We could reduce the amount of money needed to sponsor a team and possibly have more money for equipment I should stress at this point that equipment balls and bats etc is not a problem at this time Perhaps in the future it could be I might also add that finding the sponsors was not very difficult The executive jumped in and helped make my job as sponsorship chairman an easy one But I wonder about the sponsors who paid out the money Were we the only ones who asked him for money this year Will other organizations seeing the name on a baseball sweater approach that sponsor next year I know he has only to say no but that sometimes suggests in the minds of some people that he is a tightwad or does not support their aims of the organization I think the best way of dealing with this is to setup a minor sports council Lets go further and call it a miniunited appeal for funds for groups sports and otherwise in this area More on this topic next week I