Hie Era Ncwmarkcf Aurora Keswick Out Wed March If 5 TWINNEY PRESENTS REPORT TO COMMISSION Present force could be better used As requested by the board am presenting a report on bow I fee some aspects of law en forcement should be maintained in the Region of York The input for this report came from the public in the form of telephone calls to my home and office letters addressed to me at my home and office and discussions with the executive of the York Region Police Association The Region of York Police Department is a good police force staffed by experienced and capable officers The morale of the force is good but there is an underlying discontent in the lower ranks because of the orders of their superior officers to enforce traffic laws in the strictest terms This discontent is compounded by the fact that these lower ranking officers are allowed no discretion in their every day police duties This over zealous traffic law enforcement has built a huge resentment by the public against the police force as a whole Therefore the title of this report is En trapment versus Enforcement First lei me reiterate my stand on the need for more men on the force There is no need for more men I base this statement because I feel and this is based on discussions with the association executive ard the public the present force could be deployed to better advantage area in which better deployment could be achieved is in the radar units To the best of my knowledge the board has authorized the chief radar units to check speeders throughout the region But there are radar units in use From the Richmond Hill division only seven cruisers are patroiling while seven are on radar Ally from am to midnight From the Newmarket division only six cruisers are patrolling while five are on radar duty from am to midnight From the Keswick division two cruisers are patrolling while two are on radar duty from 8 am to midnight Are more than half the cruisers on radar duty living up to the forces motto To Serve and Protect would suggest for example that in Rich mond Hill division the number of radar units on each shift be reduced from seven to three with one spare In this case there would be three possibly four more officers to serve and protect Another suggestion is the establishment of a pin map showing the high accident areas Radar units should be set up in these high accident areas where they will act as a deterrent to death injury and property damage At present radar units are located in areas where the officer is most likely to charge the largest number of speeders Example In some cases these units are located at the start or end of a speed zone to catch speeders They should be set in the middle of the zone to catch the blatant speeders not just to get tickets What I am proposing is selective en forcement instead of the present forced en trapment To elaborate on this I suggest more radar units be located near school sites and in sub divisions with fewer units in speed trap locations For instance on Ave south of Davis Dr there is often a radar unit This location results in many speeding charges This location is a prime example of entrapment as there is very little pedestrian traffic and is not in a built up area and the cruisers sit at the bottom of a rail Radar is there regularly Why The reason being that this location brings in many speeding charges The locations should be moved around so that the radar units act as a deterrent to speeding I suggest radar units be reduced after 8 pm so that patrols can be made to prevent breakins protect properties and prevent crime in general In conclusion on this subject I place before the board the fact that there was a written directive from senior officers directing where radar units should be located so that a maximum number of tickets could be issued Let me repeat this is wrong Radar units should be located where they prevent accidents and deter excessive speeding ft QUALITY FILM SHOPS SAME DAY color Service FREE FILM ore Aurora Kodak PASSPORT PICTURES MINUTE SERVICE MARKHAM STORE ONLY The Management Of Texaco And Coates Fuels Ltd Would like to sincerely Thank our staff the Fire Departments of and Holland Landing and friends who quickly extinguished the recent fire and for the many phone calls and gel well wishes for our employee Dan Gawlik and myself who were burned Thanks also to the many friends who offered trucks and or their services to help to keep the Business Going SINCERELY William G Coates Patrol sergeants checking radar unit locations and their operation is now a priority I suggest their time would be better spent in teaching the younger members of the force more of the fundamentals of police work One instance of a poor deployment of men took place during last summers prime holiday time Inservice training took place for those who were on duty leaving division under staffed The officer on radar duty was not patrolling and was only removed from his location in case of an emergency and after call was returned to a prime radar location Inservice training is both necessary and important But it should be conducted at a time when this is not causing a shortage of officers on patrol due to holidays and other priorities I also suggest that more authority be given to ranking officers to majce decisions and more input obtained from them to formulate policy making decisions The present policy of shifting officers from RAY Presents report division to division at periodic intervals should be stopped Officers should stay in the same division for a reasonable length of time so that they are aware who the criminal element is and are able to get the feel of the community and assist in public relations In conclusion I want to see the enforcement of law by the York Regional Police returned to the police officer and not by the present policymaking decision of one man I want to see the public have the respect they once had for the police I want to see young people look up to the police not look down on them I want to see the public look to the police as friends not as adversaries I want to see a policeman walk down the street holding a childs hand and the child looking at the policeman in a friendly and trusting way Under the present strict unbending method of traffic violations and other activities this will never happen Liberals not in doldrums candidate Wilson stresses The York North Liberal Association is definitely not in the doldrums as was suggested by Mary her Newmarket Notes of March Readers of your paper might get that impression because both her squib and the news item of the same date accentuated the negative by stating that only 35 people turned up for the nomination meeting and inferring that there was something a bit odd about the fact that even Margaret who won the nomination last year did not attend the meeting This Is an example of slanted news reporting a trait that is more and more a feature of our newspapers and one which Intend to challenge whenever and wherever I encounter It To be fair your reporters should have noted that the night the meeting was held the weather was very bad indeed Many people did not venture out to work that day because of icy roads and poor driving conditions so we hardly expected a large turnout in the evening That people did make the ef fort gave us a real lift As for Mrs absence I would like to point out to Ms and your reporter that a simple phone call to any one of the members of the association would have revealed that she was holidaying in the south at that time Let me emphasize once more the York North Liberal Association is an active enthusiastic and dedicated group of people working hard for the party In fair weather and foul JIM WILSON Liberal Candidate Tactics bother woman EDITORS NOTE The following letter was sent to the York Regional Police Commission and appeared on the agenda last Wednesday the same evening Commissioner Ray Twinney presented his report to the com mission Going home Feb at approx 830 pm there was one of your officers hiding behind a snow bank on Wellington St in Aurora with not one light on not even a parking light Now if your officers have to play such a snecking game in order to harass people to pick up speeding tickets something has to be terribly wrong with this part of your department Surely they can come out like gentlemen and park on the side of the road This is not an isolated caseand since I am in my office a number of evenings I have seen it frequently Arc you people aware of this The officers must have more to do than sit on Wellington St in Aurora or we poor tax payers are really being ripped off King Township Now more than ever Matinde mildness makes a lot o sense Warning Health and Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked avoid inhaling Average per cigarette King Size 12mg nicotine Regular tar nicotine Prices in effect til pm Sat March 19th while quantities last Most cars Parts extra Misalignment 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