I ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR 425 DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET 8958621 CLOSE TOMAfllNA Unique 3 bedroom contemporary home In a yearround recreational area north of Bradford Boating fishing golf at your doorstep Ray Proven NM493 EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME bedroom home situated in an excellent area in Newmarket Well landscaped lot walkout from basement to a patio and rockery George Carey J EXCELLENTVALUE LOW DOWN PAYMENT Located in older part of Town Four bedrooms taxes yearly Harvey BUILDING LOT minutes north of Newmarket Well treed Bill Cuypers SHARON 554900- Three bedroom aluminum sided home separate living and dining rooms balhs x work shop Landscaped lot Bill 895 8621 REDUCED TO Prestige executive home in Newmarket 5000 ft of quality living bedrooms library solarium family rooms inground pool in landscaped courtyard George Carey 8958621 MINUTES FROM NEWMARKET Trees stream and pond form pleasant setting large 3 bedroom ranch bungalow 10 Acres small barn 4 box stalls ideal for horses Don Graham 895 i SOMETHING SPECIAL Immaculate bedroom brick home in Mount Albert Full basement ideal for 3rd bedroom or family room Extra large lot Don Graham 895 matron MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT STAY HOME THIS SUMMER Enjoy your new x 24 pool This tastefully decorated 3 bedroom brick bungalow offers excellent percent mortgage Ray N474 I STARTER HOME Large lot Fireplace in living room walk out to porch aluminum siding miles north of Newmarket George Carey NEWMARKET NEW HOME Three bedroom brick bungalow washrooms immediate possession Not in subdivision parking area for trailer or boat Harvey BUILDING LOT 75 x located In Keswick Vendor will hold mortgage 5000 down Jack Ploder 8958621 NEWMARKET NORTH Modern 3 bedroom brick home family size kitchen main floor utility room detached garage paved drive Priced to sell Jack Ploder 8958621 K188 QUIET COURT 3800 sq ft of gracious living 5 bedrooms spiral staircase family room overlooking patio and pool surrounded by gardens and trees Bob Broadbent IRWIN CRESCENT Owner has purchased and must sell Raised brick bungalow 4 bedrooms master features 2 ensuite recreation room plus walkout percent mortgage Jack 895 8621 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT 3 bedrooms separate dining area eatin kitchen features include walk out from basement Conveniently located George Carey 8958621 Upgraded 3 bedroom home offering lots of extras sq ft of living space x lot A pleasure to show Bill Sweezie bringing people and real estate together THE DECORATORS TOUCH This Immaculate 4 bedroom home has features too numerous to list Must be seen to be appreciated 69900 Ray Provan REDUCEDTO59900 sq ft of olde charm Ideal garden area close to shopping and con veniences Private mortgage Don Graham NM523 CHOICE OF THE SEMIS 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms separate dining large kitchen Basement professionally finished Walk out to delightful private lot Dorothy Knight JUSTREDUCED Quality built bedroom home bathrooms cozy family room enhanced by walkout and fireplace Now Graham Lloyd NAA510 OPEN HOUSE Patterson Street Newmarket Saturday February to pm Three bedrooms sunken living room All prospective purchasers and agents welcome Reduced to Bill Sweezie 8958621 TECUMSETH STREET down Close to schools and shopping 3 bedrooms separate living and dining rooms lot Bob LOOKING FOR COUNTRY LIVING Most desirable site bedroom ranch bungalow on rolling acres mile from Hwy No 27 south of Schomberg 77900 Don Graham 895 8621 ACRES 4 miles from Newmarket 5 acres clear balance mixed bush Excellent hobby farm site 59900 Mike RETIRE In this aluminum sided bungalow Finished basement workshop area broadloom main floor Close to all conveniences In Keswick George Carey ENJOYABLE COUNTRY LIVING Custom built home 7 rooms on main floor 5 finished on lower level 2 fireplaces bathrooms x 550 lot Bill Sweezie TREES TREES IN TOWN Immaculate 3 bedroom 2 walk outs large lot immediate possession Attractive 1st mortgage Don Graham OWNERTRANSFERRED buys this well cared for detached bungalow Garage paved driveway fenced back yard partially finished recreation room Excellent value Greta Cutting FOR RENT PER MONTH Three bedroom home close to school quiet street Available March 1st Barbara 8958621 58900 CHURCHILL New custom built bedroom brick bungalow fireplace In living room walk out basement ft of living space Lot x Bill Cuypers NORTH STREET is the asking price of this 3 bedroom brick bungalow 2 miles north of Newmarket The home features a com bination living and dining room eatin kitchen The lower level has a family room with a 14 floortocelling brick fireplace and den or 4th bedroom All this on a lot Bill Sweezie COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Owner has purchased and has reduced the price to for this room 2 storey home situated on a x lot mile north of Newmarket This home Is presently utilized as a duplex but may be used as a single family dwelling Bill Sweezie 8958621 N450 WE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH OFFICES FROM HALIFAX TO HONOLULU VANCOUVER TO MEXICO AS AN ALL POINTS RELOCATION SERVICE MEMBER WE CAN OFFER YOU ALL THE HELP YOU REQUIRE EVEN ARRANGE FOR MOVINO AND FINANCING ITS ALL FREE WE EARN ONLY OUR USUAL COMMISSION IS OUR DESIRE TO OFFER YOU A TOTAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE MAY WE SERVE YOU 5ANDFORD STREET bedroom home Extras Include fridge stove washer and dryer Bill Cuypers 8958621 VILLAGE OF ZEPHYR Tastefully decorated well maintained bedroom brick bungalow recreation room Located on large treed lot George Holland 8958621 BONUS BONUS BONUS Solid brick 4 bedroom home large sunrooms separate dining room new kitchen cupboards Inspect this home and appreciate the bonus that it offers Mike N530 VALLEY OF THECEDARS 4 large bedrooms washrooms double entry doors excellent 9 percent first mortgage An ideal home for the larger family Ray Provan 2 miles north of Newmarket 3300 sq ft builders own room brick 4 bedrooms master bedroom 15 in cludes dressing room plus pc ensuite walkouts from family room office and kitchen treed acre lot BUI Cuypers 895- FOR SALE OR LEASE 5600 sq ft In buildings suitable for light manufacturing autobody machine shop or warehousing Complemented with plush office area Mike 8421 N506 CONSULT US TO PURCHASE SELL OR ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE AT PRIME RATES call CK KEN LE MANAGER At or 8895320Tor MORTGAGE SALE NORTH SIDE AVE RAVEN SHOE MILE EAST OF DON MILLS RD ON PAVED HIGHWAY UNDER A POWER OF SALE contained In a first against the property known as No DESCRIPTION Lot No Concession Townihip DWELLING story detached aluminum siding Bedrooms I Piece Bath I j Piece washroom In Basement Living Room Large Panelled Recreation Room with fireplace and Wet Bar games Room Foil Basement Private gravel drive No chattels Included TERMS Cash percent with offer Balance on Closing ASKING PRICE OFFERS will be received up to March for acceptance by March 1977 The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted Requisitions before April Closing adjustments and possession April Offers must be made subject to possible redemption by owners and subsequent en- prior to closing Dates may be extended by vendor Tl TUE Purchaser must satisfy himself as to title and description Vendor does not warrant title description condition of dwelling will contain trustee covenants FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CONTACT STERLING TRUST CORPORATION DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET ONTARIO ATTENTION JOHN 7 Financial and Mortgages Business Opportunities FOR Like the out doors and being your own boss WILLIE weed spraying and business may be for you All equipment Included plus Willies help to get you started Plenty room tor expansion Can you look after Willies growing number of customers and To have YOUR OWN BUSINESS by call 9705 today RI7 Accommodation NEWMARKET Optimist Hall available for rental lor your wedding banquet- or dances Catering by Al Phone jjpwjbj Houses lor Rent full basement ear garage targe lot Davis Dr Newmarket alter live X37 LARGE 4 bedroom ranch style home appliances bathrooms fireplace country location near Mount Albert monthly Available March 1 or IS Call ait Houses for Rent KESWICK Bungalow bedrooms immediate possession Phone 8390 3 bedroom bungalow plus garage Includes 3 ap pliances Suitable for professional couple month Phone MS BEDROOM house for rent garage work shop in Keswick call alter 7 pm 4704914 Available mediately KESWICK bedroom house for rent Available March Phone NEWMARKET ARIA bedroom house large lot Phone 4386 Toronto RADFORD new bedroom home 3 bath living room- dining room hitch en walkout basement monthly 8916106 after pm KESWICK house for rent Avail able March 1st auk for Harold or Rooms for Rent ROOM for rent gentleman preferred Phone ROOM or room and board Phone Rooms for Rent ROOM completely furnished refrigerator TV and Cable Included 530 weekly 695- FURNISHED room in private home gentleman preferred Phone FURNISHED room preferred working gen- centrally located to Phone 895 3554 ROOM FOR RENT working gentleman weekly Phone after 5 pm FURNISHED bedroom cooking and laundry privileges Phone FURNISHED room use of TV and cooking facilities Phone silling room mature person Phone 895 38 Room and Board ROOM and board available Phone 8953436 Apartments kit chen living room and bath freshly decorated Main St or 6472 13 Apartments Apartments BRADFORD ONTARIO SI Centre St New Building two bedroom suites frost free fridges continuous clean ovens extra large private balconies underground parking dif ferent styles to choose from From up If you like being the very first tenant ever If you like things to be and beautiful In a smaller building with a friendly atmosphere Then call SUBLET 3 bedroom apart ment with basement and yard Children welcome References required a month BEDROOM large kitchen living room and bath hydro heal stove and fridge newly decorated Main SI Call mi FURNISHED one bedroom lor rent In Newmarket April May and June monthly Phone 1 BEDROOM apartment tor rent available March 31 adult building No pets bedroom Recently redecorated partly fur nished private entrance private drive No pets no children Heat Included Available March com pletely furnished for light housekeeping Working person only Phone after pm BEDROOM In duplex upper furnished with fridge and stove efc Central Newmarket Including utilities 18 Apartmen KESWICK upper duplex 5150 monthly Separate heat hydro and entrance Phone 3150 8 BEDROOM apartment lor rent close hospital Adults only Phone 8951693 BEDROOMS adults only no pets available March I Phone Coming Events CENTURY SOCIAL CLUB pub night Newmarket Community Cedar St Saturday March am Drill wood Band and variety show Bullet bar and prizes Tickets S3 50 person everyone welcome Pay at door 37 NEWMARKET MON- School will hold a panel discussion on The and The Public Schools Thursday Mrch pm al the Optimist Hall Forhan Dr Newmarket Refresh ments ENCOUNTERS WITH GOD Series led by Rev Doug six Wednesdays In lent beginning March pm St Pauls Parish I Hall Water St Coming Events WED FEB Bingo Aurora Community Centre sponsored by Rotary Club of Aurora Early birds 730 pm Jackpot numbers RTF DEMONSTRATION Parly In Tupperware Sarah Coventry Jewellery Toy and Fashion 32 makeup to be held In the Veterans Hall Millard Avenue Newmarket on March 1977 at 730 pm proceeds In aid of Newmarket Bantam Baseball learn to Sweden 36 MONDAY FEB Euchre at North Union Community Centre pm Prizes and TOWNSEND Bob and Pat nee Garrard are pleased to announce Valentines Day arrival of Chartene Nicole sister for Darryl Happy grandparents Bruce and Theresa Garrard and Ethel Thank you Or Dr and nurses and Jan are to announce arrival of son David James on Wed nesday February 16 at York County Hospital Jim and Rita are proud announce the birth of their daughter Nicole Catherine on January at York County Hospital Special thanks Or Devlin and maternity staff Mrs Dorothy Donohue is pleased to announce the marriage of her Marie to Mr Brian Johnstone Wedding take place Friday February Deaths TCSKEY Minnie Hospital February Morrison Stanley mother Miriam at York County on Thursday Miriam beloved wife of Teskey and dear of Earl of Newmarket and Keith of Niagara Falls Funeral services were held the Roadhouse and Rose Funeral Home Newmarket on Saturday February 19 Spring Interment Wellington C WEEKLY FOR BEST RESULTS x