Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 5, 1977, p. 4

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Jigsaw EERA York County Since at JO Chtrln SI toy Inland Co far two yean tor one yaar rtpplts Mc aach Mawmarkat Aurora Era te oca of Inland Co Had I roup of suburban papers AftxAvftflbyicfctring News Ad- Guardian Burlington Foil Economist and Sun Mftafaaauaa This Trfbun DAVID ft HASKELL TERRY CARTER EditorinChief Mambar Canadian Association and Audit of Circulation Class Mall raatarraflen number Worn Newmarket 30 Charles St ROBERT MARTIN News Phone Aurora Era marks birthday We are celebrating our birthday this year Sometime in the exact date has been lost to history The Era will complete its first century and a quarter of service to Newmarket and its surrounding communities It is one of the oldest businesses in York Region and one of the longestsurviving newspapers in Canada little is known about the newspapers founder a printer named GS Porter who set up shop in in the building opposite the post office Our first home was torn down two years ago and replaced by the fine new municipal walkway connecting Main St with the new tennis courts and community centre parking areas Mr Porter faced formidable odds when he started his new printing publishing and stationery business Only 500 people lived in the village and the number of these who could read was not substantial The road and trail network linking the little community to its farming neigh- bora offered the only means of communication and this was often closed by bad weather Mr Porter only lasted a year and the real history of The Era starts with the new publisher Jackson who arrived in town on first scheduled train to stop at the new railway station on June 1853 Although he had a partner during his first year by the summer of 1854 Erastus Jackson had assumed full control over the fortunes of the fledgling publishing firm He and his family supervised its growth and prosperity for more than years and during this long period played major roles In the growth of the community Following retirement as editor and publisher in in favor of his son Lyman Jackson Erastus who had been politically active in the municipal field for many years became Warden of the County of York After the death of Lyman Jackson in The Era changed hands several times It had seen competing publications come and go many times over the years and in 1942 it entered an amalgamation slill remembered by many long- lime residents of the area Its owners Andrew Hebb and Col P purchased the opposition Express Herald and renamed their paper The Newmarket Era and Express a name it retained through its next ownership as well that of CA from 195666 Today 7500 issues away from its founding on that unknown day in 1852 when the top of Main St hill was the north edge of town The Era is looking to the future and growing with its community It has become one of the areas major in dustries employing people The newspaper has three editions a week one for Newmarket and area one for the AuroraKing area and one for the South Shore of Lake Simcoe In addition its computerized typesetting shop produces two other newspapers owned by the company As we enter our year the challenges we face are immensely different from those faced and surmounted by Jackson and company but they are no less difficult And the future for our community may be no less certain now than were the years ahead of the little frontier village of 1853 but we are certain they are just as bright for we are still in the heartland of one of the most prosperous areas of a great and wonderful nation NEWSROOM NOTES The year ahead in education By BOB MARTIN Era News Editor Both the York County Board of Education and the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board enter facing unresolved disputes In the public school boards case secondary school are claiming a breach of contract and trust over submission of their l9677 salary agreement to the AmiInflation Board Hie separate school board meanwhile Is faced by parent discontent in Schomberg over last springs forced resignation of St Patricks Separate School principal Bill The next move in the dispute is up to the parents who have scheduled a meeting Monday night at the While the affair is an isolated Incident the discontent brewing among teachers employed by the puttie school board is evident across the region The action by the secondary school teachers is a display of major support for their elementary coun terparts who while equally bound by the boards decisis to include regular Increments in the mlasion to the A1B wont suffer any financial loss Even with the increment the salary increases awarded to the secondary school teachers are below guidelines It different matter for the elementary teachers however who stand to lose an average of over a year should the roll back the per cent dif ference between the guidelines and the settlement with Increment submitted by the school board for federal approval But the fire power has been left with secondary school teachers whose contract Includes a clause caling for Joint submission to the AIB The agreement with the elementary teachers no such clause and those teachers are powerless far as legal action is concerned The result is a drop in morale thats being dramatically compared to the secondary school strike days of early But the issue goes deeper than teacher morale The new board faced with a provincial theory that pupil teacher ratio should be resolved during cosstract negotiations sees budget control slipping from Us grasp Honest frank cooperation between the teachers and the board is going to be necessary for the taxpayer to value for the increasing number of dotes hes forced to sink Into the education system Mass donnas and knights on white horses have no piece amidst such surroundings WMIs they are all currently unknown quantities the sew public school trustees bring a sense of balance into their new roles arent coming in as new boys out to oust the but are eager to assist the board In an Independent but at the same time sensible man ner In addition to the thorny teacher contract and budget dispute major issues facing the new public school board Include use of moral values techniques in the clataroosn The outgoing board froze use of particular moral values techniques but final disposition of a problem that has drawn the wrath of some parents was left to the new board In its favor the new public school board appears ready to tighten up on meetings that have gone long into the night Several new trustees were obviously disturbed by length of the special closed contract session they were permitted to sit in on While the board was scheduled to meet both the secondary and elementary teachers and discuss the contract problem between pm and pm and then move into a special caucus session to review can didates for 1977 chairman and vicechairman posts the caucus session was never held The emergency session of the board dragged on until after pm with some new board members walking out In disgust Even outgoing chairman Doug Allen who didnt seek reelection quietly slipped out of meeting The session focused on another problem inherited by the new board In the past year the board has moved towards discussion of more and more issues in closed session Although discussion of personnel and property matters is widely regarded by bom the media ami public as best kept behind closed doors the board has sidestepped issues merely by attaching a staff name to a particular subject Hence the issue con kept behind closed doors as a personnel matter With the new board comes an apparent willingness to conduct more business during public sessions Thcactual direction the board will lake in this area will at least be partially decided by election of a chairman during the inaugural session tomorrow night in Front runners Craig of Newmarket and John Stephens of both have widely divergent views as to how ihe Ijoords threemember chairmans committee should operate While Mr sees the committee role as ad ministrative in that It would direct formation of agenda Mr Stephens is calling for a higher profile committee that will act as a spokesman for board Despite differing theories candidates for the chairmans and vicechairmans post have pledged to work together What one trustee has called corporate body in which the minority is willing to accept the decision of the majority could become a reality for the York County Board of Education in One of realities for the separate school board could be the start of construction on a new board headquarters While construction of a new board office was discussed In the past any final decision was postponed in light of financial restraints Its a new year and a new office building proposal could be presented to trustees within the first few months of the new boards term of office Growth in York Regions education system could also expand beyond the realm of the existing school system year In the dying months of a group of enthusiastic supporters met to formation of private Catholic high school Although discussion Is still in the very preliminary stages the school could become by the end of the year VIEWS IAKE WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF SATIRE The airlines have come up with the solution to the overcrowded skies but they are keeping it a secret fig of theirs that has been going on for years behind our backs Almost as long as there lias been a problem with too many planes going too many places and air traffic controllers trying to juggle the tangled mess over the airports I learned of this little plan when I had to go to Buffalo New York recently and arrived at the airport with just over an hour until my plane left When I discovered where the departure point was down that long long long corridor at the terminal 1 decided I had better walk fast Letters to Teacher claims The grievance procedure was of paramount im portance the York County teachers because we were convinced that it was essential for our very existence The ar bitration agreement of a few years ago entrenched it firmly into the system There have been many occasions when it has been activated lo clarify situations The board and staff have been served well by openness and fairness of this procedure Trust between the board and teachers had prevailed Why now have wo been so unjustly treated I feel disappointed shocked appalled as well as deceived The hoard with whom it ap peared we had established rapport and an openness comparable to anywhere in Ontario met with us on Dec 20 The results of that meeting were un satisfactory Yet events have occurred which boggle the mind Why In the middle of August did staff present our negotiating team for approval a copy of the A I II submission without Increment Why was this copy before it was submitted to the AIB Why were we not In formed of the alteration before Ihe submission Why was a board motion on Sept 27 presented by Dorothy without prior discussion with our team Why wasnt our team informed of board approval of Inclusion of the In crement Why did we not receive a copy of the actual A I submission until the middle of December Why was Article of our collective agreement breached Have all York County submissions to AI Included the In crement or merit pay amounts I believe that the majority of board did not have all fads nor did they understand fully the Implications of the material placed before them am reminded of message in a sampler at home which says God grant mc the serenity to accept things cannot change courage lo change those things can and wisdom to know the difference Truth justice and fairness must prevail in York County Board members teachers and members of the ad ministration must be seen for what they are for what they have done and for the part that they are to play In the future I pray to God that we shall gain greater insight Into the matters at hand and that we are prepared to state openly if and when we have erred unjust Justice must appear on both sides of the coin As a parent a ratepayer and a teacher I Implore and challenge the new board to implement the Aims and Objectives of the York County Board of Education WALTER A ISO Bayvtew Fairways Drive Thornhlll Reader lauds staff at Greenacres Home Open letter to Home for the Aged As this festive season approaches I would like to wish you and yours Compliments of the Season and much hap piness in the coming year I feel also that it would be on appropriate lime to bring to your attention the excellent organization and work done by Ontario Administrator doc tors administrative staff administrative nursing supervisors an I social are and un do rstnnding Nurses and nurses aides must come from heaven especially those who manage lo stay at work keep their sense of humor manage a few minutes of love and understanding with the residents listen to heartbreaking problems and do their work which Is not always pleasant Adjuvant teaching craft arc excellent their and care in handling residents Is noticeable to all Dedication such as this is commendable must also mention the com plete maintenance staff and laundry personnel especially those men and women who try so hard to keep rooms and halls clean and although they have nothing to do with coro of residents their patience and cheerfulness In working around them should not go unnoticed The lone painter and decorator should receive hon ourable mention for work well done I would Like to compliment all those responsible for the planning and preparation of food also cleanliness of kitchen and dishwashing section I find quality quantity and preparation to be excellent I feel that my past experience of many years including 14 years as a hotel owner owning and operating my own businesses prompts me to write this letter aside from the fact that my wife Dorothy Is a resident of with whom I spend many hours most days From both of us Dorothy and Earl Han cock to each and every member of may the warmth of Christmas fill your homes with happiness and throughout the coming year He urges public not to sway The uproar surrounding the Con servative governments plans to grant Heed Paper Co Umber rights over 19000 square miles seems lo have dropped off the front pages It ap pears PCs have successfully calmed many observers by ap pointing Patrick chairman of the En vironmental Assessment Board hearing Perhaps before we allow things to settle so quietly we should recall that had It not been for he strident disagreement by the official opposition government would have hurried through a final agreement a long look at both the government and the company on this issue The firms recent study bolstering its demands makes little mention of the needs of the natives living In the area In fact consultants hired by the company did not bother asking any Indians about the proposal Its no wonder Chief Andrew feared the hearing would be a white wash I hope people wont be swayed by astute political maneuvering which succeeds In killing publicity without actually touching the crux of the problem If we let them get away too easily this time It will Just en courage them ARTHUR CHAMBERLAIN Patterson St Newmarket billboard Fifteen minutes later I was no closer to the fate and broke into a jog About five minutes my plane was scheduled to leave realized that I was still a good distance from that gate and that there was no way I was going to make it A I arrived at the departure point some ad minutes after the airlines Wing and a Prayer had despatched Flight to Buffalo The nice young lady at the counter was very sympathetic in telling me that the next Buffalo flight from Wing and a Prayer hadnt been scheduled as yet Why dont you walk to Buffalo she said you could make it in about half an hour Walk to Buffalo I stammered you must be kidding lay down on the floor puf fing beside my overnight bag and looked up at her J Yes its really not all that far now she said youve come the greatest part of the way now Look out that window over there That cloud of smog over there if Buffalo I couldnt believe my eyes There just a short distance out the window was downtown Buffalo I could almost see Weinstein getting ready to report on a fire and a couple of drunken Canadians The only drunks you see in Buffalo are Canadians 1 didnt realize it was so close I panted Most people dont she said but this has been happening for some time We keep extending and expanding the airports and they get closer together With the next expansion Buffalo air port is planning well actually be joined by a tunnel Wed prefer that you keep it a secret she said as we do naturally want people to fly our airlines to Buffalo We have to go up from here and circle around for a while to make the flight long enough I didnt know whether to laugh or cry As looked out the window could see some Americans trekking through a field and heading in our direction I could tellthey were Americans because they wore loud clothes and smoked cigars even the ladies and they wore cameras around their necks How long has this been going on I asked as I returned the friendly waves of the Americanos who by that time had entered the airport by a side door and were beginning the long trek down the hall to Toronto Actually though we dont let too many people know this is the way it is between most big cities especially in the US We have now made a walking package between Miami and Tampa You begin in Miami have lunch in the Palm Beach Airport on tho way through and with airport parking the way it is you could reach your car in Orlando In no all Were so close to Buffalo here that its long distance to our Toronto office and we have to gel an from the Buffalo airport for our depar tures and arrivals When a lands here its so long that passengers in the back are still in the United Slates and they have to be cleared through two sets of customs before they leave the plane 1 was a little disgruntled as I was looking forward to tea coffee or milk and those little packages of dry nuts that Wing and a Prayer are f am for but I slipped quietly out the side door and began the walk to Buffalo began to muse on this spaceage wonder and search out what possible benefits to mankind might accrue from all this It would certainly be good for fitness Walking between Buffalo and Toronto would be good exercise and could even be done in the winter once Buffalo finishes it expansion and the tunnel is built It wouldnt be necessary to set up another customs area as all walking traffic would be heading through the airport terminals and could be handled there Airline stews could provide tea coffee or milk along the way and you wouldnt have to worry about no smoking signs or fastening any seat belts For Canada though this airport expansion could be the boon to If we all walked to Mirabel or other in Quebec we wouldnt care what language the sir- trafficcontrollers were speaking They could talk French English or SwnhlU and because everyone is walking no one wtudd care And if it really caught on we could install rail lines in the tunnel for the folk and train to all these places Then the Ontario government could declare all that land where the runways are as a Grey Belt Area for conservation Walk to Buffalo today its good for you The Newmarket Minor Hockey Association Mothers Auxiliary will be holding Its general meeting Jan meeting will begin at pm In room four the Community Centre on Cedar St The York Symphony Orchestra will stage Its Symphony Bell Friday Jan as at in Concord evening which includes dinner and dancing goes from 730 pm to 1 am The Symphony Is alio planning a wine and cheese concert at the Newmarket Community Centre Mar The Balers Club continuing its pickup of Newmarket area skiers bound for A bus will pickup passengers at the Hwy and Hwy For more Information call Ron Green at aM8 Sacred Heart Catholic Church King will be holding a party for members of the Catholic Womens League and their Sunday Jan after muss Children aged to wishing to take a operators course must register by ft ft will be held the Whitchurch aoufrvllle Museum on Bogarttown Sfle For more information phone Diane Eves or David Is I

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