East Gwillimbury is considering addition of second ice surface at Sharon arena SHARON Addition of a second Ice surface at East Gwillimbury Arena here is being considered by township council The issue was raised by the East Community Centre Committee in a delegation to council here Monday night using We feel another Noting that the township is already considering a com munity plan for Sharon Mayor While details of the plan wont be released officially until a public meeting next month Mayor Rolling said part of the plan includes the expansion of the community centre property We do have a piece of land available to the west of the community centre and hopefully partially financed through the Bradford Scheduled developments in township engineer Jim estimated The committee asked for a feasibility study on the project which it suggested could be said committee member At committee to carry out its assessment of the feasibility of the project and lay the ground- THE ERA Since VOL 124 NO so NEWMARKET- AURORA- KESWICK ONTARIO DECEMBER ROLLING WARN York hydro could mean 70 hike MUSIC FOR SANTA Students at Our Lady of Good Counsel Separate School In Sharon held their own Santa parade last and grade seven student Dale Harrison helped supply the music Crawford critical of liquor law change students arrested study team is under pressure from Queens Park to make a recommendation on future utility organization which could cost local users from to per cent more for hydro two local mayors have charged The guidelines given the committee one of five established In the province to study utility restructuring offer it no alternative but to go regional said Newmarket Mayor Bob And the local study team has discontinued meeting until several problems can be cleared up with the provincial steering committee the mayor told The There appears to be a desire on the committee that hydro go regional and take Ihe responsibility of selling regional hydro to the area even though it could cost from to per cent more than now said East Mayor Gladys Rolling Under a regional hydro system rural lines would be subsidized by town users the East Gwillimbury mayor charged The real problem is in Georgina where lines along Ihe lake are only used for short periods she said They dont begin to cover the cost They are asking the region to guarantee that hydro go to all these people Mayor concurred The region will pick up the cost without Ontario Hydro subsidy And the region would begin its hydro marketing in a debt position Mayor com mented The region would be required to take over Ontario Hydro assets and liabilities he said but it would have to pay for assets which both mayors said were depreciated out of existence The lines arc already over depreciated Mayor Rolling charged It theyre depreciated why should we have to buy them she asked rhetorically Some of the equipment should be written off Mayor and Mayor Rolling in dicated they were reserving final judgment until the com mittee has been given more specific directions from the provincial steering committee And the committee has ceased meeting until its chairman Sam Cook of Rich mond Hill Hydro has been able to bring back some answers One of the major YORK HYDRO page Vandals disrupt power NEWMARKET A proposed provincial law would permit persons to carry open bottles of beer or liquor in any public place Chief Bruce Crawford told an alarmed York Regional Police Commission here last week The would also make it much more difficult for to pick up persons found a drunken condition and would make it tougher to nab bootleggers the chief said in a report GRADE ONE FRENCH BY to grade in York MkeoU by For full page 13 The proposed amendments to the Licence Act have received the three required readings In the Legislature and are scheduled for proclamation York Regional Council on Thursday supported the com missions protest Chief Crawford stressed that he wasnt criticizing the law but he argued that the changes would be difficult for police to enforce and could in greater public expense In Us present form the new law will make It legal for a person to carry an open botUe of beer or liquor while walking down the street sitting in a park watching a hockey game in an arena or attending a film in a theatre Chief Crawford said Under the new act the offence will only have been committed if and when a police officer observes that person actually consuming from I POLICE page School students last week after students set off the school fire alarm Dec Charged with setting a false NEWMARKET A rifle shooting spree by vandals Saturday caused an electric power interruption of up to Ontario Hydro security investigators discovered that 32 insulators were shattered by rifle fire along miles of the transmission line that runs past the Newmarket sewage treatment plant and up to Sutton The factories left without power were Plastics Ltd and Lacal Industries in Newmarket and Moyer Vico Ltd in Holland Landing The treatment plant was one point the power line itself had been severed and was dangling about 20 feet from the ground At another a wire had dropped on a metal bracket causing a short circuit in the entire Tine potentially Kesw ick Wendy Victoria Police said five students agreed to set off the fire alarm and a juvenile was elected to do averted at the hospital with connection of its emergency standby power system However many patients had to eat supper either in the dark or in dimlylighted throughout the hospital but does handle surgical and other medical instruments said the Hydro spokesman New industry to open Feb NEWMARKET A major woodworking industry will open a plant In Newmarket by Feb Although the name of he firm moving to town is not yet available The Era has learned the company plans to hire a minimum employees locally it will be seeking people with woodworking experience as well as some supervisory personnel The firm will be taking over an existing plant Smoke curls out of the windows and from under the roof of the Magnolia Ave home of Mr and Mrs Mario Recchla Sunday morning Fund started for family burned out in Sunday fire NEWMARKET A fund out of their home In a fire Sunday morning The Royal Bank of Canada Main St is accepting funds to assist Mr and Mrs Mario in re establishing themselves Sundays fire which has been blamed on Improper insulation around an interior chimney leading from a basement fireplace caused about 25000 damage to the house and to the the family escaped with little more than the clothes on their Since moving into the house the couple had been plagued with problems but Linda said the family was finally getting back on its feet I thought 1976 would definitely have to be better she explained We didnt count on the last three weeks of The couple and their threeyearold son Tony We worked hard for that house Mrs who Is expecting her second child in February told The Era Monday For three months prior to purchasing ihe home the couple worked at two jobs To get the house I cleaned Finch hospital upside down Mr ex plained He was cleaning a store at Newmarket plaza when the blaze broke out about am Sunday Prior to leaving for work A fire department official stressed Monday the delay in obtaining water had little effect in fighting the fire which was brought under control within or 15 minutes A valve on the hydrant had not been opened when the unit was Installed in the subdivision a works department official said Works department superintendent Fred Evans confirmed Monday that town crews were checking all While to 30 hydrants in the development have already been winterized they are not checked thoroughly until the town assumes the subdivision road he ex plained Returning home from work Mr was greeted by the four Newmarket Fire Department trucks and men that responded to the alarm He had to be restrained believing his wife and son were still in the house was coming home but I didnt see my wife or son so I went wild he later ex plained The mother and child were housed with neighbors a nurse gave Mrs pair of boots for use over her Sunday the spent the night at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Van Amerongen 105 Patterson Meanwhile Dorcen Smith and Valarle Seed launched the fund- raising drive for the family People sit and listen to things but dont really think until it happens so close to them Mrs Smith told The Era dont know them but just feel somebodys got to to familys aid he Salvation Army Major Frost following the ire and Monday offered the family financial Mrs hesitated before accepting Its fine when Im giving she explained Ive never been one lo take unless Ive earned it its just not officer and the neighbors who I family Id like to thank all the people on the street he said But all the aid and even the insurance on the house and contents wont make up for Sundays loss Weve got all these things that have memories she explained Theyre just things you cant get back apparent house she said I knew we were all out the mother explained but there was just this funny feeling there was something else should have taken the I went upstairs and the back bedroom got really smokey Mrs recalled later After opening a window that let the smoke out but also fed the fire she attempted to enter the basement but faced a wall of smoke I got halfway down the housewife said Grabbing her son slip pers and a housecoat she fled the house as flames lapped along the interior fireplace chimney and through the kitchen floor When firemen first arrived on the scene they were forced to use a second fire hydrant when Ihe hydrant closest to the house failed to operate Mrs was doing her Christmas baking when the fire broke out and charred cakes and cookies can be be seen In the kitchen The couple were able to salvage little from the house Judges decision due Monday in police disciplinary case Era News Editor TORONTO After seriously challenging the prosecution evidence on five points last week Judge Joseph Kelly will issue his verdict Monday in the case of a York Regional Police constable charged with assaulting two Township youths unnecessary violence during his questioning of Paul Morrison and Kevin Fletcher after a Jacksons Point breakin last July The disciplinary charges were laid by the police depart ment Yorks police commission sent the case to Judge Kelly a York County Court judge for Judge Kellys decision will be historic because it will determine for the first time whethjM the criminal or civil laid under the Police Act In criminal la prosecution must prove i the beyond all reasonable doubt to earn a guilty verdict In civil law the standard is the balance of probabilities that is if the evidence indicates the offence probably occurred a guilty verdict may be issued During final arguments last