Era Newmarket Aurora Keswick Wed Sept Sink Ltd Realtor Davis Drive Toronto 5994 RUDY STROTE RALPH CORDON AUSTIN BOB WALTON Wearrange buy and sell first and second mortgages appointed throughout with good sized rooms a baths and a walkout to a com fortably sized cedar deck to view the fully fenced pool sized yard A cozy family room with bar and crackling fireplace round out the features of this houseproud home Call Austin at OPEN HOUSE finished family Large lot Is enhanced by flagstone patio and shady mature trees Owners have added many features that reflect pride of ownership Asking Call Bob SRICLEY ST are some of the features of this 7 year old family home Nothing to da but move In First mortgage of at 10 percent Asking Call GOOD LOCATION This attractive bedroom home Is located on a quiet residential street and contains a large sized kitchen and living i at FOUR BEDROOMS Nicely landscaped and decorated semi detached home close to everything throughout walkout from kitchen to cedar deck finished family financing Dont delay call Bob Walton professionals large bedrooms and all completely It y tired of small rooms and feel the living space call and took at this fine See It with Gord Austin call CONVENIENT LOCATION bedroom storey twin home close schools and shopping loaded v like Gas large patio paved drive tool shed and a lovely finished recreation room fully from top to bottom well worth a look plus a small Land Lease Call Gord as three spacious bedrooms upstairs and dream Spanish style bedroom down fairs fully finished recreation room and a THE HIGH I and ft Outside features a of fenced paddocks also one of the finest views In Austin at 1234 ALMOST NEW A lovely brick raised bungalow on a quiet crescent double garage and pool sized fenced lot Completely and decorated Including a large comfortable family room with a stone fireplace or bedrooms and two bathrooms make this home well worth a look Call Austin a NEW LISTING Fourbedroom brick and aluminum home It swimming pool washrooms large covere some of the many features of this well kept r See It with Bob a great view of Raven shoe Cathedral Ceilings and and a fully fenced lot make in all directions this parcel Is located lust a Austin at 898 Minutes from town lot of mature cedar balsam ready to build your dream home wi breathtaking view to Lake for further Information call Gord Austin at MONEY MAKER Attractive commercial property on Main Street This storey building self d large apartment up stairs ready for any Franchise or live In busini KEITH ROSE LIMITED REALTOR DON MILLS ROAD KESWICK ONTARIO Keswick Toronto IMC Mount Albert ONE ACRE HOLLAND LANDING New 3 bedroom sldesplit on large parcel 303 brick construction stone bathrooms garage attached high- maples etc garden area garage and workshop storey brick horn large living dining area rec room huge kitchen 25 full basement OWNERS will hed First Mart Keith Rose HOLLAND LANDING Full Price Neat 8 tidy bungalow brick Fireplace in living room large kit- evergreens Ideal location for year round KESWICK BRICK BUNGALOW Full basement separate living dining stone finished rec cold storage workshop ran be purchased further details ask fo Bill Leeds or KESWICK SOUTH bedroom home on largo lot separate id utility room car garage heat arly possession Vic Sturdy Tor KESWICK AND GROVE On Paved road ar lake simcoe bedroom side split ick home on large garage and paved drive Owner anxious to sell will present all offers Vic Sturdy 476 Tor KESWICK CHURCH ST The perfect retirement home within easy walking distance to stores churches and Banks a very neat and tidy bedroom home on large lot sop attached garage has electric door opener KESWICK SOUTH retail outlet but Ideal investment properly Call Vic Sturdy Tor ROCHES POINT Very Secluded many House living KEITH E ROSE LIMITED REALTOR Don Mills Road Hwy Mount Albert Ontario Keswick 476 31 Keswick Toronto Mount Albert 2550 Realty Limited and Reg Smith HAVE BUYERS FOR AND AREA Country and hamlet homes York County farms and acreages in great demand DOG LOVER St Registered dog kennel on beautiful 2 acre country setting Sprlngfed pond on property trees Large home thru out fireplace 2500 sq feet could be used as 2 family dwelling For more details a young and growing business that wholesales cacti dish gardens and distributes them throughout Ontario and Into parts of Quebec Sale to Include pottery factory soli MORE THAN JUST HOUSE This Is a beautiful 3 bedroom home In excellent area of town Large living roo ached garage pleasure to s II Mary Pat Smith HAPPINESS IS a home of your own Here is an ideal family bedroom brick semi with quality Keith Limited Realtor ACRES MOUNT ALBERT Most desirable area of fine country quiet Ross 895 1600 or Res finished basement Call Ruth 1600 or Res bungalow- on a large country lot Kids attend Newmarket schools Call Ruth Pecho or Res 478 Excellent area close to schools churches etc One lot with existing 3 bedroom bungalow Call Gerldine Gerry Leonard or Res Vendor beautiful ten acre parcel Minutes from Newmarket this property well treed gently rolling Ideal for a secluded country estate Building permit readily available Call Susan Greenwood or Res patio fenced yard if- Nowmarkel quality with gleaming I Joyce Millard or Res JUST REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE will buy you detached bedroom bungalow on a well kept lot L shaped dininq living rooms and a finished recrcillon room with Call John Ross 1600 or Res MORE HOUSE LESS Spacious bedroom home features quality Call Susan Greenwood or Res 478- For further Information call Jacqueline or Res BUILDING LOT 22000 In centre of Newmarket on sewer and water x 107 There is an old house on the premises which you get for free Call Nick or Res I 1500 sq ft living space Utility room on main floor car garage frontage on highway south of Mount Advertise Weekly Call Nick MINI MINI FARMING ar Mount Albert Quaint old home renovated on lot Set All yours for Res MAIN ST NEWMARKET for those long winter Call Jacqueline NEWMARKET 895 DIRECT TORONTO LINE 881 LOCKIE STARTER HOME 35 dandy bedroom bungalow large Ireed lot garage beach privileges percent mortgage 62900 Spacious 4 bedroom Apartments