I The En Aurora Keswick Wed May THE ERA Serving York County Since HASKELL TERRY CARTER BOW DILLON Phone Newmarket Phone Aurora Now we can keep them down on the farm the subdividing of farmland is to be greeted as welcome change But be policy also provides local planning boards with the power to give oneacre lot severance or less instead of the present 10 and severances This could create chaos across the province unless specific guidelines are spelled i by Regional as in Region of York or does he mean regional as a group of unrelated municipalities Second Mr Irvine should spell out as soon as possible what he means by provincial guidelines so hat Regional and local municipalities can study hem and possibly provide some more input On the whole the proposed legislation is good but it needs some clarification and less in areas where the local boards feel they polishing Profile Donald is calling out the Campbells By JANET ARNETT- THE Readers ERA forward to be counted as followers of His Grace the Duke of Argyll There are Campbells listed in the Newmarket phone book plus listed in Aurora and more in the GormleyStouffville area Richmond Hill alone has Campbell families while Bradford Keswick King City and Sutton claim about a halfdozen each Campbells Campbells everywhere Theyre very prolific they breed like rabbits says Donald Campbell of Longford Dr in Newmarket president of the Clan Campbell Association Yes Campbells Campbells every where except on the association membership rolls Weve got to gel the ship up in Newmarket The association does have members throughout Canada and he United Stales he Bays and when the late Duke of Argyll visited Canada in 1971 Campbells from as far away as Australia came to visit The association was chartered in I960 mainly by Canadianborn Campbells and now has approximately 123 in condition If ignored the bag dries out and loses suction the reeds dry out or are affected by temperature changes Its very very difficult Last year Donald stepped in as president of the clan association Since as he says You cant very well pipe your self in besides it wouldnt be very dignified for the president to also be the piper the association is temporarily without someone to skirl the pipes The executive him The Campbell name Donald explains has always been associated with he west coast of Scotland and has a glorious history dating back to the century In Gaelic he name Is and translates literally to wry mouth or crooked mouth The clans war cry is a bood curdling Cruachan the name of a mountain In Argyll which was the rallying point for the early warriors Official pipe music for the clan is Bade lonaraora which as youve guessed somehow becomes The Campbells are coming They came out of the hills of Argyll in the 1200 called by one Archibald Campbell There were families In the original band and today Donald Campbell of Newmarket can trace his history back to that first gathering of the clan Ills was the 27th family of Archies original The Campbells Donald points out have always been closely associated with royalty and at several points In history have been persecuted very perturbed by the our so failed of Ihe tennis courts creeled In ii- in 11 I mini I I In Spring runoff is knighted from his occasion the Campbell chiefs received he designation Mor or great chief which Is still used by the reigning duke The clan would very much like to have present visit them in Canada but are tied up on money problems And things are tight in Scotland too Donald says so he great chief cant pay his own fare over During a visit to his home country in April Donald visited with he duke though and returned with a fresh breath of enthusiasm for clan here Another honorable member of the historic clan Duncan was given a peerage by James In and later Colin was made an earl in Archibald Campbell abounded in the early days as hey do now In one of that name became Lord High Chancellor and another was an earl in charge of Queen Marys army The Campbells at various points in history have been responsible for raising a number of regiments including the wellknown Black of the Campbells of Argyll and of the regiment Watch By a Campbell was made a marquis but was beheaded nonetheless and another Archibald the became a duke By he 1800s j Louise to the dances and so forth Most of these from Toronto Other clan associations have more members but weve more of an active core Its something for people to belong to to keep up their family ties People from the US or Montreal or wherever send in their dues pretty regularly They keep hoping if they ever do get to visit here they can participate its a contact for them Donald Campbell came by his passion for the clan history and traditions during three years in a Scottish regiment in the British armed forces When he was called up in just after Korea he decided that rather than just serving twoyear term not knowing of of Cawdor and of Loudoun each have their own tartan that of Cawdor has a red line and there is also a dress tartan Dress tartans originally designed as a lighter colored pattern for the ladles of the clan are now worn by either men or women but only at formal or official functions The Campbells incidentally have never had a female chief as have some other Scottish clans A boars head is Campbell family sign so Donald says they dont get upset if someone calls them pigs There are two official crests one with all the heraldic emblems including the crown symbolic of the clans ties with royalty Do not forget is he clan motto but Donald says there is a lot of things they are trying to forget and to encourage them in forgetting is one of the purposes of the clan association They are trying to forget all that silly old nonsense of the clan against clan he says and to foster better relations among various Scottish clans We want to keep alive the better traditions he says All the clans get along now we help each other out whenever we can This becomes especially evident at the Canadian National Exhibition he says where all the clan associations have booths and all visit back and forth helping one another first Saturday in September and once a year a big social get together called a ceiligh A Donald says is a doityourself en tertainment night If you can sing you get up and give us a song Everyone does what they can whether its play the pipes or dance or whatever Perhaps the major achievement of the clan association to date has been its contribution to the restoration of the Sir William Campbell house in Toronto which is now open to the public as a historic site Although the Law Society of Upper Canada initiated action to save the house and had it moved out of the way of the wreckers ball the clan soon became involved in the project The house is now at he foot of University Ave in future the association hopes to make it location for a lecture series on the clans history and heritage To spread the word and pull in members the association always has a membership drive Wormed that their during the when interest things objection wis is Scottish is aroused Originally liesnys If your policemen to the tennis I Campbell you couldnt join But Notre Dame students deny tennis court damage whom we greatly ad in Michael Karen tiny Lurcher Keith Kent Pal Mike Bernard teacher or parent We undersigns trlceling in I Marie Brooks Paula Wilson Steven Iraiy irnlii llcmoen well Ainalia Monk Anne Susan Sullivan Louis Mel Thomas I I rink Untie Cindy Cathy Van Den Itulh Mike Simmon reports i- inlii using the nets to bounce Itichird dp laria Monica Michael Dumas Frank Marl Milim Jackie Pan a Brian Kenny Joey Axel Tony Vince Jennings Michael Cjeiciunas Radford Michel Mar hi I il Moore IM Hollander Bergen At Audrain Jo mi Corinne Van Leah Paul Gary Van Den Richard Moore Susie Mike Ellis Mary St l Brooks Can we been Mai lies Article wrong Shannon do any dancing the company might require and leach dancing all in addition to actually playing the pipes When he moved with his wife and children to Canada in he wanted to keep the old ties up as much as possible and so became official piper for the clan association With combined John the duke married cementing the ties with royalty Hereditary home for the clan Is Inveraray Castle and through ancient records in castle and pride he mentions that he piped for much of the history of the clan can be traced the late duke when he visited Canada for the Scottish World Festival events at the CNF The pipes are very difficult to learn to play he says it takes years and years and years- am constant practice The bag pipes them selves take considerable care and must be kept The clan acknowledges a of distinctive tartans most predominantly green and blue with fine white and yellow cross stripes The ancient tartan is known as the dukes own and is properly worn only by he ruling chief and his family Three of the clan Campbell the charter has been changed and members of the septs can join The coll of clan is loud and clear If people would only once gel out to a function theyd join he said The association was started mainly by people who well were no longer so young but now Donald notices younger people are taking more and more interest in it and he expects a good turnout for their next major event the Tartan Gall in August which opens the His own daughter is learning highland dancing and his son is struggling with the cantor so the traditions arc being passed on Young people now are very Interested in their heritage he says Theyre trying to their history and heritage Theyre looking for some roots in the past to base themselves on einll likely was done by tilled Itaetieis Ihi public than b to Ik- school hen conclude exaggerated and in lerelwe 1 am writing the injustice in ails which tlu students ltd correct i ami grossly teachers and iminir 10 students Notre Dame to hope that teachers Noire Dame matter may be Margaret li Cathy Cheryl l Cooke Leslie Brad Sullivan Dave John Annette Abbott Thomas Eger Patrick Burke Peier Paul Jeannotle Munch Diane infer thai teat Noire Dame an idly by while Department Wells and his teachers have lot to learn about teaching sex By ROY GREEN If school boards across the province accept butts would only get once around but by that time no one cared Most of us would listen the explanations and sex lore even when no if had it Can some teacher fresh from a meeting of the committee ever impart fantastic array of Information about the female form that birth control friend Terry could No way Terry is probably making a fortune and other things we learned about on the street corner in the controlled calculated classroom How dare they In fact according to the papers week someone even wants get into the classes to talk about abortion i Do you know what this could mean Can you deny your child the wonderful opportunity of are still hanging around street today Can school teachers imparl the or terrifying information hat would keen you writing porn books under a pseudonym like Leather And could Terry the edge of your butt information like girls ever you stories Wow There we stood passing around the tiny butt to one of the guys relate what hed bolder brother or from a guy down bothered with the birds and the bees down at Ihe street corners We were only interested what happened to humans who practiced sex We never had charts of the mate and female figures either Sometimes though Terry would pick up a piece of wood and make some notes in the dirt to explain a particularly important technical proceeding Terry knowledge of sex was international Some of he Italian kids who normally ignored our group would travel half way around the block when they learned that Terry had a new story to tell When Terry had a big audience the cigarette would get pregnant if you kissed them in the drivers licences but cautiously tucked that information away for future use We also learned that there were some things about sex that would drive you crazy or at least make you blind Most of us awaited the arrival of he men in white coals almost daily and when one of guys began suddenly wearing glasses we were green with envy For most of us though the sex lore classes were strictly theory Terry and a tew of he older guys were it seems spending most of their time when they werent teaching us theory In the actual practice of sex education 1 suppose many leathers today would frown on having a few of the smarter kids in class going on Held trips and bringing back reports Nor would like to hear about afterschool ex periments between consenting and curious senior classmates Although many of us didnt get a chance to personally try any of Terrys theories we had no reason la doubt him Wed already learned that there were two types of girls Our parents had explained thai much And Terry It seems had uncanny knack of spotting the right ones the wrong ones ac cording to Mom and Dad at least thats how all his stories went All of the girls Terry told us about were forward even brash without a hint of the shyness of the young ladies we knew In Terrys stories he was usually just standing around doing nothing when one of THOSE girls would walk right up and say the darndest things The language used by Terrys girls would often make you cough on he butt you were smoking And none of us even the guy who had started wearing glasses had ever heard any girl talk like that Terry would never tell us where he was when these girls would come up him with the in- questions And though our of us set up an surveillance of Terry we never once saw one of THOSE girls Must have been a slow time Then hed be back next day taking his turn on the cigarette butt and regale us with a that would leave you dizzy It was either the story or the darn old butts Terry taught us more than just sex education After female anatomy running-out- and hem we moved into how to identify one of THOSE lots of lipstick makeup and a walk that would bowl you over helping a girl babysit could be fun and things that drive you crazy or make you go blind Terry was the guy who taught me that homo meant more than a quart of milk Does Tom Wells honestly believe Ontario teachers can match this record What is ha trying to do anyway Turn out a new generation of sexually well adjusted children I can see the day when sex will no longer drive you crazy or make you go blind