Christian Baptist Church Thank you- How often do you hear thai said Many of us find it difficult to say lhankyou in a fly meaningful way Its fairly easy to say it over store counter as you collect your goods but how Ait those times when somebody has given of Jnsdf or their goods or has paid you a compliment it a little more difficult to say thank you at limes For me it is much more difficult to receive to give I But what would it be like if we could echo the Ids of Paul to his friends in I thank my God for you all every time How can we begin to genuinely reflect that at- Me Christians have been called to be Christ to one Cher and world Within the context of Christs we are Christs gifts to one another I fader what would happen in our relationships if we Ian to look upon each one of our brothers and sisters as Gods gifts to us What would that do to our When was he last time you treated that fiber person as Gods gift to you Or try it the other sometimes feel left tin as unimportant Often because we are not for some special task we feel cheated of opportunities Bui you ever stopped to hat jou are a gift to other people from God id if you are such a gift maybe not wrapped in the itwayixJtstHagifU then think for a minute about Kingcrafts to hold sale April 25 KING CITY Kingcrafts will hold its annual spring fund- raising art sale hero April through April The opening night of HAVE BIBLE WILL TRAVEL AT MY OWN EXPENSE JAMES LEONARD BAILEY YOUTH MINISTRY HOME VISITATION WRITE CO GENERAL DELIVERY NEWMARKET ONT CANADA Mtlhodlsl Church rom Is scheduled rnlts founded aurora Topics Of The Town u located on hall rdie when they on April a the Aurora Highlands Golf working in the garden Aurora and District Club Selected by Delta Historical Society last and Gamma Thursday evening at Chapters of Sigma Dorothy King replied to served by Mrs- Mrs Myers Mrs A Smith anil Mrs a great white Oak cleaners a Hall the Lady chosen will i Certificate of chaired the meeting and Recognition for can be in the Li of others Thank Its the person who has free of or herself who can an it is a person who can people And it is Christ who earning disability ternnor planned RICHMOND HIM Richmond Hill United jVorfe County chapter Crutch third floor The agenda will in- ide a film on early recognition of learning members had brought Sylvia Hall Chief along beautiful old gold Aurora Librarian will bo pocket watches which the guest speaker and they described Two her theme will be In- which tied in Womens well with the evening Year Judy railroad watches make One large watch shown was president of Delta Chapter will make the presentation travelling in a leather case circa 1900 Elections for the new Dorothy executive of Delta Psi introduced the guest Chapter of Beta Sigma speakers whose theme for Phi were held recently at the evening was a the home of Ellen Adams Nostalgic Look at Members arc as follows Canadian Railways President Carol Miss brought Pearson VicePresident some superb photographs of buildings and Recording Secretary any interesting Corresponding secretary WW wit Learning abilities will program disabilities Staff of the the clinic will be available to questions It Educational Clinic meets tonight AURORA The AH the branchs financial board and Sal rep at pm 0ard Hall of directors elected ransit study lasts 20000 NEWMARKET examine cost planning will A iUiiMUiH nil it play in alternatives future transit Hob Adams warned that Regional council would oppose A fin J on Thursday Hie to ttcijiiit iti guvLrwiii iwal lrstisn local service and we stories about them Mr an imaginary jour along the tracks from bell Extension executive will be mailed a Barbara Hie showing the stations along way All styles of were shown from turrets to little sheds Many have been Phi pledges who recently lorn down but a few have passed their tests a been saved and made of home of Carol a library youth centre or Jones Monica Collin restaurant In The love that both The evening speakers have for the with a wine and railroad was evident in party their talks and made for a very interesting Nutrition was the evening for those present theme of the March Dorothy McCiure meeting of the Womens thanked Miss Institute Mary Jane and Mr and Stevenson home presented them ith a economist was the guest framed print of Aurora speaker Many helpful pensive food Twenty- Stationery nd Leather Goods Sale 30 Off all Stationery and Leather Goods Wednesday April 2 to Saturday April 12 inclusive Social Stationery Writing Paper Envelopes Wedding Albums Books Diaries Photograph Albums Leather Goods Wallets Bill Folds Ladies Purses Utility At Ribbons Serv supplies Canvas am osier colours Tsquares and dralllng supplies Office and School supplies Playing cards Tallies Choice selection books CHINA CRYSTAL AND ALL GIFT ITEMS NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS SALE Personal shopping and cash sales only and no refunds at sale STATIONERY BOOKS am GLASSWARE a Newmarket Ontario ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRACTICE How well do you know your hair type Six specific hair types have been identified and Klorane Laboratories biologists have created a personalized shampoo for each I dunk lifclcji ill J i lu I causes Il f lli ilii li coaling mill Is resldrsA Hill 111 fi iiiiiiciicliiiclileri a Quinine tin In ii thai liuir which darkens will Occurs tpiicklv in chili lulr gradually HI highlights and hiir light brown attics can blond hair is always more with hall ssoiks gently and gradually for sscckliysvcefc lint 1 l Willi silanti ts Oily scales s pir Klorane Willie Nettle First to ill- nil ll i mis lie dt- llic and si dale si I it I in I I Irani Whit nettle is an ailiingnl sniailtiig an I is mil in 1 in and sulphur li plant Mill Id dy nil 1 imliiill I si mil ikuBinlmiinl 11 Hough dull will fiii OPEN INVITATION FREE WALLPAPER and PAINT SEMINAR WED APRIL NEWMARKET COMMUNITY CENTRE BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR HOST 8981421 KM Off MAIN nnney on do it- yourself decora ling Nfiirta DAVIS DRIVE NEXT DOOR TO EVES LUMBER NEWMARKET WOJltWlii J m VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY Morning Programmes At PS Patterson Street PM Evening Service At Arthur Street PM Prayer I Bible Study CHRISTIAN SCIE Do you feel close to God I SUNDAY SERVICE Church of the Nazarene GRACE CHURCH STREET ONTARIO WED PM Prayer Bible Study Friday pm Pioneer Christian Service Brigade Take Time To I You Are Always CAMS ABOUT KIDS Sunday School Special Easter Music by Choir and Vocalists- Plus Guest Soloist MAR BLOOD ON THE MOUNTAIN TABERNACLE THE DECISION MALE QUARTET First Baptist Church Wellington St Aurora Sunday April at am only This is their last appearance Christian Science Services Sunday School a rr