The Era EG industrial park onevote victory fight at region in- She proof the soil is suitable for septic of farmland when York Regional Council approved the also said tabling bylaw by a onevote margin tanks lowed a heated debate in said ihey had serious or an Industrial park Mayor Buck also attacked those about the effectiveness of regional government who advocate shared assessment The skeptic were Newmarket Mayor Bob Yorks municipalities s and King Mayor Margaret Britnell whose doubts focused on existing regional planning and poUdes r and sewage services she said leaving local councils about cents of each lax dollar to spend for local operations A substantial portion of the property councils could tax dollar goes to York County Board of effectively on their than they can under the present regional system province has got to realize that Urban municipalities need industrial provide have shared assessment needed in rural industrial park Mayor Buck said RURAL But Mayor Rolling reversed that said townships have to service roads and provide many other sen in Aurora dont She said East mbury would benefit from persistent critic of regional pooled assessment but until that happens the town s and miles t industry to ease the tax burden aid playing games withe il question according to Mayor council going to continue planning Mayor government was concerned about the continual use of ship needs ti land for development and like Newmarket One of the prime reasons v goods on regional government aid intimating that In her opinion that advantage commercialindustrial percentage which is i id not materialized twice as high as East she said Under a shared assessment plan all nine York The new Mall in Richmond Hill added municipalities would pool their assessment thus million to that towns assessment base a total eliminating the need for a rural township to seek out which exceed industry that would shore up its sagging tax base assessment in TOWNSHIPS WOULD BENEFIT Rolling noted New industry in Markham for example would benefit East Gwillimbury according She pointed out that shopping molls consistently up prime farmland to which Mayor d0 requires provincial approval would I Mayor Rolling said she recently attended a meeting addressed by Agriculture Minister Walter site on the north side of Davis Dr Just east of Woodbine Ave industries would all be oriented toward agriculture said East Gwillimbury Mayor Gladys lass ihe Which the industrial park plan developed and rtm hk questioned the wisdom over of J m farmland for Industrial in an speculators and will never be actively farmed area Mayor Rolling claimed To Mayor Rollings assurance that the industries SHORTAGE LOOMS would serve farm operations Mayor noted Richmond Hill Mayor Dave Schiller said he viewed factory already exists on the site The existing the widespread paving of farmland in York as Ltd plant makes very good doors Mayor a mistake and noted thai per cent of the worlds said but she wondered what that product had arable land is now in agricultural i I dor agricultural a major food shortage id year he said be extremely useful acres in Mayor continued What lave that the others are not going to wind up In the same class RESTRICTED INDUSTRIES According to the official plan amendment proved by council Thursday the industries shall be i to those which are not dependent upon the pant provision of municipal services arc compatible But farmers especially small farmers cant make good living today said Richmond dill And theyre discriminated York Manor employees get raises NEWMARKET For the second lime in a month York Region has The minimum in compensate for the pectcd Increase In cost of living The employees their pay last similar Jo homes for ll The salary category that includes hair- dressers second chefs I and driverbarbers got per hour last year They were raised to SNOWARAMA NETS 40500 After a twoweek postponement the Whlpper Hilly Watson Snowurama for Tliumy finally took place Sunday ami when it pledged organizer Sue looks Watson makes sure Ontario Government Services Minister Jim Snow has his mask i had been rippled children Here securely before starting the 100mile run Mrs said afterwards invcryhnppj that it all Another category luch includes grounds men laundry depart ment storekeepers and porters were an lhey board pay raise of with a costofliving Last month Yorks escalator of one per cent unionized health unit and ihe region Price Index according It a press release from Consumer also finalized York okays overpass for Davis Drive NEWMARKET would economical I build a grade separation overpass build the I than to wait Dr between the and find ll was needed Sixth and Seventh Con- after the road was Mayor Rolling noted If the Canadiai Transport Commission proposed which overpass would be completion of d terminate its direct Hodgson said Friday would put between against by not being developers lie claimed noted that Aurorr farm site Mayor agriculture and which are necessary cultural machinery sales The bylaw bans automotive machine shops scrap yards food and poultry processing plants boat and supply depots and any manufacturing or ibling official plan amendment Those in favor were Mayor Rolling Mayor George Burrows May Williams NEW Mayor Tony Roman Mayor York Regional appeals irk York solicitor It cant go on like this he says Woodbine and Hwy The present level preliminary planning for crossing located In a the project and instructed deep valley west of the Mr Hodgson to apply tor Seventh Concession is the necessary approvals hazardous she said Increased get its land idemng provisii industrial establishment other with agriculture The factory was permitted was severed prior to the industrial park Gordon Richmond Milt Rowc Councillor Erik and Vaugh Voting against were Mayors lluck and part Adams and Hon Mot But the land with Ihe regions was if approved t would overpass would be Mayor Rolling said the factory is permitled under the i Mayor Evelyn Duck posed a series of Markh ind Richmond Hill Councillor Newmarket Councillor Ray was absent lie likely would have voted against approval leaving frontage for future road- dwidenlng proviso Chairman Garfield Wright to tie widening According told region June I Thursday Each lime Mr il discussed three REGIONAL COUNCIL WANTS ANOTHER MEETING process will lake at least l0ld predicted We could have a few people killed off and then at the with such Davis Dr is widened paved between Woodbine something and 18 he said in she asked an interview The Mayor recall the Canadian National George Burrows said he estimated cost of Several council were skeptical about increase I fewer persons would Despite improvement land division body remains under fire operating and sending advised that the improvement in its n crlticlzedoperatlon York heavy backlog of date on its hearing commenting Mr- on applications when milted a Iced to do so by the plications comments Failure on the part due area councils to for- Councillor promptly the list impossible for than of decisi I supporting id Ie ins lean lliit grade separation Mr ll Gladys Rolling in traffic is expected by The peak of the automobile is probably here and gone Mayor bury upswing showed vehicles per residents use York roads to reach fast depleting the backlog hearing of applications Mr last October council and been present made decisions on said was lite lem a resolution passed Newmarket Mayor council last Decant reduce the number issued llie member be per week and is t Is trying to for of i municipalities in have make finished Mr will be using Davis Dr to go up toj underfill to the report stated Mr said officials have the work of pending another York have Davis Dr at this 404 am by Ihe becomplete from Ihe Don will jump lo 30 Valley Parkway to Davit Mr Hodgsons Dr J stated My best opinion is engineer said il Hodgson said Mall flood plain rules under fire in Aurora town plan i and the proposed There have been 20 citizens submissions to the official plan according to Gord Brush principal planner with York Regions Area Services Branch Moat deal with land use changes planning questions Mr Brush concerned with drafting errors policy hopefully with proposed Northern Lights with act out in the olDcial chase downtown sites renovated for business use a or sell the properties lo This would be impractical Some matt official plan banks but they Indicate in the downtown core she said Mayor Buck alluded to the received a facelift have been to agreement with It did not happen In one night dont know what else the own can do he lamented The town Is willing to give all encouragement for development of the downtown He said this Is one of the reasons lie town selected ihe Wellington St site or the new civic complex lo built in conjunction the York s flood plain regulations wrong for wrong for anyone else misgivings regarding flood plain regulations There are strong arguments against the towns putting building in the flood plain she said- The should dont a by II gimTiuiuiil can nut she said argue that be limn should naked i Is J Private It should tie tor Individuals to llirougii Aurora an District pivors a brief planning principles A number of good points growth said Mr was a lack of full in ling of Ihe planning act The brier questioned the four parks per cent compounded annual growth The towns aim is lo try to level at a number which could be ac ceptable to he town for servicing recreational potential Councillor Davis said We could per cent with no trouble J whatsoever To go lower according to the plan ted i hat Hie four per cent was armed without consultation with the people of town What town do the people of Aurora want- Mr Gib bard asked Indicating this should be the We live here Mr Mayor Duck retorted Council I known what youre saying The mayor said four per cent growth represented an actual in crease In population of to annually The town is expected to population of to IB OOOtaWrf